Sidor som bilder


"Dio decimatertia mensis folii 1833, pro expednois clinch hojoy Diplomatj nil Solvet V. S. pretusa Anmiery txthe Rey perceptus, Videt Eques magnæ erunt Letiva fiscus."


Letter from the Duke of Graltieri, dated Naples,
10th July, 1833.

"His Majesty the King, my master, taking into consideration the valuable qualities by which you are distinguished, and the extended acquirements which render you deserving of particular respect, has deigned to award you the Cross of Cavalier, by courtesy, of the Royal Constantinian Order.

"In his royal name, and to my great individual satisfaction, I impart to you this sovereign appointment for your information and guidance, and in order that you may apply to the Minister of State's Royal Secretary's Office here, for the due expedition of the regular magistral diploma.



Dispatch from the 2d Department of the R. Majordomo-in-Chief and Superintendent-General of the

Royal Household.

"Sir Knight,

"Naples, 12th July, 1833.

"I reply to your agreeable sheet of the 3d June last, invoking the notice of an anterior expedition, addressed to me for the King my master, of a col

lection, in five volumes, comprising a series of sixty 1833. medals, depicting facts of the sacred scriptures, after designs of the most eminent painters. I have to acquaint you, that the said collection, with its accompanying papers, reached my hands but a few days prior to your second letter, and that, with appropriate eagerness, I laid the whole before his Majesty, who, with the utmost satisfaction, beheld the perfection and exquisite taste displayed in the entire management of this work, and who, to give you a lively testimony of his royal approbation and sense of your constant zeal in promoting the fine arts, has been pleased to nominate you a Cavalier, by courtesy, of his renowned and ancient Constantinian Order.

"Thereupon, the Counsellor, Minister of State, and President of the Council of Ministers, in whose attributions are all the royal orders of knighthood, having, by his Majesty's command, transmitted to me his royal rescript of nomination, I forward it to you, here inclosed, purposing to send you the regular Magistral Diploma, as soon as it shall be drawn up in due form.

"His Majesty at the same time commissioned me to forward you one copy, bound up, of the nine volumes hitherto published under his royal auspices, and containing a description of the Royal Muséo Borbonico.

"Meanwhile, I take advantage of this opportunity to express the great pleasure it affords me to be the medium of communicating to you this intelligence of the distinction awarded to your merit.

"The Major-domo-in-Chief of H. M.

Superintendant-General of the


Royal Household,


1833. Dispatch from the Office of the Ministry of the Royal Secretary of State, and Presidency of the Council of Ministers, dated Naples, 13th July, 1833.

"His Majesty the King, my master, having been pleased to exempt you from the payment of the dues established on the expedition of Royal Diploma of Cava. lier, by courtesy, of the Royal Constantinian Order, to which you have been promoted by his Majesty, in his royal name I give you notice thereof for your information and guidance, transmitting you likewise the said royal diploma.



Dispatch from the Office of the Major-domo-in-Chief,
Superintendant-General of the Royal Household.

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"In continuation of the letter which I had the pleasure of addressing you on the 12th instant, I am anxious to enclose you herewith the Magistral Diploma with which his Majesty, my august master, has deigned to nominate you a Cavalier, by courtesy, of the Royal Constantinian Order, in acknowledgement of your distinguished merit, and of his satisfaction, experienced in the homage you have made him of your sixty medals descriptive of incidents taken from the Sacred Scriptures. "The Major-domo-in-Chief,

Superintendant-General of the
Royal Household,



Letter from the Count de Ludolf, in French.

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"I have the honour, by order of his Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies, my august master, to forward you the accompanying packet containing the diplomas, by means of which his Majesty has decorated you with his Royal Constantinian Order; his Majesty has likewise given directions that there should be sent to you a copy of the work which is publishing at Naples, under his auspices, containing a description of the Royal Museum Borbonicum, whereof nine volumes are now come out. His Majesty, to express his lively satisfaction and grateful sense of the homage you have made him of your collection of scripture medals, requests you to accept the above-named decoration, along with this description of the Museum Borbonicum.

"I beg of you, Sir, to point out to me in what way I may transmit to you the box containing these volumes, and to be good enough to advise me reception of this letter, with the accompanying packet.

"I have the honour to be, with much esteem,

"Sir Knight,

"Your most obedient servant,



Diploma of Knighthood in Latin.

"Ferdinand II., by the grace of God King of both Sicilies, and Jerusalem, &c., Duke of Parma, Placentia, Castri, &c., Great Hereditary Prince of Etruria, &c. &c. &c., of the Holy and Renowned Equestrian Order of the Military Constantinian Religion; to St. George, and the Divine Basilius, subservient Grand Master; to the


1833. eminent, and by us much esteemed Knight, Edward Thomason, health and all prosperity.

"To the end that our favourable disposition towards you, and the sense we entertain of your eminent skill and good qualities may be made manifest, We have decreed your admission as a Knight, ex-gratia, of our Royal Constantinian Order.

"Wherefore, we, the Grand Master thereof, by virtue of the authority derived from our predecessors, ratified and confirmed in perpetuity by the assent of nations, but more especially by the supreme Pontiffs of the Romish Church, do hereby designate, create, constitute, and appoint thee, Edward Thomason, a Knight, ex-gratia, of our renowned Constantinian Order, and we enroll you on the white table of the said holy Constantinian Military Religion, under the trophy of St. George, and ordinances of the Divine Basilius, in order that you may be henceforward called, named, and entitled a soldier of this sacred religion, and be admitted into all fellowship and military domesticity of its members. Thus received and aggregated, we invest you with all the rights, honours, and obligations appertaining to the said religious military community and its functions. In pursuance of which appointment-To all and singular Kings, Republics, Leaders, Princes, Marquisses, Counts, and Barons, Prefects of Tribes, Rectors of Armies, as well as Communities and Universities of the Lands, Towns, Castles, and Places, with their Governors, Authorities, Rectors, and all other Arbiters whatsoever, ecclesiastic or secular, where you might chance to pass through, or dwell within, we exhort in the Lord, and invoke for you aid and protection, with free participation and enjoyment of those privileges and favour we wish you to ex

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