Sampson had small reason for it. He, surely, affected her for her wit. wit. MOTH. It was so, sir; for she had a green ARM. My love is most immaculate white and red. Мотн. Most maculate thoughts, master, are masked under such colours. ARM. Define, define, well-educated infant. Мотн. My father's wit, and my mother's tongue, assist me. ARM. Sweet invocation of a child; most pretty, and pathetical! Мотн. If she be made of white and red, Her faults will ne'er be known; (*) First folio, immaculate. (†) Old copies, blush-in. Then, if she fear, or be to blame, By this you shall not know; A dangerous rhyme, master, against the reason of white and red. ARM. Is there not a ballad, boy, of the King and the Beggar? (5) МотH. The world was very guilty of such a ballad some three ages since: but, I think, now 't is not to be found; or, if it were, it would neither serve for the writing, nor the tune. ARM. I will have that subject newly writ o'er, that I may example my digression by some mighty precedent. Boy, I do love that country girl that I took in the park with the rational hind Costard; she deserves well. МоTH. To be whipped; and yet a better love than my master. [Aside. ARM. Sing, boy; my spirit grows heavy in love. MOTH. And that's great marvel, loving a light wench. DULL. Sir, the duke's pleasure is that you keep Costard safe: and you must let him take no delight, nor no penance; but a't must fast three days a week. For this damsel, I must keep her at the park; she is allowed for the daywoman. Fare you well. ARM. I do betray myself with blushing.-Maid. ARM. I will visit thee at the lodge. ARM. I know where it is situate. JAQ. Lord, how wise you are! JAQ. With that face? ARM. I love thee. C JAQ. So I heard you say. being loose. MOTH. No, sir; that were fast and loose: d thou shalt to prison. Cost. Well, if ever I do see the merry days of desolation that I have seen, some shall seeМотH. What shall some see? Cost. Nay, nothing, master Moth, but what they look upon. It is not for prisoners to be too * silent in their words; and, therefore, I will say nothing: I thank God, I have as little patience as another man; and, therefore, I can be quiet. [Exeunt МотH and COSTARD. ARM. I do affect the very ground, which is base, where her shoe, which is baser, guided by her foot, which is basest, doth tread. I shall be forsworn (which is a great argument of falsehood) if I love: and how can that be true love, which is falsely attempted? Love is a familiar; love is a devil: there is no evil angel but love. Yet Sampson was so tempted; and he had an excellent strength: yet was Solomon so seduced; and he had a very good wit. Cupid's butt-shaft is too hard for Hercules' club, and therefore too much odds for a Spaniard's rapier. The first and second cause will not serve my turn; the passado he respects not, the duello he regards not: his disgrace is to be called boy; but his glory is to subdue men. Adieu, valour! rust, rapier! be still, drum! for your managers is in love; yea, he loveth. Assist me, some extemporal god of rhyme, for, I am sure, I shall turn sonnets. Devise, wit; write, pen; for, I am for whole volumes in folio. [Exit. ARM. And so farewell. (*) Old copies, Enter Clowne, Constable, and Wench. (+) First folio, he. a-for the day-woman.] A day-woman is a dairy-woman, a milk-woman. Johnson, in his Dictionary, derives dairy from day, which, he says, though without adducing any authority, was an old word for milk. b That's hereby.] She means, scoffingly, that's as it may happen; that's to be seen. Armado understands her in the literal sense, close by. • With that face?] An old bantering phrase, hardly obsolete The folio mars it by reading, "With what face?" now. d That were fast and loose:] An allusion to a well-known game of the time, now called "pricking i' the garter." e I do affect-] i.e. I do love, &c. Affect, in this sense, is so (*) First folio omits too. common an expression with the old writers, as scarcely to require explanation. f The first and second cause will not serve my turn; the passado he respects not,-] These are terms borrowed from the school of fence, and the fantastical treatises on the Duello by Saviolo and Caranza. See the Illustrative Comments on Act II. of "Romeo and Juliet." &- for your manager is in love;) The corrector of Mr. Collier's copy of the folio 1632, with much plausibility, suggests for manager that we should read armiger; and two lines lower, instead of sonnet, as in the old editions, sonnet-maker. In the latter case, I prefer sonnets, the happy emendation of an American critic, Dr. Verplanck. SCENE I.-Another part of the Park. A Pavilion and Tents at a distance. As Nature was in making graces dear, PRIN. Good lord Boyet, my beauty, though but mean, Needs not the painted flourish of your praise; No woman may approach his silent court: BOYET. Proud of employment, willingly I go. PRIN. All pride is willing pride, and yours is so.Who are the votaries, my loving lords, That are vow-fellows with this virtuous duke? * 1 LORD. Longaville is one. PRIN. a Know you the man? MAR. I know him, madam; at a marriage feast, Between lord Perigort and the beauteous heir Of Jaques Falconbridge, solemnized In Normandy, saw I this Longaville: A man of sovereign parts he is esteem'd; Well fitted in the arts, glorious in arms; Nothing becomes him ill, that he would well. The only soil of his fair virtue's gloss (If virtue's gloss will stain with any soil), Is a sharp wit match'd with too blunt a will; Whose edge hath power to cut, whose will still wills It should none spare that come within his power. PRIN. Some merry mocking lord, belike: is't so? MAR. They say so most, that most his humours know. PRIN. Such short-liv'd wits do wither as they grow. Who are the rest? KATH. The young Dumain, a well-accomplish'd youth, Of all that virtue love, for virtue lov'd: Ros. Another of these students at that time (*) Folio, 1623, she. (+) Folio, 1623, as. - this virtuous duke?] The titles of king and duke were used indifferently both by Shakespeare and his contemporaries. a will. PRIN. Why, will shall break it; will, and nothing else. KING. Your ladyship is ignorant what it is. But pardon me, I am too sudden-bold; [Gives a paper. KING. Madam, I will, if suddenly I may. PRIN. You will the sooner, that I were away; b Well fitted in the arts,-) The older copies omit the article, which was supplied in the second folio. BIRON. Now fair befall your mask ! The payment of a hundred thousand crowns; KING. Madam, your father here doth intimate But say, that he, or we, (as neither have,) A hundred thousand more; in surety of the which, Receiv'd that sum; yet there remains unpaid One part of Aquitain is bound to us, |