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Meantime preparations for the feast , father. And now, pray, just as you always went on, and no invitations were recalled. | do, dear father ; thank Him for giving me The white-headed grandfather was coming such absolute ease, and such peace in my from a far distance, with his two sons and soul. I never felt so calmly happy before." their families. Roger talked cheerfully And the prayer by that bedside was still about the pleasant reunion, so long antici one of praise and thanksgiving, az beseemed pated, playfully told them he must be car. the day. . ried down to look on, if he could not join " Don't tell mother too suddenly,” said them, and bore his, at times, agonising pain the young man, thoughtful, as always, for with heroic fortitude.

others; "dear mother! I never loved her so It was just before the dawn of the new much. I want them all to come in here, year that he looked up with a sweet sinile dear father. O! if they can only realise as to his father, and said,

I do that I am going home!” “ Father, my pain is all gone; I never So it happened, as the sun came up, that felt so easy in my life.”

the messenger went to every door of the Terrible words! gently as they were sleepers in that house, and said, “Roger is spoken, they fell like thunderbolts upon the worse; Roger can only live a few hours, heart that heard them. His father was a this bright New Year's Day.” physician, but he saw a change on that Yes, there was a gloom in that home that brow that only the eyes of love could de it did not seem possible any sun could tect. His the task to place before the brighten. The guests came, but came with young soul his quick-coming doom. 'troubled faces. The old grandparents, with

" My son," he said, “ I am sorry to their silver hairs, the young and beautiful, hear it."

were gathered there, and still, while tears " Why, father ?" The exclamation was fell, the preparations for the feast went on. one wholly of surprise.

It was at the hour of nine when all were “ It is a bad it is the worst possible assembled in the death-chamber. None symptom."

wept, for they could not realise that they There was a long silence. Roger had looked on that face, so cheerful, so elevated closed his eyes. He opened them again, by its near prospect of the beautiful world and said, still calmly, sThen you think I beyond, for the last time. His smile was cannot live, father "

as loving, his voice as strong; only to the 17 “My son! my son!” was all the griev. | practised eye were the signs of the last ing lips could utter.

sleep visible. There was a long pause. Prayer ascend "Mother,” said Roger, “ you must still ed silently to God from the hearts of both have the New Year's dinner, and you must parent and child. The son was the first to think of me as in the house of my Father. speak.

Promise me, mother, for remember that I “Father, you have always taught me to also shall be keeping holy new year in the be prepared for any sudden emergency. presence of Christ. And you, Louise, I Father, I am prepared. The love of Christ know you will miss me, but I want you to takes away all unwillingness to die. O! look at me, and think that the brightness father, I did not think it so easy to give of this sun is not to be compared to the up all."

light and glory I am beholding. If you Noble answer! The light that came into I could feel as I feel for one moment, you those eyes, then, was not of earth. The would know the bliss of dying. I cannot doctor gazed on his child as if he were all tell you; words cannot describe it. Don't ready an angel, as if in his heart he said, think of me as dead, dear," he went on, as : “ Can these things be?”

his favourite sister burst into tears.; "talk "I am willing it should be just as Christ of me just as you always have, only say that orders," continued the young man, that I am gone before. There is no time in calm rapture still playing over his features, eternity, dear Louise. I shall find that I “ because how much better to be with bim, bave hardly seen heaven and Christ, before than to be down hore, preaching about him! I welcome you, and all who stand here.". I wish you could see that it is best, father.” “We shall miss you, my best beloved;

“God's will be done, my son. I gave how can we help mourning ?” murmured you--to him in your infancy," said the his pale mother." stricken father, struggling for composure. I "Mother, you have always said how

6 I am glad you can say that, dear, dear cheerfully you could give me up to go on 3

mission to the heathen. Would you not then led her where, beautiful as an angel, i talk of me then as your child, labouring in | Roger lay clothed in pure linen.

a distant country, away from you, but still " Look at him," said her father, as he i living, still doing something for my Master? held her shuddering form, “and tell me if Mother, you must talk just so of me when he was living would you refuse him one I am in heaven, and if you want to hear

request ?" from me, take,' instead of the letters I as I never did," was the sobbing reply.

should send from China or India, the glo “ And is he not still living, my child, : rious letter of God's word. There, a greater happier than you or I could make him? than I shall tell you of my well-doing." And did he not request that we should try

" That's a comfortable thought, my and be cheerful, nay, even thankful, to-day? ;" child," said the old grandfather, placing You see how I am striving” (his voice fal-

his arm around his daughter. “He will tered a little) “to do honour to his wishes still be living, still doing his appointed you behold your mother, whose grief is: work; still loving; and some of us will shake stronger, perhaps, than ours, going about hands with him in the heavenly kingdom her duties and keeping down her sorrow. before many months perhaps pass by. Let O! my child, can you not stay your heart us journey with our dear boy as far as we on God, who alone is our strength in may, cheerfully, giving him up to the Lord, trouble ?" who hath greater need of him than we.” “ I will try—I will try, father," sobbed

It was not long that they “ journeyed Louise. : with him as far as they might," for a great Silently they both retreated from the : weakness fell upon him, and painlessly, sweet presence of the sleeper, to seek

without one fear, siniles beaming over his strength at the throne of grace; and thouglı beautiful countenance to the last, he fell few words were spoken, and but little asleep, his head leaning upon the bosom of tasted at that New Year's table, yet each

one thought of the gentle voice that hack "Let all things go on as he wished," urged them to be thankful, even though at said his father, reverently kissing the white the board was "one vacant chair.” Truly brow. “My children, behold only the clay this is the sublimity of Christian faith, that that confined him. He hath gone up we offer those we love, without repining, to higher. Let us even be thankful that God Him who gave, and whose good pleasure it has so signally honoured us in asking such is to take again! a gift froin our hande. Henceforth let us Thus have I written of a New Year's Day not say he is dead, but he liveth for ever that was not all joyous; and yet to me there

is something infinitely more beautiful in There was awe-there was quiet in that the transition of that youth, leaving all the house. Footsteps struck lightly, voices pleasures of earth with so serene a faith, : puse soltly, but violent grief, as of thosethat | hope so full or glory,

hope so full of glory, than in all the merry a without hope, was not known there, gatherings where radiant health and innosuve only in one bosom. Louise, the next 1 cent mirth presided. eldest to Roger, would not be comforted. One New Year's Day has passed since he refused all consolation, and shut her Roger went to heaven, and it was delightalf away from the sight of every eye. At ful to see how the sweet faces brightened last, her father came to her door, knocking | on that day, as dear brother Roger becane

I asked for admittance, which she | the theme of conversation. They can talk u not deny. He took her hand and l of him with smiles, for to them heaven said, " Come with me, my child;" | and iinmorality is no myth!


and for ever."



Page for the Young.


. One evening as we sat together, he laid ung cousin Henry has been read. | down his book, and, with glowing cheek parte." $ " History of Napoleon Bona- and sparkling eye, exclaimed,

" Wasn't be the most splendid man that

My young cousin ing Abbott's “ History of No

ever lived ? I'd give anything to be half as water that had found its outlet here. They great!"

would be overwhelmed-lost! Mr. Abbott's portrait so carefully con- / One foot was yet in the bucket--a jerk at ceals the blemishes of his hero, and is set the rope would save him. But though withal in so dazzling a frame, that I could death stared him in the face, he could not not wonder at a boy's enthusiasm in con- sacrifice others to save himself. Quickly templating it. But I said :

jumping out, he seized blind Victor, and “Your chance of being half as great as placed him in the bucket, saying quickly, Bonaparte is very good, I think. That is as he jerked the rope, not always great which consists in brilliant “ Tell them the water has burst in, and achievement. The highest greatness is mo | we are probably lost ; but we will seek reral, and seeks the good of others rather fuge at the further end of the right gallery. than its own glory. I could tell you of a Say farewell to our poor friends." In 8 more noble hero than Napoleon, who lived moment Victor was gone, and with him Hu: in his own time.”

bert's only certainty of escape from a terr: ." I should like to hear of one,” answer. ble death. ed Harry, with an air that said he was not The mine consisted of long, narrow pasto be convinced. But he still loved a story; sages, and on all sides deep caves from which so I told him the following.

the coal had been dug. The men were all Years ago, in the deep heart of a moun at the further end of the mine, hewing out tain in Belgium, a hundred men were working a coal-mine.

Hubert quickly made his way along the Grim-risaged and dusky, moving about | dark passage, followed by the swift-spreadby the dull red light of their safety-lamps, ing water, and soon reached his fellow they might have been mistaken for the de workmen with the dreadful intelligence..! mons of the mountain, once supposed by was a moment for panic, when each would the peasants to dwell in its caves. Their have rushed to certain death in a vain effort work was hard, and surrounded by dan to save himself. But looking firmly into gers ; but their wives and children were in their ghastly faces, the master spoke a tev the hamlet above, and long habit made courageous sentences :them forget their perils. So they might be “ Follow my words, lads, and be quickcontented, and even happy.

our picks may save us!” The creaking windlass raised and lowered Then came a few steady, quick commands a huge bucket through the deep and narrow to hollow a new chamber above the level shaft, from morning till night, carrying the water would probably, reach. The men men and tools to and fro. This was the obeyed in silence, though each knew not out only doorway.

that he might be digging his own grave. It was noonday, and the sun shone down A hundred pairs of hands soon finished the one side of the shaft, and brought a glim work, and into the cave a hundred miell mer of daylight to a part of the mine, when crowded, to wait for death or an almost done Hubert Goffin, the master miner, took his possible chance of relief. The water gram place in the great kibble, and was let down dually filled all the old avenues and chamto the mine, many feet below. When he bers, and then seemed stayed. Never was reached the bottom, he commenced hand- a situation more dreadful. Not more ing some tools and stores to Victor, a blind | a day's provisions had been saved, au miner, who was waiting there. Victor had | ready two or three of their number left a sick child in one of the cottages, and been killed by the falling rocks it was to inquire after him that he stood tily digging the new chamber.' waiting at the bottom of the shaft.

dismal hours, with no change to mark ! The bucket was soon emptied, and Hu | brought only the advance of almost bert was just stepping out, when hark! | death. what sound was that which made his

.. Courage, brave Hubert! God, who sai cheek pale? It was the rushing and trick thy noble sacrifice, will help theo: ling of water. The next moment he caught sight of a stream forcing itself through a

The terrified friends and townsmen 41

hearing Victor's dreadful news, ta fissure in the mountain close to the shaft!

about in hopeless panic. But soon, gw Hubert's long experience instantly showed by the message Hubert had sen him their full danger. It was not a feebly menced working a new sb_ oozing stream, but a mighty pressure of possible to the spot where the

re than

soon, guided

Hubert had sent, they com & a new sb aft as near as spot where the hapless men

at might be. Five days and nights they toil. 1 no one would have been spared to tell the

ed, digging deeper and deeper into the solid | story. side of the mountain.

This noble act, done in a place and at a It is a vain task,” said the men. But moment when no praise of men could have the women cried, “ Do not cease! God been looked for, echoed throughout Euwill help us!"

rope, and obtained the praise and gratitude do At length, on the morning of the sixth of the world. The ten thousand miners of

day, the musled sound of blows from Liege hailed their fellow-labourer with de

within met the ears of the workmen in the light and pride. Napoleon heard and er shaft. A signal ran along the rope, and admired in his palace in Paris, and sent a up! told the news to the waiting multitude reward to the peasant nobleman. He sent

above, who rent the air with joyful shouts. him his Cross of Honour, the mark which

Soon a communication was made. They all the high and great coveted, and, better Er were saved-at least some were saved! | still, offered him a pension, which raised him

Who can imagine the feelings of the un- | above want for the rest of his life. fortunate men, buried for five days and When God unfolds in heaven the secret

nights, without food, when first the day | charity of men, many such heroes shall sa gleamed in upon them revealing a human face! stand revealed, whom the earth and the les Of the hundred who had been imprison- waves have covered, sending no testimony

ed, over seventy survived, and with them to the world. Their Father who seeth in Hubert. Without him, indeed, probably secret shall reward them openly!

Gems from Golden Mines.


that you could be something, if only you This did not once so trouble me,

had a different lot and sphere assigned you. That better I could not love Thee;

God understands his own plan, and he But now I feel and know i

knows what you want a great deal better That only when we love, we find

than you do. The very things that you How far our hearts remain behind

most deprecate as fatal limitations or obThe love they should bestow. ,

structions, are probably what you most While we had little care to call

want. What you call hindrances, obstacles, On Thee, and scarcely prayed at all,

discouragements, are probably God's opWe seemed enough to pray;

portunities, ; and it is nothing new that But now we only think with shame,

the patient should dislike his medicines, or How seldom to thy glorious name

any certain proof that they are poisons. Our lips their offerings pay.

No! a truce to all such impatience! Choke And when we gave yet slighter heed

that envy which gnaws at your heart, beUnto our brother's suffering need,

cause you are not in the same lot with Our heart reproached us then,

others; bring down your soul, or rather, Not half so much as now, that we

bring it up to receive God's will, and do With such a careless eye can see

his work, in your lot, in your sphere, under The woes and wants of men.

your cloud of obscurity, against your In doing is this knowledge won,

temptations; and then you shall find that To see what yet remains undone ;

your condition is never opposed to your With this our pride repress,

good, but really consistent with it. - Dr.

ive us grace, a growing store,
That day by day we may do more,
And may esteem it less.

- Richard Chenevix Trench. .

And you that will sleep on may; but sure I am, when you come to your death

bed, if possible you awake then, you D'S PLAN OF YOUR LIFE. shall look back with sad regret upon

mplain of your birth, your whatsoever you most esteemed and gloried your hardships ; never funcy / in under the sun. While they are com

And give us grace, a

NEVER complain employment, your hardship

ing toward you they have some show, beyond all that this poor world either but, as a dream that is past, when these attains or is soeking after. O the blessed gay things are flown by, then we see how | Gospel, revealing God in Christ, and call. vain they are. As that luxurious kinging upon sinners to communion with him, caused to be painted on his tomb two | dispelling that black night of ignorance and fingers, as sounding one upon another | accursed darkness that otherwise had nerer with that word, All is not worth so much. ended, but passed on to an endless night I know not how men make a shift to satisfy of eternal misery! Says not Zacharias, themselves; but take a sober and awakened with good reason in his song, Luke i., that Christian, and set him in the midst of the it was through the tender mercy of God best of all things that are here, his heart that this day-spring from on high did visit would burst with despair of satisfaction, | us ?-Leighton. were it not for the hope that he hath

Denominational Affairs.

en, indeed, those of the Denom breath :' but

THE FREEMAN” NEWSPAPER. It is a long time since we directed the attention of our readers to the claims of The Freeman newspaper. As, however, it was in this magazine that the appearance of the newspaper was first discussed and announced, -and as, all along, it has been by the friends of The Church," that The Freeman has been chiefly supported, -we trust that there is no impropriety in directing our readers' attention to the subject once again. The best way in which we can do so, will be, to publish, at length, the followng address, which appears in Tlue Freeman itself. We hope that the appeal at the close of the address will be heartily responded to. Nothing would be, of course, more encouraging to the editors of The Freeman, than to begin this year with a large additional circulation. We venture to add that it would be highly advantageous to the denomination too. As is suggested in the address, where expense is an object, two, or three, or four, might unite : and the present year will be a peculiarly advantageous year for beginning to subscribe, inasmuch as, during the year, the large engraving-containing portraits of thirty Baptist ministers--will be presented gratis to all subscribers. We leave the address, howerer, to speak for itself.

A FEW WORDS ABOUT OURSELVES. “The approach of the end of the year, and the consequent close of another volume of The Freeman, Tender it proper that we should say 'a Few Words about Ourselves.' Our readers will bear us witness that we do not trouble them on this subject often : it is a subject that we would, if it were practicable, avoid altogether; but it is obviously impossible that we should do so; and we write now, as aforetime, in the assurance that what we have to say will be read, not only with tolerance, but with sympathy,

"It is now six years since The Freeman was begun. We well remember the mingled feelings of fear and hope with which we committed ourselves to the enterprise. It was an experiment that had been tried before. It had been tried-and had failed. What had occurred in former instances, it was

freely predicted would occur again. Besides, was said that a denominational paper was not wanted. There were plenty of journals in when Baptists could give expression to their views, and the establishment of a denominational organ would only tend to sectarianise' the body. We can refer to these predictions now, because, after so long trial, it may be judged how far they are from having been realized. At least. The Freeman has not failed. It has existed for six years; and at this moment its circulation is larger than at any former period. With reference to its exerting & sectarut influence, we can appeal to our readers whetber that prediction has been fulfilled. The Freeman 4 has been, indeed, thoroughly Baptist : never have the distinctive views of the Denomination been concealed, or, whispered with bated breath :' but we cannot recall a single instance in which a narrow or sectarian spirit has been indicated or inculcated in these columns; and we know that they have been pointed to, by persons out of the body, proof that Baptistë can be Baptist without being bigoted, and that the most sincere respect for opinions of others is consistent with entire fait ness to our own. There is only one other porn which the predictions we have mentioned te be noticed. If any one were still disposed to dow the advantage and necessity of a denomina journal, we would point to the three hundred 1988 of our paper, and let them furnish the answer. " would point to at least a thousand colam Intelhgence, most of which would have been published ; to scores of Conimunications America, India, Australia, Jamaica, Europe, .. would never have been even written; to Disch of denominational and other questions, monthly periodicals would have been impossi all but useless. To take, as an examps Intelligence columne merely, what month. cation could have afforded even the space for. we have given at length ? Even if the space have been afforded, there would still ren objection of delay. Our last two number, present one, convey deeply interesting from Jamaica. There are few, we be have not read that intelligence with interest and gratitude to God. But for the which our columns furnish, that intellige have been delayed for an entire month! we have any wish to depreciate the monthly zines of the denomination. They have which will long remain, They can

What monthly publis the space for what

he space could

still remain the o numbere, and the resting intelligence W, we believe, who hoe with profound But for the medium at intelligence must re month! Not that

the mouthly magaThey have their use, ey can do wbut a

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