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sin Territory, entitled an act concerning judgments and executions; and,

An act to incorporate medical societies, and to promote medical science.

Also, the following to be correctly enrolled, viz :

An act to amend an act for assessing and collecting county


An act to authorize the county commissioners of the county of Green to procure copies of certain records from the records of Milwaukee and Iowa counties, and to require the registers of deeds of Milwaukee county to procure copies of certain records from the office of the register of deeds of Brown county;

An act limiting the writ of error and for other purposes;

An act relating to the board of county commissioners of the county of Washington; and,

Resolution to abolish the office of fiscal agent.

The following message was received from the House of Representatives by the clerk thereof, viz :

"Mr. President-The House of Representatives have receded from their 6th and 13th amendments [to which the Council had disagreed,] and have concurred in all the amendments of Council to the amendments of the House to bill No. 41, entitled "a bill to provide for the payment of the expenses of the Legislative Assembly."

" I am directed to sequest that bill No. 20, of this House, entitled "a bıll to amend the act of the revised statutes entitled 'an act concerning the writ of attachment,' " may be transmitted to the House of Representatives for their further consideration.

"The Governor has notified the House of Representatives that he did on this day examine and approve the following:

An act supplementary to the several acts relating to asses. sing and collecting county revenue;

" An act to authorize the construction of a towing path from the western termination of the Milwaukee and Rock River canal to Jefferson.

An act to incorporate the Madison Typographical Society; and,

An act to authorize Wm. P. Owen and others to build and maintain a dam across Rock river, and for other purposes;

"The House of Representatives have appointed Messrs. Brown aud Whiton a committee on their part to act in conjunction with a similar committee, to be appointed on the part of the Council, to wait upon His Excellency, the Governor, and to ascertain whether he has any further business to lay before the two Houses at this present session;

"I am directed, also, to present the following for your signa. ture, viz:

An act limiting the writ of error, and for other purposes; An act relating to the board of county commissioners of the county of Washington;

An act to amend an act entitled an act for assessing and col. lecting county revenue;

An act to authorize the county commissioners of Green county to procure copies of certain records from the records of Milwaukee and Iowa counties, and to require the register of deeds of Milwaukee county to procure copies of certain records from the office of the register of deeds of Brown county; and Resolution to abolish the office of Fiscal Agent."

The President signed the acts and resolution referred to in the preceding message.

Mr. Martin then moved that the Secretary of the Council be directed to transmit to the House of Representatives, immedi ately, bill No. 20, entitled "a bill to amend the act of the revised statutes, entitled an act concerning the writ of attach. ment," in accordance with the request of that House,

The motion was agreed to-ayes 7, noes 6.

And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Learned, Martin, Rountree, Sterling and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Brigham, Bullen, Collins, Janes, Upham and Vineyard.

Mr. Arndt, from the committee on engrossed bills, reported resolution No. 9, entitled "Resolution for the relief of Augustus A. Bird," to be correctly engrossed; when,

On motion of Mr. Brigham,

Ordered, That the resolution do lie on the table. Mr. Learned, from the committee on enrolment, reported the following as presented to the Governor this day, 'viz :

An act limiting the writ of error, and for other purposes; An act relating to the board of county commissioners of the county of Washington;

An act to authorize the county commissioners of the county of Green to procure copies of certain records from the records of Milwaukee and Iowa counties, and to require the register of deeds of Milwaukee county to procure copies of certain records from the office of the register of deeds of Brown county;

An act to amend an act entitled an act for assessing and col. lecting county revenue; and,

Resolution to abolish the office of Fiscal Agent.
On motion of Mr. Upham,

The Council adjourned until 7 o'clock, P. M.

Seven O'clock, P. M.

Mr. Learned, from the committee on enrolment, reported " an act to provide for the payment of the expenses of the Legisla. tive Assembly therein named," to be correctly enroled.

Mr. Collins obtained leave to introduce the following resolu. tion, viz:

Resolved, That the President of the Council be and hereby is authorized to appoint a committee, to consist of three members, the duty of whom, or a majority thereof, it shall be to make a thorough examination of the state and condition of the Bank of Mineral Point, at such time or times as they may deem proper, previous to the next annual meeting of the Legislature; it shall also be their duty to cause the result of such examinations to be published in some newspaper at the seat of government, and to make report to the Council at the next annual session. And the question being put on the adoption of the resolution, it was determined in the affirmative-ayes 9, noes 1; And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arndt, Brig. ham, Bullen, Collins, Martin, Rountree, Sterling, Upham and Maxwell, (President.)

Mr. Janes voted in the negative.

The President thereupon appointed Messrs. Arnold, Martin and Learned, said committee.

The following message was received from the House of Representatives by the clerk thereof, viz :

"Mr. President-The House of Representatives has refused to reconsider its vote by which bill No. 20, of this House, entitled "a bill to amend the act of the revised statutes, entitled an act concerning writs of attachment," was indefinitely postponed.

"The Governor has notified the House of Representatives that he did on this day examine and approve the following, viz : An act to amend an act of the revised statutes of Wisconsin Territory, entitled an act concerning judgments and executions;

An act to incorporate medical societies, and to promote med. ical science;

An act to amend an act entitled an act for assessing and collecting county revenue;

An act relating to the board of county commissioners of the county of Wasington;

An act to authorize the county commissioners of the county of Green to procure copies of certain records from the records of Milwaukee and Iowa counties, and to require the register of deeds of Milwaukee county to procure copies of certain records from the office of the register of deeds of Brown county;

An act in relation to the courts of equity;

An act to change the name of the town of Kinnickinnick; Joint resolution relative to the printing of the laws passed at the present and August sessions of the Legislative Assembly, and the decisions of the Supreme Court; and

Resolution to abolish the office of Fiscal Agent.

"I am directed to present the following for your signature,


An act to provide for the payment of the expenses of the Legislative Assembly therein named."

The President signed the act mentioned in the preceding message.

The President laid before the Council a message from the Governor notifying that he had approved the following this day, viz:

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