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" ... laid exactly flat upon it; care being taken that the surplus mould should be clean removed. Soon after the like care was taken that the ground should be ploughed up, and it was sowed successively with corn. "
Picturesque Views on the Upper, Or Warwickshire Avon: From Its Sources at ... - Sida 12
efter Samuel Ireland - 1795 - 284 sidor
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The Life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland ...

John Bancks - 1779 - 336 sidor
...herfe. Being come to the field, they found about the midft of it, a grave dug about nine foot deep, with the green fod carefully laid on one fide, and the...grave was inftantly filled up, and the green fod laid exaftly flat upon it ; care being taken that the furplus mould mould be clean removed. Soon after,...
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A Description of the Memorable Sieges and Battles in the North of England ...

Thomas Fairfax Baron Fairfax - 1786 - 492 sidor
...Being come to the field, they found about the midft of it, a grave dug about nine feet deep, with a green fod carefully laid on one fide, and the mould...upon it ; care being taken that the furplus mould mould be clean removed. Soon after the like care was taken that the field mould be entirely plowed...
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The History and Antiquities of Naseby, in the County of Northampton

John Mastin - 1792 - 266 sidor
...to the field, they found about the midft of it, a grave dug about nine feet deep, with the green-fod carefully laid on one fide, and the mould on the other;...being put, the grave was inftantly filled up, and the green-fod laid exactly flat upon it; care being taken that the furplus mould mould be clean removed....
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Memoirs of James earl of Derby, with an account of the life of Oliver ...

James Stanley (7th earl of Derby.) - 1804 - 682 sidor
...Being come to the field, they found about the midft of it, a grave dug about nine feet deep, with a green fod carefully laid on one fide, and the mould...other; in which the coffin being put, the grave was inlramly filled up, and the green fod laid exactly fiat upon it; care being taken that the furplus...
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Historical Gleanings on the Memorable Field of Naseby ...

Henry Lockinge - 1830 - 166 sidor
...the midst of it,- a grave dug about nine feet deep, with the green sod carefully laid on one side, and the mould on the other; in which the coffin being put, the grave was instantly filled up, and the green sod laid exactly flat upon it; care being taken that the surplus...
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Cemetery interment

George Collison (solicitor.) - 1840 - 462 sidor
...about the midst of it, a grave dug about nine foot deep, with the green sod carefully laid on one side, and the mould on the other ; in which the coffin being put, the grave was instantly filled up, and the green sod laid exactly flat upon it, care being taken that the surplus...
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Notes and Queries

1852 - 680 sidor
...about the midst of it a grave dug about nine feet deep, with the green-sod carefully laid on one side and the mould on the other, in which the coffin being put, the grave was instantly filled up, and the green-sod laid exactly flat upon it, care being taken that the surplus...
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-History. Choice notes from 'Notes and queries'.

Notes and queries - 1858 - 334 sidor
...about the midst of it a grave dug about nine feet deep, with the green-sod carefully laid on one side and the mould on the other, in which the coffin being put, the grave was instantly filled up, and the green-sod laid exactly flat upon it, care being taken that the surplus...
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Choice Notes from "Notes and Queries": History

P.P. - London. - Notes and Queries - 1858 - 354 sidor
...about the midst of it a grave dug about nine feet deep, with the green-sod carefully laid on one side and the mould on the other, in which the coffin being put, the grave was instantly filled up, and the green-sod laid exactly flat upon it, care being taken that the surplus...
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all the year round

charles dickens - 1874 - 640 sidor
...of it a grave dug about nine feet deep, with the green sod carefully laid on one side, and the moukl on the other ; in which the coffin being put, the grave was instantly filled up, and the green sod laid exactly flat upon it; care being taken that the surplus...
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