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"When she looked at it, Signora, she would say Donna Margaretta, which we had taught her; for we could not remember how to pronounce the other name of la Contessa."


"We left the old house, Signora," said the poor man, "for we had not the heart to stay there. could not work for thinking of my lost darling, and I missed her every minute. You remember, Signora, how she used to be playing round me, and holding a flower to my nose-so we came here; and I have more work than I can do, and we are rich; but what is the good of our prosperity now, when we have no longer our Teresina ?”

"We often declared that you would be sorry, Signora, if you should know that she was gone," continued the good woman, " but, if you remember, I said she was so like her sister and brother, that she too would be taken from us. Ah! she was too beautiful to live! But I must show you how carefully we have kept your gifts ;" and she took from a coffer a little box in which were all the little presents we had given the child.—“ The medallion was always round her neck, and I never take it off mine. Nor do I ever pray for her soul, Signora, without also praying that Heaven will bless you, who were so kind to her."

This worthy couple seemed consoled by the sympathy for their sorrow which we evinced; and felt, I am persuaded, more gratitude for the patient atten

tion we lent to the recital of their misfortune than for the presents we forced on their acceptance. They shed many tears when we left them, and offered up fervent prayers for us. We were all sensibly touched by this little episode, which confirmed us in our favourable opinion of the warmth of heart and gratitude of the Italians.

We have bidden fare well to all our old and wellremembered haunts at Genoa: and to-morrow we

leave it, perhaps for ever. The note of preparation sounds through all our apartments; imperials and chaise seats are being packed, bills paid, canvas sacks of silver given to the courier, and letters of credit made out.

A charming calèche from England was landed for us to-day. It does credit to the skill of Mr. Barker; and was a very agreeable surprise to me, who did not even know that it was ordered. Lord Blessington has a princely way of bestowing gifts. The first intimation I had of this was the being taken to look at it; and then having expressed my admiration of it, I was told it was for me, as he had remembered that I admired one which Lady Burghersh used to drive in at Florence, built by Barker; so a similar one was ordered for me, and had been some time expected.

Our kind friends, Mr. and Mrs. Barry, came to see us depart this morning; and our separation was, as are all separations from those we regard, a

sad one.

They are a most excellent couple, warmhearted, and with minds highly cultivated.

I omit describing the route over the Cornice, having detailed it before. It is greatly improved since we last traversed it; and now admits of being travelled in carriages, instead of as formerly, only on horseback.




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