Sidor som bilder

Lord, yet we have to guard against abusing | But there pure love can live, can lastsuch passages by thinking it a matter of They look for us their home to share ; little moment whether we see present fruit | When we in turn away have pass'd, or not; but, on the contrary, we should What joyful greetings wait us there, give the Lord no rest till we see present

Beyond the river. fruit, and therefore in persevering yet submissive prayer we should make known our requests unto God. I add as an encouragement to believers who labour among child

THE LESSON OF DEATH. ren, that during the last two years seven

WHEN the Lord takes his beloved ts teen young persons or children, from the himself, it is not becoming a Christiac » age of eleven and a half to seventeen, have let the pall of the funeral fall on his cm been received into fellowship among us, and

life, nor to let the gloom of death darla that I am looking out now for many more

thenceforth his home, his place of business to be converted, and that not merely of the

and all the glories of the earth, nor to set orphans, but of the Sunday and day-school down nerveiess in despondency. Life children. As in so many respects we live mains for the living. Goëthe tells 08 in remarkable times, so in this respect also, tombstone, on which, instead of the in that the Lord is working greatly among the

scription which was formerly usual, “ children in many places.---George Müller,

mento mori'' (Remember that you must diel, was the inscription, “Remember that you must live.” The inscription has a Christus

significance. We honour our departe BEYOND THE RIVER.

friends most, and we honour Christ mest TIME is a river, deep and wide ;

when we grasp by faith the Christian cza And while along its banks we stray,

ception of life and of death; when in the We see our lov’d ones o'er its tide

faith, and for Christ's sake, we apply our Sail from our sight away, away.

selves anew, though with bleeding hearts, Where have they sped--they who return

to the work of life ; when we cheer No more to glad our longing eyes ?

fully fulfil its allotted duties; when we They've passed from life's contracted bourne,

thankfully enjoy the blessings which Christ To land unseen, unknown, that lies

leaves us to cheer our way; when, softened Beyond the river.

by affliction, we labour with new tenderness

and assiduity to soothe the sorrowing and 'Tis hid from view; but we may guess

to help the needy; when our affection 1 How beautiful that realm must be;

the departed flows like a new life-blood ino For gleanings of its loveliness,

our affection for all who remain in the * In visions granted, oft we see.

cle of our immediate interest, and breate The very clouds that o'er it throw

a new warmth of tenderness, a new enery Their veil, uprais'd for mortal sight,

of beneficence, into our love to all mankıda With gold and purple tintings glow,

when, in a word, beholding the love bu Reflected from the glorious light

Ohrist to us and to the departed saints, Beyond the river.

, "endure as seeing Him who is invisibie.

- Rev. S. Harris. And gentle airs, so sweet, so calm,

Steal sometimes from that viewless sphere, The mourner feels their breath of balm, And soothed sorrow dries the tear.

THE RICH AND POOR. And sometimes listening ears may gain

THERE is one place more than another Entrancing sound that hither floats; where all pre-eminence of persons, all The echo of a distant strain,

tinctions, should be forgotten: it is en Of harps' and voices' blended notes, we are kneeling before God as supplican

Beyond the river. of his mercy. “Then the rich and !

poor meet together. The Lord is to There are our lov'd ones in their rest; maker of them all.” The next season, por They've crossed Time's river-now no bably, when the same assembly of pera more:

is found collected, will be before the people They heed not the bubbles on its breast, ment-seat; and there we know all was

Nor feel the storms that sweep its shore, I regarded according to their spirituary


their spiritual qualitat

cations, and not according to their outward, they alone rich who are clothed with the circumstances. All will be there in vile righteousness of Christ; they are accountapparel, James ii. 2, except as far as they able first who have “adorned the doctrine have “washed their robes, and made them of God their Saviour" by the sincerest white in the blood of the Lamb ;” all will lowliness of humility, the truest meekness be poor there--poor in themselves; and and charity.-Sumner.

Our Missions.

and brored him and he

THE REVIVAL IN JAMAICA. OUR readers have heard much of this remarkable ovement, which, beginning at the Moravian staons in the centre of the western portion of the land, rapidly descended the mountains on either de, and gradually rolled on in a tide of excite. ent to the eastern end. No class was exempt om its power. Even the white man did not escape s influence. The churches and chapels were owded to overflowing. Days, nights, and even geks, were spent in the house of God, in incesnt prayer, in exhorting to repentance, in listeng to the confessions of the backslider, and in iding the penitent to Christ. As the most wicked wed before the power which seized them, terror ized others, and many were overwhelmed, and ostrated by the force of feeling and remorse. me, animated, as they supposed, by a divine wer, went to and fro, through forests and over untains, to summon siuners to repentance, and lew pretended to visions and to divine gifts, lich were the fruit of excited imagination. Yet udst all there was a large amount of the most puine spiritual conviction, and as the storm of citement has subsided, there is evident a wideread result, which can only have come from the irit of holiness and truth. The first months of the year were full of anxiety

the missionaries. It was a task of great diffi. Ity to control the emotions of the people, and to 3train the excitement within proper bounds. In ne places, there appeared to be a sudden real of the old African superstitions, which, for a ae, threatened to overwhelm the true work of d with confusion. But during the last few onths these powerful manifestations have subed, and the churches are beginning to gather in a ge harvest of souls, hopefully converted to God. us, the Rev. J. Clarke, of Savanna-la-Mar, not y reports large accessions to his church and quirers' classes, and crowded chapels, but says the converts, “Most have stood true, and some rked and very pleasing changes appear." Yever," says another missionary, “was our rk so delightful.” In Montego Bay, some of

most wicked persons of the town have been sught to deep contrition for sin. A notorious Icing-house, once the frequent scene of mid. ht revelries, has been turned into a house of wyer, by the very parties whose gains were deed from the sinful amusements there carried on. en the police station has been made a place of yer. In another instance, the Clerk of the rce, having nothing to do. for the Revival had ised litigation to cease, and closed the courts of ', as there were no criminals to try, became a

preacher of righteousness, and assisted the missionaries in their arduous work.

At Hastings, one man got up in the meeting, and said, “You all know me. I am Bob Davis, of Kent Estate, a real devil's man. I never did anything good. If mischiet was going on, I was the mover in it." And he told how many wicked things he had done, and how the Lord met with him, prostrated him, revealed to him his wickedness, and brought him to Christ.

Numerous instances of divine grace like this might be mentioned, but our friend, the Rev. J. M. Phillippo, has communicated to us an interest. ing narrative of an examination of a candidate for church membership, which will illustrate at length the nature and eifects of the work which has been going on. This man was one out of twenty-seven candidates for baptism, selected from more than double that number, anxious to be baptized. The narrative is drawn up from notes taken at the time. It can leave no doubt that the work itself is not of man, nor of any power (human or satanic) but of God.

“After one or two preliminary questions, the minister, addressing the young man, said :

"Perhaps you will tell us wbat induced you to seek after the salvation of your soul ?'

“I was constrained to forsake my evil ways and to seek the salvation of my soul in this manner :-On the 27th of December, I was on my way from Passage Fort to Gregory Park Station, when I was seized with a sudden fear. I could not tell what was the matter with me, but I felt such a weight upon me that I could scarcely move. It increased as I went along, until at last I could proceed no further. I found I could not move another step-not if a reward had been offered me for doing so, if that reward were a diamond as large as this Bible on the table ; my sins came up before me in succession-everything I had done from my childhood, long forgotten, came to my remembrance. I tried to pray, but I could not. I was compelled to return, and was impressed, I believe by the Spirit, to go to one Mrs. G , in Passage Fort. As I went back I felt a little relieved, and so did not obey the warning; but turned again to Gregory Park, expecting there to meet with some of my companions, when I thought I should be able to get rid of the impression. As I went on, I felt a load pressing me down that I could scarcely walk; then all my sins again arose before me, and tormented me more and more. At length I imagined I saw the band of death stretched out on me; there was no way of escape, by reason of the weight which seemed to increase upon me. I can compare it to nothing but as if a large building, as large as this chapel, was resting upon me. It took

before, and should meet what,culloch to his cla

me more than two hours to get from Passage Fort , greater sinner than I was. I was guilty of every to the station, which I can walk at other times in wicked thing.' a quarter of an hour. When I got there, instead "^Was there anything to cause the fear you of the impression leaving me, I could not help but speak of?' fall on my knees and pray to God to have mercy *«No, Sir. I cannot tell what it was.' on me. I confessed all my sins, and, in presence " How was it you did not return to Passage of all the people at the station, told what a sinner Fort when you felt a desire to do so?' I had been. “As soon as I had confessed my sins, "Because I expected some one there would and prayed to God to forgive me for the sake of have recommended me to leave off my course of!! Jesus Christ, I felt the weight that had all along living, which I did not feel inclined to do. The been pressing me to the ground was suddenly re. course, Sir, I do not now like to remember ; it moved. I was able to rise, and I began to praise hateful to me. It had made me so I believe in two and bless God for his mercy to me; not only was sight of God.' I relieved of the fear that had been haunting me, *** Why do you wish to be baptized, and dile but I felt the presence of a joy and happiness I yourself with a Christian church? cannot express. I knew that my sins were for “ I desire to be baptized because it is the com given ; that they had all been washed away in my mand of Christ; and I feel it my duty to unite Saviour's precious blood. If I was the best writer myself with the church.' in the world, I could not describe the joy I felt and «Do you think that baptism is one of the means have done ever since. I never was so happy by which you can be saved ?' before, and I felt strongly inclined to go and tell «No, Šir. I know that nothing but the blood every one I should meet what the Lord had done of Christ can save me.' for me. I went with Mr. M'Culloch to his class " "Through what means do you think that the house, and spent the night in prayer and praise blood of Christ is applied to your conscience ?' with other Christian friends. I believe I am now " By faith,' turned from nature to grace, because that evil way «* What do you understand by faith?' I once loved I now hate and do love holiness, and " A full belief in Christ as the Son of God az am desirous of dedicating the remainder of my the Saviour of sinners.' days to the service and glory of God, who has done “What are your views of the work of the Bas so much for me. I pray to him continually for

Spirit?' grace to help me, so that I may not again return **The work of the Spirit is to convince of sir, to sin and folly.'

and to sanctify the soul."" “On concluding this narrative he manifested It is not at present possible to tell how many deep feeling, which he expressed by tears which souls have been brought to God during this Ralmost choked his utterance. The following vival. Estimates vary very much. This, however, questions were some of those proposed by the is known, is obvious to all, that in difference to the minister :

Gospel, and languor in the churches, have passed Had any one spoken to you about your soul, away; that the places of worship are crowded with or had you heard anything about the Revival?' solemn assemblies of interested worshippers; that

""No, Sir. No one had spoken to me; and the inquirers' classes are filled to overflow; that though I had heard something of the Revival, I thousands are seeking admission to the church did not wish to go among any religious people, for of God; that hundreds of backsliders desire reI did not want to give up my sins.

storation; and that the Church of Christ is animated Had you been to the race that day ?'.

to labour and to pray. Now again is God bon ou " Yes, Sir; I was just returning from it and ing his word, and his Spirit's might is manifes from a cock-fight. I was the principal one in May the shower of divine mercy come down on

May getting up that. There could not have been a lands, and fill the earth with joy and salvation ?


on was botisk


been held at Leicester Unusual interest was The Parliamentary history of the month has not in the meetings of this vear, because of an ad been of much general interest. The session is pated discussion of the recently agitated que rapidly approaching its close, and the proceedings of the union of Baptists. We are glad to have been of the character which usually belongs that the discussion of this question was bo to the close of a session. This session is the last and exhaustive, and was characterised thro in which Lord John Russell will be a member of by a thoroughly Christian spirit. It resu the House of Commons. He is to be raised to the the passing unanimously of the following for Upper House.

tion:-“That a closer union of the Eau The news from America is connected chiefly

Baptists of this country is most desirable, sa with the President's message. He asks for a vote

this Association will rejoice in the coastaa of four hundred thousand men, and for a million

bition of the union that already ens of money, to carry on the war. The enthusiasm in

also in extending this union as far as it is the North appears to be quite equal to this large

cable, for the honour of our one Lord,... demand upon it.

greater efficiency of combined operation.

a resolution ought to be followed by lamp Since our last number went to press, the annual results. It has our most cordial approv meetings of the General Baptist Association have I other business of the Association was

e coastaat er eady erists, se!

one Lord, and be operation. So

by importa

approval i ation was also take

acted. One interesting feature of the meetings was & resolution that the property held for the use of the College at Nottingham, under the able presidency of the Rev. W. Underwood, which bas hitherto been rented, should be purchased. Searly seventeen hundred pounds were promised for the purpose.

The peace of the town of Accrington has been gain invaded by the Vicar of Whalley. The goods f a dozen persons were put up to sale for Easter lues, a claim, if possible, more offensive and unast than church-rates. Books and boots, clocks nd cloth, looking-glasses, umbrellas, knives and orks, &c., &c., were sold, by this professed miniser of Jesus Christ, for administering the sacrasent to persons who never would think of joining 1 such a Romish service. The lots were all purhased, and then carried round the town in a cart rith banners and appropriate mottoes. All disarvance was avoided, but the police force present "aust have cost more than what the articles sold

superfluous to enumerate them. Allow me, however, just briefly to point out the most prominent. Upwards of 30,000 sinners have been converted, of whom 10,000 are at present sweetly joined in church fellowship by one faith, one Lord, and one baptism. The 60,000,000 who live in Germany, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Lithu. ania, parts of Russia, Austria, Hungary, Wallachia, Switzerland, and France, are now enjoying the ministration of 100 missionaries and colporteurs, of a large number of assistant preachers, and the labours of our members generally; 80,000 copies of the Holy Scriptures have been circulated, and upwards of 20,000,000 evangelical tracts and books,”



As stated in our last, the Rev. J.G. Oncken has rrived in England to seek aid for the German Baptist Mission. He has issued an appeal to the hurches, from which we take the following ex. racts :-- "The immediate cause of the present sppeal arises from the fact that, in consequence of he outbreak of the civil war in the United States, Il pecuniary aid hitherto received from that ountry for the support of missionaries and colporteurs, and the circulation of the Holy Scripures, has been witbdrawn. The loss thus susained by the mission is upwards of £1,500 per num-a sum which our mission churches, howFer willing, cannot make up. They are doing their itmost, and many of our converts have given full roof of their love to Christ and the souls of men, their deep poverty having abounded unto the riches f their liberality. The deficiency in our receipts rom the above cause will place us under the painul necessity of dismissing twenty-five of our misionaries and colporteurs, if our friends in this Fountry do not come to our speedy help. There las been, however, no time in the history of the nission when we could so ill afford to lose a single labourer as at present. Most of our churches and stations have been refreshed with Pentecostal showers, in answer to special prayer, since the Pommencement of the present year, and upwards of six hundred converts have been added to the Lord. New and inviting fields are opened before as in every direction, and the Macedonian cry,

Come over and help us,' assails us, not only from every quarter of Germany, but also from the surrounding countries. Join to this the appalling fact that the 60,000,000 among whom the Lord has alled us to spread the glorious Gospel are, with few exceptions, without the knowledge of Christ, and our hearts bleed at the mere possibility of being compelled to dismiss any one of our devoted fellow-labourers. Let me, therefore, earnestly entreat all who love our Lord Jesus Christ, who are instant in prayer for the advancement of his kingdom, and who cheerfully contribute of their substance for the spread of the Gospel, to render us all the aid in their powe. To the more wealthy churches and brethren we recommend the support of a colporteur, as the amount annually required for this is only £40. I am happy to add that the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon's church has set a noble example in this respect, having engaged to support two colporteurs. The rich blessings with which the Lord has been pleased to crown the labours of this mission are so familiar to most Christians who long for the coming of his kingdom, that it is almost

RAWDON COLLEGE.--The meetings connected with the close of the session were held at the Col. lege, on Weduesday, June 26th. The Rev. Dr. Acworth took the chair, at two o'clock p.m., and after a few introductory observations, called on the Rev. S. G. Green to read the report. This first of all referred to the balance sheet of the Rawdon College Building Fund, which had been prepared and circulated among the contributors. By the showing of that document, there remained a deficiency of £921 168. 2d., against which there was the value of the Horton premises, with a few promises of contribution as yet unfulfilled. The old College had now been sold for £1,000, after every effort to dispose of it for a larger sum had failed; and it was estimated that on the fulfilment of the promises above alluded to, the College would not only be entirely out of debt, but there would remain a surplus on the building account of between two and three hundred pounds. This amount a generous friend of the society had offered to make into £1,000, on condition that the whole sum should be invested as a permanent scholarship, to bear the name of the President. The report then enumerated the students who were leaving or had left the College. The number of vacancies to be filled was seven, for which sixteen or seventeen applicants had offered themselves-a list which had been reduced by the committee and by withdrawments to twelve candidates, who had been subjected on the previous day to a very long and searching examination, of which the result had been the election of six young men to serve as probationers next term. Satisfactory reports were made by the tutors of the health, the conduct, and the occasional preaching engagements of the students. The examinations had been unusually full and prolonged, and their result highly satisfactory. The adoption of the report was moved by R. Harris, Esq., of Leicester, and seconded by the Rer. A. M. Stalker, of Southport. The Rev. C. M. Birrell, of Liverpool, moved, and the Rev. Hugh Stowell Brown seconded, the appointment of the officers and com. mittee, with grateful acknowledgments of their past services. The formal proceedings having closed, the Rev. Dr. Evans, of Scarborough, rose, and calling attention to the question of scholarships, strongly urged that the ministers formerly under the care of Dr. Steadman and Dr. Godwin should devise means to establish one or more scholarships which should bear those honoured names. The proposal met with general concurrence. A resolution was submitted by the Rev. C. M. Birrell, seconded by Dr. Evans, and carried by acolamation, expressing the warm and grateful acknowledgments of the meeting to the unknown friend who had placed in the hands of the society the means of

establishing the scholarship referred to in the re elected. Prayer was offered by the Rer. F. port. A hymn was then sung, after which Mr. Bosworth, and the meeting separated. After the Hudson, one of the senior students, read a thought. dinner, which took place, as usual, in the lectureful and eloquent essay upon "Repentance," and room of the college, addresses were delivered by Mr. Chapman, a junior student, a powerful sermon: several gentlemen, expressing unabated interest in on “ The Beauty of the Lord.” Between the ser the welfare of the institution, and the pleasure vices, the company partook of tea in the Dining arising from the very satisfactory report which had Hall of the College, and re-assembled in the library been given of the present condition of the college. at six, when the Rev. H. S. Brown read the Scriptures and offered prayer, and the Rev. Dr.

CHARLES-STREET, LEICESTER.–This place of Godwin delivered an address to the students from

worship has recently been enlarged and extensively the words, “Take heed unto thyself.” At the close

improved at a cost of £1,300. School-rooms and a vote of thanks to the venerable doctor was enthu.

vestries formerly bebind the chapel bave been siastically passed.

thrown into it, and new ones erected in their place.

A new circular gallery has been constructed, and, BRISTOL COLLEGE.-The annual service and in lieu of the palpit, a platform has been adoptet, meeting in connection with the Bristol Baptist nine feet long by fie feet wide, handsome and sim College were held at the Broadmead Chapel the ple, and in good keeping with the structure genelast Wednesday in June. At the service the two rally. The reopening services commenced on Wedsenior students, Mr. D. T. Davies and Mr. R. H.. nesday, June 5th, when the R ght Hon. Lord Teyn." Roberts, read able papers : after which the Rev. J. ham preached two sermons in the Temperance Wenger, from Calcutta, delivered an address to Hall. The collections for the day amounted to £!. the students, founding his remarks upon 2 On Sunday, June 9, two sermons were preached Timothy ii. 15—“Study to show thyself approved by the Rev. J. Angas, D.D., President of Regent's. unto God, a workman that needeth not to be park College, London. A new organ, erected by ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” Mr. Nicholson, of Worcester, was opened at the The business meeting was held subsequently in the same time by Herr Schneider. The collections Testry, Mr. James Livett occupying the chair. The the day amounted to £27. On the following Toet Rev. Dr. Gotch read the report, from which it day afternoon, the Rev. Hugh Stowell Brown, appears that the next session will begin with Liverpool, preached in the chapel to a numerous twenty-three students, nine candidates having and respectable congregation. In the evening to been lately received. Dr. Gotch next read letters delivered a lecture on “Bunyan's Holy War." 08 from the Rev. J. Burder, the Rev. N. Haycroft, this occasion the place was crowded, and presented the Rev. J. Penny, the Rev. H. Craik, Mr. E. R. a very pleasing and striking appearance. The Rer. Hodges, Mr. W. Elfe Taylor, the Rev. J. Wenger, T. Lomas, minister of the place, occupied the chair, Mr. S. Griffiths, the Rev. T. T. Gough, Mr. J. M. and, after a brief introduction, and the performChandler, and Dr. E. Williams, who had examined ance of an anthem by the cboir, the lecture was the pupils, and spoke highly of the progress they delivered by Mr. Brown. Another anthem having had made. Mr. J. Leonard then read the balance been supg by the choir. Mr. R. Harris moved, and sheet, from which it appeared that, including Mr. C. Gould seconded, a vote of thesks to the two legacies, the income, £1,905 10s., had lecturer, which was carried unanimously. On the exceeded the expenditure by £260. Mr. Horsey following Sunday two sermons for the same object proposed a vote of thanks to the Rev. J. Wenger, were preached by the Rev. C. Vince, of Bir for his address to the students, and to the mingham, gentlemen who had assisted at the examination. The Rev. Mr. Claypole seconded the motion, which

SAINTHILL, DEVON,-A meeting of an interesting was unanimously carried. The Rer. J. Penny

character was held at Sainthill, Kentisbere, Deros, moved the adoption of the committee's report, and

on the 21st of June, the seventy-eighth birth-day that, together with the treasurer's account and

of Mr. Charles Baker, the senior deacon of the the report of the examiners, it be printed and cir

church. A tea-meeting was held in the school culated. Mr.S. Pbilips seconded the motion. The

room in the afternoon, and a public meeting in the proposition was adopted. The Rev. N. Haycroft

chapel in the evening. The Rev, J. Dann, the proposed that the recommendation contained in

pastor, presided, and introduced the business the report be adopted, and that the president be

speaking of the occasion and objects of the meet permitted to reside elsewhere than at the college,

ing, which were to testify respect and esteem om but to retain in every respect his position at the

an old and faithful servant of the Church, and to institution, and that Dr. Gotch reside at the insti.

present him with a testimonial of the sincerity a tution in place of Mr. Crisp. The Rev. F. Treg

their affection. Mr. Dann then, in the name of bus trail seconded the motion. The Rev. Mr. Crisp

numerous friends, presented Mr. Baker with a expressed his thanks to the committee for the

handsomely bound family Bible, with commentary manner in which they had taken up and carried

from Henry and Scott, together with Dr. Badies this matter through, and for the kindness they had

Dictionary of the Holy Scriptures. Mr. Bakery evinced towards him during the past forty-two

the founder of the Sabbath-school at Saintbil, as years. Not the slightest bickering or discord of

has been indefatigable in his exertions on its De feeling had taken place between the committee

halt for upwards of forty-five years. He has fea and himself during that time. He also thanked

deacon of the church about the same period. Mr. Haycroft for the graceful manner in which he

Baker, who is still remarkably active, had brought the matter forward. Dr. Gotch said

feelingly and gratefully acknowledged the fun he had consented to undertake the duties, though

ness of his friends. Mr. Charles Baker, sap not without feelings of the responsibility they en

tist minister, of Bradninch, revon, then, in sfery tailed, but partly and very much from the strong

interesting manner, addresse l the meeting. feeling he had that their venerable friend the pre PARK-ROAD CHAPEL, PECKHAM.-On Monday sident's health might be benefited and his life pro July 1, the foundation stone of a pew chapelk longed by the change. He would be glad if he oould do good to the college and the students by

the use of the church and congregation now

sembling in Hill-street, Peckham, was laid undertaking the duties. On the motion of the Rev. T.T. Gough, seconded by Dr. Gotch, the treasurer

8. Morton Peto, Bart., M.P., on a piece of

hold ground, purchased for the purpose secretary were re-appointed, and a committee | above position. After singing, the her.


cere to testing

of the Chur incerity a

from Henry of the Holy Sehschool at Salon its be

the Rep, W. A

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