Protestant Mission Education in Zambia, 1880-1954Susquehanna University Press, 1986 - 190 sidor This book traces the development of Zambian education during the first half of the twentieth century and examines the interaction between the missions, government, and the settlers. |
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administration African Education Advisory agricultural areas Barotse Barotseland Board on Native BSAC Caldwell Central Africa central mission schools certificate Chief Secretary Christian Church CMML Coillard Colonial Office Commissioner Committee cooperation Copperbelt Department of Native Director of Native district E. W. Smith educa Education Advisory Board Education in Zambia educational development Educational Policy educational system educationists established expenditure girls Government Printer grants HM 4 CC Ibid indigenous influence inspections J. R. Fell July Kafue Kafue Institute Kasenga Latham Lealui Legislative Council Lewanika Livingstone London London Missionary Society Lozi Lusaka Magistrate Mazabuka Mbereshi ment Methodist mission education mission societies mission station Mission to Central Missionary Conference missionary societies Native Affairs native authorities Native Education NAZ file normal schools Northern Rhodesia Nyasaland PMMS file religious salaries school code Sesheke Soulsby South Africa Standard supervision syllabus Synod teacher training territory tion Tyndale-Biscoe UMCA UMCB vernacular village schools Zambesi Zambia