Holocaust Denial: Demographics, Testimonies, and IdeologiesUniversity Press of America, 2000 - 406 sidor Zimmerman's work is the only book that comprehensively examines the underlying arguments of Holocaust denial. He goes into great depth on the actual arguments that deniers use. Holocaust Denial examines their methodology, use of sources and reasoning process. Historians have been very reluctant to examine denier arguments because they do not want to draw attention to them. But this movement is gaining ground in Europe and Canada, and will only become stronger as the World War II generation passes away. This book will debunk all of the denier arguments. Zimmerman will finally provide the reader who is interested in the actual arguments of denial a means to evaluate their legitimacy. The true value of this book will be realized when the last of that generation is gone. This book is of value to historians and Holocaust scholars, as well as anyone interested in the Holocaust and the denial movement. |
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Sida 192
... cellar " outside of Crematorium II have ignored another document also dated January 29 , 1943 which states that Crematorium II " is completed . ..but for secondary details ( the formwork cannot yet be removed from corpse cellar 2 ...
... cellar " outside of Crematorium II have ignored another document also dated January 29 , 1943 which states that Crematorium II " is completed . ..but for secondary details ( the formwork cannot yet be removed from corpse cellar 2 ...
Sida 195
... cellar II and walked into cellar I where they were gassed . The bodies were then removed from cellar I to be ... Corpse Cellar I. A letter dated February 11 , 1943 from the head of the Auschwitz Construction Management underlines ...
... cellar II and walked into cellar I where they were gassed . The bodies were then removed from cellar I to be ... Corpse Cellar I. A letter dated February 11 , 1943 from the head of the Auschwitz Construction Management underlines ...
Sida 366
... cellar " could have been Corpse Cellar III in Crematorium II , where the gas was stored . The problem is that the final completion document on Crematorium II reveals that there was no Corpse Cellar III . Text in Pressac , Auschwitz ...
... cellar " could have been Corpse Cellar III in Crematorium II , where the gas was stored . The problem is that the final completion document on Crematorium II reveals that there was no Corpse Cellar III . Text in Pressac , Auschwitz ...
Andra upplagor - Visa alla
Holocaust Denial: Demographics, Testimonies, and Ideologies John C. Zimmerman Fragmentarisk förhandsgranskning - 2000 |
Holocaust Denial: Demographics, Testimonies, and Ideologies John C. Zimmerman Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2000 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
appears Arad Archives argued arrived Arthur Butz Auschwitz Auschwitz Chronicle barracks Bauleitung Belzec Birkenau bodies building camp authorities Carlo Mattogno Chapter cited claimed coke concentration camps Corpse Cellar cremation crematoria cyanide Czech David Irving Death Books Death Camp delousing delousing chamber discussed document double muffle Eichmann Einsatzgruppen evidence extermination eyewitness facilities fact Faurisson Final Solution gas chambers gassing cellar German Germany's Goebbels Gusen Himmler historians Hitler Hoess Holocaust denier Hungarian Jews Hungarian operation Ibid incinerated Irving's issue Jean-Claude Pressac Jewish July June killed known Krema Kremer Leuchter Report March mass murder Mattogno memo memoirs mentioned million morgue Nazi noted Nyiszli October Operation Reinhard ovens photographs pits Poland Polish Pressac problem Rassinier registered prisoners registration numbers Reich resettlement samples Sanning Sobibor Sonderkommando Soviet Union special action special treatment Staglich testimony Text Topf transport Treblinka trial typhus Weber White Bunker wrote Yitzhak Arad Zyklon