Sidor som bilder


"53, Manchester Street, London, 2 Mai, 1831. "Mon cher Monsieur,

"Permettez moi de vous recommandre encore un ami, le porteur de ma lettre; ami des arts et très connoisseur.

Il vous parlera de quelques objets dont il a besoin, et aussi de ce dont je vous ai parlé en passant à Birmingham.

"J'espere que votre famille est en bonne santé. Soyez persuadé de ma haute considération, et reconnoissance de votre obligeance

"Votre très sincere serviteur,

Le fil de Mesnard

"E. Thomason, Esq., Birmingham."

66 Monsieur,

"Londres, le 22 Avril (4 Mai), 1831.

"L'Empereur, mon auguste Maitre, voulant vous donner un témoignage de sa satisfaction avec laquelle Sa Majesté Impériale a daigné agréer votre collection de médailles, j'ai l'honneur, Monsieur, de vous transmettre, d'ordre de l'Empereur, un vase en vermeil.

"Veuiller, Monsieur, m' accuser la réception de cet envoi, et recevoir en même tems l'assurance de ma parfaite considération.

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A Silver Gilt Cup, Presented to the Author by

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Nicholas.

"Dear Sir,

"London, May 4th, 1831.

"I have the pleasure of gratefully acknowledging the receipt of the twenty-four very beautiful medallions that surround the centre subject of your Shield of Faith. May I take the liberty of requesting that you will permit one of your artists to make a drawing at my expense of the Crucifixion as you have represented it, and I will, on its receipt, place the whole in an engraver's hands.

"Until after the Reform Bill is settled, I cannot take any steps for forwarding the order of Civil Merit. As I originally drafted it, only one class was proposed; but on submitting it to some high and influential personages, they stated that it would not have the least chance of being adopted unless there were three or four classes; I was, therefore, reluctantly obliged to introduce that modification.

"I have the honour to be, dear Sir,

"With sincere admiration and respect,

"Your very obliged and obedient servant,

Joy Buttmann

"Edward Thomason, Esq."

"Aranjuez, 14 de Mayo, de 1831.

"El Rey N. Sr. ha recibido la exposicion que V. le ha dirigido, y asimismo los cinco tomos que contienen la segunda serie de medallas ilustrativas dela Sagrada Escritura, y S. M. se ha dignado aceptarlas con el meyor aprecio.



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"Sr. Don Eduardo Thomason."

"London, May 16, 1831.

"Dear Sir,

"In answer to your letter, dated May 11th, I have the honour to inform you that the Emperor has received the collection of medals illustrative of the Holy Scriptures, and I hope to be able soon to tell you something more about it.

"Believe me, dear Sir, your's truly,

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66 Madrid, 1st June, 1831.

"The case of books which you directed to me for the King of Spain has arrived, and been delivered to his Majesty. I transcribe over-leaf the letter acknowledging receipt which has been addressed to me by the Spanish Secretary of State, who has also informed me verbally that the books have given much satisfaction. "I am, Sir, your very obedient servant,

Alle Sardington

"E. Thomason, Esq., Birmingham."

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