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" Where with my hands I hewed a house Out of a craggy rocke of stone ; .). And lived like a palmer poore Within that cave myself alone : And daylye came to begg my bread Of Phelis att my castle gate ; Not knowne unto my loved wiffe. "
Picturesque Views on the Upper, Or Warwickshire Avon: From Its Sources at ... - Sida 121
efter Samuel Ireland - 1795 - 284 sidor
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Reliques of Ancient English Poetry:: Consisting of Old Heroic ..., Volym 3

1765 - 404 sidor
...length to Warwicke I did come, Like pilgrime poore and was not knowne ; no And there I livd a hermites life A mile and more out of the towne. Where with...hands I hewed a houfe Out of a craggy rocke of ftone I And lived like a palmer poore i\t Within that cave myfelf alone : And dailye came to begg my bread...
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Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic ..., Volym 3

Thomas Percy - 1794 - 422 sidor
...length to Wanvicke I did come, Like pilgrim poore and was not knowne; 1 1» And there I lived a hermitts life A mile and more out of the towne. ' Where with my hands I hewed a houf« Out of a craggy rocke of ftonc; And lived like a palmer poore ng Within that cave myfelf alone:...
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Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic ..., Volym 3

Thomas Percy - 1794 - 424 sidor
...there I lived a hermitts life A mile and more out of the towne. Where with my hands I hewed a houf* Out of a craggy rocke of ftone; And lived like a palmer poorc 1 1 5 Within that cave myfelf alone : And daylye came to begg my bread Of Phelie att my cafile...
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The Visitors' New Guide to the Spa of Leamington Priors, and Its Vicinity ...

William Thomas Moncrieff - 1824 - 390 sidor
...length to Warwicke I did come, _' Like Pilgrime poore and wa's not knowne : And there I liv'da hermite't life " ., A mile and more out of the towne. Where with my hands I hewed a house Out of a craggy rock of 'sU»e : And lived like a Palmer poore, Within that house, alone ! ."yV-...
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The Broad Stone of Honour: The True Sense and Practice of Chivalry : Second ...

Kenelm Henry Digby - 1828 - 416 sidor
...length to Warwick I did come, Like Pilgrim, poor, and was not knowpe ; And there I lived a hermit's life, A mile and more out of the towne, Where, with my hands, I hewed a house Out of a craggy rock of stone, And lived like a Palmer, poore, Within that cave myself alone."...
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The Broad Stone of Honour Or the True Sense and Practice of ..., Volym 1

Kenelm Henry Digby - 1846 - 412 sidor
...length to Warwick I did come, Like pilgrim, poor, and was not knowne ; And there I lived a hermit's life, A mile and more out of the towne, Where, with my hands, I hewed a house Out of a craggy rock of stone, And lived like a palmer, poore. Within that cave myself alone....
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Kenelm Henry Digby - 1846 - 416 sidor
...length to Warwick I did come, Like pilgrim, poor, and was not knowne ; And there I lived a hermit's life, A mile and more out of the towne, Where, with my hands, I hewed a house Out of a craggy rock of stone, And lived like a palmer, poore. Within that cave myself alone....
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European Historical Collections: Comprising England, Scotland, with Holland ...

John Warner Barber - 1855 - 608 sidor
...length to Warwicke I did como, Like pilgrime poore and WHS not knowne ; And there I lived a hermites life, A mile and more out of the towne. "Where with my hands I hewed a house Out of a craci-'y rock of stone ; And lived like a palmer poore Within thnt cave myself alone...
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Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs ...

Thomas Percy - 1856 - 576 sidor
...Warwicke I did come, Like pilgrim poore, and was not knowne ; And there I lived a hermitts life 111 A mile and more out of the towne. Where with my hands I hewed a house Out of a craggy rocke of stone ; And lived like a palmer poore 115 Within that cave myself alone...
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English and Scottish Ballads: Book I. Romances of chivalry and legends of ...

Francis James Child - 1857 - 496 sidor
...to Warwicke I did come, Like pilgrim poore, and was not knowne ; And there I lived a hermitts life m A mile and more out of the towne. Where with my hands I hewed a house Out of a craggy rocke of stone, And lived like a palmer poore us Within that cave myself alone...
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