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Lutheran Magazine.||which entitle them to the patronage


Hartwick Seminary.-Some important changes have recently occurred in this institution, which we have been requested to notice, for the information of our readers. The Rev. GEORGE B. MILLER, formerly assistant teacher, was unanimously chosen by the Board of Trustees, at their last annual meeting, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignanation of the Rev. Doct. Hazelius, as Principal and Professor of Theology. The Rev. CHRISTIAN B. THUMMEL, was also unanimously chosen to the office of Assistant Teacher, in both departments.

of the public, and the entire confidence of the church. We have no doubt, that, under their government and direction, the Seminary will, with the divine blessing, continue to flourish, and preserve the character which it has hitherto sustained.

We have always regarded our Theological Seminary, as a pure nursery of the evangelical principles of our church; and as we were desirous of seeing those principles cherished and preserved amongst us, we have always felt a deep interest in the welfare of this institution. We have sincerely rejoiced in its past prosperity; because we have viewed it as inseparably connected with the interests of our church in this section of the country. We still view it as such-and especially since the changes which it has recently undergone, have not reduced its standing, nor altered its character, we feel the more encouraged in our devotion to

From our personal knowledge of the religious and literary qualifications of these gentlemen, we feel gratified in being enabled to state, that both are eminently fitted for the respective stations to which they have been called. Prof. Miller has been long engaged as an instructor of its interests, and our labors for its youth in our literary institutions, and prosperity. wherever he has had an opportunity of exercising his talents as a literary and theological teacher, he has given universal satisfaction. The Rev. Mr. Thummel received his classical and theological education at the University of Bonn, in Germany, and was recently engaged as adjunct professor in the Polytechny at Chittenango, where he discharged his official duties with merited approbation. We can, therefore, safely say, that Hartwick Seminary is, at present, in a condition as favorable to its future prosperity, as at any former period. Both the principal and assistant teacher possess qualifications

Western Conference,&c.-The Western Conference of Lutheran Ministers and Candidates in the State of New-York, met in the Evangelical Lutheran church at Brunswick,Rensselaer county, on Tuesday the 7th of September last. In the evening, divine service was performed in the church by the Rev. Doct. HAZELIUS, Chairman of the Conference. the morning of the 8th of September, a sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. LAWYER, Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Sandlake; and in the evening of the same day, the Rev. Mr. CROWNSE, pastor


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of the Evangelical Lutheran churches || fund, from the "Female Education at Guilderland and Bern, delivered Society of Hartwick."

The business of the

It gives us great pleasure to record these instances of female liberality.

a discourse. Conference was commenced on the 7th and finished on the 8th of Sep-We have always supposed that, tember. The most important sub-much good might be effected in our. ject, which engaged the attention of church, by the benevolent efforts of the brethren at this meeting, was a females, and we rejoice to see that proposition to separate from the Evan- spirit awakened in some portions of gelical Lutheran Synod of the State our Zion, which, wherever it has of New-York. After all the mem-been exercised, has operated so efbers present, had fully express- fectually in promoting objects of ed their sentiments and views on christian benevolence. The Societhis subject, it was unanimously re-ties above mentioned, deserve the solved, that the Ministers and Dele- grateful acknowledgements of the gates from Congregations within the church, for their liberal contributions. bounds of the Conference, be re- May their spirited and successful quested to meet in convention, at exertions to promote the objects of Schoharie, on the last Tuesday in Oc-our Missionary and Education Socitober, for the purpose of taking into consideration the expediency of forming a new Synod. The object of this convention, is to ascertain the views and wishes of all our western ministers and congregations in relation to this proposition, and if they should be in favor of a separation, to organise another Synod of our church in this state. The measure proposed by the Conference, is important, and we trust that all our western congregations may be represented at the convention.

ety, induce many others to follow their praiseworthy example.

The New Man, a Sermon, preached at Halle, in the year 1724, by the Rev. J. J. Rambach, formerly minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and Professor of Divinity in the University of Halle, Germany; translated by the Rev. J. D. Lawyer, Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sandlake, Rensselaer County, N. Y. Printed at Schoharie, 1830.-This is a plain practical discourse, in the true spirit of the times, and worthy Female Liberality.-On the list of of its distinguished author. It gives donations and contributions to the Do-a clear, rational, and scriptural exmestic Missionary and Education So- position of the doctrine of the new ciety of the Lutheran Church in the birth. It sets forth, in the strongest State of New-York, published in light, the great change, which must this number, it will be seen, that the take place in every man, before he Treasurer acknowledges the receipt can enter the kingdom of God. It of $25, from the "Female Educa- represents man in his natural state, tion Society, of Canajoharie." In as spiritually dead, and his deliverour last number, we published a do-ance from this state, as the work of nation of $18, for the education the Holy Spirit; whereby the sin


ner is turned from darkness to light,|| The next is our own gracious sover`and from death to life. The author eign, William IV. who is 65, terms this change, a new creation, has long been troubled with an asthwhich, although it cannot be perfect- however, in tolerable good health, matic complaint. He is at present, comprehended, is true and real. He and does not appear to be more than shows the indispensable necessity of 50. His temperate habits, and practhe new birth, from the declarations tice of early rising, are too well of Scripture-the holiness and purity Felix, king of Sardinia, is of the known to need any further mention. of the divine character, and the deep same age as our own monarch and and innate depravity of human na-enjoys good health. Bernadotte, He mentions the experience king of Sweden, is 66, and has reof divine grace in the heart-the cently had a severe illness, but is a love of God-a filial obedience of strong and healthy man. Frederic his commandments-the spirit of VI. of Denmark, 62 years old, is a very healthy man. Frederick Wm. adoption--triumph over our spiritual III. king of Prussia, in his 60th enemies, and patience under the year, possesses a tolerable good share cross, as evidences, whereby a man of health, and bids fair to live to a may know that he is born of God. good old age. The king of the NeThe whole discourse, replete with therlands, William I. is 58; he has the appearance of a weather-beaten sound doctrine and pious sentiments, soldier, as he is; and, although subwe recommend to the serious perusal ject to chronic complaints, is robust. of our readers. It should be gener- Francis, Emperor of Austria, is 52, ally distributed among our congregaand healthy. His affability and condescension in listening to the comtions, as a Lutheran tract, exhibiting the sentiments of one of the first di-jects, and redressing their grievances, plaints of the meanest of his subvines of our church, on the doctrine of regeneration.

has rendered him the most popular sovereign in Europe. Francis, king of Naples is 51, and gouty. His character is quite the reverse of his

AGES AND OTHER PARTICULARS OF namesake of Austria. Mahmoud II.


Sultan of Turkey, is 46, and possess




The following statement, the au-ed of great vigor of body and mind. thenticity of which may be relied The Turks, however, grow on, will no doubt prove interesting maturely, and Mahmoud may be therefore reckoned as 60 years old to our readers at the present time, as least. His countenance and his showing the ages of the principal are particularly striking and impresSovereigns of Europe, and the length sive, and he is naturally a very suof their reigns:perior man, having alone been the means of causing extraordinary changes in the Turkish system. Ferdinand VII. of Spain, is 45 years old, and has long been a prey to diseases. He has the gout constantly, and is quite incapable of any active exertion; he has, however, lately married his third queen. His character is said to afford an unfavorable speci

The oldest sovereign is Charles X. of France, who is 73 years of age, tall in person, and very hale; it is said he hunts and rides constantly, and is much in public. The Pope, Pious VIII. is 68, about the same age as his late majesty, and in tolerable vigour. The church is usually considered favorable to longevity.

Family Worship.



Louis, "A pious household worship thee;
"At once they sing, at once they pray,
They hear of heaven, and learn the way."
Then follows the prayer, which
should not be so long as to weary,
nor so short as to seem like a mere

form; it should be fervent, for a dull,
cold, heartless repetition of almost
the same things in almost the same
words, is sure to destroy all the in-
terest of this delightful service, and
to render it a mere form, which wea-
ries and burdens, if it do not also

disgust. How difficult is it to keep up the life and vigor of this engagement! And why? Because we do not keep up the life and vigor of our own personal religion. It is worth while to remark, that the habit of reverential reading of the Scriptures tends to feed the flame of devotion, and to kindle the fire of the sacrihead of a family, should be in a vefice of prayer. The prayer of the

men of the Bourbon race. King of Bavaria, is in his 45th year, and has suffered from indulgence, and has but late recovered from a long illness. Though his gallantry has been excessive, his merits as a sovereign and as a man of letters are acknowledged to be very high, and he has been, perhaps justly, styled the most enlightened king in Europe. He passed many years in study, and his mind is of an enlarged and liberal cast. The publication of a volume of poems has recently obtained him much fame as an author, in addition to that derived from the wisdom of his government; and the longer he reigns, the better for his country. Nicholas I. Emperor of Russia, is 34, tall and handsome in appearance, hardy and active, and accustomed to laborious exertions. A few months since he had a very dangerous illness, from which he is now quite recovered. He is consi-ry peculiar degree, family prayer.— dered as a very ambitious monarch, It should respect the children, the and enlargement of territory appears household. All should feel that the servants, the circumstances of the to be his ruling passion. The youngest and only female sovereign is Don-service belongs to them, and not na Maria de Gloria, the legitimate merely to the individual who prays, Queen of Portugal, (Don Miguel not having been yet recognised,) who is in her 13th year. She promises to be very beautiful, but her health is delicate, and she is so lame as to be obliged to use crutches. She is now at Rio Janeiro, with her father the Emperor of Brazil.

From the above statement it will

appear that most of the European Sovereigns have arrived at an advanced period of life, and a few years will probably bring about many changes.


Where there are persons in the family that can sing, family praise should ascend to heaven. The morning or evening hymn of a pious family, is one of the most touching sounds in our world. "Lord, how delightful 'tis to see,

or to the church and the world.But fervor, and life, and earnestness, as opposed to what is dull and formal, is of immense consequence. A few petitions breathed forth with a fervor that kindles the fire of devotion in all around, are far better than half an hour's talking about religion to God.

Oh, with what dignity, and grace, and sanctity, and authority, does a holy and fervent father rise from his knees, and take his seat in the midst of his family, while yet the rays of divine glory play upon his countenance. "Children," says Dr. Dwight, "naturally regard a parent with reverence; but they cannot fail to reverence him more or less on account of his personal character. Wherever they have been accustomed to behold their parent daily sustaining the of-` fice of minister or servant of God, they necessarily associate with every

idea they form of his person and relish. Still I was not willing wholcharacter, this solemn and important ly to relinquish them, and obey the apprehension. Every image of this voice which urged me to seek relivenerable relation presented to their gion immediately. One day, after minds, will include in it that of a much reflection, I deliberately prodivinely appointed guardian of their mised to God, that as soon as the spiritual concerns; a guide to their season of youthful amusements was duty, given them from above; a ven- past, I would give myself to religious erated and beloved intercessor for pursuits. My anxieties immediately their salvation." And the same left me; I returned to my amusewriter, in speaking of family wor-ments, and the whole subject was ship, says, "In the devotion of this soon forgotten. little assembly, parents pray for their "When at thirty-five, the monichildren, and children for their pa- tory voice again returned, reminded rents; the husband for the wife, and me of my promise, and impressed the wife for the husband; while me with the importance of eternal brothers and sisters send up their re-things. Though I had not thought quests to the throne of infinite mer- of my promise for years, I acknowlcy to call down blessings on each edged its obligation, but an immediother. Who that wears the name of ate fulfilment seemed more impraca man can be indifferent here? Must ticable than it did nineteen years benot the venerable character of the fore. parent, the peculiar tenderness of "I vowed with increased solemnithe conjugal union, the affectionate ty, that when the cares of a rising intimacy of the filial and fraternal family should subside, I would cerrelations; must not the nearness of tainly attend to the concerns of relirelations long existing, the inter-gion. change of kindness long continued, and the oneness of interests long cemented,—all warm the heart, heighten the importance of every petition, and increase the fervor of every devotional effort."-[Rev. J. A. James.

"Again I applied myself to worldly avocations, and soon buried the thoughts of the admonitions I had received. At fifty, when you, my children, were diminishing, instead of increasing my cares, this heavenly monitor returned,-" Fulfil your ON QUENCHING THE SPIRIT. promise now," was continually press"My children," said the old man, ing on my mind. I knew that I "few will be the words of thy dying had made such a promise, but I felt father. I wish them to sink deep dissatisfied that its fulfilment should into your hearts," Then raising him- be claimed so soon. I regretted that self a little in his bed, with a de-I had not attended to the subject begree of strength which he had not fore, when I could have done it with been able to command for several of less difficulty; but such was the exthe last weeks of his sickness, he tent and pressure of my business, proceeded :that to do it then seemed impossible. "When young I enjoyed religious The subject made me unhappy, and privileges, and was the subject of after much deliberation, I sought reoccasional serious reflection. When lief to my troubled feelings by most just entering my 16th year, religious solemnly renewing my promise to impressions were made on my mind God. When, I said, the pressure of with unusual force. I seemed to my business is past, I will devote hear a voice continually saying to the whole of my attention to a preme, seek religion now. I was unhap-paration for eternity.

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py; my former amusements lost their "No sooner had I fixed my mind

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