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After some time, the committee rose, and reported the bill with amendments.

The amendments were concurred in.


Mr. Janes then moved to strike out the words "register of deeds," wherever it occurs in the fifth section of the bill. Which was disagreed to.

The bill was thereupon ordered to a third reading. On motion of Mr. Learned, (three fourths concurring therein,) Ordered, That so much of the 27th rule as prohibits bills from being read a second and third times on the same day, be suspended with reference to bills and resolutions, as follows, from the House of Representatives, in order that the same may be read the [third] time now, viz;

No. 24. A bill prescribing the tenure of office of certain county officers, and for other purposes;

No. 49. A bill to amend an act entitled an act to change the

time of holding courts in the second judicial district:

No. 12. Resolution relative to arming the militia of the Ter. ritory: and


No. 17. Joint resolution relating to the public printing: The said bills were thereupon read the third time, passed and titles were agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Janes,

The Council was resolved into committee of the whole, Mr. Rountree in the chair for the consideration of bill No. 59, (H. of R.) entitled "a bill to authorize the county commissioners of the county of Green to procure copies of certain records from the records of Milwaukee and Iowa counties," and after some time the committee rose and reported the bill with an amend.


On motion of Mr. Arnold,


Ordered, That the bill be laid on the table until this after.

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The Council was resolved into committee of the whole, Mr.: Janes in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 61, [H. of R.] entitled: "a bill to incorporate the town of Potosi, in the county of Grant, and for other purposes; and after some time, the committee rose, and reported the bill without amendment. The bill was thereupon ordered to a third reading." On motion of Mr. Rountree, [three fourths concurring therein,] Ordered, That so much of the 27th rule as prohibits bills from being read a second and third times on the same day, be sus. pended with reference to the bill just ordered to a third read. ing, in order that the same may be read the third time now. The bill was thereupon read the third time, passed, and the i title was agreed to...

On motion of Mr. Bullen,

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The amendments of the House of Representatives to bill No.

16, entitled "a bill to amend an act entitled an act to provide for the support of common schools, and for other purposes," were taken up.

And the same having been read,

Mr. Uphem moved to strike therefrom the 8th section which reads as follows:

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Sec. 8. Whenever a district shall be organized and the returns made agreeably to the 7th section of the act to which this is amendatory, and no school shall be kept in said district, the money appropriated to said district by the county commissioners, shall be retained in the county treasury for the use of said, district two years; and in case the said district has not then complied with the provisions of the law entitling it to its appor. tionment of the school fund, then the same shall be apportioned with other moneys to the several schools in the county entitled by law to the same ; and in any county where the commission.

ers have not made an apportionment of the school monies, such funds shall come within the provisions of this section.

Which was disagreed to-ayes 4 noes 9.5gr

And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arndt, Janes, Rountree, and Upham.

Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arnold, Brig, ham, Bullen, Collins, Learned, Martin, Sterling, Vineyard, and Maxwell, (President.)

And the question being taken on concurring in the amend ments of the House, it was determined in the affirmative→ayes 11, noes 2.

And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Brigham, Bullen, Collins, Janes, Learned, Rountree, Sterling Up." ham Vineyard and Maxwell, (President.)

Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arndt, and Martin.


The message from the House of Representatives notifying the Council that they had refused to concur in the second amend. ment of the Council to the amendment of the House to bill No. 14, entitled," a bill to enlarge the boundaries of Portage count ty, and for other purposes," having been read,

Mr. Martin moved that the Council do insist on their amend. ment.

Which was agreed to. a I VIJA N
On motion of Mr. Janes,

The Council was resolved into committee of the whole, Mr. Learned in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 65, (H. of R.) entitled "a bill relative to the manner of contesting seats in"! both branches of the Legislative Assembly ;"and after some time the committee rose and reported the bill with an amendment. And the question being put on concurring in the amendment

ment of the committee, it was decided in the negative-ayes 5, noes 7.

And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Bullen, Janes, Martin, Rountree and Upham.

Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Brighan, Collins, Learned, Sterling and Maxwell, (President.) Mr. Martin then moved to adjourn the further consideration of the bill until the 4th day of July next.

The motion was disagreed to.

Mr. Collins moved to lay it on the table.
Which was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Upham,

The Council resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Bullen in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 54, (H. of R.) entitled " a bill to divide the town of Salem and to estab. lish the town of Warwick;" and after some time the committee rose and reported the bill without amendment.

On motion of Mr. Janes,


Ordered, That the bill be laid on the table. The following message was received from the House of Rep. resentatives, by the clerk thereof, viz :

" Mr. President-I am directed to present the following bills for the concurrence of this House, to wit:

No. 30. A bill regulating trials of the right of property; and No. 47. A bill supplementary to an act, entitled 'an act re. lating to the militia."

On motion of Mr. Janes,

The Council was resolved into committee of the whole, Mr. Brigham in the chair, for the consideration of resolution No. 14 (H. of R.) entitled "resolution relative to the fiscal agency of Moses M. Strong;" and after some time the committee rose, and reported the resolution with amendment.

On motion of Mr. Janes,

The Council adjourned until 3 o'clock, P. M.

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The President laid before the Council a message from the Governor on executive business.

On motion of Mr. Collins,


The Council proceeded to the consideration of executive business.

The executive business was disposed of.

Mr. Learned, from committee on enrolment reported the fol. lowing to have been presented this day to the Governor for his approval, viz :


An act to divorce Peter Howard from his wife, Sarah Howard and to change the name of said Howard;

An act to provide for the support of illigitimate children; and An act to incorporate the Fox and Wisconsin Steamboat company.

The Council then proceeded to the unfinished business of the morning, being the consideration of the report of the committee of the whole, on resolution No. 14, (H. of R.) entitled " resolution relative to the fiscal agency of Moses M. Strong;"

And the question being on the concurrence of the Council in the amendment of the committee, it was determined in the affir. mative-ayes 8, noes 5.

And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Brigham, Collins, Janes, Learned, Sterling and Maxwell, (President)

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