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Dear sir-I herewith transmit the annual statement of the Wayne County Agricultural Society, as required by law.

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The society has had two exhibitions during the past year of two days each: The annual horse exhibition on the 3d and 4th of July, and the agricultural fair in October. The increased attendance was gratifying and was attributed in a great measure to the attention drawn to agricultural matters by the taking of the State statistics. This matter was attended with considerable difficulty this year on account of its being a new feature in the annals of this society; we are in hopes that we now have it so systematized as to be able to do the work more promptly and satisfactorily. JAMES S. McCALL, Secretary.


The list of officers of this society for 1864 is given, no report of the proceedings of the society having been received.

John Jay Wood, President; Col. D. K. Sherwood, 1st Vice-President; Charles W. Bathgate, 2d Vice-President; Henry W. Tibbets, Treasurer; Francis A. Armstrong, Corresponding Secretary; John Cowan, Recording Secretary.

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A committee was appointed to procure life members, to pay off balance. due for fair grounds and erection of an exhibition hall. The winter exhibition of fruits-grapes, pears and wine were worthy of honorable mention, and a seedling apple shown by Mr. Smallwood, was named "Smallwood seedling," and recommended for propagation and cultivation. The winter exhibition of fruits and vegetables to be continued.

H. A. DUDLEY, Secretary.

E. WHEELER, President.



Have kept up their organization-though, owing to the illness of the President, and the large number of volunteers who have entered the service of their country, no annual exhibition has been held. The interest taken in the improvement of agriculture is not lessened, and a great interest is taken in thorough-bred stock and fine horses. A descendant of the celebrated "George M. Patchen" and one of "Black Hawk" are competing side by side for patronage. "South-Down" and the famous "Oxfordshire" sheep are sprinkled over our hill-sides. Your annual Transactions are anxiously sought for and read with great interest and profit.

J. JULIAND, 2D, Secretary.


FACTORYVILLE, February 4, 1864.

B. P. JOHNSON, Esq. : Dear Sir Enclosed find our statement of the Barton Agricultural Society for the year 1863. The troubles of the country have a great deal to do with the success of agricultural societies in general, and ours in particular. Our fair last September was well attended, although the show of articles was not up to the mark of previous years, and the inclination of the people seems to center too much upon the horse and sporting, rather than those things which are of more utility.

Hoping that the tastes of the agricultural and mechanical portion of the community will change somewhat in this respect,

B. P. JOHNSON, Secretary:

I remain, as ever, yours truly,
JAMES S. MURRAY, Secretary.


Dear Sir-In transmitting the sixth annual report of the Constantia Town Agricultural Society, it may be proper to state that although the receipts fall short of previous years, it is owing, in a great measure, to the inclemency of the weather during our exhibition. It did seem as if old Boreas was determined, upon the first day, that the farmers of old Constantia should be denied the pleasure and profit of their annual fair. Yet notwithstanding many of our energetic farmers were upon the grounds. determined to do their best to make a creditable show; and by an arrangement which we think works well in a town fair, viz., not to bring the stock upon the grounds until the second day (our exhibitions are of but two days' duration); this gives better satisfaction to the exhibitors and quite a savLAG. TRANS.]


ing to the society, and enabled us to make the last day every way satisfactory to the public. Much credit is due the ladies of our town for their contributions to floral hall; many of their articles for beauty and taste in arrangement were not surpassed at our county or State fairs.

The officers for the year are-President, H. W. Dickinson, of Constantia; Secretary, Jacob Dickinson, jr.; Treasurer, Stephen Taft, of Bernhard's bay. Total amount of receipts.

Paid on drafts......

Balance on hand......

January 11, 1864.

$114 80 97 61

$17 19

JAMES DICKIE, Secretary.


B. P. JOHNSON, Esq., Secretary New York State Agricultural Society: The eighth annual fair of the Coventry Agricultural Society was held Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 7th and 8th, 1863. The entries upon the first day of the fair were fully equal to any former exhibition of the society, and but for a severe storm the whole of the second day, our highest expectations would have been more than realized. As it is, we are not at all discour aged. Our society is one of the oldest town societies in the county, has thus far been able to sustain its reputation for a thorough and successful organization. The society's grounds are well enclosed and furnished with a good track for the exhibition of horses, and a substantially built floral hall.


The report of the treasurer at our late annual meeting, shows the soci ety clear of debt, and in good working order.

The officers elect for the present year are: President, Daniel Beecher; Secretary, Harvey F. Beardsley; Treasurer, Lucius Manwaring.

Truly yours,

February 15, 1864.


Acting Secretary Coventry Agricultural Society.


Danby Farmers' Club, Tompkins County, B. P. Johnson :

DEAR SIR: I send you a report of the proceedings of the Farmers' Club of Danby for the year 1863. The object for which the club was organized, as our constitution declares, was for the purpose of uniting our efforts for mutual improvement in the science and art of agriculture in all its departments, by discussions, conversations, comparing notes, relating experiences, addresses, &c. We hold meetings each alternate week, at which a question is proposed for discussion, in the form of a resolution, by a committee appointed for the purpose at a previous meeting. Also an essay, either original or selected, read for the benefit of the club, after the question proposed has been discussed, each member present records his vote thereon in the Secretary's book. The officers for the ensuing year are: President, Oliver Stewart; Vice President, D. A. Everett; Recording Secretary, T. H.

Howell; Corresponding Secretary, L. B. Hanford; Treasurer, C. B. Keeler, under whose management the club is increasing both in numbers and interest.

LEWIS B. HANFORD, President.

DANBY, TOMPKINS COUNTY, N. Y., January 28, 1864.


We have again passed through another successful year for our society, but were deprived by the hand of Providence of the counsel and assistance of our President at the commencement of the year, he having never been able to meet with us after his election.

A spring fair was held May 30th for the exhibition of stock, animals and agricultural implements, and was well attended. A number of fine stallions, bulls and bucks were present, but were eclipsed by the fine show of mow ers and reapers, as well as other fine farming utensils. This exhibition is free, and no premiums offered.

The eighth annual fair was held October 8th and 9th, and unfortunately for the society, it rained almost the entire time both days, yet our exhibition would have done credit to a good day.

The show of farm horses, stallions and colts was fine and large, about 100 being present on the first day, the heavy rain and bad condition of the track preventing an exhibition of roadsters or trotting horses on the second. There were 124 head of cattle entered for premiums, mostly very fine animals, especially the thorough bred Durhams and Devons, with some grades not easily surpassed. Also a very fine display of working oxen; fifteen yoke came in one train, hitched to a wagon loaded with articles for exhibition, and a fine fat steer exhibited by J. Albright, weighing 3,500 pounds.

Only 79 sheep were shown, mostly South Downs, Leicester and crosses, but made up in quality the lack in number, some being of the very best. The fine wools were all Spanish merinoes and superior animals, and a greater number than common, much interest of late having been awakened, and much improvement made. But twenty-five hogs could be induced to enter the grounds, and these good, including a monster shown by A. B. Benham, weighing 1,270 pounds.

Agricultural implements were well represented, especially mowers and reapers, of which articles our farmers have availed themselves to a large extent the past season.

The exhibition of butter and cheese was very large, and judging from the amount of tasting done by the committee, must have been of the best quality.

A few colonies of bees were present in H. J. Kidder's patent hives, a novelty at our exhibitions; also some very nice honey in boxes.

The hall exhibition was the best we ever had, the bad weather notwithstanding; there were 1,100 articles on exhibition, comprising a large and splendid assortment of apples, pears, grapes and vegetables, whilst the great display of needle-work, paintings and fancy articles, fashioned by delicate fingers, with the admiring crowd, gave abundant evidence of the

obligations we are under to the fairer sex for much of the interest in our exhibitions.

Our receipts have been $950, our expenditures $339, and $406 for premiums, leaving a balance in hand of $215, of which $170 has been set aside for the payment of interest for one year to the stockholders. And it may not be amiss here to give a brief history of our society. It was formed in 1856, and the first fair was held on leased grounds, and with a tent, with such success as to induce the society the next year to purchase eight acres of ground, fence it, construct a nice track for driving, and erected a dodecagon building two stories high and eighty feet in diameter, at a cost of about $3,300; of this sum about $2,400 was taken by the inhabitants in shares of $10, leaving a debt on the society of $900. This debt has been gradually extinguished, and we are this year enabled to make a small dividend. The grounds have since been improved by ditching, setting shade trees, and sinking a well, which affords a stream of good water at all times, the community having thus by their energy secured to themselves a permanent, commodious and pleasant situation for the future.

Our annual meeting took place at Dryden, January 9th, 1864, at which the following officers were elected: Jacob Albright, President, Varna; Jerome Townley, Vice-President, McLean; D. D. P. Gardner, Treasurer, Dryden; Simeon Snider, Secretary, Etna; Nathan Bowton, Director, Virgil; Jackson Jameson, Director, Dryden.


The disturbed state of our country, the scarcity and high wages of laborers, have prevented much of that improvement which has heretofore characterised our community, although much more work is being done by the same hands than heretofore, by the introduction of a vast amount of laborsaving machinery within the year past.

The season here has been somewhat unfavorable, having been wet beyond a precedent, being universally remarked that so much rain had never before fallen in one season; yet quite warm.

Winter wheat was a good crop; no injury of consequence from midge or weevil. More is being sown each year, and with top-dressing, a good crop is almost certain.

Spring wheat poor; very little sown.

Corn very good-more than an average crop-and the best paying crop raised this year.

Barley not very good; below the average.

Oats were a light crop, with heavy straw, the heavy rains of July beating them down and preventing their filling.

Buckwheat poor, with heavy straw, being lightly loaded.

Flax a fair crop, and much sown in proportion to former years. Potatoes generally poor, many good farmers not raising enough for their family use; the tops dying early in August, making the older varieties, especially, a failure. Some of the newer, and seemingly more healthy va rieties, such as the Albany and Davis seedling and Peach Blow, yielded a

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