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"Liverpool, Feb. 18, 1835.

"I addressed a few hasty lines to you last evening, to be in time for the mail, stating I would write more explicit to-day.

"His Excellency Namik Pasha, ambassador from the Turkish Government to our Court, on a special mission, left this town on his way to Birmingham and London this forenoon; as he travels all night, he may have arrived ere you receive this, which was the cause of my brief letter of last evening, feeling satisfied you would, with your accustomed attention to strangers who visit your town, be gratified in receiving so eminent a character as the Pasha, and in exhibiting to him your own manufactory, and those of others worth seeing.

"You will find him a most amiable man, well informed on arts and sciences; his object in visiting the northern manufacturing towns, and this part, is to obtain information on steam-power, and to make it useful to his country, where he purposes introducing it to promote trade and commerce with this country. He is well informed on subjects of mechanism, and derives great pleasure in any information on it, and I do not know any gentleman more capable of doing it than yourself.

"The reception he met here will be best explained by the journal of yesterday and to-day, published here, to which you can refer; he has expressed himself to me gratified beyond imagination, and the greatest happiness he wishes is to reciprocate it, by improving and promoting trade between this country and Turkey.

"I trust there will not be any apology requisite for my addressing you, having before assigned my reason, and I

shall feel obliged by hearing from you when the Pasha 1835. leaves your town.

"Mr. Fincham, a London merchant, is his interpreter,

to whom I have named you, as well as to the Pasha; when you wait on him, you will name my having written to you. "I hope your lady is enjoying health, with yourself, to whom I am requested to present my daughter's, and Mr. Barned's best respects. Mrs. Mozley unites with same to you both.

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"The bearer, Mr. Vauden, by profession an architect, I have known since 1828. I have a very great friendship for him, and am most anxious to serve him in every way in my power.

"In point of professional merits, I have a very great esteem for him, and feel perfectly confident that he will do credit to any one who may employ him, or who may recommend him to others.

"Should it be required, I shall be happy to enter into further particulars; but this can hardly be necessary to those who have seen his valuable communications in the

1835. Encyclopædia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture, and in the Gardeners' Magazine.


"I remain, dear Sir,

"Yours very sincerely,

J. C. London

My wife unites with me in compliments to you and

Lady Thomason.

"Sir Edward Thomason, &c."

"Berlin, 9th March, 1835. "The eminent Professor, Frederick Von Reaumur, so renowned for his proficiency in all historical acquirements, and Councillor of State of this Government, is about to undertake a foreign journey in pursuit of literature, and has intimated to the ministry for that department his wish to be introduced to your high-born self in the probability of his paying a visit at your Court.

"The undersigned Minister feels the less embarrassment in giving issue to this desire, in the persuasion that your well-born self will find the more sensible pleasure in making personal acquaintance with this distinguished writer, and therefore requests the kindness of you, so far as circumstances will admit, to favour Herr Von Reaumur with your good counsel and assistance, in case he should have occasion to invoke them in his tour.


"Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"To the Royal Vice-Consul, Mr. Thomason,

Highborn, &c., Birmingham."

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"Si je ne vous ai pas repondu a la lettre qui vous me fit l'honneur de m'adresser le dix Mars. C'est que j'ai eté occupée d'apres ce que je vois par son inclus à vous adressée par M. Eddowes Bowman, je'crois que c'est l'homme qu'il nous faut d'autant plus qui soit recommandé


par vous.

Quant à ce qui dit sera privee de la societé et en peut lui observer que dans une capitale comme Constantinople ne sera pas sans doute isolé il trouve toujours des ressources les plus ou moins dans sa patrie, quant à que son traitements il faut qu'il s'explique ses termes par écrit; c'est aprés je vous dirai, bien entendu que ses occupations lorsqu'il sera sur les lieux ne seront que de diriger les travaux pour les fonderies des machins et faire les boulets, organiser les ouvriers qui sont déja assez familiers avec les mins, et de donner des modéles de different machins a construire pour etre employée pour les services et d'etablir les moulins a vent.


Agréez je vous prie Monsieur l'assurance de ma parfaite consideration,

"J'ai l'honneur de vous saluer,


"P.S. Pour votre nomination comme Vice-Consul de Sa Hautesse je sentirai certainement un plaisir de vous racommender vivement à mon successeur qui vient d'arriver de Constantinople; j'en sui persuadé que vous remplirai ce poste parfaitement bien et que vous rendra

1835. des services importants à l'empire par votre position dans cette ville industrieuse. Adieu."

"Chevalier E. Thomason."

"Au Port-au-Prince, le 1er Mai, 1835, an 32d de l'Independance.

"JEAN-PIERRE BOYER, President Haïti,

"A Monsieur le Chevalier Edouard Thomason,
Church Street, à Birmingham.


"Le Général Inginac m'a remis dans le Temps, avec votre lettre, une collection de 60. medailles ou vous avez retracé avec un talent admirable, les principaux evenemens de l'histoire sainte. L'idée seule de cette grande enterprise etait deja, par elle même, une conception unique en son genre, mais la perfection avec laquelle vous l'avez executée est un vrai prodige; aussi, c'est avec une vive satisfaction que je vous exprime ici le sentimens d'admiration que votre ouvrage a fait naître en moi.

"Sensible à l'offrande que vous m'avez addressée, et desirant vous donner un temoignage d'interêt, j'ai fait expédier pour le Havre sur la barque Française la Zélima, à la recommandation de M.M. Reid, Irving, et Co., de Londres, une quantité de six millieres de café, à votre disposition, dont ces messieurs vous tiendrons compte. Vous me ferez plaisir en acceptant cette faible marque de ma satisfaction.

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