1 Mr. Upham, in accordance with notice given, obtained leave to introduce bill No. 6. "An act for the relief of the settlers on the canal lands, in the counties of Milwaukee and Jefferson." Mr. Arndt, in accordance with notice given, obtained leave to introduce bill No. 7. " A bill to provide for the support of illegitimate children." Which bills were read the first and second times, and ordered to be laid on the table to be printed. The Council resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Martin in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 1, entitled "a bill relating to sheriffs." After some time the committee rose, and by their chairman reported the bill without amend. ment. The bill was thereupon ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. The Council again resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Collins in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 2, entitled "a bill changing the boundary line of certain counties." After some time the committee rose, and by their chairman reported the bill without amendment. The bill was thereupon ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. On motion of Mr. Arndt, the Council adjourned.. 1 Tuesday, December 15, 1840. The President presented a communication from the Governor, on executive business. Which was read, and laid on the table. Mr. Upham presented the petition of citizens of Milwaukee county, asking the passage of a law remitting the interest upon canal lands. Which was read, and laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Sterling, Ordered, That all bills, resolutions and memorials, after they shall have been printed, shall remain at least one day on the files before being considered. Mr. Arndt, from the committee on engrossed bills, reported, as being correctly engrossed, the following bills : No. 1, A bill relating to sheriffs; and No. 2, A bill changing the boundary lines of certain counties. Mr. Bullen, from the select committee, to whom petitions on the subject were referred, reported bill No. 8. A bill explanatory of an act to establish the rate of toll for grinding. Which was read the first and second times, and laid on the table to be printed. Engrossed bill No. 1, A bill relating to sheriffs, was read the third time, and, pending the question on the passage thereof, On motion of Mr. Martin, the bill was ordered to be laid on the table. Engrossed bill, No. 2, "A bill changing the boundary lines of certain counties," was read the third time; and, pending the question on the passage thereof, On motion of Mr. Rountree, it was ordered that the bill be re-committed to the committee of the whole, and made the order of the day for to-morrow. Mr. Janes, in accordance with notice given, obtained leave to introduce bill No. 9, entitled "A bill declaring rivers navigable for certain purposes." Which was read the first and second times, and laid on the table to be printed. Mr. Martin obtained leave to introduce resolution No. 2, entitled "Resolution relative to the survey of public lands within the Territory." Which was read a first and second times, and laid on the table to be printed. On motion of Mr. Bullen, the Council proceeded to the consideration of executive business. The executive business having been disposed of, On motion of Mr. Janes, it was ordered that the Council resolve itself into committee of the whole for the consideration of bill No. 3, entitled "A bill concerning betting." Mr. Sterling asked that a call of the Council be made; Wednesday, December 16, 1840. Mr. Upham presented the petition of citizens of the Territo. ry, praying the passage of an act repealing all laws authorizing any co-partnership between this Torritory and any company chartered for the purpose of any improvement, and moved its reference to the committee on incorporations. Which was read and so referred. Mr. Arndt offered the following: Resolved, That the act entitled "an act concerning costs and fees" now of force within this Territory, be referred to the committee on the judiciary, with instructions to enquire whether any amendments to the same are necessary-and that they be required to report by bill or otherwise. Mr. Collins gave notice that he would at a future day ask leave to introduce a memorial to Congress, for an appropriation of money for the improvement of the navigation of the Mississippi river. Mr. Bullen, in accordance with notice given, obtained leave to introduce bill No. 10. A bill to establish a board of education, and the office of superintendent of public instruction, and to prescribe their duties. Which was read the first and second times, and laid on the table to be printed. On motion of Mr. Arndt, the resolution presented by him this morning, was taken up, considered, and adopted. On motion of Mr. Janes. the Council resolved itself into com. mittee of the whole, Mr. Bullen in the chair, for the consideratlon of the order of the day, being bill No. 2, entitled "A bill changing the boundary lines of certain counties;" and, after some time, the committee rose, and reported, by their chairman, progress in the business before them, and asked leave to sit again. Leave was granted. The following message from the House of Representatives was received by the clerk thereof, viz : Mr. President-The House of Representatives have passed the following, in which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House viz: "No. 3, A bill concerning county officers in the county of Fond du Lac;" "No. 3. Resolution concerning the appointment of a joint committee to prepare the laws passed at the present and August sessions, for publication; "No. 4. Resolution concerning the appointment of a joint committee; "No. 5. Preamble and resolution relative to unsurveyed land." Mr. Martin obtained leave to introduce resolution No. 3, entitled ' resolution relative to adjournment. " Which was read a first and second times, and laid on the table to be printed. The Council resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Upham in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 3, entitled " a bill concerning betting;" and, after some time, the committee rose and reported the bill as negatived by striking out the enacting clause. The report was concurred in. The Council again resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Brigham in the chair, for the consideration of resolution No. 1, entitled "resolution relating to committees on claims and public expenditures." After some time the committee rose and reported the resolution without amendment. The resolution was then ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. The following bill and resolutions from the House of Repre. sentatives, were severally read the first and second times, viz : No. 3. A bill concerning county officers in the county of Fond du Lac; No. 3. Resolution concerning the appointment of a joint committee to prepare the laws passed at the present and August sessions, for publication; No. 4. Resolution concerning the appointment of a joint committee; No. 5. Resolution relative to unsurveyed land. |