Images are no representations of -Uses of the doctrine of it, v. 481.
Immortality of God, xxi. 5. Impenitent known to God, xlvi. 13. See xv. 467.
Importunity in prayer, clxxiii. 237. Incarnation of Christ, iii. 113. Inchanters, clviii. 323. Inconsideration, xiv. 167. Incorruptible God, xxii. 5.
Indignation ascribed to God, cli. 55.
Influences of God's Spirit, 162 to 171.
-In prayer, 232. -In praise, ссхі. 246. Ingratitude, lxx. 359.
Inheritance of Christians, viii. 484.
Iniquity forbidden, cxxxiii. 311.
-Threats against the workers of it,
Iniquity is not in God, lxxxv. 29. Injustice not in God, lxxxv. 28. Instruction from God, lv. 95
-From ministers, cxxxviii. 421. - Not receiving it from ministers,
- Giving and receiving it, li. 353. -Refusing it, lii. 354.
Fools refuse it, xv. 367. Instruction to be given to children, lxix. 384.
Integrity, xx. 267. Intemperance in meat and drink, ii. 360. See drunkenness, 361.
-In magistrates, iv. 396. -In ministers, cxxxv. 418. Intercession of Christ, vii. 147.
Intreaties that prayer may be heard,
Intruders into the ministerial office, cxviii. 403.
Invisible God, xv. 4. Joy in God, lxxxvi. 204.
-Through Christ, lxxxvii. 205. -In God promised, xciv. 205. Joy and comfort promised to believ- ers, xxix. 188. Joy in heaven, xii. 486.
Judge of the world, God, iii. 70---- ii. 480.
Judge at the last day, Christ, iv. 135. Judging one another forbidden, lxvi. 358.
Judgment, future, i. 480. -The time of it, iv. 481. -The persons to be judged, iii 481. -Employment of Angels at it, xxvii.
Judgments of God are right, lxxxiii.
28. -Have been inflicted by angels, xxiv. 63.
-Threatened, occasioned fasting, clx. 231.
Just, promises to them, cxiii. 297. Justice of God, lxxxiv. 28. -Of Christ, ix. 143. -Of magistrates, xcvii. 393. Justification from God, xvii. 78. - Not by works of the law, xviii. 78. -Is of grace cxxv. 46. -Is free, and by grace through
Christ, xix. 78.
-Is by Christ, xii. 148,
-Is promised to faith in God, xx.
-Is promised to faith in Christ, xxi. 186.
-When not sinful, cxiv. 400.----cliii. 321.
Kingdom of heaven, who shall not enter into it, xxvii. 488.
-Who shall enter into it, vii. viii. 484.
Knowing God and Christ, a duty, i. 176.
-Not knowing God, a sin, vii. 178. -How God is made known, iv. 176. ----i. 3.
Knowledge, God's is perfect,xxxii.9. -Things which God alone know-
eth, xxxv. 9. -God knoweth his people, xli. 11. -He knoweth the wicked, xliv. 13. -Sins against this attribute of God,
Knowledge, Christ's, i. 140.
Lame cured by Christ, liii. 124. Lands, the law thereof, clvi. 430. Law of God, holy, xcvii. 32.
-To be esteemed and obeyed, lxi.
-Is a means of conversion, ix. 466.
Law-giver, God is so, ii. 70. Leader, God is so, lvii. 96.
-Christ is so, lviii. 96.
Lending, the law thereof, clvii. 432. Leprosy, cured by Christ, liii. 124. Liars, clxxvii. 440.
Life of man, short, i. 474. -The term of it, ii. iii. 474. Life eternal, the gift of God thro' Christ, xvi. 150.
-Is from and by Christ, xv. 149. Life, Christ so called, xiv. 149. Light, the works and children there- of, lxxxvi. 291.
Light of the world, Christ, xxv. 154. ----v. 177.
Light and direction promised, xxvii.
Likeness, none of God, xi. 4. Living God, xii. 4.
Loathed of God, who, cxv. 56.
Loathing of self, because of sin, xxx. 471.
Loftiness ir man, xlviii. 379. Longing for God, lxxxv. 204. Long-suffering of God, exiv. 42. -Of men, see lxvi. 357, 358. Looking to God, xliv. 193. Lord, Christ so called, v. 130. Love, God's to Christ, Ixxviii. 203. -God's love to believers, in Christ,
Luke warmness, see want of zeal xvi. 265.
Lying, clxxiv. 440.
Magicians, clvii, 323. Magistrates, 393 to 400. -Their qualifications, xcviii. 394. -Their duties, xcvii. 393. -Their sins, cii. 396.
-Their concern with religion, 394. -Good ones promised, x. 395. -Evil ones threatened to be given as a punishment, cvi. 397. -Evil ones enemies to religion, 397. -Enemies to civil interest, cv. 397. Magnifying ones self, lii. 379. Majesty of God, xxix. 7. Malice, xiv. 394.
Man, his creation, xii. 60. -His condition after his creation, xiv. 60.
-His fall into sin, xv. 61. Mansions in heaven, x. 485. Marks and evidences of faith, xiv. 181.
Marriage, lvii. 381. -Into religious families, lxxiii. 385. -With heathens, forbidden, lxi.382. Masters, their duties, xcv. 391. Means of conversion, x. 466. -Of faith, xviii. xix. 184. -Of godliness, iii. 260. -Of perfection, xxvii. 268. -Of salvation, xlvii. 92 Meat and drink, temperance there- in, i. 360.
Mediator, Christ, vi. 145. Meditation upon God and his word, xlix. 194.
Meek, they rejoice in God, Ixxxix.
Meek, promises to them, xxx 372 Mercy of God, c. 35.
487.-Promised, ci. 36.
-God's love to his people, cause of joy, c. 207. Love, to God, Ixvi. 201.----xxi. -How produced, lxxi. 202. -How evidenced, lxxiv. 202. -Prayer to be made with it, clxvii.
Love, Christ's to his church, xviii. 151.---lxxx. 203.
-The church's love to Christ, lxxix. 203.
-Love to Christ, how enforced, lxxv. lxxvi. lxxvii. 202.
-How evidenced, lxxxi. 203.
Love to mankind, i. 333.
-To ministers of Christ,cxxxix.422.
Lusts of the flesh, xci. 293.
-To whom promised, cii. 37. -Prayed for, ciii. 37. -Acknowledged, civ. 38. -Cause of joy, ci. 207. - Cause of praise, ccxv. 249. -Cause of thanks, cv. 39. Mercy in men, xliii. 349. Might, ascribed to God, lix. 15. Mind of man influenced by God's Spirit, ii. 162.
Mind of Christ, was influenced by it, iv. 163.
Ministerial abilities, of grace given, cxxxi. 47.
Miracles of the apostles, 125 & 190. Miracles wrought by prayer, cxcix. 240.
-Wrought for persons of eminent faith, xxxvii. 190. Miraculous gifts of the Spirit, xii.167. Mischief, doing it, xl. 348.
Mischievous, fools are so, xviii. 368. Money in a fish's mouth, lv. 125.
Money, Christ was sold for it, xxi. 117.
Mortification, promises to it, xxii. 487.
Mothers, God's care of them, lxxviii. 387.
Motives to prayer, cxcii. to cxcviii. 239.
Mountain of God, holy, xcvii. 32.
Mourning for sin, xvii 468.
Murder forbidden, cxliv. 424.
Murderers known to God, lii. 14. -Threats against them, cxlvi. 425.
Name of God is holy, xcvii. 32.
Name of Christ, prayer to be made in it, clxiv. 232. New creatures, christians, lxxvii.
Pain, freedom from it in heaven, xiii.. 486,
Palsy cured by Christ, liii. 124. Pardon of sin, cvi. 39. -Promised to faith, xxvi. 187.
- To repentance, xv. 265.
-Is of grace, cxxvi. 46. -Prayed for, cvii. 40. Parents, their duties, lxvi. 384. -Duties toward them, xci. 390.
-A fool's conduct towards them, xvii. 368.
-Wicked parents cursed, lxxxii. 388.
-Godly parents blessed, lxxxi. 388 Partiality forbidden, cii. 396. Patience toward God, xxv. 370. -Towards men, xxvi. 371. Patience in God, see compassion, 41. Peace with God, xxvii. 343. -Thro' Christ, x. 148. -Promised to believers, xxviii. 187. -Promised to the church of God, xxviii. 343.
Perseverance in faith, xiii. 180. Perverseness, 300. Pity ascribed to men, xlv. 350.
-Persons, whose prayer shall be heard, 232.
-Access to God in it promised, 188. -Through grace, cxxxv. 48. -In the name of Christ, 232. -With assistance of the Spirit, 232. -With duties toward God and man, 233.
-Public, 235. -Private, clxxv. 235.
-Intercessory, for whom, 238. -Of parents for children, lxviii. 384. -Subjects for governors, cx. 398. -Governors for subjects, xcix. 394. -People for ministers, cxl. 422.
-Persons that God will not pity, -Ministers for people, cxxxi. 414.
-For what we ought to pray, 237.
Place of God, holy, xcvii. 31.
Prayerless persons, ccxxxvii. 243.
Preaching, its good effects, cxx. 407.
Pleasures of fools, xxii. 369.
Planter, God is so to his people, Preacher, Christ one, xii. 115.
Pollution of sin, cv. 296.
Poor, promises to them, clxix. 436. -God will deliver them, lxix. 104. -Their prayer heard, clxxxv. 238. -Duties towards them, cvii. 436. -Charity to them, is honouring God,
Portions to children, lxxiv. 386. Possible, all things so to God, Ixvii.
Power of God, Iviii. 15. -In creation, Ixxi. 17. -In government, Ixxii. 18. -Toward his church, Ixxiii. 18. -Toward the righteous, lxxiv. 19. -In spiritual blessings, lxxv. 19. -Against the wicked, lxxvi. 19. -Sins and duties respecting God's
power, lxxvii. 21. Power of Christ, iii. 141. -Toward his church, iv. 142. --Against his enemies, v. 142. -Committed to the Apostles, cxvi.
Praise due to God, and required, ccvi. 246.
-Subjects of it, 249 to 253. -Divine influence therein, ccxi. 246. -Must be frequent, ccix. 246. -Must be sincere, ccix. 246. -God is honoured by it, cexxvii. 255. -Is glorified by it, ccxxxv. 256. Praise offered by the righteous, ac- ceptable, 449.
-By the wicked is unacceptable, 246. Prayer, the Lord's, a good model, clxxx. 237.
-Promises that it shall be heard,390. 239
Precepts of God, righteous, 28. -Holy, 33.
Predestination, xi. 72.
Presence of God, every where, xxv. 6. -With his people, xxix. 81. -This, a cause of joy, xcix. 206. Presence of Christ with his people, 152.
Present with Christ, xi. 485. Preserver, God is so, lxxv. 108. Precious, Christ is so, xxx. 188. Price, Christ is, 147. Pride against God, xli. 377. -Against men, xlii. 377. -Spiritual pride, xliii. 377. Priest, Christ so called, 154. Prince, Christ so called, 157. Procession of the Holy Ghost, xv. 171. Promises of God holy, xcvii. 32. Profaning the name of God, 324. Prophecy concerning Christ, 112. Phrophet, Christ, xi. 115. xxii. xxiii.
Prophets directed by the Spirit, ii. 162.
-Were holy, xcvii. 33. -Delivered from enemies, lxx. 104. Prophets, false ones, 324. Propitiation, Christ, xxxiii. 156. Prosperity and adversity in God's hand, 16.
-From God, cause of joy, cx. 208. Proud described, xli. 377. -They are known to God, xlv. 13. -Threats and prayers against them, 378, 381.
Provide for Children, lxvi. 384. Providence towards kings, 398.
Punishments, God righteous in in- || Revelations of God's will by angels,
flicting them, lxxx. 28. -Will be inflicted by Christ, vii. 137. -Inflicted by angels, xxiv. xxvii. 63. -Future, xxvii. 488.
Purge, God doth, xxvi. 80. Our duty. Purify, God doth, xxvii. 80. Our duty. Purity of God, xciii. 31.
Qualifications of magistrates, 394. -Of ministers, 407. Quarrels, 346.
Railing, 447. Raiment promised, 461. Ransom, Christ, 147.
Rebellion against God, 302. -Against magistrates, 399. --Against ministers, cxlii. 423. Rebuke one another, 354. Reconciliation by Christ, 147. Redemption by Christ, ii. 146. -The wisdom of God in it, lvi. 15. -Promised to God's people, 93. Refine, God doth, xxviii. 81. Refuge, God is, lxiii. 99.
Rejoicing in God, lxxxvi. 204. -In things of God, xcv. 205. -Through Christ, lxxxvii. 205. -In Christ, xciii. 205.
-To whom promised, lxxxviii. 205.
Relying upon God, 218
Remembering God, 193.
Repentance preached, i. 461. -Enforced by threats, xv. 467.
-Enforced by promises, iii. 462.-
-Promised, xi. 466. -Cause and means, God, vii. 465. Christ, viii. 466. - God's law, ix. 466.
-The ministry, x. 466.
Reproach, 445. -Cast on Christ, xvii. 116. Reprove one another, 355. Resignation to God, cxxvii. 217. Resolution to obey God, lxii. 280. Restitution, 432.
Resurrection of Christ foretold, 120. -Evidences of it, xli. 120.
-How effected, xliii. 121. viii. 164. Resurrection of the dead, x. 478. -By Christ, ix. 147.
Returning to God, 462, 464.
Revenge, xlviii. 352. Revilings, 447.
Revolting from God, 301. Rewards, God righteous therein, 28. -According to works, 286. -Dispensed by Christ, v. 136. -To the righteous, vi. 136. Rich, their duties, 434. -Their sins, 454.
Riches their disadvantages, 452. -Their advantages, 453, 456. -Promised, 457.
-Ministers seek them not, 411. -Spiritual, only to be sought, 460. Righteous, promises to them, 262. Righteous, life promised to them,
-Their happiness in heaven, 484. -Their joy in God, lxxxviii. 205. -God's power toward them, xix. 18. -Christ's power toward them, 142. Righteousness required, 261. Righteousness of God, lxxix. 27. -Of Christ, vi. 142. Robbery forbidden, 430. Rock, the power of God, lxv. 16. Ixiii. 99.
Ruler, God is so, i. 69. -Christ is so, 157.
Rulers, their duties, xcvii. 393. -Their sins, cii. 396.
-Means of it, xlv. 92. -Prayed for, xliv. 90. Sanctification, 79. -Through faith, 188.
-Through and by Christ, 149. -The Spirit's work therein, 167. Sanctifying God, 259.
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