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for payment' on land, $300, thus leaving a balance in the treasury of $250.

Very few county agricultural societies can show as good a financial condition as ours. The balance due upon the land is now quite small; so that there is a good prospect that we shall soon be free from debt. Very great credit for this we think is due to our good fortune in securing the continued services of Mr. Webb as treasurer. He has discharged his duties with rare fidelity and skill. No small meed of praise is due to Mr. Freer for our noble buildings. We think the selection of officers for this year a good one. Mr. Murray takes a deep interest in the society and will do all he can for its welfare. Mr. Blodgett has been a faithful secretary and well descrved a re-election.


The twenty-second annual fair was held in the village of Delhi the 29th and 30th of September and the 1st of October. The weather was fine, and attendance large. The show of stock, though not large, comprised some very superior animals. The Durham herd of Ezra Cornell, Esq., was represented; also the South-Down flock of Samuel Thorne, and two or three flocks of England. Whole number of entries, exclusive of ladies' and boys' department, was 564. Amount of premiums paid nearly $800.

During the fair an evening meeting was held, and the subject of rotation was profitably discussed, and it is doubtful whether those present derived as much real benefit from the exhibition as from what was learned at the meeting.

The last day of the fair, at two o'clock, the vast concourse of people gathered around the speaker's stand, when prayer was offered by Rev. J. N. Adams, of Croton; after which the president introduced, "with pleas ure and pride," Rev. Silas Fitch, who delivered an address replete with practical and instructive suggestions, and received the close attention of the vast audience that listened to it. No live farmer could listen without benefit. "Joe Shiftless" received his just due at his hands. Even Dick Numbskull, though he shut his eyes and said he would not learn, went away with a wiser head and stimulated hands. The response of the crowd to the vote of thanks offered made the welkin ring-showing they could appreciate the man as an orator, and the noble, sublime, and soul-stirring sentiments he uttered. The farmers of the county are bringing more intelligence to bear upon their occupations; yet they are slow to avail themselves of the inventive genius and artistic skill of the age; slow in realizing the relation labor sustains to mind, and head to hand.

The most of the speakers that address us at our fairs are at fault in this matter. Many of them are looking at men; and, instead of telling us our faults, and giving us needed advice, bitter though it be, tell us that "the farmer is the most honorable of all men; that agriculture is the most ancient of arts; that its existence is coeval with the creation; that it was instituted by the Almighty himself at the dawn of man's existence, and comes down to us covered with the dust of antediluvian ages. Therefore the farmer is, of all men, entitled to the most of the world's regard."

The annual meeting was held at Delhi, January 6, 1864, for the election

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of officers and to award premiums on field crops, dressed meats, &c. Number of entries, 100; premiums paid, about $90. The report of the treasurer showed the society to be in a prosperous condition. Balance on hand $494-showing a marked increase from last year. Yet the fair does not receive onetenth the attention its importance demands--many farmers looking on as if the whole concern belonged to somebody else. Few look with as much pleasure as they should at the steadily advancing prosperity of our society at our happy yearly re-unions. "It is a good thing, after the harvest is ended, to come together and display the productions of the soil; to exhibit the improvements made and the result of experiments; to create a general emulation; to learn and teach one another. Men comprehend quicker by practical examination, and are more ready to try the suggestions of sei ence when they hate the testimony of experience." They go home from the exhibition pleased and rejuvenated, because in the fruit of their labor they reap high enjoyment, and learn much in the midst of recreation. P. G. NORTHUP, President.


B. P. JOHNSON, Esq.:

Dear Sir-In complying with the usual custom of reporting the transactions of our county society to that of the State, I have little to communicate that will differ from the transactions of former years.

Our society attempts but little but to offer premiums upon all agricultural products, and hold an annual fair for the exhibition of the same.

Our fair for the year 1863 was held at the society's grounds, Washington Hollow, on the 22d, 23d and 24th days of September, and was in every way a successful one. The entries in the various departments did not differ materially from that of other years. The success of the society has, from its organization more than twenty years since, been uniform. It has been self-supporting. Its grounds located in the center of the county, with out the support of a large city or village, without railroads or navigable streams leading to them, its fairs have been attended but little except by the actual residents of the county. Neither has the society received any aid from shows, stands or booths admitted upon the grounds. All such things have been rigidly kept from the grounds, yet the receipts have increased from year to year, which shows conclusively that the society is growing in favor. About the only change perceptible is the partiality shown for horse exhibitions. The grounds are well arranged for this purpose, and they are thoroughly used. At our recent show were exhibitions of speed not often excelled; trotting stallions that could go like the wind were exhibited to the admiration of all; stallions of all work, of great strength and beauty, appeared in profusion; trotters of all kinds kept the track filled from morning to night, making an animating and exciting scene. This question of horse trotting is now attracting the attention of many of the best friends of the society. By some the utility of the thing is doubted, on the other hand the argument is it pays. One thing is certain, it has become one of the main features of the society's exhibitions. As to other departments of the show it was perhaps as good as usual, and perhaps no better. The attendance was larger than ever, and the receipts larger.

The receipts all told amounted to about $2,200, being some hundreds more than any former year. On the last day a fine address was well delivered by the Hon. Ambrose Wager. The following are the officers for 1864: President, John G. Halsted, Clinton Corners; Treasurer, William W. Haxtun, Poughquag; Secretary, George Sweet, Washington Hollow.


GEO. SWEET, Secretary.

With pleasure we record the success of our fair of 1863. The attendance was the largest we ever had-we were crowded. The exhibition of stock good, and in some classes of rare merit; cattle, sheep and swine had a representation equal in quality to any in the State; horses fairly represented, very many valuable matched pairs on exhibition. Our display in the fruit and vegetable department was one of unsurpassed richness, both in its variety and quality. Our floral hall was the lame limb of our show, a place heretofore crowded to excess. Whether the fault was with the managers or contributors we will not attempt to say, but the articles which contribute most to the beauty and interest of such an exhibition were not there.

The receipts for us were very large, amounting to $1,300. We are striving to make our society and its annual exhibitions one of the fixed institu tions of our county. SMITH T. PALMER, Secretary.

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My Dear Sir-The Fulton County Agricultural Society held their annual fair for 1863 at Fondasbush, on September 30th and October 1st; attendance large; number of entries nearly 100; about an average show. The officers for 1864 are: President, William Logan, West Galway; Vice President, Jacob Boshart, Johnstown; Secretary, Isaiah Yanney, Johnstown; Treasurer, Mortimer Wade, Johnstown, with a town committee from each town in the county. Obediently yours,



. The annual fair of the Greene County Agricultural Society for the year 1862, was held at the village of Cairo, on the 29th and 30th days of September. The growing interest among the people in the agricultural prosperity of the county, induced the officers of the society, the year previous, to attempt to hold a three instead of a two days fair. Great preparations were made for a grand exhibition; large premiums were offered, and every department of industry seemed busy preparing something for the show. But disappointment awaited us. The first day fixed for the exhibition was lowry and threatening, and the second and third days were as rainy as any two of Noah's flood.

Articles enough were brought on to the ground to demand the premiums, but in other respects the fair was a failure. After waiting through three

days of dreary expectation and disappointment, we adjourned to the 15th of October. But other engagements, loss of interest, and cold rough weather, were against us, and the attendance was not large. Added to these misfortunes, was the loss by fire, of the society's tent and other property.

The question now to be solved was, how shall the society pay the premiums and expenses incurred? But the members at the annual meeting last January, soon settled the matter. It appearing that there were funds sufficient to pay the expenses and fifty percent on the premiums, they resolved cheerfully and unanimously, that the funds should be thus disposed of and the society start the new year out of debt. Sufficient however was donated on the spot to pay premiums due to ladies in full.

Thus the society commenced the year 1863. Doubtless the disappointments of the year previous lessened the zeal of many in preparing for the exhibition of this year; still the show was quite creditable in every department, and very good in many. The number of fine working cattle and milch cows on the ground, were evidence that our farmers are giving much attention to the improvement of their stock. The samples of butter and cheese from the mountainous regions of sweet grass and pure water, prove that this county is not inferior to any spot in the world in the production of these articles. The quantity of fruit and vegetables was not large, but choice in quality. Floral hall was well decorated with beautiful flowers, exquisitely arranged, paintings and fancy work, besides a fair variety of substantial household articles of domestic manufacture. Great interest was taken in the exhibition of horses as animals of draft, speed and beauty, and the number brought out for show and trial was large. The weather during both days was exceedingly pleasant and beautiful, and this fair called together the largest crowd of people that ever assem bled in Greene county. No accidents occurred, and everybody seemed happy.

The annual address was delivered by B. P. Johnson, Esq., Secretary of the N. Y. State Agricultural Society. It was full of plain eloquence and practical instruction, and was listened to by the immense crowd with marked attention and evident satisfaction. On the whole, the fair was pronounced a decided success.

Great credit is due to Horatio L. Day, Esq., the secretary of the society, for the ability, fidelity and constancy with which he has served it for several years past. All of its operations and business have been so systematized by him that its affairs move on with perfect regularity and ease. Should he retire from the office, as he thinks of doing at the close of the present year, the society will suffer a great loss.



RUFUS H. KING, President.

The annual fair of the Herkimer County Agricultural Society was held on the society's ample and convenient grounds, known as the "German Flats," on the 23d, 24th, and 25th days of September 1863, and most fully met the expectations of its friends.

The society supposed their accommodations sufficient, but with pleasure report, that the exhibition was far beyond the capacity of the society; so much so, that measures were taken at the annual meeting a few days ago to enlarge and build to meet increased 'requirements.

Our society has never been in a more healthy and prosperous condition; showing practical and beneficial results, manifest improved interest in the different branches represented.

The farmers of the county, the past year, have realized an abundant harvest, and, with prices so highly remunerative, have added more to the substantial wealth of the county than in any previous year.

:. The competition in the various classes and departments made it difficult for some of the committees to discriminate and do justice to the parties. But with the result all seemed satisfied.

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The receipts from all sources during the year were $1,290; expenditures, $1,500; leaving a balance of $625.00 in the treasury.

The society requested the president to furnish a copy of his address for publication.


G. W. PINE, Pres't..


Had we consulted our own wishes, neighbors and friends of the sociey, we should not have presumed to address you on the present occasion. It would be presumption in me to suppose that anything I could say, at this time, would advance the productive interests represented here, or turn you into any better paths than you are already pursuing.

As memory moved by the scene runs back over time, we fully realize that another year has been added to the past since we last assembled- a year full of great events; a year of much anxiety to all our people; a year that will go down through the long tracks of time; a year that has taken along with it memorable events in national, individual, and family life.

Although the common labor of the country has been changed very much from the accustomed channel of productive industry, those remaining realized the exigencies of the great occasion (the necessity for extra individual application) and have secured from our productive hills and fertile valleys an abundant harvest, full and remunerative. Through the agency of Him who is the great Author of the wonderful varieties of life with which the earth is filled, her genial bosom has been caused to furnish her indispensa ble treasures, and we, as a people and a community, are at least for another year supplied.

Nature, munificent, has given us another year's subsistence when so much needed, and likewise granted her health, her beauty, her fertility, for which it becometh us to give thanks to Him who is the giver of these blessings; whilst many of our number have left the industrial home, and given their best energies to the support of that government to which we all look for protection to guard the fruit of our toil...

The important home-supporting interests have not been neglected, which underlie all the rest, that there may be plenty; and that if we cannot now

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