Dramatherapy: Clinical Studies

Steve Mitchell
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1996 - 259 sidor

Showing how dramatherapy is used in practice in work with different client groups, Dramatherapy: Clinical Studies is intended for both students and practising dramatherapists. It includes both case studies of dramatherapy as it actually works and descriptions of group work. Illustrating the challenge of putting a particular methodology into practice when working with specific client groups, the book demonstrates particular frameworks around which to base an approach, without prescribing pre-set work formats.

Each contributor places his or her working method within a particular theoretical orientation and provides valuable insights into how this philosophy works in action. All the contributors are trained dramatherapists currently active in the clinical field about which they are writing.

Från bokens innehåll


Dramatherapy with People with Learning Disabilities
Dramatherapy and Outpatient Support Groups
The Ritual of Individual Dramatherapy

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Om författaren (1996)

Steve Mitchell is a full-time dramatherapist and Course Director of Dramatherapy Programmes at the Roehampton Institute, London and also works for Lancaster Priorities Health Trust, Lancaster, UK.

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