Sidor som bilder

features of dress, and next in what way they! They were all talking pleasantly together, shonld be altered to meet the deacon's | from Kline, the son of the rich and proud views of Christian consistency.

Hoffmeister, to the little blue-eyed Carl, the It was an unexpected course, and the only child of the poor baker. fault-finder at once objected. But the The school-house door opened, and minister insisted. “And now," said he, “I Master Friedrich himself appeared, and will put down each item which has been a cried in a cheery, hearty voice, matter of grievance.

Welcome, my children !!! "Well," said the deacon, " there is the Welcome, master !” cried they. hat. It used to have a respectable brim And now they entered and took their and a crown not too lofty, whereas now, it seats, and were quite still while the good rises like a hay-stack and has almost no master read a short chapter in the Book of brim."

books, and then reverently kneeling, prayed The minister, with a smile in the corner that the dear Saviour would guide them in of his mouth, had been sketching the rude his teachings, and bless them, and send his shape of a man on his paper, and topping Holy Spirit to watch over them all. it off with a hat of respectable brim and School began, the thumb-worn books height. "What next?” said he.

were brought out, the lazy boys began to “Then there is the coat. How absurd sigh and frown, and wish impatiently for and ridiculous it is ! It used to have a the recess, and wonder why Latin dictionbroad skirt and long waist, whereas now, aries were ever invented; when, as if by since city fashions have come, it has a swal magic, they found themselves listening to low tail, and the buttons are half way up the pleasant voice of Master Friedrich, and the back. What an ungodly look it has !". actually understanding their lessons_80

The short-waisted, swallow-tailed coat clear and simple were his explanations, and was duly chronicled, and its opposite, that the time for recess came, to their great which the deacon would recommend, put astonishment, long before they expected. upon the pen and ink sketch before him. When the studies were over, the master Some other things were suggested, and the drew from his desk a box, and whilst the

figure was complete. The minister hands children gathered around he opened it, and Te it over to the deacon, and asks if all is right? drew out charming little white and pink

The latter saw, at a glance, that the figure sea-shells, pretty pictures, and many other Ei resembled himself, though somewhat in beautiful things, which he gave to the chil. . caricature. “Did you mean this for me ?" | dren, with loving words. he inquired, his face somewhat flushed.

But the most lovely thing of all was a "I did. You have described your own little porcelain statuette of an angel. She dress, and I have put it on you. You are, stood--80 fair, so pure-with her small, after all, I am afraid, the proudest person white hands folded over her breast, and her in the parish. You wish every man to con eves uplifted, that the children gazed form to your style of dress. In one word, enchanted. you wish to set the fashions for the whole “O, the dear angel-- the beautiful angel!" congregation. If I preach on the subject cried they all. “Wilt thou give it to me, of pride and vanity next Sunday, you must Master Friedrich ?” not be surprised if you are hit as hard a But the good master smiled and said, blow as any of my hearers. But, my good

" The little angel is too lovely to be friend, let us look into our own hearts, and given to any boy who is not good and true see if there isn't something bigger than of heart. We shall presently see who shall à mote there. And let us all rend our deserve her. He who brings to me to. hearts and not our garments,' for man look morrow the brightest thing on the earth eth at the outward appearance, but God shall have the angel.” looketh at the heart."

At this the children looked at each other, as if wondering what the master might

mean. But he said no more, and they went THE LITTLE WHITE ANGEL. home thoughtful.

The next day, after the lessons (which FOR THE YOUNG.

had now become so pleasant) were finished, SOME children stood in a group about the children clustered around the master to the door of the village school-house one show him what they had brought. lovely summer day.

. Some of the smaller ones had picked up

sparkling stones on the road, and as they " Yes, dear master," answer
laid them in the sunlight, they were sure generous boy.
they must be something bright and pre-

The good master smiled thoughtfalls, cious.

and his eye rested for a moment lovingar Some had polished up a shilling till it upon Carl, then glancing around, 1% | 04 shone like a crown ; one brought a watch said,crystal which his father had given him, and “He who brings me the loveliest thing which he considered a wonder of trans on earth to-morrow shall have the angel, parent brightness; and Kline, the rich The children clapped their hands and Hoffmeister's son, had brought a paste departed satisfied. buckle, made to imitate diamonds, than

After school, the next day, Kline was the which, in his opinion, nothing could be

first to run up stairs to Master Friedriu, brighter.

and lay upon his desk what he consider All these things were placed on the the loveliest thing in the whole world, 2 master's desk, side by side. esk, side by side.

The shilling

The shilling | new soldier cap, with the long salam shone away famously, the pebbles and the feather and bright golden tassel. watch crystal did their best, but Kline's! Max came next, and placed beside the buckle was the bravest of all.

cap a small silver watch. his last birthday “Ah! mine is the brightest!" shouted gist, with a bright steel watch-chain at Kline, clapping his hands.

tached. Otto brought a great picture “But where is little Carl ?" said Master book, just sent him by his godmother; Friedrich ; "he ran out just now."

Rudolph, a tiny marble vase, richly sculpa “ All eyes were turned to the door, when tured; and so on, until a still more mo presently in rusked Carl, breathless. In ley collection than that before lay upon his hands, held up lovingly against his Master Friedrich's desk. neck, was a poor, little, snow-white dove. Then poor little Carl stepped modestly Some crimson drops upon the downy

up, and placed in the master's hand a pure breast showed that it was wounded.

white lily. "O, master,” cried Carl, “ I was look The rich perfume filled the room, and ing for something bright when I came upon bending over the flower, inhaling the dethis poor little white dove. Some cruel licious fragrance, the master softly said; boys were tormenting it, and I caught it up

My children, the blessed Word of God quickly and ran here. O, I fear it will

says, 'Behold the lilies of the field; they

toil not, neither do they spin, yet Even as he spoke, the dore's soft eyes mon, in all his glory, was not arrayeu grew filmy, it nestled closer in Carl's neck,

one of these.' Carl has rightly chosen." then gave a faint cry, dropped its little

But murmurs arose ; the children were head and died.

not satisfied, and again they asked Carl sank on his knees beside the mas other trial. ter's desk, and from his eyes there fell upon the poor dove's broken wing two tears,

And, as before, good Master Friedrich

inquired, large and bright. The master took the dead dove from his

“What sayest thou, Carl?" and he an.

swered as before, with generous baste, hands, and laid it tenderly down on the “ Yes, dear master.” desk with the bright things; then raising Carl, he softly said, “ My children, there is

“Now, this is the last time," said the

master ; “ and he who brings to me the no brighter thing on earth than a tender, pitying tear."

best thing on earth shall have the angel."

The very best thing on earth is plans The boys were silent for a moment, for

cake," cried Kline, on the third day, as they felt that the master had decided that Carl had rightly won the angel. Then

walked up to the desk, bearing a large ca

richly frosted, with a wreath of sugar 1 Kline cried out, “My master, thou didst not fairly ex

round the edge. This he placed triu plain to us. I pray thee give us another

antly before the master, sure of the prize, trial.”

Nay, thou art wrong this ti

Gothar what was “ Yes, dear master," said Max, “ give

said Max. " I asked my father what us another trial.”

the best thing on earth, and he goes “ What sayest thou, Carlp” said Master "Ah! but my father

| best thing was a good 8



art wrong this time, Kline,"

earth, and he gave me this


en guilder; the prize is mine."
4but my father said that the very

weg was a good glass of Rhenish

wine," cried Otto, " and I have brought a | verently laid it down with the rest, as he bottle of it thirty years old ; the prize is said, in a low, sweet voice, surely mine."

My mother, dear master, says that So they went on till all had placed their God's precious Testament is far beyond all offering before the master.

earthly possessions." "And thou, Carl,” said he, “ what hast “'Tis thine, my Carl !” cried the mas. thou brought which thou thinkest the best ter, snatching the boy to his breast. “The - on earth pas

white angel is thine for there is nothing A crimson flush rose to the little boy's in the wide world half so precious as the forehead, and coming softly forward, he blessed words of Christ :"--and he placed took from his breast a small worn Testa the angel in the hands of the trembling boy. ment, pressed it to his lips, and then re

Gems from Golden Mines.

CAST THY BREAD ON THE thing which comforted her-it was that

her son died in peace, produced by senti

ments of piety which he had found in a little ONE engaged in Christian labour needs a

book he had brought back from the army, strong faith, which is never discouraged by

and in which he had advised her to seek her obstacles the most formidable, and a stead

consolation. She accordingly produced a fast patience, which is never weary of re

little book, which the colporteur recog. peating efforts which seem fruitless. The

nised as a New Testament. You may following incident may encourage some who

judge of the joy and emotion of the pious fear they have laboured in vain.

colporteur on opening the book, of which A colporteur of the Bible Society com

the first leaves had been torn away, as he municates a most striking instance of the

read on the cover-leaf, “Received at power of the word of God upon the mind.

the " the very day which he reThe colporteur was passing through the

membered so well; and on the first entire camp of the allies in the Crimea, when he

page, these words, “First despised, abused, was met by a young soldier, who asked

--then read, believed, and I have found him for a New Testament. His orders

salvation;" and underneath the signature of being to give the sacred volume, when it was

the young soldier. ascertained the soldier had not the means

It was the same Testament given that of paying, he at last gave him the book he

scoffing soldier ! seemed seriously to wish for. But no sooner was it in his hands, than the soldier began to laugh at the colporteur, saying his only intention was, to see whether he could


Much of the want of faith in the pro“However,” he added, "since you gave mises of God comes from a neglect on the it to me, you will not get it back; it will part of Christians to bear witness to the do to light my pipe."

fulfilment of those promises in their own · Deeply afflicted at his profane lightness, experience. You have been in emergencies the colporteur addressed a few serious when it seemed as though an earthquake words to the young man before leaving were shaking your foundations from under him.

you, and you caught hold of some of the About a year after, the same colporteur promises of God, and they held you up and entered an inn far distant from the scene comforted you, and you have never borne of this occurrence. He found its owners in witness to their sustaining power in the great sorrow through the death of a young prayer-meetings, at the conference-meetings, soldier wounded in the Crimea, and who or elsewhere. There are hundreds of men had come home to die. He entered into whose life God has made significant and conversation with the bereaved parents, memorable, and they have never uttered when the mother told him there was one ' word about it to those around them, Man

get it.



and many a time God has brought you out | Unworthy even to approach so near, of great trouble, when you have made no 1 My soul lies trembling like a summer mention of his mercy and goodness to any

leaf; one. God's promises are not enough talked Yet, oh! forgive, I doubt not, though I of. If all the blessings that men are con

fear ; scious of having had in fulfilment of God's “Lord, i believe : help thou mine wu: promises should receive tongue, this city

belief." would be like the New Jerusalem for shout

| True, I am weak, ah! very weak, but then ings and praises. Too many witnesses of God's goodness in his promises are silent

I know the source whence I can draw it witnesses. Men do not enough speak out the testimonies that they might bear in

And though repulsed, I still can plead this matter. The reason that I love the

again, Methodists-good ones- is that they have

"Lord, I believe: help thou mine un

belief.” a tongue to their piety. They fulfil the command of God to be fervent in spirit. Oh! draw me nearer ; for, too far away, They do let their light shine. And if the The beamings of thy brightness are too wick is long and needs snuffing, it is better

brief; that it should be so than that there should While faith, though fainting, still hath be no light at all. Of one thing I am sure

strength to pray, -namely, that in the world there is far less “Lord, I believe: help thoa mine un faith in the promises of God than there

belief.” would be if Christians bore the testimony that they should of the fulfilment of those promises in respect to themselves.--H. W.


WHAT I AM. I AM not what I ought to be! Ah! how imperfect and deficient! I am not wat wish to be! I abhor what is evil, and I

would cleave to what is good. I am 10. LORD, I BELIEVE.

what I hope to be! Soon, soon I shi

put off mortality, and with mortality all sin YES, I do feel, my God, that I am thine ; and imperfection. Yet, though I am not Thou art my joy-myself mine only what I ought to be, nor what I wish to be, grief;

nor what I hope to be, I can truly say, Hear my complaint, low bending at thy

am not what I once was— slate to see shrine

and Satan; and I can heartily join with the “Lord, I believe: help thou mine un

apostle, and acknowledge." By the grace of belief."

God I am what I am." -John Newton.

Our Missions.

to conversation on religion. Others gradual

they approach, they cannot
Hindus never whisper or speak

In almost every crowd or cu

THE missionary work in India has this pecu-
liarity : that the people cannot be assembled in
chapels. In the West Indies, in Africa, and even
in China, large audiences will enter, and sit atten-
tively to hear the word of truth. But Hindus and
Mohammedans regard such a step as pollution, or
a breach of caste. Hence they must be sought
and addressed as circumstances will allow, in the
streets, in the bazaars, in the temples, in the farm,
and at the doors of their houses. On such occa-
sions, the missionary may attract attention by be-
ginning to read a tract, by the singing of a hymn,
or he will say “Salaamto a passer-by, who will
politely return the salutation, stop, and listen to
me question of the missionary, which will lead

who will take up the defence of idolat
cussion will arise. Or the mission
with the marks of his god upon
garland about his neck, having ju
worship at the temple, will start
lative to the being whom he has jus
perhaps he will read some touch
tbe Holy Scriptures, some para
form is attractive to the imagin
East. Attention thus gecured,

on religion. Others gradually will
ttracted by the talking, which, as
they cannot but hear; for the
per or speak low in conversation.
crowd or circle thus gathered,
or some reputed holy person,

ence of idolatry, and then dis. r the missionary, seeing a mea 118 god upon his forehead, or

, having just come from his e, will start some question re

m he has just served. Uz me touching narrative from some parable, which by its

imaginative people of the secured, bis address will

take its form from the occasion ; perhaps it will be explanatory of the Gospel, or it may be an appeal to the conscience, or condemnatory of the idol worship, and the vices which it entails. . Thus, as in the following example, it me

exposition of the uselessness of the various ways by which the Hindus seek salvation. Some rely on deeds of charity, build tanks, dig wells, erect caravansaries for the accommodation of travellers, or feed monkeys, to win both the approbation of men and the favour of God. Others will withdraw from the haunts of men, conceal themselves in caves and forests, spend months and years in silent meditation, in abstract contemplation on the nature of their own being and the existence of God, imagining that the more their attention can be drawn from outward things the nearer they approach to God, and are at last absorbed into his essence. Others inflict on themselves much pain, will go entirely naked, exposed to the scorching zun by day, and to the dews and damps of night, without shelter : will stand in one position for years, or suffer the arm to grow stiff, in an erect position; or allow the nails to penetrate the palms of their closed hands. They will swing for hours Wer large fires, feed upon garbage and dung, or trag chains after them fastened to the tenderest organs of the body. Sometimes as you pass along he street, you will hear them calling upon the lames of their gods, with incessant iteration. Ram, Ram, Ram! Krishna, Krishna, Krishna !

hey will cry for hours together, hoping that the - leaf idol will hear their cry, and save them from he calamity they fear.

It is the missionary's endeavour to adapt his addresses to all these various circumstances, and to employ them as the means of awakening a desire efter the true way of salvation. Thus the Rev.

Chomas Evans, of Delhi, when on a missionary tour East year, in the bazaar of Chamoa, about twelve

niles from Muttra, addressed the people as ollows: * "Brethren ! we are all sinners; this we all feel

ind acknowledge. Sin must be punished, it would vile upjust not to do it. What is the punishment

fsin? God does not punish as kings do, by fines, 2 tripes, imprisonment, or hanging. His punish

gents are far heavier, and none of us can possibly lee from them. The crime is great and so must

he punishment be. We are all guilty. How can ere escape ? - "You will say by 'pun’ (i.e. good works), but

that can you do for God? What can you give
Lim? All you have that is good he gave you, and
very good action that you perform is done by the
elp which he affords. Do all you can, and, after
1, you cannot go beyond your duty. Good works
re obligations, and not virtues.
"Can you escape by dhean' (meditation)?
he slightest reflection will show you that you can.
ot. No thoughts and reflections, however holy
nd pure, can cancel our just debt. Take a case,
hink of a man indebted to a banker," &c.,
“But you will say, 'tapasya' (austerities)
rill do the work. This cannot be; for howerer
auch pain you inflict on yourselves, that punish-
aent is not from God, but is your own voluntary
eed, And what will it all profit God? He de.
ights not in our misery, and no amount of misery
re can inflict on ourselves can compensate for our
uilt, or be equal to it.

"Then you have another refuge, 'Jupna'(callog the name of the god), which can avail you nohing. Think of a man cast into prison for robbery. Nill be ever be released by calling the name of the person he has robbed? Will that in any wise mi.

tigate his guilt, or rectify the law which he has transgressed ?

“But why should I try to show you the worthlessness of all these? Have you not tried them all ? Have not thousands of your forefathers tried them? And what is the result? After all these exertions, pilgrimages, gifts, meditations, and sufferings, the heart remains unchanged.

“What then is to be done ? Nothing that we can do will avail, and sin must be punished."

"By this time," says the missionary, “ the people were in a high state of excitement, and some appeared to have been taken with actual terror. Several cried out, 'Well, Sahib, tell us then how we are to escape. Is there a way? Tell us, for we are curious to know. They were now directed to Him who said, I am the way,' and his qualifications as the Saviour of sinful man were set forth with as much conciseness, simplicity, and power, as the preacher was able to command.

Sometimes, however, it becomes the missionary's duty to expose the frauds that the priests practise on the people, and such scenes as the following occur, which we will relate in Mr. Evans's own words. It happened in a large village called Bundawal, which is chiefly inhabited by Brah. mins.

“I went to the bazaar, and found that it was the market day. I had no sooner stood up and commenced preaching than I was surrounded by nearly the whole of the people present. There were, at least, 200 persons listening. I spoke as long as I was able to the crowd, and then entered into a quiet conversation with a Brahmin, who began opposing me rather warmly. After some discussion the Brahmin said, 'What proof have you that your religion is true? See here. When I worship my god, and bathe my body, I scatter water on a pile of wood, and out of that water fire issues spontaneously and devours the wood; which is to me a positive proof that my god is the true

is the true God. Now, there, can you do that?

“I said, "No! nor can I believe that you can; and, in order to expose your false statements, I'll put you to the test. Now, I promise you, in the presence of this congregation, one hundred rupees if you will do this before me and them.' He accepted my challenge, at which the people seemed delighted. Now,' said they, 'we shall see.'

"I asked him to do it then and there. But he refused, sayi I'll come with you to your tent, and do it there. We started, and all the people followed in great glee, I had not the precaution to cause the Brahmin to go before me, but every now and then I looked back to see that he was following. But we had not gune two hundred yards when a young man called out to me, "Sahib, he is gone. I said, 'Where to?' Oh,' he replied,

he has run away; he knew that he could not do what he said.' I turned round to the crowd, and said, 'Well, here is your great champion, the Brahmin, gone; and in running away has proved himself before you all a liar. Will you, then, believe him any longer? Will you any longer doubt the falsehood of his religion?' They said, * Sahib, such is our religion--all a' lie.' 'Well, then,' I replied, 'forsake it, and embrace the true religion.'

"I spoke awhile longer, when the tehseeldar (native police officer) of the village came up. He asked me what the Brahmin had said, and when I told him, he said, 'Oh! the fool; did he think that he could deceive you English people as he does his own ignorant countrymen? Shall I send for him, and compel him to do what he promised ?' I answered, 'You may do as you like, but I suspect it will be a hard matter to find him now, I dis

then I 100 min to go belot the pre people

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