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and Sutton; Hayman (Methodist,) and Saunders; Muscutt (Independent,) and Horton; Thompson (from Peru,) and Dr. Trevosso. The attendance on this, and the other services, was numerous and encouraging. The most lively and zealous feelings were called forth, while the decorum of a religious service was strictly maintained. The Divine presence was manifestly with us. The eloquence of the speakers was worthy of the cause they endeavoured to promote. The statements of Mr. Sutton excited a high degree of interest in this and every other assembly. Mr. Thompson, who had arrived by one of the packets only the day before, added greatly to the delight of the meeting, by a detail, which he was solicit ed to afford, of his exertions in the circulation of the scriptures, and the establishment of schools, in South America.

May the contributions of the ensuing year demonstrate that these interesting services have brought the cause of the Mission nearer our hearts, and inspired us with greater anxiety for the coming of the kingdom of Christ!

E. C.

we espouse is the cause of God, and has been already honoured by him in an eminent degree-if I forget the cause of Missions, may my right hand forget her cunning.

A considerable interest appeared to be raised in the town on this occasion, which we trust will, through the Divine favour, be productive of permanent advantages both to the Missions and the church of God in that place.

Affectionate notice was taken of the loss the Mission has sustained by the recent death of one of its warmest friends, the Rev. J. Saffery, with a view to excite to fervent prayer to Almighty God, that he would be pleased to raise up others to repair that loss.

Names of brethren present:—Mr. Horsey, Senior-Thomas-Gill-Crook— Claypole-Chapman-Lush-Humphrey Clarke-Budd-Granger-Horsey, of

Crewkerne-Murch-and Sharp.


C. S.

Auxiliary Society for Part of the that Mr. and Mrs. Eustace Carey,

Western District.

To strengthen Missions, and give extended impulse to the world in their fayour, are among the most important objects that claim attention. Public Meetings for such purposes have proved eminently useful, in affording opportunity for making known the real state of the Heathen world, and giving publicity to what has already, through Divine favour, been achieved.

We are happy in being able to state, that the ninth Half-yearly Meeting of the Auxiliary Baptist Missionary Society for part of the Western District, held at Honiton, Wednesday, the 13th of April, was of this description; sermons suitable to the occasion were preached by brethren Chapman of Yeovil, and Humphrey of Cullompton, and a public meeting was held, at which a most gratifying Report was read; resolutions were adopted, and addresses delivered, adapted to promote the interests of the Missionary cause.

Throughout these sacred engagements, a feeling was evinced that appeared to harmonize with those which animated the

venerable men whose honour and joy it was to be the founders of the Baptist Mission; like them and their excellent Missionaries, the friends present seemed to say, Our purpose is fixed-the cause

WE have great pleasure in stating, with their infant, arrived safely at Liverpool from New York, on Wednesday, August 3d. The health of Mr. C. though far from being restored, has much improved since he left India; and it is very gratifying to add, that, during his stay in America, he experienced much kindness from the Christian friends at Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and other places which he visited; and received many very liberal contributions towards the important object of Female Education in Bengal.

Foreign Intelligence.


FROM the Auxiliary Missionary Herald for January last, we copy the following article, which will doubtless be highly gratifying to the patrons of Female Education.

Examination and Annual Meeting of the Catechism-Read and repeated any part

Female Department of the Bengal Chris tian School Society.

ON Tuesday, December 28, 1824, was held the Fifth Annual Examination of the Native Females educated by this Institution, at the residence of W. T. Beeby, Esq. Circular Road, Calcutta. The following is the order of proceedings on the interesting occasion.

The girls about to be examined being seated in classes, in two large rooms adjoining, the Rev. J. Hill was called to the chair, and proceeded to inform the company present, that the schools of the Society in Calcutta and its neighbour. hood, amounting to thirteen in number, contained about 250 children. Of the four schools superintended by Mrs. Trawin at and near Kidderpore, however, through her being absent from Calcutta, none could be conveniently brought to be examined-hence all the pupils present, amounting to 75, that number being as great as it was supposed could be fully examined in the time allotted for that purpose, were selected from the nine schools under the care of Mrs. Colman, containing about 180 girls.

The Chairman remarked also, that in order to enable the examiners and the company present to ascertain more fully the progress of the pupils, without occupying too much time, the children had been arranged in two rooms, where the examination would be going on by dif. ferent gentlemen at the same time.

At the request of the Chairman, the Rev. J. Wilson of Mirzapore, Rev. W. Yates of Calcutta, and Rev. William Carey of Cutwa, then proceeded to ascertain the improvement made by the children, according to the following order of their attainments:

The junior class, viz.: the 5th-Read the Picture Alphabet, with the compound consonants and vowels.

4th Class-Read Picture Alphabet and an easy lesson attached-Spelt in Pearson's Spelling-book.

3rd Class-Read Mother and Daughter; repeated the greater part of it-Spelt any part of Pearson's Spelling-book-Read Good Child and another lesson.

2nd Class-Read the Parables-Good Child and reading lesson-Watts's Catechism-Mother and Daughter, and repeated most of it-Spelt and gave the meaning of any words in Pearson's Spelling-book.

of Mother and Daughter-Read the lessons in Jetter's Spelling-book, and also spelt eight columns, and gave the definition attached-Spelt and gave the meaning of any words in Pearson's Spelling


The decorum manifested by all, and the readiness with which they read and spelt, seemed to afford verv genera Isatisfaction while the pron.ptitude with which the higher classes answered unexpected questions, put to them as to the meaning of the Parables, or other lessons they read, and the situation of different places in the map of the globe they proThe examination as to reading and spellduced, excited astonishment and delight. ing being completed, twenty of the elder scholars, who had been instructed in needle-work, exhibited specimens of their attainments; and each of them was ready with her needle and thread to prove to any spectator, who might desire it, the readiness with which she could handle these instruments of peaceful industry, and domestic comfort. They were then the small rewards of money, or pindismissed to another apartment, to receive; cushions, needle-cases, &c. with which some benevolent ladies had presented them, while the company present proceeded with the business of the Meeting.

The Chairman then called on the Rev. J. B. Warden, one of the Secretaries of the Bengal Christian School Society, to read the Report. It stated, that the schools connected with the Society during the last eighteen months, had increased from six to twenty, and the pupils educated by it from 160 to 350. After noticing more fully this pleasing extension of the Society's operations in Calcutta, Kidderpore, Chinsurah, and Berhampore, and expressing the obligations of the Committee for the handsome support they had received in this country, (especially from some Native gentlemen,) and from the London and Baptist Missionary Societies in England, the Committee closed the Report with soliciting for their successors in office, (from the consideration that the Society was in debt to its Treasurer, and that its efforts knew no limits but that of the public liberality,) a decided addition to the support they so gratefully acknowledged.

The Report being concluded, the Chairman again rose, and after proposing the appointment of the Officers and Commit1st Class Read The Sheep and Good tee for the ensuing year, commented in a Child-Pearce's Geography, and pointed very forcible manner on the strength of out places on the Map of the World female influence, and the absolute necesDefence of Female Education-Parables sity arising from hence, that that influence of our Lord, with commentary-Watts's should have a right direction. After a

glowing comment on the promise, that the knowledge of the Lord shall one day cover the earth as the waters cover the face of the deep, he commended the Society to the patronage and liberal support of the company, and concluded with earnestly imploring that the Divine blessing might rest upon the Institution.

Having witnessed the very commence ment of Native Female Education in this country, with the innumerable and perplexing obstacles which at first impeded it; and having been also privileged to behold its rapid progress, and the delightful spectacle of two public and most satisfactory examinations of native girls within a few days of each other, we cannot but feel thankful to God, encouraged in our hopes, and determined to continue and enlarge our labours. Much has been effected;-but let the friends of Female Education persevere, and they shall see greater things than these. To the early friends of the Society, whose anniversary we are describing, belongs the honour of commencing exertions so beneficial to its noble coadjutor (the Ladies' Society,) the equal honour of _pursuing them to a still greater extent. Let a generous emulation continue to animate the conductors of both. Let all who possess the ability contribute to both. Let the success and the occasional failure of the plans of one institution, animate and guard the other. Thus, like twin sisters, shall they walk forth to bless the country: —and like the great lights of heaven, shall they each communicate, though in different directions, an extensive and be neficial influence. But long indeed must it be, ere there be no part of our do minions in the East, where a portion of that influence shall not be felt. While, therefore, we applaud the arduous, bene volent, and successful labours of Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Colman, and others, the more active friends of Native Female Education, let us all recollect, that we are bound to practise benevolence, as well as to admire it; and that it is a duty from which nothing can exempt us, to do all in our power to aid their efforts. An immense population, in urgent need of instruction, lies before us. Supposing British Hindostan to contain seventy millions, and allowing that there may be altogether two thousand females in this extent of territory, receiving the blessings of Christian education, we have only six in a population of two hundred thousand, thus training up for God and glory! What an extensive, and (as shewn by experience) what a promising field of exertion is thus presented; and what individual does not desire to share in the

labours and honours of the enterprize! Let Christian females arise, then, to the performance of their duty. By their earnest prayers, their liberal contributions, their influence with others, and, (if ac quainted with the language,) by the superintendence of schools, let them aid efforts so important and blessed. "Freely have they received, through the gracious arrangements of Divine Providence, the blessings of education and religious improvement-freely, therefore, may they be inclined, under a grateful sense of their obligations, to give a portion to the ignorant and out of the way; that when He shall come, who from each of us shall require an account of his stewardship, we may render it with joy, and be privileged to witness the entrance into eternal life of some saved by our instrumentality, respecting whom, while prostrating ourselves before the throne, we may exclaim, Here are we, and the children whom thou hast given us!"


THE following extract of a letter from Mrs. Rowe, will shew how serviceable Christian females may be, when under the influence of a right spirit, in keeping things together at a Missionary station, during a state of bereavement. We think it probable that, long ere now, Mr. Moore has arrived at Digah to supply the place of the late Mr. Rowe.

Oua little church of five members, including myself, being destitute of a pastor, suffer much in our souls. We try to keep up our dejected spirits, by observing the common means of grace, in assembling together, to sing, read the scriptures, and make some remarks upon them, and to take our turns at prayer.

The worship of the true God is held twice at the brethren's place, and twice at my bungalow every Sabbath-day, in Hindee. Besides this, of a Lord's-day afternoon, while they have worship for any who will hear, at the native chapel, I read a chapter or sermon in English, for the benefit of my family, that is, the English part of it. The manner of dividing the Hindee service is as follows. When the weather admits of my exposing myself, I go to the native chapel, where a few native women usually assemble to hear me read a chapter or commentary; after which, one or other of the Christian women prays. This is done before break

fast. At ten o'clock, native worship is held in my centre room; and every evening in the week, I hold our family worship in Hindee, for the sake of the house ser. vants, who either cannot attend in the day, or do not like to do it. They all attend of an evening, and I am happy to perceive the good effect it has had in so short a time as it has been practised. The cook, in particular, lends an attentive ear, and frequently interrupts me while reading, to inquire into the meaning of certain passages. He seems to enjoy the hearing of the scriptures, and acknowledges, without hesitation, the folly of all Hindoo rites, &c. The old native woman, who lives with me, and teaches the small Digah family native female school, takes her turn alternately at prayer, being, I think, a sincere lover of Jesus.

The two native preachers are attentive to their duty, in going about to preach the gospel; and have many stated places, such as Portuguese houses, Bankipore tan-yard, several of the native schools, besides here and at their chapel on Sabbath-days. They call me their pastoress, and bring their difficulties to me to be settled. I feel very inadequate to such things, and pray daily for one to be sent here, qualified to do them good, and to administer reproof or instruction to them. I am happy that they have some one to keep them together until such an one arrive.

It is a great source of sorrow to me, that so little of the fruits of the blessed seed sown appears. I still trust in the promises of God respecting the heathen, and fully believe that the time is not far distant, when a harvest will be evident to all. I judge so, from the state of the native mind, which has let go many prejudices, to obtain instruction for youth, both male and female. There is not a school under the management of this station, except that for males and that for females, on our premises; which was not solicited by landholders or village masters, and they offer their best accommodations free of rent, and allow not only the scriptures and Watts's Catechism in their schools, but stated worship once a week of the living God, and great numbers attend. This had never taken place in any instance previous to the decease of Mr. Rowe. I think they feel that a sincere well-wisher and benefactor is taken away. The Lord can bring up the germ, and make it fruitful. May it please him to do so!

Three of our inquirers deserve some notice: the first is a man, who to be holy abjured the use of all meats and grain,

and while hearing brother Roop Das read the 10th chapter of Acts, changed his resolution, and that evening partook with him of his supper. He said he had not eaten flesh or corn for many years, living wholly on fruits and vegetables; but for the future should eat whatever God had given to man. He has gone to his abode, being only a transient visitor. The second is a labourer, who is convinced of the truth, and obtained permission to reside within our gate; but he works for his living elsewhere. The third is a man of more consequence in appearance; he says he is a collector of revenues in Nepal, and has many villages at his disposal. He has visited us at times during seven years; and says he has so long been convinced of the truth as it is in Jesus Christ. He has been with the native brethren this month past, and furnishes his own bread. It must here be observed, that the brethren's wages are only sufficient for their own support, and would not enable them to keep another person constantly. The case with them, therefore, is hard, where a poor inquirer wishes to pass a few days with them. I fear that returns made by inquirers will make them mercenary; and not to have them, may be oppressive. May the Lord help them out of these difficulties!


THE following Extracts from the correspondence of Mr. Daniel Schlatter, with his friends in Switzerland, (see our numbers for November, 1823, and December, 1824,) will convey some idea of the spirit which animates the exertions that excellent man, in the distant and self-denying sphere of labour which he has chosen.

Ohrloff, Aug. 1824.


IN these parts there is much good doing, and a spirit of piety prevails little inferior to that among you, Many are looking seriously forward to the things which shall come to pass; among the Germans this is truly a time for sowing the good seed. The Lutherans are in want of the preached gospel, and the Mennonites are too vain of their pious ancestors, as if it were a matter of course that their descendants on that account, deserved the name of Christians. Now, however, there are many who lend an attentive ear to the preaching of the word.

I feel more joy and assurance in my heavenly calling; it is a blessed thing not to see and yet believe. The Lord has given me an evident blessing among our German brethren, many of whose hearts he has opened. Pray for me that I may grow in faith, and continue steadfast to the end; and not become slothful, careless, or lukewarm. I have now been a year at this place, without a passport. I am not looked upon as a mere servant to a Tartar, or I should have received a passport. My manner of life awakens attention, but I am easy. Prince G-, and General I-, told me I might stay, as they would answer for me. How ever, if I should be removed, I shall go where the Lord leads me, and I am happy every where.

Be not uneasy respecting what you hear from Russia; many important events are occurring in this empire, even within my own experience. Almost insurmountable obstacles are to be overcome by a Christian among Musselmen. No idea can be formed by a person who has but a superficial acquaintance with the doctrines of Islamism, of the fanaticism, ignorance, and pride, as well as peculiar manners of the Tartars. However, I have reason to bless the Lord, that I have been so successful, and live so peacefully.

I should soon have left Ali and gone to

live with another Tartar, if he had not altered his conduct towards his wife Tasche, whom he used to beat cruelly. I remonstrated and reasoned, but he told me that the Koran commanded the men to

beat their wives; and that he had bought his wife. I endeavoured to give him correct ideas on the subject, but in vain. I then declared that I would not stay with him if he treated his wife so barbarously. At his request, however, I have remained till now, and he has not beat his wife since our conversation. My health is excellent, notwithstanding my diet consists of the flesh of dead or diseased horses. Labour sweetens every thing, and gives an appetite even to the most disgusting viands. A person must be exposed to the cold and wet, and have slept in both, before he can enjoy the miserable abodes of the Tartars; and yet, it would give me great pain to see any of my dear relations or friends in such a situation, among this people, in a barren wild, where frequently, during the burning heat and severe labour, not a drop of good water is to be had.

A violent storm lately raged in this district; many houses, even whole villages, were blown down in the old settlement. The misery this has occasioned is

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very great; many families are without a shelter. The hurricane extended to the Dnieper, into which whole herds of cattle were swept by the violence of the tempest, and even the shepherds were drowned. Waggons laden with corn were overturned, and the corn scattered before the wind.

I am now acquainted with the most familiar things in the Tartar language; and shall proceed to acquire a sufficient knowledge of religious terms in order to speak to them soon about the Saviour, which I greatly long to do; for what is every thing on earth to compare with the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord? Nothing appears to me more delightful than this truth, that God loveth sinners, and me who am a sinner also. But we must be assured of being freed from sin in Christ, and feel the powerful influence of the divine love within us. We must resign our lives to him, else we cannot find true life in him. Every day I feel more satisfied with my condition, for I am in my Father's house and service.


THE Boston Recorder for March, 1824, contains the following summary of intelligence on the subject of "revivals of religion" in the United States. Have accounts of this nature obtained as much attention in Britain as they ought?

AFTER a careful examination of the papers, from Sept. 1822, to Sept. 1823, for the purpose of ascertaining the number of revivals reported in that period, results have been published, by which it appears, that more than 400 revivals, in which the number of hopeful converts exceeded 27,000, were reported. This is probably a greater number of revivals than the American churches have known in any preceding year. In the Presbyterian church in 1815, there were only three revivals. From this small number there was a regular and rapid increase till the last year, when there were 98. We have not the means of ascertaining that there has been the same, or a similar progress in the other denominations. But we do not recollect that we have ever before been cheered with the intelligence of so many hundred revivals, and so many thousand converts in a single year. The prayer, that converts may be multiplied as the drops of morning dew, seems to be answered.

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