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The Governors of King Edward's School, during the Year, 1834.

James Woolley Esq Theodore Price Esq. Isaac Spooner Esq

John Booth M.D. Isaac Anderton Esq" Laurence Gardner DD Richard Wood Esq"

George Barker Esq
James Taylor Esq."

John Cope Esq"

Anthony James Clarke MA
William Charles Alston Esq.
Sir Edward Thomason (Bailiff
John Walker Esq

Roger Williams Gem Esq.
Joseph Frederick Ledsam Esq
Thomas Knott Esq.

John Welchman Whateley Esq/Secretary.

Oxford and Cambridge are invited to examine the 1834. classes and decide on their merits.

"Fifteen guineas are allowed to each reverend gentleman for his extra expenses; and the time taken up is from ten o'clock on the Wednesday morning until dinner, and from Thursday, ten o'clock, until, perhaps, three o'clock, on which day the board of governors expect the pleasure of the reverend gentlemen to dine with them at the Hotel.

"Should there be any friend of your Ladyship's who would like the appointment, I shall have great pleasure to confer your recommendation.

"I have the honour to be, truly,

"Your Ladyship's very obedient servant,

And Bailiff of the School."

"Longbridge House, near Warwick,
March 10th, 1834.

"Dear Sir Edward,

"I have waited in expectation of seeing some of your magistrates, or the frank of our excellent chairman at the sessions to-morrow, for an occasion of thanking you very much for the present of a beautiful model, in wax, of the proposed elegant façade for the new Birmingham Free School, which my son William put into my hands a few evenings since on his return from Birmingham. I have also to acknowledge your politeness, in permitting him to bring away, for my accommodation, the fine medal of the new Town Hall, your own early impression; it is superior to any thing of the kind which I have seen for a very long time. He mentioned, with great pleasure, your kind attention to


1834. him, and the exhibition of many superb and costly specimens of ancient and modern art, which, from report, I knew that you had received from foreign potentates. I had requested my son to purchase for me a few things obtainable in your borough, which were wanting in my Warwickshire Collectanea, which consists of manuscripts, printed tracts, old rolls, coins, medals, &c., and, in short, every thing which, during almost a whole life, I have been able to get together respecting the county of Warwick, and which, by accumulation and favourable opportunities, is now become of importance. There is nothing, however, of that tasteful kind which is to be found in your depôt, or likely to interest any but a certain class of individuals; such, however, as it is, I shall be most happy in any opportunity of shewing it to yourself, or any of your friends whom you may do me the favour of introducing for that purpose.

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"Le Roi, mon auguste maître, a particulièrement agrée l'offre que vous avez voulu lui faire, Monsieur, de soixante médailles representant autant de principaux traits de l'histoire sainte depuise Adam et Eve jusque et inclusivement à l'Ascension de Jesus-Christ.

Sa Majesté à apprecie tout ensemble, Monsieur, l'heureuse idée que vous avez eue, le goût et les talens dont

cette belle collection formera toujours à votre egard un 1834. temoignage irrecusable et bien flatteuse.

"Le Roi me charge donc de vous addresser ses remercîmens; c'est aussi de sa part, Monsieur, que j'ai l'honneur de vous transmettre la croix de son Ordre de St. Maurice et de St. Lazare; Sa Majesté vient de vous la conferer comme une marque publique de son estime et de sa satisfaction.

"Aussitôt que j'aurai reçu de la Secretairerie de l'Ordre le Diplôme, je vous le ferai passer par le canal de son Excellence Monsieur le Comte de Saint Martin d'Aglie, à qui je recommande egalement cette lettre.

"En attendant je vous prie, Monsieur le Chevalier, de recevoir mes felicitations, l'expression des sentimens que vous etes si digne d'inspirer, et notamment l'assurance de la consideration distinguée, avec laquelle j'ai l'honneur d'étre,

"Monsieur le Chevalier,

"Votre très-humble et très-obeissant serviteur,

Dela Tor


"A M. le Chevalier Thomason."



Manchester, 26th March, 1834.

"When I had the pleasure of being introduced to you at Birmingham, and enjoyed with my friends the gratifying treat of being shown the superb presents so worthily bestowed on you by the potentates of Europe, you may recollect that you particularly drew our attention to one of the signatures as being uncommonly good writing for a crowned head. I mentioned that I

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