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her servant what fellow that was? Mr. Rolfe, the uncle of Miss York, pointing towards him.

The servant the proprietor of the house where she replied, she did not know. Miss resides, and the joint proprietor of York then said : “ I shall take the the park, attended in behalf of Miss liberty of firing at him," and present. York, and in extenuation of the coned the gun at him. It snapped twice. duct of his niece, stated, that there He then got behind a tree to avoid was no road through the park, and its contents. She snapped the piece therefore the witnesses, and those who again, and it went off, presented at were playing at cricket, were comhim. He saw Miss York put shot mitting a trespass; but he, by no into the gun out of a shot belt, and means, justified the conduct of his saw her prime it with powder; her niece, in discharging a musket at servant supplied her with powder to them. Mr. Rolfe endeavoured 10 prime it. After the gun was fired, throw discredit upon the testimony he and Parker got over the paling, of Coombes, insinuating that he was and took the gun from her.

not a respectable character.

Mr. Henry Parker, a carpenter, of Sun- Nares, however, did not consider any bury, confirmed the above, and said, thing that had been said in defence, as he was walking along the road, to amount to a justification of one of he saw Miss York fire off the gun; the most serious and outrageous acts her servant was close by her side at that ever was committed, and partithe time; he observed the ball from cularly by a young lady; but would the gun strike the gravel road about give it another hearing, upon Mr. three paces before him ; he, in con- Rolfe undertaking for the future apsequence, went to the paling, and pearance of Miss York and her serasked her what she was firing at? vant, who, he conceived, had acted She replied, if he insulted her in her equally improper in fetching the gun, private walks, she would shoot him : and in assisting in loading it. The the ball made an aperture through prosecutors undertook to produce the paling. At this the other witness, three witnesses to corroborate what Coombes, came up to him, and re- they had stated, and on Friday the lated what had happened : and he, parties were again brought up to be Parker, with Coombes, jumped over examined, but on the witnesses being the paling, and took the gun from her. called, they did not answer. Some

The defence set up by Miss York suspicion was entertained that they was, that the witness, Coombes, had had been tampered with, and the made use of some very improper lan- magistrate ordered Miss York to be guage to her, and had thrown some committed to New Prison, Clerkpieces of the paling at her, which in- well. Elizabeth Too, the servant, was duced her to send her servant for the admitted to bail, to answer what shall musket, and she had discharged it at be objected against her at the next Coombes in her own defence.

Quarter Sessions, herself in 3001. This was confirmed by the servant. and two sureties 1501. each.

Order for the Lord Mayor's preparing the Ceremony of the Solemn Entry of Charles

I. of Spain into London, A. D. 1522. THE meeting of the emperour, First, the said lord mayor must his grace, with the lord mayor of ineet him at Deptford, and there shall London, and his brethren, with all receive him with procession. other crafts of the said city in their Also at London bridge, there shall liveries.

be two great giants standing at either

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side of the gate, which shall deliver an orchard, and one garden made by to the king's grace the keys, and the advice, and shall be with birds sing. king to deliver them to the empe- ing upon trees, and divers manner of

wild beasts, and motes with sluices, Also upon the drawbridge shall be with fishes swimming in them. one pageant of Jason with the golden And out of two ports of the corfleece ; because the emperour giveth ners shall come two men, one like the golden fleece, as the king of En- the king, another like the emperour, gland doth give the garter.

having two swords in their hands, Also there shall be set, the like. clean armed, and shall meet and kiss, ness of the

emperour, and all the and the Father of Heaven being over kings that hold of the emperour, with their heads, blessing them. crowns on their heads.

Also at the great conduit in Cheap. Also at the conduit, in Grace- side shall be two ports, one shall be church street, there shall sit one the east gate, and the other shall be man, in likeness of king Charles, the west; and at the coming of with an emperour's crown upon his the east gate there shall be there a head, the emperour sitting on the rose, like to the bud of a rose, and right hand, and the king of England so to come down and open more and on the left hand of him ; and he shall more, and at the last it shall be openhave two swords in his hand, and de- ed all. liver one sword to the emperour, the And there shall be a maiden with other to the king's grace.

a red rose and a white in her hands, That is to understand, to the em- clothed in cloth of gold, delivering perour as heir apparent, and to the unto the king the red rose, and to king's grace as heir and governour the emperour the white rose. generall.

Also at the standard in the Cheap Also, at the Leadenhall shall be there shall be the storie of king Soone pageant of the duke of Lancas. lomon, with his progeny. ter, how he was married in Spain, Also a cross in the Cheap, gilded and of all his lineage that came of after the best manner. him since that time, and targetts Also at the little conduit in the upon them, that they may be known, Cheap, shall be the assumption of Our and their arms upon the targetts, to Lady, as goodly as can be wrought, be known thereby.

&c. angells, archangells, patriarchs, At the conduit in Cornehill shall prophets, with the apostles in the sit king Arthur as an emperour, and heavenliest manner. The sun, the all the kings crowned that did hold moon, with the stars shining bright, of him.

which shall open and bow down to Then he shall present the king the honour of Our Lady, with voices with one sword, and welcome the of young choristers, the which shall emperour with a speech.

sing most sweetly, as may be devised Also at the conduit in the Stocks, by musick. there shall be made one castle and

CHARACTERS OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. THE specimen which follows foreign to the present taste, and of is very whimsical but very expres- national peculiarities to which mosive, and may serve as a lively picture dern customs bear not the smallest of former manners, of parts of dress similitude. It is extracted from Thonow unknown, of delicacies perfectly mas Reeve's Sermons, delivered within the city of London, and entitled, the times ; his mind is wholly set ** God's Plea for Nineveh, or Lon- upon cuts and slashes, knots and don's Precedent for Mercy. Printed roses, patchings and pinkings, jagby William Wilson, for Thomas gins, taggins, borderings, brimmings, Reeve, B. in Divinity, living at the half-shirts, half-arms, yawning brests, Bunch of Grapes in Chancery Lane, gaping knees, arithmeticall midnear Lincolnes-Inne. 1657.” dles, geometricall sides, mathematiThe Drudge.

call waste, musicall heels, and logiIf thou beest for profit, thy ranges call toes. I wonder he is not for the are known; after thou hast called Indians branded skin, and ringed up thy servants to hunt for gain at snowts. His phantastick dotages are home, thou thyself, as one in full so many, that he hath a free-school, quest for lucre abroad, art visiting bookish about inventions for him; other men's storehouses, searching nay, an academy of wits studying their warehouses, ransacking their cel- deeply to devise fashions according lers; thou goest to the customhouse to his humour: know ye not the multo try what exporting and importing titude of students, artists, graduates there hath been, thou repairest to that are subliming their notions to the exchange to examine what mer. please this one light head? Then chant thou canst meet with, with hear them by their names, perfuwhom thou maist truck in minivers, mers, complexioners, feather-makers, and tissues, musks, and civets, the stitchers, snippers, drawers, yea who teeth of elephants, the bones of not? yet amongst these doth the nited whales, the stones of bezars, the claws spark spend out his time : this is the of crabs, the oyles of swallows, the Gallant's day. skins of vipers, yea, be it but in black

The Epicure. coal, black pitch, white chalk, white If thou beest for dainties, how art sope, rústy iron, or abominable mum. thou then for spread-tables and plemy, it will serve the turn; or if thy nished fagons ? thou art but a panmerchandising fail there, thou turn- try-worm, and a pastry-fly. Thou art est thy trading another way, to seek all for inlandish meat, and outlandish about for a license, or a patent, or sawces, thou art the dapifer to thy perhaps to pry out some decayed palate or the cup-barer to thy appeheir, or foundered gallant, that thy tite, the creature of the swallow, or ferret might be sent forth into that the slave of the wesand. The land burrow, or thy setting dog let loose hath scars flesh, the sea fish, or the to drive that covey, to hook in some air fowl curious enough for thy licomortgage, or to prey upon some rous throat; by thy good will thou forfeiture, and if all these devices will wouldst eat nothing but kids and not take place, then thou stirrest thy fawns, carps and mullets, snipes and legs to go suck venome from a petty• quailes ; and drink nothing but Fronfogger, or magick from some con- tiniack, white muskadines, leathick jurer. And thus doth the Drudge wine, and Vin de Pary. Thy olies, of the World spend his day.

and hogoes, creepers and peepers, The Gallant.

Italian cippets and French broths, do If thou beest for bravery, I can- shew what a bondman to the paunch not follow thee by the track, nor find thou art ; even the idolatour of the out thy various motions. The gallant banquetting house. Thy belly is thy is counted a wild creature ; no wild god. Thus doth the glutton waste colt, wild ostrich, wild cat of the out his pilgrimage : this is the Enie mountain, comparable to him; he cure's day. is, indeed, the buffoon, and baboon of



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His Origin, Character, Power, Subjects, and Resources. IN a regular government, as un- Or when two or three of these acderstood among ourselves, we admit quire influence over their fellows, as an incontrovertible maxim, that the and become leaders of a party, the exercise of power should flow from head of the government is not safe one source. That source is the para. in his castle. mount officer of the sovereignty : in It has lately been our duty to reBritain, the crown. We know no cord revolutions and re-revolutions divided, or parallel authority: no by which the Turkish court and capi. principle on which an individual tal have been convulsed. We saw holds an office, or governs a district, Mustapha Bairactar expel the drones in contradiction to the will of the who formed the Ottoman ministry. king, as advised by his council. We In a few weeks we saw Mustapha know of no army paid from any other overwhelmed by an insurgent multipurse than that of the nation. Even tude, and his enemies prevail against the king himself dare not show a him. The means employed to acsingle troop clothed and accoutred complish this are known to few: and from his private purse; still less most of our countrymen who have dare a poble to raise a regiment, or taken up the persuasion that the train a bat'alion without a commis- Grand Seignior is a despotick prince sion from the chief of the realm. (as in truth he is) are at a loss to When our sovereign thinks proper conceive by what means his deputies too, he can withdraw his commission, can organize insurrections against and the party who held it is no longer him, and imprison or destroy their competent to perform acts of governo master, almost at their pleasure.

No governour considers his Among the adherents of Mustapha provir ce as his property, and there. Bairactar, Ali, pacha of Janina, holds fore refuses to relinquish the appoint- a conspicuous place. The army and ment: no governour presumes to en- the publick have directed much of large bis province by acquiring in their attention to his conduct, and fluence in another, or by carrying have watched his proceedings with his arms into neighbouring districts, anxiety. We have thought, that the and forcing the inhabitants to acknow. history of this chief might contri. ledge his supremacy. No govern- bute to throw light on the cause of our considers the duties on com- this publick attention, while at the merce as the revenue of himself, or same time it would show what sandy of his province, exclusively, further materials are combined in the serthan may contribute to, or at least vice of the Sublime Porte. On this than consists with, the general welsandy nature of these materials Buofare of the state, as one body. But naparte places his reliance, for the every dominion is not so happily accomplishment of his projects aconstituted. The connexion be gainst the Turkish empire. He tween the supreme power and the conceives, that this subdivided godelegate is, in some constitutions, vernment, when invaded by his conbut feeble : and a man of intrepidity centrated forces, will yield with little shall sometimes cause the sovereign, resistance, and that he may

substitute whose subject and servant he profess- himself as the centre of allegiance, es to be, to tremble. The cause of instead of a descendant of Ottoman, this is despotism. A despot must be at a word speaking. On the other served by other despots: they indi- hand, we suspect that the approach vidually tremble before him: he of extreme danger would induce trembles before them, collectively, these now disunited pachas to com


bine for their mutual protection. bourhood of Tebeleni, or Tebdélem, That they would have discretion a town of the ancient Thesprotia, enough to perceive that the destruc- now a part of Albania, distant about tion of the Ottoman authority would 60 miles from Janina, north. His not fail to issue in the ruin of their father was, it is said, a pacha of two own houses, and the formation of tails, who commanded there; and his dukedoms, and marquisates, &c. for mother, who possessed the courage the generals of the emperour and of the Amazons of that country, imking. He will meet with a resistance parted it to him with his existence. in detail. The nature of the country When his father died, Ali was too favours his adversaries ; and there is young to defend his dominions, and a possibility, that some desperate would have been despoiled of them, genius of a Turk may teach him to had not his mother seized the reins think less of his own abilities, and not of administration, put herself at the to sell the bear's skin till he has con- head of the Albanese, and by her quered and flayed the bear. The undaunted courage, aided by the sapresent war with Austria has Turkey crifice of her property, successfully for its object, on the part of France. repelled the repeated attacks of his If Turkey is wise, her troops will numerous enemies. take a position that will not permit In the midst of battles, by which Russia to direct a great force at her the peace of Thesprotia was frequente pleasure. Turkey, in short, may ly disturbed, Ali, in rising to manhold a kind of check on her neigh- hood, imbibed the first principles of bours, if not properly speaking, the war, and the habit of command. As balance of her neis hbourhood; and soon as he was able to carry a musket, Buonaparte may f that the road he took his place in the ranks. Bravest to Persia and India, his ultimate ob- among the brave, he successively ject, is blocked up too strongly to went through all the steps of military admit of his passage.

promotion, and did not presume to But waving all further reference command his companions, till he had to the politicks of Napoleon le grand! proved himself worthy of preemiwe wish to introduce our readers to nence, by military achievements a Turkish chief, who, in spite of which secured their friendship. He adversity, has raised himself to 'dis- then succeeded his mother. He was tinction; who studies the newspapers not indeed always successful; and of Europe, and foresees that one day Fortune, more than once, betrayed these cursed Europeans may give his courage without daunting it. Ali, him uneasiness; a chief who wants expelled from Tebeleni, having lost nothing but skill in the discipline almost all his villages, was at one of the unbelievers to make them time reduced to a few parats with tremble in their turn, and dread the which to pay his troops. Undismayvery name of the pacha of Janina. ed by adversity, he knew how to create The attachment of a semi-barbarian other resources, and the consequent to his savage independence, may pre- revolution decided his fate. sent greater obstacles to the progress From that moment his power was of infuriate ambition, than all which on the rise ; men of courage from all have affected to oppose the triumph parts flocked to his standard ; and of the insolent victor, throughout the his dominions were gradually extendregions of civilized but infatuated ed. He soon carried his thoughts Furope.

beyond the narrow limits by which

his youth had been circumscribed. Ali, the present pacha of Janina, The late pacha of Janina, from want was born in a village, in the neigh- of energy, had left the whole of

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