Sidor som bilder

said he, I hope before I die, to see

METEORICK STONES. this your youngest daughter, a great

ON the 19th of April 18. 8, at one queen And I, replied the queen, hope

o'clock in the afternoon, a great quan. she will live to see you a Pope. These

tiiy of meteorolites fell in the comprophetical compliments were strict- mune of Pieve di Casignano, in the ly verified, and that too within a short department of Taro (formerly the time of each other.

dutchies of Parma and Placentia).

The air was calm, and the sky serene, METEMPSYCHOSIS.

but with a few clouds. Two loud exThe very ancient doctrine of the transmigration of the soul still pre- veral less violent, after which several

plosions were heard, followed by sevails in many parts of the east, where it is facetiously said, that the souls of stones fell. A farmer who was in the poets animate, after death, the bodies from him, and bury itself in the

fields saw one fall about fifty paces of grasshoppers, as these insects usually sing till they starve.

ground. It was burning hot. A fragment of one of these stones is deposi

ted in the museum at Paris. AT the assizes for one of the midland counties, a woman was tried for

JEVENILE LINGUIST. the murder of her bastard child, and

Progress of the English language after the Judge had taken great pains in allied countries being a literal copy in explaining the provisions of lord of an advertisement (published out of Ellenborougħs act, the jury acquitted compliment to the English garrison) her of the murder, and found her

for St. Ferdinand's Theatre at Palerguilty of concealing the birth of the mo, on 10th 'anuary, 1807:-" Gaschild. The prisoner next tried, was

per Grifoni, a boy six years old, for his charged with stealing a goose, and the benefit's night shall expose on the same jury, thinking that the law ap- stage four languages in mask, to wit, plied equally to both cases, acquitted English, French, Spanish, and Italian, the prisoner of the felony, but found with a hobgoblin lackey, and a Greek him guilty of concealing the goose !

Tragick, and Lappanio Spanish, and

French servant. One of the most A nobleman (says Miss Edgeworth) tragical scenes, labour of the said boy inquiring of his Irish servant what

who shall expose in the middle of such was the cause of the noise he heard? graceful and ridiculous representa

“ It is the singing in my ears," replied Pat, “and I have had it, your


THE minister for the home dehonour, these six months."

partment, has communicated to the

imperial academy of Petersburgh, LINES,

the following account of a meteorick Presented to a beautiful Lady, who had two stone, weighing 160 lbs. that fell in French dogs that slept regularly upon her

the circle of Ichnow, in the govern

ment of Smolensko. In the afternoon pillow in muslin nightcaps.

of the 13th of March, 1807, a very YE mongrel race, who, lounge through violent clap of thunder was heard in Rotten-Row,

that district. Two peasants in the vilSt. James's, Bond-street, and who talk “ Bow-wow;"

lage of Timochim, being in the fields Who ape, with empty head, and curling at the time, say, that at the instant of lock,

tiuis tremendous report, they saw a The nat’ral qualities of happier Shock; large black stone fall about forty paGive up th' attempt-your trial is in vain, The fair survey your labours with disdain;

ces from them. They were stunned CORINNA scorns such half-bred curs to

for a few minutes; but, as soon as wed,

they recorered themselves, they ran And takes two perfect puppies to her bed. tolyard the place where the stone


tion »

fell. They could not, however, disco- ture was of an ashen gray. Being
ver it, it had penetrated so deep into conveyed to the gymnasium of Smo-
the snow. On their report, several per lensko, a professor of natural philo-
sons went to the spot and got out sophy there, considered it at nce, as
the stone, which was above two feet ferruginous, from the simple obser.
beneath the surface of the snow. It vation of its being extremely friable,
was of an oblong shape, blackish like and staining the fingers. The parti.
cast iron, very smooth on all parts, cles of which it is composed contain
and on one side resembling a coffin. a great deal of lime, and of sulphurick
On its flat surfaces were very fine acid,
vadii resembling brass wire. Its frac-

man means.

The subjoined characteristick Anecdotes of several species of Birds are extracted

from Shaw's General Zoology. THE DWARF HAWK,

THE SHRIKE. SMALLER than a Merlin: upper When this bird, says Levaillant, parts brown, the tail crossed by a few sees a locust, a mantis, or a small deeper bars: under parts white, mark- bird, it springs upon it, and immeed on the throat and breast by oblong diately carries it off, in order to imbrown spots, and on the belly and pale it on a thorn, and is so dexterous thighs by narrow transverse bars. in this operation, that the thorn alThis small hawk is a native of the in- ways passes through the head of the teriour of Africa, where it was ob- bird or insect thus transfixed. If it served by Monsieur Levaillant, who cannot find a thorn, it fixes the head describes it as of a highly bold and of the animal between a division of spirited nature, preying on small two small branches, and this with as birds, and occasionally driving away much address as if performed by hufrom its haunts, even the larger birds

- We need only watch of its own genus, as well as Shrikes, this shrike for a single minute in or&c. It builds on trees, forming its der to witness its ravages; and if we nest of smail twigs, intermixed with take the pains to examine the spot it moss and leaves externally, and lining frequents, we are sure to find on every it with wool and feathers. The eggs bush and tree the victims which it has are five in number, spotted with transfixed, the major part of which brown near each end. The female are often so dried as to be unfit for bird is nearly cwice the size of the his food; a proof of his singularly male. Monsieur Levaillant relates a destructive instinct. singular instance of the audacity of It is often taught to fight by the this species. He was sitting at a table, natives of Bengal, one being held up engaged in preparing some birds opposite to another, on the hand of a lately killed; when one of these hawks mari, to whose finger the bird is fassuddenly stooped, and seized one of tened by a string, sufficiently long to the newly stuffed specimens, and enable it to fly and peck at its adverAying with it to a neighbouring tree, sary. It is said to be of a remarkably began to plume and tear it open, but docile disposition, and is sometimes finding nothing but moss and cotton, carried by the young Indians, in order seemed indignant at the disappoint- to execute little commissions of gaiment; and, after tearing in pieces the lantry; and, at a signal given by the skin, at length contented itself with lover, will seize and carry off with devouring the head, the only part much dexterity, the small gold ornawhich remained in its natural state. ment usually worn on the head of a


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young Indian lady, and convey it to detrimental to the country. The cause its master. It will also, with admira. was considered in form. On the part ble celerity, follow the descent of a of the birds, it was argued, that they ring purposely thrown down a deep raked in the new ploughed grounds, well, catching it in its fall, and return- not for the sake of the grain, but the ing it to its owner. The Persian poets insects; and were, therefore, benefirepresent the Bulbul as enamoured cial. They were, however, proscribed of the rose, and grieved or angry, by the council; and, in the space of at seeing it rudely cropped.-What two hours after the sentence was ever may be said by poets and un- pronounced against them, not a scientifick observers, Mr. Pennant Grakle was to be found in the island. has not scrupled to declare his opinion 1 his prompt execution was however that the natural note of this bird is followed by a speedy repentance. The harsh and unmelodious. If this be the locusts gained the ascendency, and

. case, the musick of the Bulbul may be the people, who only view the preconsidered as nearly allied to the cele- sent, regretted the loss of the Parabrated song of the Swan, so often re- dise Grakles. Mons. de Morave, concorded in the flights of poetick fic- sulting the inclinations of the settlers, tion.

procured three or four of these birds

eight years after their proscription. PARADISEA TRISTIS.

They were received with transports This bird is a native of India and of joy. Their preservation and breethe Philippine islands, and is said to ding were made a state affair. The be of a very voracious nature, feeding laws held out protection to them, and both on animal and vegetable food, the physicians, on their part, declared and is particularly fond of locusts and their flesh to be unwholesome. After grasshoppers. On this head the count so many powerful expedients for de Buffon relates a curious anecdote. their welfare, the desired effect was The island of Bourbon, where these produced; the Grakles multiplied, birds were unknown, was

and the locusts were destroyed. But, with locusts, which had unfortunately an opposite inconvenience has since been introduced from Madagascar; arisen. The birds, supported no longer their eggs having been imported in by insects have had recourse to fruits, the soil with some plants which were and have fed on the mulberries, grapes, brought from that island. In conse- and dates. They have even scratched quence of this, Mons. Deforges Bou- up the grains of wheat, rice, maize, cher, governour general of the isle of and beans; they have rifled the pigeon Bourbon, and Mons. de Poivre, the houses, and preyed on the young; intendant, perceiving the desolation and thus, after freeing the settlers which was taking place, deliberated from the locusts, they have themseriously on the means of extirpating selves become a more formidable the noxious insects; and for that pur scourge. This, however, is perhaps an pose, caused to be introduced into exaggeration; since Mr. Latham in ihis island, several pair of the Para- his second supplement observes, on dise Grakle from India. This plan the subject of this bird, that Mons. promised to succeed; but unfortu- Duplessin, who had resided many nately, some of the colonists, obser- years in the isle of Bourbon, had given ving the birds eagerly thrusting their his opinion that the Paradise Grakle bills into the earth of the new sown might be advantageously introduced fields, imagined that they were in into that part of Spain nearest the quest of the grain, and reported that coasts of Africa for a similar purpose, the birds, instead of proving benefi- and added, that, so far from its having cial, would, on the contrary, be highly become a nuisance in the isle of Bour



If kept in the poultry yard, it spon taneously mimicks the cries of all the domestick animals, hens, cocks, geese, dogs, sheep, &c. and this chattering is accompanied by many singular gesticulations.

bon, the laws for its preservation were still in force.

This bird according to Buffon, is of the same lively and imitative disposition with the India Grakle, and when young, is easily taught to speak.





SWEET flower! that deck'st the river's brink,

Bending to every boisterous gale, Arrayed in summer's lively pink, From whom the bees existence drink, As on thy bosom they regale,

Why dost thou here in silence dwell,

Secluded from the garden flowers? Why leave the tribes of yonder dell, Whose glaring tints profusely swell,

And spend alone the lingering hours?

When storms deface the laughing sky,

And thunders shake the vaulted air,
When lightnings thro' the welkin fly,
No friend, my charming flower! is nigh,
Thy matchless properties to spare!

Then vain indeed thy graceful mien,
And all thy attributes will prove!
In vain shall sorrow intervene,
Thy charms so modestly serene,

To shelter from the storms above!

Then tell me, flower, why thus alone
Thou lov'st in solitude to shroud!
Does malice on thy features frown,
Because they're chaster than her own,
Or dost thou hate the crowd?

"Alas! my friend! this lonely spot
"Has long my favourite station been;
"Here to the garden-tribe forgot,
"Their joys incestuously hot,

"I breathe the air of health serene!

"Besides, the splendour of their dress,
"Outshines too much my languid hue;
"Nor will the moans of weak distress,
"Excite in them one fond caress,

"Howe'er my friend they may in you."

Then since 'tis thus, my sweetest flower!
Come! let me bear thee far away,

Where neither haughty pride nor power,
Can on thy matchless beauties lower,
Or spurn thy indigent array.

Thus genius blest with every grace,

To triumph o'er the human heart, Withdraws to some sequestered place, The mighty works of time to trace,

Unknown to all the schemes of art. Thus PRATT with kind parental care, Smiles on the pure poetick FLOWER;* Retrieves it from the desert bare, To thrive in more salubrious air,

And flourish with the circling hour! Grafton-street, August, 1809. J. G.


AH lovely babe! dear image of thy sire, Sleep on the bosom which thy lips have pressed;

Sleep, cherub, sleep! thy limbs some rest require,

And close those tender eyes so much oppressed!

Sweet little love! whilst you secure enjoy Slumbers which long have fled from me; I wake to view, to feed, to guard my boy. My only comfort is to look on thee!

Hush, my dear child, my only hope, my joy!

Sleep on that breast, which doth thy life sustain:

Let me thy pretty voice once more enjoy, Thy untaught prattle doth such charms contain !

Ah lovely babe! dear image of thy sire, Sleep on the bosom which thy lips have pressed:

Sleep, cherub, sleep! thy limbs some rest require,

And close those tender eyes so much oppressed!

[blocks in formation]


Bright let the tapers beam: the ruddy fire.

With heightened rosiness exalt the A nodern Sonnet.

glow THE night in gloomy robe had long ap- of woman's blooming cheek; and wine peared,

inspire Ere Edward sought the path that point. The open heart's exhilirating flow! ed home;

Who that is wise, would yield the passing More for his Ellen than himself he feared, hour

For she, alas ! was little used to roam. To bitterness; when bliss is in his power?

And now was seen the lightning's distant

Its splendours spreading in th’horizon's

AIR. brow, Whilst deep toned thunder rolled in aw- Oh! roses are sweet on tlre beds where ful crash,

they grow, Between the lurid lightning's fervid

Fresh spangled with dews of the morn: glow.

On Nature's kind bosom in safety they

glow, Poor Ellen shuddered at the coming Prntected by many a thorn. storm,

There awhile in full richness exists the And, trembling, staggered on her

sweet flower, homeward road,

"Till its fast falling leaves drop around; Whilst Edward strove to guard his fair

There soon, of the charms of the pride of one's form,

the bower, 'Till they should gain some sheltering There's nought but the thorns can be kind abode:

found. For she, poor maid-was drunk-and

Ah! roses are sweet, but sweet roses will Edward's care

fade! Protected Ellen home from Fairlop Fair!

J. M. L.

So fares it with Beauty, in life’s early

prime, When armed with stern rigour the


It blooms in cold pride, fresh and sweet THE midnight storm is high; and sadness for a time, brings

Then sinks into age still unblest! To many a musing melancholy mind: Beware, then, ye maids, with too cautious It seems the tempest on his dreary wings, an art, Bears tribulation: and the hollow wind

How you guard your soft breast from Is filled with boding voices: but to those

love's woes, Whom blithe content surrounds, who Lest apathy spreading like thorns round deem it not

your heart, A sin to feel delight, the blast that blows You at last drop alone like the rose. Is quickly perished, and its breath for. For roses are sweet, but sweet roses will got:


PHILOSOPHICAL AND ECONOMICAL INTELLIGENCE. American Fir to be compared with that of a committee be appointed to inquire into Europe.

the truth of the above suggestion; and to AT a meeting of the Dublin Society, report to the society on the comparative held at their house in Hawkins street, on strength of Norway and Memel timber, the 11th of May, various resolutions were with that of the timber of North America, passed.-It having been suggested to the in which the committee will distinguish society, that the timber imported from the particular states of North America, North America differs very materially, in whence the timber may have been importquality and strength, from the timber ed, the comparative qualities of which, which has, for many years past, been used with those of Memel and Norway, shall be in this kingdom; it was resolved–That reported upon.

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