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Sunday-school, and almost an equal rent Society, being placed at the disnumber have left; many of whom are posal of the local committees abroad. well able to read the Word of God. An Auxiliary has been established In the day-school there are now about at Oporto; and an Association has 200 more children than there were in been formed at Edmonton. The ComMarch 1840. Since the date just mittee continue their friendly corrementioned, 46 boys have left the spondence and co-operation with the schools in a becoming manner; some kindred Societies in Scotland, at of them are apprenticed to different Basle, Geneva, and Strasburg. trades in the colony, and a few of The net receipts of the year were them are clerks in merchants' stores. £1029: 10:34d.; and the payments, Many of these boys could write well, £1473:13:64d., including £204: 7: were advanced in arithmetic, and had 8d.forthe purchase of Exchequer Bills. a fair knowledge of the outlines of It will be seen that there is a congeography. The children of the girls' siderable falling off in this year's re-, school have also improved in plain ceipts. The donations and subscripneedle-work, such as making their tions which in former years ranged own garments. During the last year, from £1200 to £1450, now only two dozen gentlemen's shirts have amount to £992. The Committee been made in our school at Freetown. believe that this is partly to be acI mention these things, to show that counted for by temporary causes : the Church Missionary Society is still the circumstance calls for redoing something in the way of edu- newed effort: since, in proportion to cation in Sierra Leone.

the diminution of their supplies, their These facts are not to be lightly labours must be cramped and their appreciated, but are grounds of hope liberality restrained. Their work is for future improvement; and we de no longer an experiment. For eight sire to receive them with joy and years they have been enabled to perthankfulness, and give all the praise severe: and as a proof that they have to Him who hitherto hath helped us.' done so to good purpose, they can

point to the success which has atFEMALE EDUCATION IN THE EAST. tended the labours of their own During this year four fresh labourers agents, and to the constant applicahave been sent out; viz. Mrs. Wil. tions which they are receiving for ling and Miss Burton to Bombay, help; to the general interest which . Miss Hansford and Miss Wells to has been excited in the cause of Fe. Ceylon. Two more are accepted. male Education in Heathen Lands; The Committee have also made a and to the fact, that since they engrant to the Bâsle Society toward the tered the field, other societies in other expenses of a female agent for their countries have successfully taken up missions in the Canarese country. the work, and adopted the plan of

Grants of money have been made sending forth Female Agents. In during the year; and supplies of asking for continued support, therework estimated at £668 have been fore, the Committee do so with the sent abroad. The returns of the pro confidence, that as their work has ceeds of sale, although incomplete, approved itself worthy, their appeal amount to £473. These funds do will not be in vain. not appear in the receipts of the Pa


in the year 1825. Our deceased bro

ther had long and earnestly inquired Dibd in Warsaw, June 30th, in the for the truth. His calm and thoughteightieth year of his age, Rabbi Abra ful mind had been dissatisfied with ham Jacob Schwartzenburgh, an the superstition, and his heart reIsraelite in whom there was no guile, volted by the intolerance of Rabbinand a son of Abraham in the faith asism, when he heard, that at Lublin, well as in the flesh. His return from thirty miles from Casimir, his native the new religion of the Rabbies to town, an English missionary was the old faith of Moses and the pro- proclaiming the gospel and distriphets was owing to a New Testament buting books relating to the redemp. in the Jewish language, which he re. tion of Israel. He went over to

Lublin, and, unobserved amidst the cluded), but I will show them that crowd, listened to the disputations, none of these things move me. I am and at last earnestly begged for a a Jew still-formerly I was an unbeNew Testament. His wish being lieving Jew, but now I am a believing gratified, he returned home, not sud- Jew, and, whatever inconvenience or denly to volunteer a hasty profession reproach may result, I wish to bear of faith, but diligently to search the it with my brethren.' This caused Scriptures; and accordingly, for three considerable discontent to his rabyears no more was heard of him. He binic countrymen, who had him sumemployed his time in the study of the moned before the police to account Gospels and Epistles and in consul for his Judaizing habit. His obsertation with the learned of his own vation, on that occasion, that Christ nation, to whom he made known his did not command us to baptize the doubts concerning Judaism, and his clothes but the heart, satisfied the rising convictions respecting the truth magistrate; and he was afterwards of the Gospel. The Talmudists, how. left in undisturbed possession of his ever, know not how to appreciate an costume. Another proof of his disThere are still other aged converts in his Lordship’s health has permitted; various places where the Gospel is and many have been the travellers, preached amongst the Jewish people, both lay and clerical, who have parwhose old age ought to be made com- ticipated with us in this more private fortable in proportion to their station privilege, as well as in the ordinances in life. It is not enough to convince, of the Church in public. to baptize, and to give spiritual in “The instructions preparatory to struction. When the church receives confirmation which, previous to my Jews into her bosom, her duty, as a departure for Smyrna, I had comgood mother, is to care for all their menced with the German members wants, and all their necessities; to of the Church in that language, and show them the love of a parent, and Mr. Ewald with a few others in thus to beget a reciprocal love in the Italian, were, deferred till my return, children with whom God blesses her. and will now be resumed again, in'If they be poor,' says Bishop Kid cluding now also Ducat and his wife, der, they must be provided with as soon as the state of the health of means of a comfortable subsistence. the candidates for that rite will allow "Tis a shame they should run about them to unite in attending. begging, and be put to hardship to 'I have already reported our get bread. Our great care inust be Bishop's first ordination, conferring to bring them over upon clear con deacon's orders on Mr. Mühleisen, of viction; and to take care, after that, the Abyssinian Mission, the day bethat they want neither law nor meal(as fore my departure. In consequence the Jews phrase it), that is, instruc of letters just received stating that a tion, nor bread.' To this the Christian very favourable opening is just now Church has not sufficiently attended. presented for Mr. Mühleisen to proThere are yet no alms-houses for aged ceed to that distant country, so difbelieving Israelites; and, in general, ficult of access, his Lordship has apno organized plan of relief. A burst pointed next Sunday for conferring of feeling, two years ago, promised priest's orders also on him, that he something, but the promise has not may be ready to avail himself of that been fulfilled. The General Tempo- opportunity to enter on that interestral Relief Fund has been for some ing Mission.' time exhausted, and the old difficulties continue.

is, that men ought to remain, like those devoid of reason, in the religion in which they were born, no matter whether it be right or wrong. He met, therefore, at their hands only contempt, reproach, and persecution, and was at last thrust out of thé synagogue. This, however, did not stop his inquiry. He persevered, and in his difficulties applied to some Romanists; but, dissatisfied with their explanations of the imageworship which he saw around him, he determined to go to Warsaw, and find out Mr. Becker, from whom he had received the New Testament. Thither he accordingly proceeded, and was at length satisfied as to the course which he ought to pursue. He then returned to his native place for a few months, but, becoming anxious on account of his age, lest he should die without baptism, he went back to Warsaw in the autumn of the same year, that he might be received into the Christian Church, and was ac. cordingly baptized by Dr. M'Caul on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 9, 1828, in the sixty-fifth year of his age, receiving in addition to his former name of Abraham that of Jacob, which he chose from Micah vii. 20, saying, Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the days of old.” He expressed a wish to retain his beard and Jewish costume, to prove to his brethren, that no mere worldly mo. tive had induced him to renounce Rabbinism. “The Jews often think,' said he, that persons are baptized in order to escape reproach, or to live in the Christian quarters of the city, or to walk in the Saxon garden (from which Polish Jews were then ex

over to his son, who had suffered on account of his father's baptism, the little property that he had, trusting himself to the good providence of God and the labour of his hands. His expectation of the near approach of death was not realized, as he lived nearly fourteen years after his baptism, to show by his life and conversation the sincerity and power of his faith. He was a man of strong common sense; but humility, zeal, piety, kindness, and gratitude, were the striking features of his character, which endeared him to all who knew him. He was a man of prayer, and fond of reading the Word of God. Before his baptism, even before he had received any instruction, he had made himself thoroughly acquainted with the contents of the New Testament, and was so well acquainted with the argument of the Epistle to the Romans, and generally with St. Paul's epistles, as to astonish those who examined, when he applied for baptism. To the last he was deeply interested in the conversion of his brethren; and, though often pelted with stones and mud, he continued to visit the Jewish quarters of the city, and proclaim Christ crucified. He died as he had lived, in unwavering faith in the Redeemer, and though dead he yet speaketh. He is gone to his rest, and his memory is blessed, Those who were acquainted with him, and his history, cannot, however, look back upon the period that occurred from his baptism, without being reminded of the great necessity of making some suitable provision for aged converts. Had he not been assisted in various ways, during his latter years, his fate would, humanly speaking, have been very wretched.

Extract from a letter from the Bishop

of Jerusalem, dated Aug. 1. JERUSALEM.

'Although I feel very unequal to Extract from a letter from Rev. J. much writing, I am unwilling to let

Nicolayson, dated July 27. the mail leave without adding a few ‘As to Church matters in general, lines to the full reports which are forI need only observe, that all the pub warded by this post from different lic services, as noticed in my last members of the Mission, particularly Report, have been regularly kept up, from Mr. Nicholayson. I feel sure both during my absence and since my you will all sympathize with us, when return. We have just had some re you hear of the sickness we have had pairs done to our chapel, and are during the last month. Every one fitting it up more completely, all, of my household, excepting only the however, without any interruption to native servants, has had an attack of the service, either daily or on the fever, more or less severe. The chilSunday, as we have performed them dren and the English servants have in an adjoining room in the same quite recovered, but Mrs. Alexander building. The holy sacrament is and myself are but very slowly gainregularly administered on the last ing strength, this having been my Lord's-day in each month, but has second attack. This is the trying repeatedly been held on other Sun- season. We are obliged to leave our days or holidays besides, to meet the house for change of air, but the only desire of travellers who were anxious abode we can find during that time is to have the privilege of partaking of an old convent about two miles from it on Mount Zion, but could not stay Jerusalem ; we hope to go there tountil the usual time of administration. morrow. We cannot be sufficiently The English service on Sunday thankful for having all got through evenings at the Bishop's residence, it so well; and we may hope that it and conferences with travellers after will better prepare us for standing the it, have also been continued so far as climate in future.'


'Paris, July 19, 1842. The following circumstances will, I am sure, afford you much gratification. About twenty months ago, a young man from the neighbourhood of Chartres, the son of a farmer in easy circumstances, felt himself called upon to forsake father, mother, brothers, sisters, house and lands, and to betake himself to Paris. It was not with him, as with many other young persons who repair to the capital, in search of pleasure or to obtain a good appointment, but solely with a view to confer with the agent of your Society in Paris. He had led a gay life; and, though brought up in the Romish Church, had thrown off the yoke, and, as an infidel, ridiculed the priests and the clergy. In this state of mind-which, alas! is the state of the great majority of the population of our country-he was accosted one day by a colporteur, who offered him a Bible for sale, and at the same time addressed him in an earnest tone upon the great doctrines of Salvation which it contained. Astonished at this address, the young man made some further inquiry; and at once declared that what he heard was altogether different from the religion professed by the priests. After suit, able explanations, he soon discovered that the New Testament made known to him things, both respecting God and the way of his own salvation, which he had not previously been taught. He immediately purchased a copy; and such was the impression produced on his mind by the conversation of the colporteur, that he resolved without delay to examine the Scriptures, and to make a diligent and careful search after the Truth. The Lord, in mercy, blessed his endeavours, and, by the aid of his word, caused the scales to fall from his eyes; convincing him of his state of guilt and condemnation, and leading him to the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ, where, through faith, he was enabled to obtain the assurance of pardon and reconciliation. Rejoicing in the happiness of the children of God, his first care was to devote himself wholly to the service of Him who had so greatly loved him: and calling to mind the instrument by which the Lord had been pleased to rescue him from a state of infidelity,

he could not refrain from considering the calling of a colporteur as that by which he himself would be best able to glorify his God and Saviour. Under this impression, he arrived in Paris with the full intention of offering his services to those Christian friends who had colporteurs in their employ, and respecting whom the individual who sold him a New Testament had given him some cursory in. formation. The persons of whom he first made inquiries concerning the object of his search, in the public streets, either did not understand him, or treated him with ridicule. As, however, he persisted in speaking of Bibles and Testaments, some one whom he encountered, thinking he wished to visit our depot, gave him my address; and in this way he found me out. I was greatly affected and edified by the love which he manifested towards the Lord and his fellow-creatures; and it struck me at once that I had providentially met with one who was likely to prove a valuable assistant in our work. Accordingly I engaged him; and sent him to one of our oldest colporteurs, a man of unfeigned piety, but who had not had the advantage of a good education ; recommending him to profit by the opportunity afforded him, in learning of his new companion to read more fluently, and to write, when they should retire to their nightly quarters. The Lord has eminently blessed the labours of these his children since their meeting together, so that in the space of twenty-one or twenty-two months they have actually sold nearly 6000 copies of the Bible or New Testament. * At the same time, the young person here more particularly alluded to, has made the most satisfactory progress with his friend in the knowledge of the truths of the Gospel, so that he has become an intelligent and active defender of his principles; and it may with justice be said of him, “ He believes, and therefore he speaks.” Full of faith and joy, he wrote to his parents to inform them of the great change which had taken place in him, and of the happiness and peace which reigned in his heart; entreating them also to devote themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ.











Search the Scriptures. An Address for the New Year. By the Rev.

W. B. Mackenzie ... ........
Extract from the Bishop of Calcutta's Sixth Charge ... ...........
A Sabbath Evening's Meditation...
The Sacramental and Ceremonial Scheme ..............
Prayer-Book Emendations .............
The Edinburgh Review and Protestantism ...........
The Great Proprietor and His Stewards .......
The Gospel in India ......... ...... ... ... ... ..... ... ................ ...............
Correspondence :-M. A. on Baptismal Regeneration-D., on the Prize

Essay .. .................................
Reviews :-Memoirs and Remains of the Rev. J. H. Evans-Miss Tucker's

Rainbow in the North-Mackenzie's Sixteen Sermons- The Leisure

.... ....... 36 Passing Events :---Louis Napoleon and France--The Loss of the Amazon... 47





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