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GENESIS, XXXxvii. 3, 4.

Now Ifrael loved Jofeph more than all his children, becaufe he was the fon of his old age. And when his brethren faw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him and could not fpeak peaceably unto him.

THERE is perhaps no History in Scripture more remarkable for surprising changes of fortune, or for the pathetic. fimplicity with which they are related than this of Jofeph. The feveral circumftances and fituations it defcribes, cannot fail to intereft the heart, at the


fame time that they inftil many a falutary leffon for the conduct of human life. It is the intention of the prefent and fome future difcourfes, to lay these before you, accompanied with fuch reflections as they fhall naturally fuggest.

THE fubject of our Hiftory is introduced to us, as the darling of his father's affections Ifrael loved Jofeph more than all his children. He was the fon of the beloved Rachel. It has been fuppofed to be one of the advantages confequent upon marriages where. love cements the union, that the affection of the parents for each other, is transferred from themfelves to their offspring, and renders their children doubly dear to them: however that may be, certain it is, that the fons of Rachel were cherished by Jacob their

father with more than ordinary preferencé and efteem.

BUT there was a further reafon for this partiality of Jacob for Jofeph ;. he was the fun of his old age. The love of parents for their children, is akin to the love of immortality, a prevailing fentiment in the human breaft; it is the defire to perpetuate themfelves in their offspring, to tranfmit their name to pofterity in the perfons of their defcendants. The declining age of Jacob faw with a fatisfaction which could not be concealed, its own exiftence as it were renewed in the opening powers and rifing faculties of the infant Jofeph. A child froin Rachel had long been waited for, and was a boon granted when leaft to be expected: Precious therefore must be this gift from the Lord in the eyes of his Parents, as a

token of the divine acceptance of their prayers, and an encouragement to future confidence in God, who, though he may long delay to answer our petitions, yet will affuredly fatisfy us in the end, that He is the God who heareth Prayer.

It is not always in the power of parents to love all their children with equal affection: fome one may be endeared to them above the reft by his peculiar genius, manners, or temper;, or the circumftances of his birth may caufe them to fet an higher value upon him, as in the cafe of Jofeph, who was the fon of his father's old-age; but then this predilection ought in wifdom to be concealed with the utmost care from those who have an equal claim to parental tenderness, left unjuft diftinctions flir up the envy and

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