Mr. Collins then moved to add thereto the words "until the first day of the next session of the Legislature." Which was determined in the negative, ayes 4, noes 9. And the ayes and noes having been called for. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Arnold, Col. lins, Vineyard and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Arndt, Brigham, Bullen, Janes, Learned, Rountree, Sterling and Uphain. The motion of Mr. Martin to lay on the table was then agreed to. Mr. Martin obtained leave to introduce the following resolutions: Resolved, That the committee on Territorial Affairs, be instructed to inquire, and report, such amendments of the several laws of the Territory, as may be necessary to relieve the people of the Territory from the large amount of taxes now authorised by law to be levied for county purposes. Resolved, That the Judiciary committee inquire and report what amendments are necessary to the several acts regulating writs of attachment. Which were severally read, considered, and adopted. Monday, December 21, 1840. Mr. Arndt presented the petition of Samuel Ryan and others, stockholders of the Fond du Lac company, asking that certain acts of said company may be legalized. Which was read and referred to Messrs. Arndt, Janes, and Learned. : The President laid before the Council a message from the Governor on Executive business; Also, a petition from citizens of Prairieville, asking a repeal of the law regulating the sale of intoxicating drinks within this Territory. Which were read and laid on the table. Mr. Arndt offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the Fiscal Agent of the Territory, Samuel B. Knapp, Esq., be requested to report to this Council the amount of moneys by him received and disbursed as such Agent; and further, that he be requested to report whether any moneys, belonging to the Territory, and what amount is in his hands; and whether he can provide means for the payment of the expenses of the present session, and for the payment of the balance due under appropriations of former sessions. Mr. Arnold offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the reporter for the "Madison Express," be excluded from the privilege of sitting within the bar as reporter of the debates of the Council. Which was laid on the table. Bill No. 3, (H. of R. file) entitled "A bill concerning county officers in the county of Fond du Lac," was taken up, read the third time and passed. And the title having been read, Mr. Upham moved to amend the same by adding thereto-"and for other purposes." Which was agreed to, and the title, as amended, was adopted. Mr. Brigham in accordance with notice given, obtained leave to introduce bill No. 14, entitled " A bill to enlarge the boundaries of Portage county, and for other purposes." Mr. Collins, in accordance with notice given, obtained leave to introduce bill No. 15, entitled " A bill to prescribe the number, duties, and compensation of the officers of the Legislative Assembly and for other purposes.' Which were read a first and second times, and laid on the table. Mr. Collins obtained leave, in accordance with notice given to introduce memorial No. 2, entitled "Memorial to Congress for the survey and construction of a railway from Lake Michigan to the river Mississippi." Which was read and laid on the table. Ordered, That the 48th of the standing rules of the Council be suspended for the present, in order that the message of the Governor, on Executive business, read this morning may be consid. ered now. The Council thereupon proceeded to the consideration of the said business. And, the executive business having been disposed of, On motion of Mr. Arnold, the resolution offered by him this morning, relative to the reporter for the "Madison Express," was taken up, and after some consideration thereon, On motion of Mr. Martin, the resolution was laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Arndt, the resolution offered by him this morning, calling upon the Fiscal Agent of the Legislature for certain information, was taken up considered, and adopted. On motion of Mr. Arndt, the Council resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Janes in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 5, entitled "A bill to amend an act entitled an act for assessing and collecting county revenue;" and, after some time the committee rose, and, by their chairman, reported progress in the business submitted to them, and asked leave to sit again thereon. Leave was granted. 4 On motion of Mr. Martin, the Council resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Bullen in the chair, for the consideration of resolution No. 3, (H. of R. file) entitled " Resolution concerning the appointment of a joint committee." After some time, the committee rose and reported the resolution without amendment. Mr. Arnold then moved to amend the resolution by inserting after the words " as soon as practicable," as follows:-" whether a general change in the present system of county or town Gov. ernment is necessary, and, it so, what system should be adopt. ed; and also to report." The motion to amend was agreed to. The question then being on ordering the resolution to a third reading, it was determined in the negative. So the resolution was rejected. On motion of Mr. Sterling, the Council re-considered the vote by which resolution No. 3 (H. of R.) was rejected. And the question being again put an ordering the same to a third reading. Mr. Arndt moved a re-consideration of the vote by which the amendment just made thereto, on motion of Mr. Arnold was adopted. Which was disagreed to. Mr. Upham then moved to lay the resolution on the table. Mr. Arndt moved to amend by adding thereto "until the fourth The motion to amend was disagreed to-ayes 3, noes 9. And the ayes and noes being called for. Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Arndt, Col. lins, and Sterling. Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arnold, Brig. ham, Bullen, Janes, Learned, Martin, Rountree, Upham, and Maxwell, (President.) And the question then being on the motion of Mr. Upham to lay the resolution on the table. Mr. Janes moved to adjourn, Which was disagreed to. Mr. Upham then withdrew the motion to lay on the table; and, the question recurring on ordering the resolution to a third reading, it was determined in the negative-ayes 6 noes 6. And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Bul len, Janes, Rountree, Upham, and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arndt, Brig ham, Collins, Learned, Martin, and Sterling. So the resolution was rejected. On motion of Mr. Sterling, the Council adjourned. Tuesday, December 22, 1840. On motion of Mr. Sterling, The Council proceeded to the consideration of executive busi ness; and the executive business having been disposed of, On motion of Mr. Martin, The Council resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Bullen in the chair, for the consideration of resolution No. 2, entitled "resolution relative to the survey of the public lands within the Territory;" also, resolution No 5, (H. of R. file,) en. titled "resolution relative to unsurveyed lands;" and after some time the committee rose, and by their chairman, reported the same to the Council without amendment. Resolution No. 2 was thereupon ordered to be engrossed for a third reading; and, On motion of Mr. Janes, Resolution No. 5, (H. of R. file,) was indefinitely postponed. On motion of Mr. Janes, |