1 } The motion was agreed to-ayes 10, noes 2., And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Arndt, Brig. ham, Collins, Janes, Learned, Martin, Rountree, Upham, Vine. yard and Maxwell, (President.). Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arnold, and Bullen. On motion of Mr, Rountree, : The Council was resolved into committee of the whole, Mr. Janes in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 63, [H. of R.] entitled "a bill to incorporate the Madison Typographical Society;" and, after some time the committee rose, and reported the bill without amendment... The bill was thereupon ordered to a third reading. Mr. Martin moved to adjourn until half past six o'clock this On motion of Mr. Arndt the Council proceeded to the further consideration of bill No. 38 [H. of R.] entitled " a bill to incorporate medical societies, and to promote medical science;" And, the question being put-will the Council recede from their remaining amendments to said bill ? It was determined in the affirmative-ayes 8, noes 5. And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Brigham, Bullen, Janes, Learned, Martin, Upham and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arndt, Collins, Rountree, Sterling and Vineyard. So the Council receded from all their amendments to said bill, except the insertion of the name of Edward McSherry, to which the House of Representatives had disagreed. On motion of Mr. Janes, the Council concurred in all the amendments of the House of Represertatives to bill No. 42, entitled "a bill supplementary to the act to incorporate the vil. lage of Racine." On motion of Mr. Janes, The Council adjourned until 7 o'clock P. M. : : Seven O'clock, P. M. 1 Mr. Arndt, from committee on engrossed bills, reported bill No. 41, entitled "a bill to provide for the payment of the ex. penses of the Legislative Assembly," to be correctly engrossed. *. On motion of Mr. Bullen, Ordered, That so much of the 27th rule be suspended with reference to the foregoing engrossed bill, and to the resolutions and bill ordered to third reading, and now ready on the table, in order that the same may be read the third time now. The following bills and resolutions were thereupon read the third time, passed, and the titles were agreed to. No. 41. A bill to provide for the payment of the expenses of the Legislative Assembly therein named No. 63. [H. of R.] A bill to incorporate the Madison Typo. graphical Society; No. 10. Resolution authorizing the Treasurer of the Territo. ry to pay certain drafts of the Adjutant General; and, No. 12. Resolution relating to the removal of the territorial Library. ! And the ayes and noes being called for, on the passage of bill Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Brigham, Bullen, Janes, Learned, Rountree, Sterling, Vineyard and Maxwell, (President.) : Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arndt, Collins and Martin. 1. On motion of Mr. Arnold, the Council took up bill No. 40, entitled "a bill limiting the writ of error." And the question being put on the adoption of the amendment offered by Mr. Janes, (on the 16th inst.) as amended, The same was agreed to. Mr. Janes then moved further to amend, as follows: Sec. 3. But the existence of any disability, specified in the preceding section, shall not authorize the bringing of a writ of error, upon any judgment after the expiration of five years from the time of rendering the same. Which was also agreed to.. And the question then being put on ordering the bill to be engrossed for a third reading, it was determined in the affirma 10 1, And the ayes and noes being called for. Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Brigham, Bullen, Janes, Learned, Sterling and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arndt, Collins, Martin and Rountree. 1 On motion of Mr. Rountree, the report of the committee of the. whole of bill No. 56, [H. of R.] entitled "a "a bill to change the name of the town of Kinnickinnik," viz:--to strike therefrom the enacting clause; was taken up 1 And, the question being on concurring in the report of the committee it was disagreed tool The bill was therefore ordered to a third reading. The message from the House of Representatives notifying that they had concurred in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th amendments, with an amendment to the 2d and 3d each and that they have disagreed to the 5th and 10th amendments of Council to bill No. 19, [H. of R.] entitled " a bill to create a fund for the benefit of the creditors of certain monied corporations, and for other purposes," was taken up. And the amendments of the House of Representatives to the second and third amendments of the Council having been read, they were severally disagreed to. And the ayes and noes being called for, on concurring in the amendment to the third amendment of Council, Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Learned and Rountree. Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Brigham, Bullen, Collins, Janes, Sterling, and Maxwell, (President.) 1 Mr. Martin was excused from voting. Mr. Collins then moved that the Council insist on their 5th and 10th amendments to said bill, Which was agreed to--ayes 8, noes 3. And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Brigham, Collins, Learned, Rountree, Sterling and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Bullen, Janes and Martin. On motion of Mr. Arnold, The Council was resolved into committee of the whole Mr. Rountree in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 55, [H. of R.] entitled "a bill to authorize Wm. P. Owen and others to build and maintain a dam across Rock River, and for other purposes;" and, after some time, the committee rose and reported the bill without amendment. The bill was thereupon ordered to a third reading. Ordered, That so much of the 27th rule, as prohibits bills from being read a second and third times on the same day, be 1 suspended with reference to bill No. 55 [H. of R.] just ordered to the third reading, in order that the same may be read a third time now. The bill was then read the third time, passed, and the title was agreed to. Mr. Martin from the joint committee of conference in rela. tion to the disagreeing vote on bill No. 43, [H. of R.] entitled "a bill to amend an act entitled an act for assessing and col. lecting county revenue, made report thereon; Which was adopted. Mr. Arndt, from the committee on engrossed bills, reported bill No 40, entitled "a bill limiting the writ of error," to be correctly engrossed. The following message was received from the House of Representatives by the clerk thereof, viz : "Mr. President--The House of Representatives have receded from so much of their disagreement to the amendment of this House to bill No 38, entitled "a bill to incorporate medical societies and to promote medical science" as relates to the name of "Edward M'Sherry." And have refused to reconsider their vote by which bill No. 29, of this House was indefinitely postponed, entitled "a bill to amend an act entitled an act concerning the lien of mechanics and others for the cost of repairs and improvements on real es. tate." "I am directed to present the following for the concurrence of this House, to wit: No. 22. "Joint resolution relative to the printing of the laws passed at the present and August sessions of the Legislative Assembly." On motion of Mr. Martin, The Council was resolved into committee of the whole, Mr. Sterling in the chair for the consideration of bill No. 39, (H. of |