Sidor som bilder

the conduct and character of Dr. Pu- who think themselves empowered and sey, who actively promotes the forma- authorized by their Apostolic Suction of such Institutions.--and of the cession, to teach what they please as Bishop of Exeter, who has expressly truth; and to substitute assertions and deliberately sanctioned and en- and quotations from the Fathers, and couraged that to which these pam- from Divines of a certain class, for phlets refer. We trust that the reve- Facts and Scriptural arguments. sations they make will have their effect The Layman, who is the author of in stirring up Protestants to be more the Second Letter, and who, we preand more on the watch, and on their sume, had the principal hand in the guard, as to what is going on in the first, proves himself by far a better midst of us.

Divine than the Curate-much better read in the Scriptures and in the writ

ings of our Reformers. We rejoice A LETTER TO THE Rev. George Up- that lay men should give their minds PLEBY, Vicar of Barton-upon-Hum

to the investigation of such subjects.

And, if the disposition to Tractarianber. In reply to an address from ism (which is in fact a disposition to him to his Parishioners, respecting Romanism) be not checked among the Teaching and Conduct of his those who have undertaken, or are Curate. By Members of his Con

undertaking, the mainisterial office,

we hope, and confidently expect, that gregation, on behalf of themselves,

many of the laity will be stirred up and others, representing the Pro- to follow the example set before them testant feeling of the Parish, Lon- in two of the above pamphlets; and don : Seeleys. Hull: R. T. Cussons. to shew to all the world, that they are

well able to teach their teachers; and, A SERMON ON Holy BAPTISM, preached with Scriptural Truth and sound Pro

testant Doctrine, to beat them out of in the Parish Church of St. Mary,

9the field; when taking advantage of Barton-upon-Humber, April 7, 1850, their position as ministers of our Proby the Rev. M. H. Simpson, B. A testant Church—they attempt to palm Also, by the same, A Second SERMON, upon their hearers the Popish doctrine

rae of the opus operatum. vindicating himself from the charge 0

To those who, by such conduct on of unsound Teaching ; together with the part of persons who ought to be their Notes and an Appendix, containing pastors, and to lead them in the green a refutation of certain Charges made pastures of Scriptural Truth, are com

pelled to take up the weapons of conin a recent Letter addressed to the

troversy, and to “contend earnestly Vicar. London: J. W. Parker;

for the faith once delivered to the and Groombridge. Hull: R. T.

saints," we cordially commend the Cussons.

perusal of the last of these pamphlets

more especially. Had we time and A Second LETTER TO THE Rev. GEORGE space, we should gladly present our UPPLEBY, 8c., with a Vindication of readers with several extracts from it.

That the necessity for such controformer Charges, and an Examination

versy should arise, is indeed much to of two of his ( Curate's) Published be lamented. The Tractarian clergy Sermons. By Robert Brown, So- little know what they are doing. They. licitor. London : Seeleys. Hull : assume much to themselves in regard R. T. Cussons.

of their office : but they are taking a

course which must issue in bringing The above Pamphlets, with some both themselves and their office into documents to which they refer, have contempt : for to preach the doctrines been put into our hands. We have of Rome, when they have subscribed read them with much pleasure. The the Articles of the Church of EngCurate in question is one of that party land, cannot be reconciled with com

mon honesty. We would advise them in any one particular diocese may deprave to study Mal. ii. 1-9, and to lay it the ministry of God's word, and sever the seriously to heart.

links of love and confidence which unite ministers and people, driving the latter from the Communion in which they were

born." THE EPISCOPATE : a Letter to Colonel

We heartily wish that men of God, Dunsterville, H. E. I. C., Chairman faithful and earnestminded, may be of the Plymouth Church Reform As- raised up to undertake the work of sociation. By the Rev. R. W. carrying out what was, according to Needham, Minister of St. Paul's

Abp. Ussher, a just and necessary re

duction of the Episcopate ; but which Chapel, Stonehouse. 8vo, pp. 25.

would in reality be its actual elevation Hatchards.

to its true and scriptural position in

the Church of Christ. · The evils arising from the present

Mr. Needham, we perceive, does mode of appointments to Bishoprics,

not agree with the gentlemen who or the position, duties, and revenues

act with Colonel Dunsterville, upon of their occupants, are not to be dealt

some questions in which they are desiwith in an octavo pamphlet. We

rous to interest their fellow members cannot wonder however that a Devon

in the Church of England, he nevershire clergyman should feel con

theless rightly argues,strained to speak out a little upon the subject, when we consider the oppor

“Progressive reform is a Church printunity he has of observing and expe- ciple. Cranmer and his distinguished riencing the mischief entailed by the fellow-workers confided in the fidelity of present system.

those who should follow them to correct Mr. Needham enters, of course, in

evils, the existence of which they acknow

ledged, though from the difficulties which a very cursory manner, into the mode

environed them, they were themselves un. in which Bishops are most commonly

able to remove them. A reform of the chosen, and quotes Archbishop Cran

episcopate would facilitate other ameliomer to shew that “in the beginning rations in our ecclesiastical system.” . it was not so.”

Awaiting the recommencement of

people commonly elected the Bishops and Priests. This was the admission of Cranmer, whose reformation of man's innovation on God's design was, by the necessities of his position, limited to doctrine ; discipline and government being left untouched But the historical fact which he admitted, rests on stronger foundation than that of Cranmer. It cannot be denied. Yet no one attempts to justify this revo lutionary change in the mode of appoint ment to episcopal office-no one attempts to shew that the powers of a Bishop in our days are identical with those of his office in primitive times. It cannot be shown. No one judging from the actual relative position if the Bishop in many of our dioceses with regard to his Clergy, would imagine, that the legitimate status is that of Primus inter pares. The truth is, that while the appointment of prelates has been vitiated by transference from the people to the civil ruler, powers have been committed to them to an extent unknown in primitive times—powers irresponsible-powers, the abuse of which

are quite sure that the question of a Revision of the Liturgy must be one of the first subjects which will engage the deepest attention of all who may be called to take part in an act so requisite to the peace and prosperity of the Church.

Those who desire to have another proof of the truth of the Edinburgh Reviewer's charges against the Bishop of Exeter's exercise of his Church patronage, cannot do better than read Mr. Needham's account of the treatment he has himself met with at his lordship’s hands.

ThoughtS ON The First RAINBOW, in connection with certain Geological Facts. 8vo. pp. 16. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.

We have had much pleasure in perusing this pamphlet. The views of the author are distinctly stated, and ing a debt upon the largest and most his object must commend his pages to complete National Schools of that town the candid consideration of every and neighbourhood. Although we nethoughtful Christian. We feel much ver could relish this sort of quid pro indebted to him for this brief essay, quo charity which in the present day to shew the harmony of science and makes people donors by becoming Scripture, and we should wish to see purchasers, and thus getting somethe subject on which he has here en- thing for their money, yet we cantered most fully investigated. It is not but congratulate Mr. Bright, not an axiom with us that Nature and only upon his choice of the thing to Revelation cannot contradict each be given in exchange for the subscripother, and that the further we pursue tion, but upon the success he has met our enquiries, the greater will their with in his undertaking. harmony appear. The statements of The introduction into so many faInspiration are as much realities and milies, of a volume of such sermons as facts as are any visible phenomena in we know these to be, cannot but be the material world. The true philo- useful in widely disseminating relisopher would as little attempt to im- gious instruction of the soundest and pugn the former, as the theologian to most spiritual character. gainsay the latter. The noble ambition of both should be to demonstrate THE LAMP TO THE PATH; or, Do you to their fellow-men the truth and the unity of the word and works of God.

Search the Scriptures ? with a CaMany and conflicting are the opi- lendar for Reading the Scriptures nions of the learned as to the antedi through in the course of a Year. By luvian condition of our world. We

W. B. Mackenzie, M. A. pp. 44. cannot enter on this important subject, but must content ourselves. vol.

J. H. Jackson. with referring our readers to these Any little work that calls off the “Thoughts on the First Rainbow." attention of Christians from the This much we would add, in conclu- world, its cares, and allurements, sion, that the hypothesis that the to the regular and frequent mediearth's axis before the deluge was tation of the word of God, is a vaperpendicular to the plane of the luable gift from a pastor to his ecliptic, and that the flood resulted own flock, and to the Church in gefrom changing that axis to its present neral. How few, comparatively speakposition, to say the least, goes far to ing, are Bible searchers; how few read, account for all that we read of the mark, learn, and inwardly digest those previous condition of our planet and Holy Scriptures which contain preits inhabitants, and for all that we cepts and promises for our earthly pilwitness of its subsequent state, down grimage, and the charter of our eter: to our own day.

nal inheritance. We are all too guilty in this respect; and if Mr. Mackenzie's

address should arouse any to this nego Sermons contributed by Clergymen of lected duty, they cannot do better

the Church of England. 8vo, pp. 476. than follow the Calendar he has apNisbet & Co.

pended; not, however, as he himself

warns us, so as to degenerate “into This volume, containing twenty- an unprofitable formality," but with nine sermons contributed by as many the ever-present prayer, “ Lord, open excellent clergymen of our Church, thou mine eyes and my heart, that I has been printed by an active layman may understand and feed upon thy at Hull, for the purpose of extinguish- written word.”

Passing Events.

We had last month to chronicle the dignitaries shall not be allowed to advent to power, of a Cabinet com- flaunt their robes or their pretenposed of men of whose present prin- sions in the face of a Protestant ciples we could hardly judge from Queen. the bygones of parliamentary history, On the questions of the national and, consequently, of whose future system of Irish Education and the course of government we could in- endowment of Maynooth, Lord Derby dulge but very uncertain anticipa- has spoken with caution, but he has tions. The proceedings of the past nevertheless held out a promise, that fortnight in Parliament have but little in both cases the systems shall be retended to remove this perplexity, for investigated. Lord Derby has, as we imagine, With regard to the general bearing wisely refused to gratify a most bitter of the new Government upon the opposition, and what is naturally a evangelical interests of the Church condemned Parliament, with a pre- and country, we have no very sanmature avowal of his views and guine hopes of a favourable nature. plans. It is enough that he has As we mentioned in our last number, been suddenly called to take office, we are inclined to think that the prenot by any political stroke of his sent Cabinet is composed of men who own party, but by the absolute de- will select the subjects of Church cay of Lord John Russell's adminis- preferment from the more moderate tration.

High-Church party, rather than from We have therefore but to gather that generally known by the term of from the general tone of the speeches Evangelical. Be this however as it which Lord Derby and his colleagues may, a general election is close at have delivered, what may be expected hand, and we trust that the watchat their hands as a Government. And word of all true Churchmen will be, first, with regard to a matter of the Vote for those candidates alone who very highest import,—the Protestant will pledge themselves to refuse ism of the country, -we think that alike any countenance or support to the present Government will take, at Rome, or its treacherous ally, Tracall events, a firmer stand than that tarianism. adopted by the late Cabinet. Lord Derby has let fall enough, to shew that he is not a man likely to sell the We have to record the secession honour of a Protestant country for the from the ministry of the Established time-serving and treacherous support Church of the Rev. W. H. Bathurst, of what has been aptly termed “the who has for more than thirty years Irish brigade.” Of this we have held the Rectory of Barwick-inmore definite assurance in a very re- Elmet, in the County of York, a cent announcement in the London living of the annual value of £1,000. Gazette, respecting the late presenta- We understand this gentleman to tion at Court of the Chaplain to the have resigned his preferment upon Roman Catholic Sheriff of London strong conscientious scruples, if reThe notice was as follows:

port be true, upon the Baptismal and « Lord Chamberlain's Office, one or two other Services. March 23rd.

We believe Mr. Bathurst has no “Notice is hereby given, that the pre- intention of joining any body of Dissentation to the Queen, at the levee, on senters, but has simply resigned an Thursday, the 26th February last, of the office in the Church in which he felt Very Rev. Monsigniore Searle, is cancel. he could no longer minister with a led, that title having been assumed with safe conscience. out the required authority.”

This looks well, and at least pro- We heard of this secession just mises that Romish prelates and before we received from a valued


correspondent a copy of an Ad- in the ordination service to impart the dress recently put forth by the Bath Holy Ghost, directly supports the priestly Church of England Association for theory which lies at the foundation of the the promotion of Church Reform. To Tractarian systein ; – that the form of Abthis document is prefixed a list of solution, in the Order for the Visitation some sixty of the most respectable

of the Sick, is a powerful instrument in

the hands of the Tractarian, for introduclay-inhabitants of Bath, who have as

ing the Romish practice of Auricular sociated themselves together for ob

Confession, and ultimately the Popish jects which have for some time held

Sacrament of Penance ;-that the Apoa very prominent place in this Maga- crypha is placed too nearly in our Church zine.

on a level with the Word of God ;-that Whatever may be the issue of these the Burial Service so offends the conorganizations of individual members sciences of many Clergymen, that a large of the Church of England, and whether body of them have recently petitioned the or no they may not ultimately spread Archbishop of Canterbury on the subject; until they become sufficiently nume --that the secularity of Episcopal funcrous and important to command atten

tions is a serious impediment to the proper tion,- of this we are sure, that their

discharge of the duties of a Bishop ;

and, lastly, that the Canons of the Church motives have a right to be respected,

exhibit a degree of intolerance characand their propositions are entitled to

teristic of the dark and barbarous age, in receive attentive consideration at the

which they were framed, but quite inconhands of their fellow-members of the sistent with the mild and charitable spirit Church. The object for which these of the Gospel. : gentlemen are banded together, they

Protestants argue stoutly for the declare to be as follows:

right of private judgment in religious - The Object of this Association shall matters. Here is one of our grand be the vindication and maintenance of the controversies with our Romish antatruth against Romish and Tractarian er- gonist, and one for which we must ror and superstition. For this end, and

ever fight most manfully ; but we have with a view to a wider comprehension of

for some time obserevd that ProtestChristians within the pale of the national Church, the efforts of the institution shall

ants are in many ways rather chary especially be directed towards the attain

of allowing each other this privilege. ment of Church Reform; the speedy ac

In few things is this more discernible complishment of a renewed revision of

than when Churchmen venture to the Book of Common Prayer; and a re- speak of a reformation in the Church, formation of the ecclesiastical laws.” either in ritual or constitution; too

The following is an extract from many of their brethren are in this case the Address itself:

disposed to censure and thereby drive “ The limits of this Address render it many from a communion to which impossible to dwell upon any but subjects otherwise they are sincerely attached. of vital importance. When the revision of the Liturgy shall be undertaken by competent authority, all minor defects

Since the above was written, we will-doubtless, be considered, and recti- have received a copy of a Lecture fied. Our public forinularies will then be which has just been delivered at brought, it is hoped, into a state which Bath, at the instance of this Associawould enable any one to appeal to them tion, by the Rev. T. Brooke, Rector as giving no uncertain sound, but express- of Avening. It is absolutely imposing in language not be mistaken, the doc- sible at this late period to do more than trines of the Church. The entire Liturgy express our thankful conviction, that ought to be so carefully re-considered. as this valuable Lecture is but the first to render each part consistent with the

step in getting the clergy to attack rest.— the Offices with the Articles, and

what is after all the strong hold of the the whole with the word of God.

" For the present, it must suffice to ractarians, the incongruities and amremind the reader, that the power claimed biguities of our Prayer-book.


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