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flection that they are neither refponfible to the writer whom they infult, nor the reader on whom they impose; that for this reason they disdained the fubterfuge of concealment; prefuming on the fortitude of being as little influenced by private prejudice as public profeffion; that uninterested in the fuccefs of particular productions, they engaged in fo arduous an undertaking, for the fake of literature in general, and would fuffer neither peculiar favour, nor even personal affection to pervert their judgment or prevent their impartiality.

It is with pleasure they have received repeated proofs of the extenfive approbation their conduct hath hitherto met with in this refpect; although fuch proofs have been too flattering to permit of their own publication of them.

A clamour, indeed, has been raised against the London Reviewers by the interested and mercenary, for having frequently given, in a few pages, the whole fum anđ substance of voluminous publications. But against this clamour they rely on the juftice of the public; on which popular writers and artful editors are too apt to impose their scanty volumes and loosely-printed pages, at a price too exorbitant for fo much waste paper.

It has been in oppofition to the repeated requests of their correfpondents, that the Reviewers have hitherto forborn as much as poffible to admit of any attacks on



their periodical rivals. The advantage their long esta blishment gives them over the London Review, rendered fuch an oppofition, however folicited, in the infancy of their institution, altogether imprudent. At the fame time, they prefume a comparison of the different Re views for the past year will not only fhew how much earlier all the principal publications have been noticed in the London Review than in the Monthly or Critical for the fame period, but will fufficiently prove the present work to be conducted on a more liberal and indepen dent plan than has been before adopted.

To those who have already taken this work under their protection, the Authors therefore prefume it unne ceffary to say any thing more than to give them the af furance, that it fhall continue to be carried on with the fame inflexible impartiality toward the talents, persons, and principles of individuals, and the fame unremitted attention to the information and entertainment of the public.

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Answers to Correspondents



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