public business to be transacted in the most prompt and effec tual manner. And further that if it be wise in the Legislature to entertain any proposition on this subject, all action should be delayed thereon until such time as all the different sections of the coun. try shall have had an opportunity to make their proposals; conceiving that if the Territory enters into this matter as a busi. ness transaction, that the greatest amount of possible benefit should be looked for. And, finally, the committee think that, as the seat of government has been established by law at Madison, and sanctioned by the people, it would be unjust to remove the Capitol therefrom, until some evidence of the expressed will of the people on the subject has been obtained. Therefore, Resolved, that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. 184 C. J. LEARNED, 10 baod Document No. 12. 1. The minority of the committee to whom was referred the propositions of the citizens of Aztalan, to build a capitol at that place, provided the seat of government would be removed thereto, beg leave to report, that they have examined the subject and after mature deliberation, have concluded, that, in consequence of the difficulties which seem to have prevented the completion of the capitol at Madison, and the improvement of the town, which will continue for a series of years, the only remedy is a removal of the seat of government to some point where there is a prospect that proper public buildings will be erected, and where the convenience and comfort of the officers of the Terri-torial government will be found. : They would therefore recommend that the proposition of the citizens of Aztalan be accepted.1st. Because, the people of the Territory wish to be relieved, from the mystery that now hangs over the capitol to their manifest injury and inconve nience. 2d. Because the fiscal concerns of the Territory do not warrant the expenditure of the amount necessary for completing the present building, or of erecting a new building at any other point. 3d. Because Aztalan is situated in a fertile and flourishing country, already occupied by settlers, where all the conveniences and comforts of life can be found, and all the materials for build. ing can be readily obtained, and because it is at, or near the centre of the population of the Territory at this time, and will be for a number of years to come. 4th. Because the Territory will thereby be enabled to encourage education by providing that the present building be given for seminary purposes, for which purpose it can be finished from the means already appropriated to that object. 1 Your committee would therefore recommend the passage of the following bill, viz : "A bill to remove the seat of govern. ment from Madison to the town of Aztalan, in Jefferson county." The undersigned would not pass over in silence the claims of the town of Jefferson. This town is situated at the junction of the Rock and Craw. fish rivers, one and a half miles below the western termination of the Milwaukee and Rock River Canal; which, when comple. ted, will afford a water power, equal, if not superior to that of any other place in the Territory-there being a lockage of forty. four feet in its immediate vicinity, with an abundance of water for hydraulic purposes. It seems, from its peculiar position, to be the natural depot for the surrounding region of country. It is the seat of justice for the county of Jefferson, and situated within about one mile of its geographical centre; a court. house and jail are now being erected, and are to be completed within the present year. Territorial and county roads already established, and several authorized to be established, concentrate at this point, and render it easy of access, from every part of the Territory. Building materials of every description can be obtained at this place in as great abundance, and with as great facility, as at any other place in the Territory; and, it is understood that for beauty of scenery it is unsurpassed. But the most important consideration is the fact that the lands in its immediate vicinity are the property of the Territoryappropriated for the construction of the Milwaukee and Rock River Canal-and, were the capitol of the Territory located there, those lands would be greatly enhanced in value, and the fund for that important work be thereby greatly increased. But, as no specifications accompanied the proposals from the citizens of that place, the undersigned does not feel authorized to report a bill for the location of the capitol at that place. J. R. VINEYARD. Document No. 13. TREASURER'S OFFICE, Hon. James Maxwell, President of the Council, } DEAR SIR-I herewith enclose you a letter from the Treasurer of Milwaukee county, stating the condition of the Treasury of that county. The law which authorises five per cent. of the first moneys received by the county Treasurer to be set apart for territorial purposes is thus evaded. Milwaukee, Iowa, and some other counties have never paid a dollar into the Treasury, and from their mode of financiering perhaps they never will. I would respectfully suggest that the law for creating a territorial revenue be so amended that the amount required to be paid into the territorial treasury be collected in money, or that some steps be taken to secure the creditors of the territory with something better than county orders which are not worth more than from fifty to seventy-five cents on the dollar. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, R. L. REAM, Treasurer, Wis. Territory. Document No. 14. The committee on incorporations to whom was referred No. 19. A bill to create a fund for the benefit of the creditors of certain monied corporations; with instructions to report such amendments as shall make the same conform to the provisions of the safety fund system of the state of New York, beg leave to recommend for the adoption of the Council, the follow. ing amendments, viz: Amend sec. 10: Add "s" to the word "commissioner." Amend sec. 17: Strike out in the first line, the words "one person," and insert "three persons," and strike out the proviso. Amend sec. 18: Strike out in the first line "commissioner or." Amend sec. 19: Strike out in the first line, the words "commis. sioner or." Strike out the word "commissioner" in the fourth line, and insert " commissioners, or either of them." Amend sec. 20: Strike out "commissioner or" in the first and fifth lines. Amend sec. 28: Insert after the word "Legislature" in the seventh line, the words, " and the monied corporation or corpor. ations subject to the provisions of this act, shall appoint the re. maining two, in such manner as may be deemed proper by said corporation or corporations: which commissioners shall hold their office for one year." Add "s" to "commissioner" in eighth line. Strike out "the" in the ninth line, and insert "they." Strike out "him" in the tenth line and insert "them." Strike out "he" in the eleventh line and insert "they." Amend sec. 29: Add "s" to the word "commissioner," in first line. Strike out "his" in second line, and insert "their." Strike out in same line "he," and insert "they." Strike out "he" in third line, and insert "they." Strike out "his" in fourth line, and insert "their." Amend sec. 30: Add "s" to the word "commissioner" in first line. Strike out "him" in second line and insert "them." Strike out all between the word "act" in the fifth line and the word "and" in the seventh line. Strike out "him" in the seventh line, and insert " them each." 91 Amend sec. 31: Strikeout "commissioners or" in the fourth line. Amend sec. 32: Strike out "or commissioners" in second line. Strike out "commissioner or" in fourth line, and insert after the word "commissioners" in the same line "or either of them." |