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Begun and held, 3; Adjournment of, 310,

Of officers pro. tem. 4; of standing Committees, 23;
select committees, 28; of committees to wait on Governor,
5, 308; of committees of conference, 176, 181, 185, 229, 267:

Of Governor, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Of the President, on taking the chair,

Of the President, on leaving the chair,


Of Abner Nichols, presented,

Of James Clarke, presented,

Of Collier & Pettus, presented,

20, 21
309, 310



108, 165


iOf Samuel H. Davis, presented,

Of Com'rs to examine Mineral Point Bank, presented, 118

Of William C. Bostwick, presented,


"Of Harrison Reed, presented, 194; reported,


Of Samuel B. Knapp, presented, 220; reported on, 252, 253

Of M. M. Vineyard, presented, 220; reported on,


Of Timothy Wainwright, presented,


Of Richard Hendell, presented, 221; reported on,


Of W. W. Wyman, presented, 256: reported on, 271, 272
Of John F. O'Neill, presented,


Of J. E. Arnold, presented, 264, 265; reported on, 271, 272

Arnold, Jonathan E. member, admitted,

Beatty, George, elected Secretary,

Bennet, George, elected Transcribing Clerk,





No. 1. Relating to Sheriffs. First and second reading 26;

proceedings before passage, 34, 35; passed Council,
93; passed H. of Reps. 179; other proceedings, 183,
188; approved, 194.

No. 2. Changing the boundary lines of certain counties. First
and second reading, 26; proceedings before passage,
34, 35, 36, 37, 44, 47; passed Council, 47; passed H. of
Reps. 103; other proceedings, 105, 109; approved, 108.
No. 3. Concerning betting. First and second reading, 26;
other proceedings, 36, 38; negatived, 38.

No. 4. Supplemental to the act concerning testimony and de-
positions. First and second reading, 29; proceedings
before passage, 43, 87, 104, 117, 118, 131, 132, 135, 136;
passed Council, 137; passed H. of Reps. 250; other
proceedings, 255, 262, 264, 265, 267; approved, 286.
No. 5. To amend the act for assessing and collecting county
First and second reading, 29; proceedings


before passage, 51, 60.

No. 6. For the relief of the settlers on the canal lands in
the counties of Milwaukee and Jefferson. First and
second reading, 34; proceedings before passage, 41,
43, 44, 47; passed Council, 47; passed H. of Reps.
59; other proceedings, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65; approved, 65.

No. 7. To provide for the support of illegitimate children.
First and second reading, 34; proceedings before pas-
sage, 60, 65, 67; passed Council, 70; passed H. of
Reps. 231; other proceedings, 239, 242, 247; ap-
proved, 252.

No. 8. To amend the act establishing the rate of toll for
grinding. First and second reading, 35; proceedings
before passage, 48, 49, 83, 84, 87; passed Council, 88;
passed H. of Reps. 128; other proceedings, 163, 168,
176, 178; approved, 178.

No. 9. Declaring rivers navigable for certain purposes. First
and second reading, 36; procceedings before passage,
54, 69, 70; passed Council, 70; passed H. of Reps.
179; other proceedings, 183, 188; approved, 194.

No. 10. To establish a board of education, and the office of
superintendent of public schools, and to prescribe their
duties. First and second reading, 37; proceedings be-
fore passage, 54, 86, 96; negatived, 120, 121.

No. 11. To repeal the act relating to interest on contracts.
First and second reading, 41.

No. 12. To provide for laying out and establishing a territorial
road from Fort Winnebago to the Plover Portage, on the
Wisconsin River. First and second reading, 47; pro-
ceedings before passage, 54, 58; passed Council, 60,
To lay out and establish certain territorial roads therein
named. (See bill No. 12.)


No. 13. Concerning proceedings in district courts. First and
second reading, 47; proceedings before passage, 114,


No. 14. To elarge the boundaries of Portage county, and for
other purposes. First and second reading, 50; pro-
ceedings before passage, 68, 105, 120, 127, 140, 162,
171, 172, 177; passed Council, 177; passed H. of
Reps. 232; other proceedings, 236, 241, 245, 249, 252,
258, 260; approved, 263.

No. 15. To prescribe the number, duties, and compensation of the
officers of the Legislative Assembly, and for other pur-
poses. First and second reading, 50; proceedings be-
fore passage, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 87; passed Coun.
cil, 88; passed H. of Reps. 113; other proceedings,
121, 227, 129, 130; approved, 130.

No. 16. To amend the act to provide for the support of com.
mon schools, and for other purposes. First and sec-
ond reading, 57; proceedings before passage, 77, 95,
99, passed Council, 99; passed H. of Reps. 241; other
proceedings, 244, 245, 252, 258, 260; approved, 263.

No. 17. To amend the several acts of the Territory to author-
ize the levy and collection of taxes. First and second
reading, 58; proceedings before passage, 100, 101,
102, 111, 112, 113, 116, 117, 155, 156, 157, 158, 168;
passed Council, 170; indef. postponed by H. of Reps.,


No. 18. For the relief of Josiah Moore. First and second read.
ing 72; other proceedings, 82, 84; passed Council, 88;
passed H. of Reps., 103; other prooceedings, 105, 109,
approved 108.



No. 19. To incorporate the Fond du Lac Company. First and
second reading, 72; proceedings before passage, 114,
133, 135; passed Council, 137; passed H. of Reps.,
250; other proceedings, 252.

No. 20. To amend the act concerning the writ of attachment.
First and second reading, 79; proceedings before pas-
sage, 96, 105, 106, 109, 108, 109; passed Council, 109,
110; passed H. of Reps., 250; other proceedings, 266,
274; postponed by H. of Reps., 274; after proceed.
ings, 303, 304, 306.


No. 21. To provide for the compensation of the officers of the
Legislative Assembly. First and second reading, 79;
proceedings before passage, 89, 90, 93; passed Coun-
cil, 93; passed H. of Reps., 117; other proceedings,
121, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130; approved, 130.

No. 22. Regulating suits on bills of exchange and prommissory
notes. First and second reading, 82; proceedings be.
fore passage, 102, 103.

No. 23. To legalize the official acts of Thomas M'Kaig. First
and second reading, 87; proceedings before passage,
115, 116; passed Council, 115; passed H. of Reps.
175; other proceedings, 178, 183; approved, 183.

No. 24. To incorporate the village of Racine. First and sec.
ond reading, 93; proceedings before passage, 113,
119, 120, 133, 148, 149, 158, 159, 168; passed Coun-
cil, 170; passed. H. of Reps., 185; other proceedings,
192, 193, 203, 210, 216, 221; approved, 221.

No. 25. To repeal the act concerning costs and fees, and for
other purposes. First and second reading, 93; pro-
ceedings before passage, 144, 145, 147, 150; nega-
tived, 150.

No. 26. To restrain pedlars and other persons from trading
without license. First and second reading, 93; pro-
ceedings before passage, 134, 135, 145; passed Coun-
cil, 146; passed H. of Reps., 176; other proceedings,
177, 178, 184, 186; approved, 186.

No. 27. To amend the act concerning grand and petit jurors,
and the act to provide for the trial of criminal cases.
First and second reading, 100; proceedings before
passage 115, 132, 133, 136; passed Council, 137; pas-
H. of Reps. 179; other proceedings, 183, 188, 195;
approved, 194.

No. 28. Supplemental to the act concerning marriages. First
and second reading, 112; proceedings before passage,
139, 150, 166, 168; passed Council, 170; other pro-
ceedings, 180, 266, 268, 269.

No. 29. To amend the act concerning the lien of mechanics
and others for the cost of repairs and improvements on
real estate. First and second reading, 124, 125; pro-

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