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lofe yet a far greater pleasure, of doing what I can in my generation for the fervice and promotion of a holy, ferious religion.

Now what is it, but the want of better confidering, that proves to fo many their utter undoing? When they will not give themselves time nor leave to think of the things that concern their fouls; and have not the wit, nor the patience, to deliberate and reafon with themfelves, even upon the weightieft points, most needful to their falvation: and so they rush on, in a heedlefs precipitancy, upon fin and folly, upon peril and mifery. Being fo dead afleep in their fins or their minds and thoughts fo taken up and engaged about other matters; that as much as they know, they never regard to do them any good, but their very reafon and felf-reflexion, which diftinguish them from brutes and machines, ferve even for no more to them, than if they had no power at all of bethinking themfelves, or employing their meditatons; any further, than prefent objects and impulfes, (friking on their outward fenfes) carried them away. Thus do they follow the mere impetus of luft and paffion; as horfe and mule that have no understanding. When, would they but pause and confider; they might fo prevent the wickedness and danger. And to caft in fome grave and folemn thoughts, (like water thrown on the fire) might abate the heat, if not quite put it out. Here then a seasonable meditation, may be worth even as much as man's falvation. And whoever are but well acquainted with this kind of exercise, need not be told, how great is the advantage, and how fweet the comfort.

Yet all this notwithstanding, I know not, whe ther a fort of men will allow the duty, thus to set the thoughts on work; for fear of enterprifing any pious office, in their own will and ftrength: when their principle obliges them to believe that they


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must be quiet, and do no more but watch and wait a till fome divine afflatus come, and thrust them fo upon it; that they are not able to avoid it. But what then means the ftirring up of God's gift that is in us? 2 Tim. 1, 6. And stirring up ourselves, to take hold of the Lord? Ifa. lxiv. 7. For if we must give diligence, fo to fir up ourselves; it is not the to ftay, and be purely paffive; till fuch time as we are rapt even out of ourselves. And if meditiri be, (as fome derive it, medio animo ire) the going down into our own minds; to hold a fort of communication with ourselves; are we not put upon this very thing, by an exprefs command? Pfal. iv. 4. "Com66 mune with your own hearts." And would we but duly apply ourselves to it, fuch conference at home, fhould we find much more to avail us, than abundance of that chat with companies abroad; which helps fo many to forget themfelves; and to continue ftill fome of the greateft ftrangers to their own fouls. The amusements of the world, the entertainments of fenfe, and the hurry of company, are too well known for prevalent temptations; and the common occafions of diverting men, from the principal affair that they have to do: which feldom fhall we find better to be done, than when we are alone; and have none but God, and our own fouls to converse with. In fuch abstractions and fequeftrations from fociety and business, from pleasures, and interruptions, we come beft of all to know ourselves; and here, (if ever) fhall we be in earneft, to do all heartily as to the Lord.

The course then that I find moft beneficial to myfelf, I am also for recommending it to others. And for fuch as have not better furniture of their own: or that find any thing agreeable in these preparations of mine; I have gathered together the prefent entertainment, after another of the fame nature: that


any who please, may take out of this or that, what they fhall think fit for their own purpose.

I must confefs, that I fee nothing, upon which I can value myself in either, but the pious intention : and neither, indeed, can be expected to prove of any good ufe: or to find any defirable fuccefs, without the divine benediction; which bleffing from on high, may the kind readers, therefore join with me, to pray down upon my poor endeavours, that they may not go off, without fome kindly fruit, but turn to a happy account.



Of the Lord's mercy in lengthening out my Life.

F one that lives to a great age, and dies full of days, we use to say, He has held out long, and had a fair time in the world. And must not I thankfully acknowledge it, my foul, to the Lord; what length of days, and fair opportunities I have had, to make my obfervation and my benefit, of fo many as I have feen, carried off from this land of the living before me? Some in a very furprising manner; and (as I may fear) in a miferably unprovided cafe, while I have been permitted, ftill to emerge out of all the troubles, and to furvive all the dangers that threatened, long ere this time, to have hurried me away into another world.

O what is it, but the long suffering of the Lord fo to bear with fuch an injurious finner? And what mercy from my God, that he makes me thus to differ? O what have I done fo well; to deferve any of this favour? Yea, how much evil have I made bold to do; that might have provoked the offended Majefty, to cut me off in his juft difpleasure? Is it not mercy to be fpared, and get fuch space to repent; and to make my peace above? Is it not mercy, ftill to have a further grant, of that precious time, which is the only time, that ever we fhall have; wherein


to make ready for a whole eternity, and O who is able to tell, how highly they would prize this mercy, (might they but once more enjoy it) who now have loft it; and are for ever paft it!

O may I so use the mercy, that it prove indeed a mercy, and kindness to thee, my foul! That I may not only have more time from the Lord to live longer, but also more grace from the Lord, to live better! For to have more days added to my prefent life, what will it, but add heavier weight to my future account, if I only have them, and miffpend them; and will not, in the day, do the proper and needful work of the day?

'Tis a wifh that favours more of fome fenfual indifpofition, than the falt of any mature confideration, when fuch as mean me their greatest kindness, ufe to pray for my life; that I may continue many and many years; to enjoy the conveniencies and accommodations which I have here upon earth. When, alas, the longer I do enjoy them, the more fhall I have to answer for them, if I live only to enjoy them. But when I am the fame ftill; or worfe, in my foul's eftate this year, than I was the laft; were it not better, I had died a year fooner than to live on, that I might grow a more wicked finner?

O my foul! the chief of thy concern fhould be, what fhall I do here, worth the time and the talents, wherewith my Lord is pleased to entrust me: What progrefs I fhall make in my heavenly voyage ftill further. And what fervice I fhall perform in my Christian warfare yet better. That this day may not find me as the laft: nor the next come and go, and leave me ftill as bad. For to what purpofe then is the price put into my hands, which I never ufe, to do me any good; but hang ftill a burden upon that mercy, which deals with me fo bountifully?

Rouse up then, toy foul, and not only obferve the happy feafons that I have, but wifelier confider, how

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