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answer, what he said to his dis
ciples when they came to him
on the like errand,
"In the
world ye shall have tribulation,
but be of good cheer I have o-
vercome the world." Of such
importance and value is a reve-

3. From the accomplishment of prophecy, we may learn that the absolute determinations of the Most High, and the absolute dependence and freedom of intelligent beings, are perfectly consistent.

Atheism, are accountable to him,
and must one day stand before a
Judge of inflexible justice. By
the fulfilment of prophecy, reve-
lation is clearly substantiated,
and stands unimpeachable in the
view of sound reason.
Revelation is of high impor-lation from God.
tance to mankind, that they
might be taught the sure way
to glory and rest with God. If
this were not the case, we can-
not conceive for what reason
the angel should fly, and con-
tinue to fly over the habitable
world, until the gospel is preach-
ed unto all that dwell on the
earth. It is of importance to
dispel the darkness which sin
has spread over the human
mind; to remove doubts and
uncertainties concerning things
of futurity, which the light of
nature cannot do. If it were
not considered of high impor-
tance by wise men, as well as
by God himself, would there be
such liberal contributions made
for so many re-publications of
the inspired volume? There is
no other volume on earth, that
like sums can be procured for
its re-publication. It stands dis-
tinguished from all others, and
is held in higher estimation on
account of its real importance.
It is in a particular manner
highly esteemed by all who are
experimentally acquainted with
its divine excellencies. It is a
source of consolation to them in
passing through scenes of a most
mysterious providence ; for
something applicable to their
various circumstances can al-
ways be found in the sacred
volume. In reading the scrip-
tures, they have access to the
mercy seat, and may tell Jesus
all their sorrows, and receive for

No man can say with color of reason that he ever acts, or thinks, or speaks, but with freedom and out of choice, under ex• isting circumstances. No one will dare to say that he is independent of God. Nor will any one say that God does not know all things. If he knows all things past, present, and to come, as they respect us, then they must be absolutely certain; and absolute decree implies no more nor less. When two or more things may be said to exist at the same given time, their existence is perfectly consistent with each other's existence.Thus the divine determinations, the absolute dependence on God, and freedom of the creature do exist at the same given time, therefore they are consistent.

Prophecy and its fulfilment will imply all these things; and the certainty of the fulfilment rests upon God, and will never be frustrated. When we behold the mysterious ways of providence in bringing to pass, often by the voluntary conduct of men, the very thing they intended to prevent; which was the case with the sons of Jacob, wheu they conspired against their

brother Joseph, with the Jews, the Lord shall be thine everlast

when they crucified the Lord of glory. Therefore when these things are viewed in their true light, objections cease, and it becomes every one to be still, to be humble and adore.

ing light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. Let them say, in the name of the Lord, to the north give up; and to the south keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth. Believe the promise (and behold the rapturous scene rush

4. From the explanation of this prophecy, we may learn reasonably, to rest assured that all remaining prophecy will be ful-ing into view, the universe in


This is now fulfilling; since all prophecy is dictated by the same Spirit of God, the conclusion is just and reasonable, that all others will be, which are not yet fulfilled, and this world shall be delivered from its present grievous troubles, of fraud, rapine, blood and carnage. And no answer can now be given to strengthen the faith and patience of the saints in the days of their tribulation, but that given to those who were slain for the word of God. And it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also, and their brethren that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

5. From a review of this subject the prospect brightens.

motion, Europe, Asia, Africa, and America moving at the divine mandate with haste to Zion. The Jews forgetting their obstinacy, Pagans their superstition, Idolaters their Gods that can neither hear nor speak, and the Heathen their ignorance, for they are come to the knowledge of the Lord, and the glory of his anointed. Can we be inattentive to that which engages the attention of angels, while we have a part to act in the sublime work! Surely we cannot, but will readily lend an helping hand, when there is yet room in the church for us and them-in the merits of Christ-in the mercy of God, and in heaven.—Amen.

On looking to God in distress.


We are near the close of the days of sorrow. The first five vials are poured out, the sixth HE troubles of life are maand seventh only remain. The ny. Deep afflictions, thro' angel is now flying, neither seas our own indiscretions, the injunor deserts impede his flight.ries of other men, or a righteous Then may those who go forth providence, often fill the soul with in his spirit to preach good ti- sorrow, for which there is no dings to all people, say unto remedy, unless it be found in them, Violence shall no more be God himself. Sinners convincheard in thy land, wasting nored by the Spirit, of their own destruction in thy borders; but guilt and danger, often pass long thou shalt call thy walls salva-seasons without any sense of retion, and thy gates praise. Thy lief. When men are in deep sun shall no more go down; nor distress, they often wonder why thy moon withdraw itself: for the divine encouragements, that VOL. VI. NO. 11.


treme distress.

But we are

greatly ignorant of the human heart, if we have not learnt that under all these compliances, men may be wholly self-sufficient and at enmity against God. We naturally feel as if we were inde

those who look unto God shall be relieved, are not fullfiled in their case. It is because they do not look aright. The following remarks explain what is implied in such looking to God as the promises regard. 1. A despair of obtaining re-pendent of God, and we are unlief in any other way. We are willing to acknowledge him to naturally more opposed to God be Lord over us. Hence men than we ever can be to any oth- never look unto God in their er being. For "the carnal mind distresses until they despair of is enmity against God. It is not obtaining relief in any other way. subject to the law of God neither 2. Looking unto God in distress indeed can be." Hence we implies a simple dependence upchoose to depend on the mean- on him for relief. It is easy for est creature for what we need, as to imagine we have a spirit of rather than on the Supreme Cre- dependence upon God, when we ator. Persons, who are crossed are at ease and feel no need of and disappointed in their world-his favor. But when we are sely schemes, often seek relief from verely distressed; when we are their troubles by intoxication, or overwhelmed in sorrow and are by associating with sinful com- unable to help ourselves; when panions, or by other vicious we look to our fellow creatures means of forging sorrow. and find that they are miserable When sinners are convicted of comforters; when we are involvtheir guilt and danger, when ed in such darkness, that we canthey see hell naked before them, not see the least ray of light; and destruction without a cover- then we commonly sink into dising, they often declare that they couragement and despair. But if are willing to perform the most we truly depended upon God we laborious services, and to make should ever be equally supported the greatest sacrifices that they and equally joyful. If we be may escape the wrath to come. distressed, when appearances are But yet they are unwilling to unfavorable, we do not truly submit to the easy conditions of rely upon God. So long as we the gospel, and take the water of see favorable appearances on life freely. The same disposi- which we depend ; so long as we tion is manifested by mankind see some way of obtaining the in all their conduct. They will good that is desired, God is not contrive every means and make the foundation of our depend every exertion to help them-ence. When we truly look un selves independently of God. to God we withdraw our eyes It is easy indeed to comply with from every other object. Out the customary forms of looking affections are then wholly with to God in our troubles. We can drawn from ourselves, and from ask the prayers of others. We all creatures and appearances, can call the ministers of Christ and looking unto God with a sinto pray with us; and we cangle eye, we rely wholly upon his call upon God ourselves in ex-perfections for what we desire.


bear the indignation of the Lord, because I have sinned; until he plead my cause and execute judgment for me". The Saviour

Without such an entire depend- | lief in their distresses. "I will ence upon God, whatever we may profess or imagine, our eyes are fixed on some other object. They are not raised to God. Looking unto God in our dis-in view of his approaching suf

tresses implies a simple and firm dependence upon him for relief.

ferings, prayed, saying, "Father if thou be willing, remove this 3. It implies a submission of cup from me, nevertheless not our distresses into his hands. my will, but thine be done."They, who look to God in dis-With the same spirit do all. who tress, will fully declare their cir-look unto God for relief, submit cumstances and plead for relief all their distresses into his hands. by all the arguments they can❘ Hence, use. When this is done, they have nothing more to say.— Without such a submission of our distresses into the hands of God, we do not look to him for relief. We keep our troubles in our own hands. We choose to carry our own burdens, and refuse to cast them upon the Lord. When a patient looks to a physician for a cure, he does not presume to gve the physician directions; but to submit with out reserve to the regimen and medicine which the physician prescribes. When a citizen looks to a court of justice for a redress of his grievances, he states and pleads his cause, and submits it without any condition to the decision of the judges. When any one in distress looks to God for relief, he submits his troubles, without any reserve, into the hands of God and patiently and cheerfully waits the issue. The aged Eli, in view of the awful judgments, which were threatened his family, immediately looked unto God; but he loooked unto Him, with perfect submission, saying "It is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good.' The prophet Micah ex-enced by such persons as look presses the feelings of such per- unto him for relief in their dissons as depend upon God for re- tresses. It is now,

4. This implies an unconditional submission of themselves into the hands of God. While creatures are unwilling that God should dispose of themselves forever as he pleases, they always refuse to look to him. They are afraid of his determinations. They make conditions and reservations. While this is done, instead of looking to God for relief, they are opposing him in their hearts and increasing their distresses. While they oppose God he will afford them no re lief. Relief under the Divine government is impossible without a spirit of resignation to his holy will. None can look to God for reliefuntil they resign themselves without any condition to his holy and sovereign disposal. In David's troubles during the re bellion of Absalom, he relied upon God for relief. His reliance was attended with perfect submission. For David said-" If God thus say, I have no delight in thee, behold here am I, let him do to me, as seemeth good to him." An unconditional submission of themselves into the hands of God is always experi


To be proved that they who are distressed, will obtain relief by looking unto God.

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thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." The righteous cry and the Lord heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles. Cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee; he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." The Lord is nigh unto all that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him.He also will hear their cry and save them. The Lord Jesus Christ says "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” James says " Draw nigh unto God and he will draw nigh unto you." And by Peter it is said, "Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.' Many such declarations and promises are made in the holy scriptures. When any persons comply with the conditions, on which these promises are made, they will be fulfilled. For it is impossible for God to lie. All, therefore, will obtain relief, if they will look unto God in their distresses.

1. They who look unto God are prepared to receive relief. Many in their distresses flee from God. They murmur under their sufferings, or fall into sullen despondency. They harden themselves in sorrow and refuse to be comforted. While they refuse to look unto God they increase their distresses, and fit themselves for destruction.They provoke God to anger, and must remain as "the troubled sea, which cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt." When Pharaoh was visited with judgments, he hardened his heart and refused to look unto God. As he continued to strive with his Maker, his distresses increased until he was destroyed. The Israelites in the wilderness murmured against God in their distresses and perished under his mighty hand. So long as persons are of a stubborn spirit, they must bear their own sorrows. But when they humble themselves and go unto God, they are prepared to enjoy his supporting and comforting presence. When they pour out their hearts before him, they are relieved. Light rises in darkness, and joy springs from sorrow. God dwells "with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spir-malicious and enraged brother, it of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. God delights to relieve the distressed as soon as they are prepared to receive relief.

2. God promises to relieve all,
who look unto him in their dis-
tresses. The psalmist says
"Wait on the Lord; be of good
courage, and he shall strengthen

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3. All who ever looked unto God in their distresses, have obtained relief.-When Jacob was distressed, through fear of his

he looked unto God. He spent the whole night in prayer. And God blessed him and prevented the evils he feared by softening Esau's heart. When the children of Israel, under their severe sufferings in Egypt, looked unto God, he sent deliverance by Moses. During their tedious journeys through the wilderness,

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