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Miffionary Magazinę,

FOR MAY, 1804.


JUNE, 1801.

HE principal defign of this Society, as far as it Tmay please God to fucceed the Inftitution, is to fup ply deftitute Congregations with a fucceffion of able and evan, gelical Minifters.

With this view, it is propofed to affift pious young men of promifing abilities for the Miniftry, in fuch a course of preparatory ftudies, as may enable them, with the divine bleffing, to exercife their minifterial talents with the greater acceptance and usefulness.

To guard, as much as poffible, against an unconverted Miniftry, which whether learned or unlearned, is the bane of religion, the Society receive no ftudents but fuch as are members of churches, and recommended as perfons of promifing abilities for the Ministry.

Nor does the fociety confine itself entirely to the business of education, but as far as its prefent finances admit of it, extends its patronage to evangelical and popular minifters as miffionaries and itinerant preachers, in fome of thofe many places where there is an opening for the gofpel, but not an ability to fupport the neceffary expenfe attending it, without confiderable affift


An institution this, fo manifeftly adapted to answer the most valuable and important purposes, that it seems almost impoffible for any, but the enemies of religion, and fuch as have imbibed unreasonable prejudices against learning not to approve of it, and heartily unite in countenancing and fupporting it. Vol. II.


Hitherto it has been remarkably favoured with the smiles of Divine Providence. The Inftitution was first set on foot in the year 1770, in aid of the Baptist Academy in Bristol, which was founded by that most excellent man, Mr. Edward Terril, more than a century ago, on a fmall scale, and which was conducted for many years with confiderable fuccefs, by the late learned and truly reverend and pious Mr. Fofkett. And in the short period which has elapsed fince the first conftitution of this fociety, it has been enabled to realize a capital in the public funds of three thoufand five hundred pounds, producing an annual income of one hundred and forty pounds; and a liberal fubfcription of about two hundred pounds per annum, exclufive of the truly noble bequefts of the late Rev. Dr. Gifford, and Dr. Llewelyn, which have been more particularly noticed in our former annual accounts, and by which, though dead, they ftill live in the grateful remembrance of the furviving friends of religion and learning.

But notwithstanding the prefent flourishing ftate of this fociety, and the uncommon patronage with which it has been favoured, it should not be imagined it ftands in no further need of encouragement. Several valuable and generous members have lately been removed by death; but we hope other friends to the cause of God, are rifing up in their stead, who will account it their honour to lend us their affiftance, in our attempts to promote the kingdom of our Lord. They fhall profper, who love Zion; they fhall be accounted the friends of God, who prefer his church to their chief joy. In the business of education, as well as in the very important article of encouraging the propagation of the gospel, patronizing decayed churches, and planting new ones; there is ftill ample and delightful fcope for the employment of an income vaftly fuperior to any fum this fociety can entertain an idea of ever poffeffing.

Every fubfcriber of one guinea to the capital, and one guinea annually, is confidered as a member of this fociety, has a voice in all its deliberations, and liberty to inspect the accounts, which are audited by a committee appointed for that purpose, and at the annual meeting.

Annual meeting of the Bristol Education Society, Broadmead Meeting, August, 1801.

The Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Trowbridge, preached from Hebrews 13th chapter, 17th verfe, "They watch for your fouls as they that must give account."

Adjourned to the vestry.

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PRESENT. Rev. Dr. Ryland, Prefident, Rev. John Cooper, Rev. Job David, Rev. Thomas Symonds, Rev. Thomas Flint, W. A. Ballard, Efq. J. Tomkins, Efq. Mr. Sol. Leonard, Mr.


James Rees, Mr. Thomas Ransford, Mr. E. Phillips, Mr. John Daniel, Mr. Jofeph Cottle, Mr. Tho's. Pafco, Mr.Tho's. Burchell, Mr. Jos. Dear.

Rev. Dr. Ryland, in the Chair.

The thanks of the fociety were unanimously voted to the Rev. Mr. Cooper, for his excellent fermon.

The Prefident reported-That fix ftudents were fupported laft year by the Education Society, viz. Meffrs. William Gray, W. Rowe, S. Saunders, Jofeph Tyfo, John Chamberlain, and Thomas Griffin; who all return their thanks to the fociety, and request the continuance of their kind affiftance in the farther profecution of their ftudies; except Mr. Gray, who having been long folicited to fettle with the church at Bratton, is willing to comply with their requeff if it meets the approbation of the fociety. The Bristol fund had only two ftudents, during the first half year; viz. Mr. John Douglas, and Mr. Jofeph Webb. Their education being finished at Whitfuntide, the latter is invited in probation by the church at Tiverton; the former is at prefent unfettled. Two other students were admitted on this foundation, at Christmas ; Mr. Daniel White, from the church at Bluntifham, in Huntingdonfhire, under the paftoral care of the Rev. Coxey Feary; and Mr. Samuel Shaw, from the church in Cannon-ftreet, Birming ham. Meffrs. White and Shaw return to the academy, and will be joined by Mr. Richard Owers, from Earl's Colne, in Effex, to whom the fundees have promised their patronage.

The Broadmead benefactions were granted to Meffrs. Jenkin Jones, and Matthew Griffiths; Mr. Jones having been four years in the academy, is returned into Wales; Mr. Griffiths is gone to refide with Mr. Littlewood, at Rochdale in Lancashire. These benefactions cannot maintain any ftudents this year; more having been taken upon them fometime back, than they are found fufficient to fupport.

Mr. Samuel Stennett had an exhibition from the London Society; and Mr. Micah Thomas, from the church at Pen-y-garn, was admitted into the academy at Christmas under-the patronage of tha London fund.

The students of last year have very generally conducted themfelves in fuch a manner as to afford much satisfaction to their tutors; by their diligence, and improvement in literature; and by the evidence of their piety and promifing talents, which we truft will render them acceptable to our churches, and useful in the cause of God.


Four guineas were allowed to Mr. William Gray, on his leaving the academy.

Refolved, that Mr. Daniel Davis, be admitted into the Acade


my, of which the prefident will inform his father, but having no room for more ftudents on the foundation of the fociety, Mr. Ifaac Ifaac, cannot yet be received.

Refolved, that Mr. Sutcliff, of Olney, be invited to preach the next annual fermon, and in cafe of failure Mr. Birt, of Plymouth Dock.

Refolved, to allow Dr. Ryland 40 guineas for extra expenfe in housekeeping,

The thanks of the fociety were voted to the fecretary, and he was requested to continue in office the following year.

The next meeting of the fociety to be held on the firft Wednesday in August, 1802.

The committee to be continued with the fame powers as ufual, and to be open to every subscriber.

[blocks in formation]

165 7 6


-Donation from Mr. Fontleroy, Southwark

! Ditto from Mr. Fofter, Biggleswade


One year's dividend on 3500l. 4 per cent. ann. 140

... 2 fets of Theodofia's Poems

Balance of Dr. Ryland's account

Anonymous Donation per Dr. Ryland

0 19 6

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6 11

[ocr errors]

£347 3 IT


From June 1800, to June 1801.


£. s. d.

By balance of last year's account due the Treasurer 26 6 4

Board of fix ftudents

Tuition of Ditto.

Allowance to Ditto

126 0


Vacation for one ditto in 1800

Allowance to Dr. Ryland for extra expenfes in house

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Floor cloth for the Museum

Books, Printing, Binding, &c.

Allowed towards the funeral of Mr. Williams, late

ftudent at the Academy

12 ftudents attending a philofophical lecture

Infurance to Sept. 29, 1801

By balance in the hands of the Treasurer

Examined and approved by us,

37 16
25 4
4 4


[blocks in formation]

31 10
7 I
6 5
11 16 7

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

N. B. Seventy Rudents have been received and educated by this fociety.

A copy of the Table of Benefactions, in the Museum belonging to the Society.

1770 Frederick Bull, Efq. London
Thomas Sparry, Sen'r. Upton
Rebekah Leppincott, Wellington
Robert Houlton, Efq. Grittleton
Jofeph Tomkins, Efq. Abingdon
William Tomkins, Efq. ditto
Jofeph Butler, Efq. ditto

John Bull, Efq. Briftol

Francis Bull, Efq. ditto

John Stock, ditto

£. s. d. 150 0




25 5


10 10

10 10


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