Sidor som bilder

this has hitherto been paid out of the funds
belonging to the State; but it has now
been intimated to the Council General,
that the city of Paris must support this ex-
pense, and some tax will shortly be laid
upon the richer classes for this object.
The sum necessary at present is about
40,000 francs a day; but if corn
rise, this sum must be augmented,

if the whole population of France be 29 millions, the middle term of human beings who attain the age of 20 years is 251,690. Dextrous Criminal.

The Prevotal Court of Caen has con

demned a man named Dumesnil to pershouldpetual labour, and to be branded.

This has caused great divisions: the Parisian Council urging, besides want of money, that as the object is national the nation should pay the difference: the Ministers reply, they have no disposable funds.

Matrimony increasing.

It is the custom in Paris, to strike at the mint of medals, pieces called marriage tokens which are given by bride-grooms to brides on the celebration of marriage: of these there were sold, during the first and second quarters of the year 1812,-1,171; and during the second and third quarters of the year 1816,-2,224, being an increase of 1,058. It is unnecessary to state the reflections which must occur to every good Frenchman on this list.


person had formerly escaped from the galleys several times, and always had got clear off. It was remarked, that if all the preceding sentences were united they would amount to the term of 105 years.

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Winter begun early.

The winter, it appears, has set in with extreme severity in the interior of the Continent. At Augsburg, on the 19th of November, the eclipse of the sun was entirely obscured by a fall of snow, which commenced at 7 o'clock in the morning, and lasted till noon. The ground was covered with snow a foot in depth. There was a great fall of snow at Frankfort on the same day, and Reaumur's thermometer was from 9 to 10 degrees below the freezing point. If the frost continued, the Main would be soon frozen over, which would impede the arrival of provisions and fire

Proportion of Parisian morality. The small Almanack of the Board of Longitude presents this year much additional interesting matter. Besides a short and curious treatise on Finances, it contains tables of population which may fur nish matter for singular remark. That entitled Progress of the Population of Paris during the year 1815, is a small treatise on morals;-a balance-book of morals for 1815, and gives a sketch of morality with a sort of mathematical precision. 22,612 children born that year, 13,630 were born in wedlock, and 8,982 out of wedlock; which proves by simple arith-wood. The latter had accordingly risen metical proportion that morals are to corruption in the ratio of about 13 to 8, or that there are nearly two honest women for

one loose one.

Proportion of duration of life.


Other French Almanacks give the following table for the population of Paris for 1815:-Of 20,000 children (as nearly as possible) born every year in Paris, 10,000 only attain the age of 20, and 6,800 attain the age of 45. One-fourth of the children born, die within the first year, and onethird never attain 2 years of age. Notwithstanding all the efforts of the French Government in support of vaccination, deaths by smali-pox form a formidable item in this bill of mortality. The calculator proceeds to draw the inference, that

to double the price. About the latter end of November the navigation of the Elbe at Hamburgh was already impeded by ice. At St. Petersburgh, about the middle of November, the Neva was frozen over for a day or two; but the return of milder weather enabled the barges laden with produce from the interior to proceed to Cronstadt and Riga, to the great satisfaction of the merchants.

State of the Sun.

The Rev. M. Stark, Canon and Astronomer of Augsburg, bas observed in the sun a vast opening or cavity, 4 minutes 26 seconds from its eastern, and 15 minutes 7 seconds from its southern edge.-Iu that cavity, the apparent diameter of which is three times larger than the real diameter

of the earth, are seen two black hollows or holes, separated from each other by a luminous space, and the largest of which terminates in a point at its upper extre mity, and is very wide, and cremated at its lower. Between this vast apparent abyss and the eastern edge of the sun there are several asperities, below which four smali black spots are seeu, aud six above.-(Gazette de France, Dec. 3.).


Public collections: Charities.

own consumption is not more than seven millions, or one-twentieth part: this large quantity, estimated at its average price, produces them about £1,800,000, or nearly two millious sterling per annum. The value of the butter they manufacture is full 24 millions of guilders, or about two millions more, of which their own consump tion is about one-tenth part: all the surplus they sell, about £1.800,000 annually; these together, for these rich provinces of so small territory and extent, are a produce manufacture and exportation, of about 48 millions of guilders, or nearly 34 millions sterling per annum, for butter and cheese only: at some times, in the last thirty years, these simple productions of the soil have sold for nearly double, or almost seven millions.

Corn at double expences.

Letters from Holland to Nov. 3 state, that in consequence of different provinces of that kingdom being much afflicted by the deplorable situation to which the unfortunate inhabitants of Gueldre, and a part of South Holland, are reduced by the incessant rains during the summer, it has been ordered that collections should be made throughout the States, in order to succour those who have suffered by the calamity. Directions have therefore been given, that in every town of these provin cial States Comitees should be formed to afford relief, and on being so established, they have sent addresses to invite the assistance of their fellow citizens. The Ad-bill passed at that time. This grain now dress of the Committee of Amsterdam is in these terms:

The following curious fact has transpired relative to the importation of corn from Holland-Among the cargoes which havė already arrived, are several which werê originally sent from the Baltic to this couptry in 1815, but which were afterwards sent to Holland in consequence of the corn

costs at least double the price laid dowu in England, which it would have stood the English importer in, if then landed and warehoused.


Warsaw, Nov. 21.-By a decree of his Majesty the Emperor our King, of the 17th of last month, relative to the military couscription, which was published the day before yesterday in 60 articles, every person in the kingdom of Poland, without distinction of rauk, origin, or religion, is for ten years a soldier, viz. from his 20th to his 30th year. Two corps of reserve are to be formed; the conscripts of the first are destined to complete the troops of the line, and those of the second come into their places.

"A dreadful calamtiy, of which there is no former example, has injured the fertile territories of Gueldre, aud the rich provinces of South Hollaud., Contiunal rains, extraordinary rise of the rivers, and the overflow of the waters in the interior, which has been the consequence of these, have destroyed the natural herbage, and with the fruits of the earth, potatoes, aud every article of indispensible necessity. In addition to these sources of distress, an cpidemic disease has prevailed among the cultivators. It is not possible under such circumstances to indemnity those who have suffered loss, for the injury is incalculable; but it is our duty to assist thonsands of our fellow-creatures in the cruel situation to which they are reduced by the From the Conscription are exemptunfavourable season, and to place them in a Foreigners and their sons boru abroad, only condition to preserve the cattle that remain sous, one sou out of each family, brothers to them, the only resource of the country as guardians of their minor brothers, people, either for the present or the future.' widowers who have children, the officers of The sum collected at Amsterdam for relief state, those married before this decree was of the unfortunate inhabitants of Gueldres published, or who shall be married in future, and North: olland, amounts to 47,000 Bo-before the age of 20, the clergy, professors, rins, and that, from the other parts of North Holland, to 20,000 Borins.

Usual fertility of North Holland, &c. North and South Holland, Goningen, and Utrecht také together 140 millions of pounds of cheese annually, of which their

lawyers, physicians, surgeons, manufacturers, artists, with their journeymen; and among the jews, a rabbi in every commune. Substitutes are allowed. The conscripts of the first reserve must appear at their depot every year on the 15th of April, and exercise till the 5th of June.


Heavy loss: Fishermen.


University dissolved.

The kingdom of Saxony has just afforded auother striking picture of the fermentation which it is doomed to undergo in conse

On the 5th ult. there was a very heavy gale of wind at Lisbou, in which thirty three fishing-boats foundered, aud above 100 poor fellows were drowned. The ra-quence of the obstinate regard of its Sopidity with which the gale came on is remarkable: not more than ten minutes before the fatal catastrophe it was a calm!


Brandenburg, Dec. 1.-The great increase in manufactories which the kingdom of Prussia has obtained by the incorporation of the industrious duchy of Berg-of the productive provinces on the Rhine-by the recovery of the manufactories of iron and steel of Westphalia-of the bleach fields of Bielefeld-of the linen and damask manu

vereign for Buonaparte. The College of

rfurt, once the pride of Germany as a seat of learning, is no more! The funds for its support are returned as nil, and the materials of which it was built are to be used in the construction of a fortress; for Erfurt, according to the new limits of Saxony, must now be a place of arms!-History affords but few instances of a similar transition.


The King of Spain, in testimony of Lord
Exmouth's brilliant services against Al-
giers, has sent him the Grand Cross of the
Order of Charles III.

factories of Ravensberg, which Frederick
the Great used to call his good spinning
country, and the new commercial relations
in general, have made a new office neces- Sale of honours in favour of the Virgin.
sary, specially charged with this department.
The following article affords a singular
This post has been given to Mr. Knuth, specimen of the policy which prevails un-
Counsellor of State, under the title of Comder the government of Ferdinand VII:

missioner of Trade and Manufactures. The important questions which have already been brought forward respecting foreign commerce, and the system to be adopted by Prussia, obtain by means of this new office, which has at its disposal all authentic accounts, tables, and archives, a desirable organ, which guarantees to the Sovereign and the Ministerial Department a mature examination of all proposals that may be made, and at the same time a never-failing source, from which the riches furnished by experience towards commercial legislation may be drawn.

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"Madrid, Nov.22. The King has granted to the Dominican Monks of our Lady of Atocha, the privilege of selling for their own profit four Castilian titles (of Marquis or Count), two of which shall be free in perpetuity from the taxes of lunce and demi-annate: the produce of this sale is to be employed in the restoration of the chapel of the Virgin. This pious concession is not new in Spain, titles having been granted the same way on various occasions since the reign of Philip V. The Exchequer being exhausted of ready money, he King permits the religious fraternity which he wishes to aid, to sell a privilege, the produce of which would have otherwise found its way directly into the Exchequer.”

Linen trade: Irish.

Extract of a letter from Cadiz, dated August 13" The linen trade, which had emained inactive so long, from the interruption of the South American traders, has revived, and large sales have lately been made of Creas, Britagnes, and Platillas, all made in Ireland, in imitation of the French and German linens, which they are superseding fast at this market: Droghedas are also a favorite article here. The article alluded to in this letter as being in demand, is of that description already noticed as having been so well manufactured by Mr. Dowden, of Bandou.”—So then, if foreigners imitate British goods, we imitate theirs!


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Distresses from drought. Letters from New South Wales give a deplorable account of the grazing and agricultural state of the colony last year, from the long continuance of dry weather. It is said that out of upwards of 80,000 lambs dropped, not more than 4,000 have been saved; and that seed wheat had remained 24 weeks in the ground, during which time there had not fallen moisture sufficient to cause its vegetation.

Accounts a few weeks later than the above, brought by way of India, and received within these few days, state, that the Colony had been relieved from the severity of its distresses by rains, which, if not so abundant as could be wished, yet were deemed sufficient, and an earnest of future security.

National Register:


"Windsor Castle, Dec. 2. "His Majesty has enjoyed good bodily health, and has been generally tranquil during the last mouth, but his Majesty's disorder is not abated." (Signed as usual.)

Munificent present to the Arts.

The Prince Regent has lately received a very fine collection of casts, from the choicest ancient sculptures, from Rome and Paris, which his Royal Highness, with a view to the cultivation and the improvment of the Fine Arts in this country, has presented to the Royal Academy.

Bounty to Spitalfields sufferers.

WHITEHALL, Nov. 27, 1816. "Lord LIVERPOOL, Lord SIDMOUTH, and the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER have the satisfaction to acquaint Mr. HONYMAN and Mr. BUXTON, that the

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Monday Dec. 16. was the first birth-day of his Serene Highness Prince Leopold, since his residence in England and union with the Princess Charlotte, which was celebrated with particular attention, and every mark of respect. The Princess Charlotte declined prolonging her visit to her Royal Father at Brighton, and left there on Sunday, to be amidst, and enjoy a circle of friends and distinguished characters at Clermont House, to celebrate the day. The Prince and Princess Esterhazy, and Count and Countess Lieven, were of the party.

Notice of the Riots suppressed.

from Lord Sidmouth's Office on Monday The following notification was issued evening, and circulated widely through the country by means of the Post office:

"London, Dec. 2, 1816. "Exaggerated accounts will probably reach the country of what is going on here. The most effectual means, civil and military, are taken by Government, to prevent mischief; and the same vigilance and activity, if there should be any appearance of disturbance in the country, will doubtless produce the same good effects."

Symptoms of improvement.

For some weeks past the three great branches of the revenue, Customs, Excise, and Stamps, are said to have been improv ing, and our external and internal irade becoming more flourishing.

Government has purchased its still large supply of prime pork, about 25,000 cwt. in Ireland, under 3d. per lb. for the meat alive.

Great negligence somewhere.

A Board of Longitude was held at the Admiralty on Thursday, Dec. 5, which sat a considerable time. It is said, that very great errors in the calculations for the recent eclipse of the sun have been detected in the Nautical Almanack for the present year.

Bank Resumption of Cash Payments.

The Gazette contains a Notice from the Bank of England, dated the 28th November:-" That on and after the 9th December next, the Bank will pay cash for all notes of one and two pounds value, that are dated prior to 1st of January, 1812, or exchange them for new notes of the same value, at the option of the holders."


A statement of the produce of the Revenue, and an account of the payments into the Exchequer, for the last four years, ending


5th July,


5th July,

5th July, 5th July,




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Post Office.............

1,378,060 1,409,000 1,567,000 1,472,000

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Property Tax.......


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Land Taxes

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From this table it appears that the produce of the year ending the 5th July upon a comparison with the same period in 1815, is lessened about £2,800,000, but exceeds the produce of the year 1813 by £5,559,669, and that of 1814, by £1,611,486.


To the Editor.

SIR,--The insertion of the following will A FRIEND. very much oblige Extracts from a curious Manuscript, containing Directions for the Household of Henry VIII. His highness' baker shall not put alum in the bread, or mix rye, oaten, or bean flour with the same; and if detected he shall be put in the stocks.

His bighness' attendants are not to steal any locks, or keys, tables, forms, cupboards, or other furniture, out of noblemen's or gentlemen's houses where he goes to visit.

Master cooks shall not employ such scullions as goe about naked, or lie all night on the ground before the kitchen fire.

No dogs to be kept in the court, but only a few spaniels for the ladies.

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A public meeting took place lately, con. sisting of the greater proportion of the subscribers to Lloyd's Coffee-house, respecting the uses of unstamped slips of paper, in forming memorandums of agreements which are afterwards put upon policies of insurance duly stamped. The revenue to Government is 5s. for every £100 insured by sea voyages. The revenue thus derived from the great trade of the country must be immense. The Committee of Lloyd's have recommended stamped slips to be used, which may afterwards be exchanged at the Sea Policy Stamp Office, without expence to the insured. The late The king's barber is enjoined to be clean Act of Parliament is clear, that any person ly, not to frequent the company of mis-making insurance on any unstamped slip guided women, for fear of danger to the of paper, is liable to a peualty of 500l. king's royal person.

The officers of his majesty's privy chamber shall be loving together, no grudging or grumbling, nor talking of the king's pastime.

There shall be no romping with the maids on the staircase, by which dishes and other things are broken.

Coals only to be used by the king's, queen's, and lady Mary's chambers.

The brewers not to put any brimstone in the ale.

Custom House, Whitehaven.

The following remarkable entries of ships were made at our Custom House, in the course of Friday last, viz. the Wellington, (by a Manksman), the Marquess of Wellington (by a Scotchman), the Duke of Wellington (by an Englishman), and the Prince of Waterloo, (by an Irishman!)

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