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into vessels of mercy and fitted for an exceeding and eternal weight of glory. In the redeem

their effects will be seen to be but parts of this greatest and best work. In his final disposal of all things, God will so ex-ed people of God will be seen hibit this work, as to show that he created and governed the universe in reference to the redemption of his chosen people.

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the brightest ornament of his unbounded perfections. Again,

5. The redemption of his people affords the Supreme being the most perfect gratification of his When infinite benevolence. God formed the purpose of their redemption, he knew how much must be done and suffered for its accomplishment. He knew that his own character would be tried in the most thorough manner. He knew that the eternal and unbounded treasures of his knowledge, wisdom, power, and mercy goodness, justice

must be freely opened and be stowed upon his people, for their complete redemption and eternal preservation and advancement in knowledge, holiness and happiness. And God was induced to form the plan of re demption, because his people would for ever require the increasing exercise and expression of his eternal and unbounded be

4. By the redemption of his people God designs to give the most perfect exhibition of his own perfections. He created all things by Jesus Christ, to the intent that now unto principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord; we are also informed that he saves his people, "that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace through Christ Jesus." It is also declared to be done to the praise of the glory of his grace,' and to make known the riches of his glory." It is then evident that God will, by the redemption of his people, give the fullest and brightest exhibition of his char-nevolence. In forming the deacter. By their redemption, in its design, connections and consequences, God will manifest both his greatness and goodness. He will manifest the greatness of his knowledge and wisdom in concerting the purpose of redemption. He will manifest the greatness of his power in creating, preserving and governing all things, so as to complete the purpose of his knowledge and wis-ness he will bring his people into dom. And his knowledge, wisdom and power will be seen to have been under the direction aud influence of unbounded goodness and sovereign mercy, when his people shall be formed'

sign of redemption God exercised and gratified his perfect goodness. For the sake of his goodness he gave his Son to come into the world and to die on the cross, that he might atone for the sins of his people. For the sake of his goodness he promised and he bestows the Holy Spirit for their instruction and sanctification. For the sake of his good

the kingdom of glory. And then they will be prepared to receive and enjoy the ever-increasing expressions of his loving-kindness and tender mercies. Whatever God shall have done for his peo

perfect knowledge of past and of
present events cannot remove
the dark veil which is thrown
over futurity.
We could not

ple, each successive period of lone, what purposes he has formeterual duration will demand a ed. We find ourselves in existrenewed and enlarged expression ence, and see around us such obof his unbounded goodness and jects and events, as attract our mercy for their preservation and attention and engage our feeladvancement in knowledge, ho- ings. From tradition and histoJiness and happiness. God will ry we learn what has occurred in never have occasion to turn former years and in distant parts from his redeemed people for of the world. But the most the purpose of forming a new design and of preparing other objects for the gratification of his eternal and perfect goodness. The happiness of God consists in the fullest gratification of his benevolence. And since his people will afford an opportunity for this greatest and best of purposes, they will for ever re-ent time, either to ourselves, or main the beloved objects of his highest delight and most perfect enjoyment. An object of no less importance than the fullest grat-events, which will exist on earth ification and most perfect blessedness of the greatest, wisest and best of beings, who is the Creator, Preserver and Governor of all things, will be accomplished by the redemption of his people.

have foreseen what occurred the last year among the pations and families of mankind; nor can we now determine what will occur, within a year from the pres

to any of our fellow-creatures. What opinion, then, or conjecture can we form respecting the

during the successive periods of futurity? We may believe that He who has created, will still preserve and govern the world. We may believe that his counsel shall stand; and that he will do all his pleasure. But we cannot know what he has counselled, nor what he will do, further

The revealed purposes of God, the than he has revealed his designs. foundation of Prayer.


It is to divine revelation we are indebted for the knowledge of what God has designed and of what he will yet accomplish, among the nations and families of the earth. In the Holy Scriptures He has revealed some of his most important purposes.

ITHOUT the instructions of revelation, there is much natural evidence that God has formed some purposes respecting his own conduct and the creatures he has caused to exist. His knowledge, wisdom 1. God has revealed his purand goodness require us to be- pose to bind Satan a thousand lieve that he intends to accom-years. In the Scriptures Satan plish the most important and be- is called the god of this world. nevolent purposes, by the crea- The errors and delusions, the tion, preservation and govern- wickedness and misery, which ment of his creatures. But have prevailed among mankind though reason teaches this, we in all past ages, are to be ascribcould never know by its light a-' ed, as means, to his subtle and

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years be fulfilled.". The future confinement of Satan, who has, in all past ages, excited the children of men to wickedness and violence, is one of the important purposes, which God has revealed in the Holy Scriptures.

malicious influence. He tempt- Scriptures respecting Satan, it is ed and destroyed the first evident that he has great influrents of the human race. Fence in tempting, deceiving and provoked David to number Is- destroying human beings. He rael. He accused and afflicted has raged and fought with great Job. He stood at the right violence against the Saviour and hand of Joshua, the high-priest, his people. But God designs to resist him. He tempted the that he shall be confined and Lord Jesus Christ, when he was prevented from deceiving the naon earth. He led Judas to be- tions. For John says" I saw tray the Saviour. And when an angel come down from heavSatan desired to have Peter, that en, having the key of the bothe might sift him as wheat, he tomless pit and a great chain in moved him profanely to deny his hand. his Lord and Master. Satan also filled the heart of Annanias and Sapphira to lye unto God. Paul says, "He blinds the minds of them who believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." And he represents Satan, as working with all power, and signs, and lying wonders; and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness." Peter informs Christians-that their "adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he 2. God has revealed his purmay devour." By John the pose to destroy every false sys Spirit says "There was war in tem of religion. There is reason heaven Michael and his angels to believe that there has never fought against the dragon; and existed any nation, which was the dragon fought and his an- wholly destitute of religious ogels, and prevailed not; neither pinions and services. Yet, as was their place found any more all mankind, by nature, hate in heaven. And the great dra- and reject the knowledge, sergon was cast out, that old ser- vice and worship of the living pent, called the devil and Satan, and true God, most nations have who deceiveth the whole world: formed and established the most he was cast out into the earth false and foolish opinions on reand his angels were cast out with ligious subjects. And their rehim." And he adds--"Woe to ligious practices have been no the inhabitants of the earth and better than their opinions. The of the sea! for the devil hath apostle declares that men, "procome down unto you, having fessing themselves to be wise, great wrath, because he knoweth became fools, and changed the that he hath but a short time." glory of the incorruptible God From what is taught in the' into an image made like to cor..

are some pretended atheists and many real deists. Among those who profess to believe the Scriptures, there are many, who deny the character and government of God, the character and

If we take the light of divine truth for our guide, we shall be led to believe that such religious opinions and practices, as imply a rejection of the living and true God, and the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, are adopted by the greater part of the nations and families, where the gospel is preached. All the rest of the world lies in total darkness and wick

ruptible man, and to birds and four footed beasts and creeping things." When it is considered that the children of Israel, after all the wonders they saw in Egypt and at the Red Sea, within forty days after God had ap-mediation of Christ, and the peared and given the law at character and influence of the Mount Sinai, and they promis- Holy Spirit. ed to obey all his commands, made and worshipped the golden calf; it may well be supposed that there can be no opinions too absurd, and no practices too wicked for mankind to adopt and maintain under the profession of religion. Such nations, families and individuals, as have not been favored with the word and Spirit of God, have exceeded what could have been sup-edness. Nor would there be the posed, or can easily be believed, smallest foundation to hope for in the folly, cruelty, obscenity any amendment in the religious and impiety of their religious condition of mankind, were we ceremonies. They have made not favored with the revealed and worshipped idols in the form purposes of God. But he has of men, of birds, of beasts, of declared that "he will destroy serpents and filthy monsters. the face of the covering cast Parents have burnt their chil-over all people, and the vail that dren in the fire, as an offering to their idols. And in a similar manner many devotees of false worship have destroyed themselves. In all past ages and in almost all nations such has been the religion, which has prevailed among mankind. The religion of the greater part of the world is no better at the present time. At least one half of the millions, who now exist on earth, are heathens. And there are nearly as many Jews and Mahometans, who are professed and bitter enemies to Christianity, as there are nominal Christians. And they are in as bad a state as the heathen nations. In those parts of the world, in which the gospel is preached and professed, there

is spread over all nations." When Satan shall be bound, that he no more deceive the nations, all fatal errors and delusions on religious subjects will cease. And from many declarations, which God has made, it appears that he intends to destroy from the earth every false system of religion.

3. God has revealed his purpose to destroy every anti-christian community. Mankind are formed into numerous communities, which are established and maintained for civil, religious, commercial and literary purposes. But the civil communities, which exist among men, are the most important; and they comprehend, under various

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divisions and governments, the er it be committed by individuwhole human family. Almost als, or by communities, is an all the civil establishments, that offence against God, and excites have ever existed in the world, his displeasure. If civil officers, have been hostile to the charac- magistrates and legislators, or if ter and the government of the military commanders, when only living and true God. Fame, they are engaged in public afwealth, conquest and dominion fairs, profane the name of the have been the principal objects Lord, or pollute the Sabbath, or of civil rulers and their subjects. swear falsely, or do injustice to To gain these objects they have individuals, or to communities, made the earth a field of blood, they sin against God. And so and filled the world with vio- far as the individuals, that comlence. They have, therefore, pose a civil community, approve been in a state of enmity and and follow the sins of their rurebellion against God and his lers, they partake of their wickholy kingdom. "The kings of edness. Now it is certain that the earth set themselves, and God does address nations in and the rulers take counsel to- their public capacity, and re gether, against the Lord, and quires that they repent of their against his anointed, saying, offences, honor his Son and obey Let us break their bands asun- his commands. And he does as der and cast away their cords plainly threaten to punish and from us." This is a correct destroy nations, as individuals, description of the feelings, de- for their sins. He does also signs and exertions of almost all promise to pardon and save penthe civil communities that ever itent and obedient communities, existed. And it would be dif- as well as individuals. Though ficult to determine how many of it be, in some degree, difficult the civil communities, that now to determine what constitutes exist, are not guilty of such de- such a character and conduct signs and practices, as amount in a nation or people, as will to a public rejection of the su- prove their destruction; yet it preme authority and government is certain and plain that God of the true God and the Lord will destroy every anti-christian Jesus Christ. It is certain that community. He, who is King on there are but few civil commu- the holy hill of Zion, has said, nities, that do, in their public "I will declare the decree: the transactions, either fear God, or Lord hath said unto me- -Thou keep his commands, or honor art my Son; this day have I bethe King of Zion. And it is gotten thee. Ask of me, and I equally certain that most king-shall give the heathen for thine doms and nations, with their ci- inheritance, and the uttermost vil rulers, do, in their civil, commercial and military concerns, injure and oppress their fellow-men and transgress the requirements and despise the authority of the Supreme being.-"Be wise now, therefore, O ye Every act of wickedness, wheth- kings: be instructed ye judges

parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." It is then said

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