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as though God, as soon as the devil began to make

a handle of them for his purposes, put an end to We have given, on another page, an epitome of

them in connection with his gracious work. Bat news received recently from China. We have also

while the physical prostrations are ceasing, the printed an Appeal which the Baptist Missionary

awakening and conversion of sinners still goes on Society has issued, in consequence of the receipt

most cheeringly and delightfully.” Let us prar of that intelligence. We have no doubt the intel.

that the great work may still go on, and that our ligence will be read with deep interest, and we hope

brethren labouring in Jamaica may have all the that the appeal will be cordially responded to. Not

wisdom they need in their arduous and perplexing for many years has such a call come to us as now

circumstances. comes from China. Apparently, the country, from one end to the other, is open to us, and from many

None of the political news of the month can well parts comes the cry, "Come over and help surpass in importance the accomplished fact of us. We have had an opportunity of reading an

Abraham Lincoln's entrance on his Presideney. address from Mr. Roberts, whose name is men actually of twenty-nine, nominally of thirty-six tioned in the intelligence. Mr. Roberts is the United States. The inauguration speech was an American missionary whose labours have been so able one. Not fewer, it is said, than 30,000 pez. abundantly blessed in making Christianity known sons assembled to hear it, amonget them Mr. amongst the rebels. He now tells us, emphati Buchanan, and the infamons Judge Taney (of cally, that the country is open, and he asks the Dred Scott decision), who administered the urgently that preachers may be sent out without oath, and heard some views he certainly did not delay. Can such a request fail of finding a res. relish on the constitutional position of his court.

In the evening a delegation of 1,000 " Xem ponse ?

Yorkers” assembled to congratulate Mr. Lincoln ; Before another month is over, the Annual Meet

called him from dinner, and got a short speech, in ings will have been held in London. We are glad

which he stood to his text of the perpetuity of to hear that, in addition to the ordinary meetings,

freedom. The state of the Union now is, that there will be one specially devoted to the China

seven States-South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Mission, the subject briefly adverted to above. It

Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, and Texas last-hare is hoped that this gathering will be the means of

seceded; that two Slavery States below the Border directing fresh attention to the claims of that vast

States-Arkansas and Tennessee-have voted for continent. We trust that this meeting, and all the

the Union; and that the Border States, with meetings, will be successful, and that they will be

North Carolina, the latter by a large majority, rethe means of inducing fresh consecration and

main at present in the Union. devotedness, in the great work of winning the world to Christ.

Victor Emmanuel has now been voted “Xing of

Italy.” On Sunday, March 17th, The Oficial Fresh intelligence has been received respecting

Gazette of Piedmont assumed the title of Official the Revival in Jamaica. According to the account

Gazette of the Kingdom of Italy. It publishes the furnished to The Freeman, the Revival still pro

law by which Victor Emmanuel takes for himself ceeds, and is 'attended with the most blessed re

and his heirs the title of “ King of Italy.” Messina sults; though the great enemy has managed to

and Civitella del Tronto also have fallen; so that. sow tares with the wheat, and these are springing

except in Rome and Venetia, which remain for up in superstitions and follies which bring the

future operations, the work in Italy is complete. good work into contempt, and cause multitudes with a good show of reason to harden their hearts In Parliament, the Church-rate Abolition BE

a against it. i There were "ove ham

r inne

"There were,” says the correspondent has passed its second reading and through conreferred to, “certain accidents of the work which it mittee. The third reading is unavoidably deferred was easy for the devil to simulate. We have never till the 5th of June, when it is expected that a looked upon the physical manifestations as a part « dead set" against the bill will again be made by of the work itself, but only as an attendant cir the Conservative party, with Mr. Disraeli at their cumstance upon it; and, from the first, the more head. It will require all the efforts of Noncorthoughtful have clearly distinguished the outward formists to maintain their present position in and physical from the inward and spiritual. Now regard to this question. the enemy has taken advantage of what was in his

The Baptist Union has recommended the power, and by multiplying physical prostrations

churches to petition in favour of Sir Morten where there has been no divine and inward opera.

Peto's Burials of Dissenters Bill. The object et tion, he has been artfully counterfeiting for his

the bill is to provide for the burial of persone, not own ends the gracious revival which God has

members of the Church of England, in the paris vouchsafed to our churches. Ignorance and super

graveyards and elsewhere, without the necessits stition have been deceived, and because the body

of a service by a clergyman. We trust that the has been prostrated have gupposed the soul was

recommendation to petition will be generally st. converted. And thus poor stricken ones,' who

tended to. have never, in any wise, experienced the working

A form of petition is given in The of the Holy Spirit, but who seem really to be in

Freeman for March 20th, or may be had, we hans

no doubt, of the Secretaries of the Union. Sir the power of the Evil One, have proved mighty agents in the work of delusion and wickedness."

Morton Peto deserves assuredly the support of az? This is one side of the picture : the other is, that

Baptists, in the attempt to secure an extension cof in many districts the work goes forward " in a

civil privileges, in which they are perhaps more more encouraging and hopeful form than ever. In

interested than any other class of persons. several of the western parishes, new cases of Many readers will rejoice to learn that the prostration' have all but ceased. It would seem ! Negro refugee, Anderson, to wbose case we have

encouraging and Work goes to other is, there


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made reference before, is liberated from custody. perty should not be lost to the denomination, a The liberation has taken place on technical determination was come to that the place should grounds, so that the grave question which was be re-opened as soon as persons could be found to raised by his apprehension remains unsettled ; take the necessary responsibility. This has been but it is at least satisfactory to know that this done. A provisional committee has been formed, man, who had committed no crime that would be and within a few weeks a church will be organised recognised as such by English law, will not be of nearly fifty members. On Lord's-day, February placed in the power of the blood-thirsty slave 24th, the opening services were continued ; and holders who would have rejoiced to put him to the Rev. T. E. Thoresby preached in the morning,

and the pastor in the evening. The Duchess of Kent is dead. She died on the

RHYL, NORTH WALES.-The anniversary of the 16th alt, at the advanced age of seventy-four. As Baptist Sunday-school was held in the Baptist

the mother of the Queen, and the person to whom chapel, Rhyl, on the 7th of March, at three o'clock i her Majesty is indebted for the admirable training p.m. The children had tea gratuitously ; about which has made her what she is, the Duchess has

300 partook of the refreshing cup. At half-past always been regarded with much respect and six the public meeting began. The chair was taken esteem. The country will universally sympathise by the Rev. T. L. Morris, Penygelli. Several prizes with the Sovereign, in this, her first great family were given to the best competitors; then discus

sions on different subjects by different parties

under eighteen years of age. The criticism of the DOMESTIC.

adjudicators was read by Mr. J. P. Williams, T.C.

An excellent address was delivered by Mr. E. S. LOUGATON, Essex. In this village the memorial

Jones on the value of knowledge. Several resolustone of a new cbapel was laid last June by Sir S.

tions were submitted to the meeting by Mr. E. S. M. Peto. A neat and substantial edifice, in the

Jones, and Mr. S. S. Davies, and the Rev. W. Roman Doric style, has been erected. The opening

Samuel, Rhuddlan; H. Rees, St. Asaph; J. services were commenced by the members of the

James, Colwyn; Mr. Hughes, chemist, superinchurch and congregation meeting in their new

tendent of the Sunday-sehool; Mr. J. P.* Wil. sanctuary on the evening of Tuesday, February liams; and the Rev. J. G. Owen, pastor of the

12th, and holding a special prayer-meeting. The church. The Baptist cause here labours under E more public opening services took place the next

great inconvenience, the chapel being far too day, when, notwithstanding the unfavourable small and inconvenient, especially in the summer, weather, many friends from London and the

when thousands of visitors from different parts of neighbourhood assembled. In the morning, the England visit the place. A better and a more comRev. W. Brock preached. In the evening, a modious chapel is, therefore, much wanted. To public meeting was held. W. Nathan, Esq., took overcome this inconvenience in the next summer, the chair. The Rev. J. Davis (Independent), of and to meet the requirements of the English Epping, prayed; the chairman spoke; and the

visitors, the beautiful Town-hall has been secured pastor, in a few brief sentences, explained the

for twelve months on the Lord's-day. state of the building fund. Several neighbouring ministers then addressed the meeting: the Rev.

ROTHESAY.-The annual social meeting of the W. Burnet (Wesleyan), of Woodford ; the Rev. J. church and congregation worshipping in the BapE. Egg (Independent), of Woodford ; the Rev. J. tist chapel, Rothesay, met in the Literary Hall, Hooper (Baptist), of Walthamstow; the Rev. Mr.

on Friday, March 15th, Mr, Mansfield, the pastor, Bowens (Independent), of Brentwood; and Messrs.

in the chair. There were 160 persons present. Butler and Franks. On the morning of Sunday,

After tea, the chairman gave an outline of the February 17th, the Rev. Dr. Steane preached from

church's progress during his ministry of three the words, « Then will I go unto the altar of God,

years and a half, and showed that, after the usual unto God, my exceeding joy." The evening ser.

changes occasioned by death, dismissals, and disvice was conducted by the pastor. On all these

cipline, the number of members was larger than it occasions the congregations were good. The con

had ever been in any period of its history. Mr. A. tract for the building was £1,645; extra expenses,

Macleod then, in the name of the church and con. £250. Including some promised donations, about

gregation, presented Mr. Mansfield with a purse €1,450 have been raised, leaving a debt of about of sovereigns ag a token of regard and esteem, £450.

Mr. Mansfield, in a brief speech, expressed his VERNON CAAPEL, LONDON.-A number of

gratitude to his attached and affectionate flock. friends having rented the above place of worship,

This is the second substantial testimonial which with the prospect of purchase, and putting it in

the pastor of this little church has received since trust to the Baptist denomination, under the pas.

he commenced his labours among them. The torate of the Rev. Standen Pearce, re-opening

meeting was edified by interesting speeches from services were held on Wednesday, February 20th.

brethren Sheaver, Maitland, Gullam, M'Ilvain, The Rev. W. Landels preached in the morning,

and Brown- also enlivened with hymns and anand the Rev. J. Stoughton in the evening. The

thems by the young people of the congregation. introductory parts of the services were taken by WEST BROMWICH, STAFFORDSHIRE.- On Monthe Rev. A. . Henderson, of Claremont Chapel, day, March 11th, a public tea-meeting was held to and the Rev. F. Tucker, of Camden Town. The welcome to the pastorate of Bethel Baptist attendance, both morning and evening, was be Church the Rev. T. Hanson, recently of Idle, yond expectation, and the collections good. Yorkshire, Upwards of 300 sat down to tea. ImNearly seventy partook of a collation in the school. mediately after tea the public meeting com. room. At the close of the collation the pastor read menced, when the Rev. W. Varley was called to & paper stating the circumstances under which he the chair. Very effective addresses were then de. had been induced to comply with the wish of livered to the minister, church, and congregation, friends to re-open the chapel for the establishment by the Reys. H. J. Betts (Bradford), W. Jackson of a Baptist cause. It appears that the place had (Bilston), J. Yeovil (Independent), J. Maurice been closed for nearly six months, and no prospect (Coseley), and J. Whewell. The Revs. B. C. presented itself of the former church ocoupying it Young and R. Nightengale, of Coseley, led the again. Under these circumstances, that the pro. ! devotions of the evening.

PEINCES RISBOROUGH.-A public tea-meeting pel, and after tea addresses were delivered by the was held in the Baptist Chapel, Princes Risbo Revs. James Cochrane, of the National Church of rough, on Monday, Feb. 18th, to take leave of the Scotland, John Laird, of the Free Church, F. late pastor, the Rev. J. W. Blackmore, who was Trestrail, John Runken, and William Burnet, of removing to Cottenham, Cambridgeshiré. A large the United Presbyterian Church. A fine spirit company were in attendance. After tea, Mr. Job pervaded the whole of the proceedings. Mr. Pearce, of High Wycombe, was called to the chair. Joseph commences his labours in Cupar with en. After singing and prayer by the Rev. W. Hood, of couraging prospects. Ford, an appropriate speech was delivered by the chairman, when Mr. S. Adcock, one of the dea

COATB, Oxon.-On Monday, February 18th, an cons, stated that, in looking over the church re.

unusually interesting meeting was held at the cords, he found that during Mr. Blackmore's

Baptiet Chapel, Coate, in connection with the prelabours, since 1852, seventy-seven members had

sentation of a testimonial of esteem and affection

to the Rev. B. Arthur. Upwards of two hundred been added to the church, thirty of whom were from the Sunday-school. The meeting was then

persons sat down to tea. W. T. Wallis, Esq., of addressed by the Revs. W. Dyson (Haddenham),

Shifford Lodge, presided. After expressing the great R. Gay (Little Kingshill), A. Dyson (Haddenham),

pleasure he felt in being present, Mr. J. Dutton,

senior deacon, presented to Mr. Arthur an elegaut after which Mr. T. Parsons, jun., presented Mr. Blackmore with a handsome timepiece, on behalf

purse, containing thirty-six sovereigns, in & most of the young persons of the congregation, and Mr.

affectionate manner. He said that the contents

of the puree had been made up by contributions S. Adcock, jun., presented Mr. Layard's work on “ Ninereh." Mr. Blackmore then thanked the

varying in amount from twopence to two guineas. friends for their presents, and for other presents

Every contribution had been given most willingly. which he had also received privately. The Rev.

The pastor, in receiving such a tangible proof of D. Pledge, of High Wycombe, also addressed the

the affection and liberality of his people, expressed

his gratitude to them, and especially to Him who meeting.

had put it into their hearts and given them the NEWTOWN, EBBW VALE. — The Providence ability. The meeting was then addressed by Messrs. Church (English Baptists) at this place, held rery R. Long, R. Piggott, and W. Rickets. interesting services on Tuesday, the 26th Feb., on

HULL.-On Tuesday, the 5th of February, the the occasion of its being formed into a separate

Rev. E. Bailey, late of Melbourn, Cambridgeshire, society. After prayer by the Rev. A. TO

was publicly recognised as pastor of the Baptist Beaufort, the letter of dismissal from the parent

Church meeting in Salthouse-lane, Hull. A tes. church, Nebo, was read by the Rev. L. Jones,

meeting was held in the Sailors' Institute, where a Brynhyfryd ; after which the newly-formed church

large number of persons assembled. After tes, gave a unanimous invitation to the Rev. James

the Sheriff (W. Jannatt, Esq.) was called to the Watts to become their pastor. Mr. Watts assented

chair, and Mr. John Dalton read the report. The to this request, and the Rev, T. Roberts, Calvary,

meeting was subsequently addressed by ministers Brynmawr, offered up prayer for a blessing on the of several denominations, each of whom greeted upion. Mr. Lot Rogers was also chosen and

the newly-chosen pastor with a hearty welcome. ordained a deacon, and Mr. J. Morgan Wilcox, a

Mr. Bailey enters upon his new sphere of labour local preacher, was fully set apart to the ministra

with cheering prospects of success. tion of the Gospel, by the laying on of hands by

PAULTON, SOMERSET.-On Tuesday evening the elders and prayer by the Rev. T. Roberts.

Feb. 26th, an interesting service was held in the The address on the nature of a Christian church was delivered by the Rev. A. Torey ; the

place, to commemorate the fourth anniversary

the settlement of the pastor. Nearly 120 of the sermon on the duties of the respective parties was given by the Rev. T. Roberts; and the Rev.

members and friends took tea together. After the L. Jones concluded with a short address and

tables were cleared the friends again assembled prayer. Great credit is due to Mr. Watts for his

together, and spent the evening pleasantly, Christian exertions in connection with this little

profitably. The pastor having briefly descrio

his connection with the church, called upon Le cause.

Rev. G. M'Michael, B.A., Bridgwater; B. Danes NEWBRIDGE, MONMOUTHSHIRE.-The new cha.

Wells; G. Hall, Burnham; and T. Ricbars pel for the use of the English Baptist friends in this place was opened for Divine service, March

(Wesleyan), successively to address the meetinę. 4th and 5th. The services were conducted in

MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-Mr. A. Tilly_has Welsh and English. On Monday, March 4th, at

nified to the church at Bethany, Cardit, at seven o'clock p.m., the Rev. D. Morgan, Ponty.

tion of resigning the pastorate at the close or to pool, preached in English, and the Rev. John

current quarter.-The Rev. W. Woods has resign Evans, Abercanaid, in Welsh. This service was

the pastorate of the church at Swaffbam, 10. held in the new chapel. The following day, at

- The Rev. T. R. Stevenson, of Burnley, has a ten o'clock, the Rev. J. Evans preached in Welsb,

acepted a unanimous invitation to the pastora and Dr. Thomas, Pontypool, in English. At two

the church in Harlow, Essex, and been o'clock p.m., the Rev. D. Morgan preached in

labours on the first Sunday in June. The Welsh, and the Rev. J. Smith, Cheltenham, in

. Davies closed his engagements with English. At six o'clock, the Rev. E. Thomas,

tist Church at Andover on Sunday, Ma Newport, preached in Welsh, and the Rev. J. having accepted a unanimous invitatioa trom Smith in English. The services of this day were

church at Houghton Regis.-The Rev. Jo! held in the old Welsh chapel, Beulah. The Welsh

of Leicester, has accepted a unanimous" church is the mother of the English church.

from the Church in Wellington-street,

has commenced his labours.-The Re CUPAR FIFE, SCOTLAND.-On Monday, the 4th Crofts, of Birchington, has accepted the March, the Rev. D. B. Joseph, late of Bootle, near of the Baptist Church, St. Peter's, Mar Liverpool, was recognised as pastor of the English commenced his ministerial labours ou Baptist Church in Cupar Fife, Scotland. On the March.-Mr. E. F. Quant having resigue previons day the Rev. F. Trestrail preached morn torate of the church meeting in ing and evening, and Mr. Joseph in the afternoon. On Monday evening a soirée was held in the cha- | in March.

Bacup, his labours there ceased on the 19

The church in

Sunday in Junts with the

engagements with the Bap

I å unanimous invitation ington-street, Luton, and ours.-The Rer. James 8 accepted the pastorite t. Peter's, Margate, and

| labours on the 7th at having resigued the pse neeting in Irwell-terrace,

eased on the last Sabba'a

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