Sidor som bilder

"g our position in the

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by personal

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of the country, we must

tributed some tracts, and a copy of the Scriptures, , many pastors of English churches have, during and left for my tent."

the last two or three years, been induced to visit We will give one more illustration of the mis. Ireland, assured, as we are, that their visits bare sionary's labour, sowing by all waters the seed of been made for purposes of real, earnest, the kingdom. In this instance it is a fakir who vigorous, evangelistic labour, and not for mere encounters the missionary, or, more properly, a personal gratification. We know that in many yogi, a religious mendicant, claiming on account of Cases they have, on their return, enlisted the sy. his relationsbip with God divine honours from the pathies of their churches in the good work which people. He came up to beg. He was a strong they themselves have so efficiently aided. From man, and well clad." He had also an intelligent careful observation we are, however, convinced look. He soon put down his begging.bag, and that the increased interest in the Irish mission be listened with marked attention. At last he made a mainly resulted from the plans lately adopted by feeble attempt at opposition, saying that God was the Baptist Irish Society, under the guidance of 19 in everybody, and that he was God. “Well," said zealous and esteemed Secretary. The conviction the missionary, “rather a sad thing that God has is felt, and we rejoice to know that in some cases become a beggar." At this the people laughed, it has been avowed, that something is now being and the pride of the yogi was touched, for he got a done in Ireland which gives hopes of permanent little angry. However, he followed the missionary results. Probably the state of things in former to the next village, and on the way told him that years rendered the system then observed approall that had been said was truth, and that he fully priate to the case. But certainly the time had come believed in the Gospel, but he did not wish to for another order of effort. The altered condition acknowledge it before the people. It was then of the people, educationally and socially, rendered found that he knew a good deal about the Gospel, it expedient that the object should be to establish which he said he had learnt from a missionary. He and strengthen churches in cities and large towa. was also learned in the Shasters, and when Mr. This purpose was distinctly avowed by the Society Evans came to his house, which was under a large four years ago, and we rejoice that the results hare tree, he wanted him to stay and partake of some so thoroughly shown the wisdom of the course woes food. He promised to visit the missionary at

indicated. Muttra.

This, however, necessarily involved a change In this way the missionary proceeds on his to the part of the country on which the efforts of journey. Here preaching to a crowd assembled at the Society should be made chiefly to bear. If a wedding; there to an old man, who gladly hears plain, in military phrase, that a base of operator the words of life which light up his path to must be secured, and this, in our judgmenn, eternity. Now be meets with a youth who at a be done only by strengthening our position neighbouring mela received a copy of the New north. Many men, well qualified Testament, and is rendered anxious about his soul knowledge to form au opinion, have given by the perusal of it ; while, in another place, he is expression to the conviction, that, in order was politely received, listened to, and bade to go. Let successfully on other parts of the country, we our readers picture to themselves these scenes of effect a good position there. When this missionary life, and entreat the God of all grace to done, evangelists may go forth from the north to send his Holy Spirit in floods of fertilising waters south and the west, who, though not on the incorruptible seed of his word. And now because they are Protestants, will not that He has been mindful of his covenant, and reviled because they are SAXONS.... covered the north-western provinces, so lately the

uce will still remain : but it will be no seu scene of frightful famine and death, with rich advantage to have eliminated the nation verdure and abundant crops, may He also cause his from the agency so employed. word to spring forth and bud, and crown the

learn that in Dublin,

We rejoice, therefore, to learn labours of his servants with a great harvest of re. both at Rathmines and in Abbey.stree deemed and sanctified men,

of which is entirely self-sustained, and 1 2
increasing vigour too), at Band

Ballymena, Tubbermore, and

churches now give every reason
(From The Freeman.)
OUR readers have doubtless observed that many

these we may add the important communications have recently appeared in our

derry, where we trust a thoroughly eur columps, as well as in other publications, respect

where the cause has been well ing the progress of evangelical truth in connection with the Baptist denomination in Ireland. We are

town. Here we have a line stretching glad to know that the interest in this important

on tbrough the counties of Down, Aut though long-discouraging field of missionary effort,

and Donegal. These posts, belting, has, of late, been considerably increased and

northern part of the kingdom, will, strengthened. Probably the greater knowledge of afford the greatest advantage, Ireland and of the Irish people, consequent on the increased facilities of intercourse between the two

gradually extending to the Romish a countries, has contributed to this. We trust that

west and the south. the interest will be still more strengthened by visits on the part of British Christians to a country

judgment give great propriety to the so well fitted to be made the scene of their sum.

tion: the removal of the dou!

national and the religious, by mer excursions, and so much needing all the influences that can be brought to bear on its spiritual

Irishmen in the Irish Mission; to welfare. We know that such visits have already been productive of great good, especially in cheer

supervision exercised by the cu ing the hearts of devoted men who have long

united in home missionary service. laboured there, oftentimes little noticed by bre.

have the south and the west to thren in the faith and hope of the Gospel. We can.

by the Baptist Irish Society, al not but regard it as a happy circumstance that

know that they are not ; but
with the case can deny that an in

ho, though not welcomed otestants, will not be hated or dey are Saxons. The religions

minated the national hostibits

bd in Abbey-street (the latter

too), at Banbridge, Belfast, ermore, and Coleraine, the every reason to hope that per sing good will be effected. To he important city of London

a thoroughly efficient church red; and also Letterkenny,

has been well-maintained for by respected brethren resident in de

line stretching from Dublin unties of Down, Antrim, Derry,

posts, belting as they do the the kingdom, will, it well occupied,

advantage for operations ending to the Romish districts of the

ree considerations which' in onz eat propriety to this mode of

of the double prejudice, the igious, by the employment of ! Mission; the greater facility mons; and the more effective

by the churches in Ireland onary service. We would not

west to be wholly anbeeded Society, and we rejoice to ot; but no one acquainted " that an instructive lesson is

appy ci Gospored by bra

to be learned from the small results secured by long. ! and Scotland that there is already existing in Ire. continued expenditure of toil and treasure in those land a measure of rogard to the ecclesiastical districts; and that lesson is this, that if, as a de. polity of the New Testament which may well nomination, we are to effect much permanent good strengthen our confidence as to the future exten. in Ireland, the north must be made the base of sion of right views of the ordinance of Christ's operation.

Church. But whether these churches be thus Besides the churches already mentioned, there made known to sister churches or not, it is cause for are, we believe, some companies of Christian pleasure that such do exist, and that among them people in Ireland who have never been associated the real purposes of church fellowship are being denominationally with the Baptist body, but who fulfilled. are nevertheless thoroughly well instructed in the We are well aware that the remarks we have important principles involved in the distinctive made will suggest t'le question --What, then, is to feature of our denomination. Among such the be the purpose of the Irish Mission ? Is it to bo pastorate is commonly not held by any one wholly evangelistic, or is it to be denominational ? We devoted to the ministry, but by some Christian think it ought to be both, and that it ought to be brother engaged in secular employment. Some of denominational in order to be evangelistic. In the these exist in towns, but more in rural districts. present state of Ireland our denominational prinScattered in different parts of Ireland, especially ciples give us great advantage in our work, and in the north, these churches have been doing ser. this advantage ought to be most earnestly imvice in the cause of Christ not unworthy of de. proved in order to promote the grand purpose voutest acknowledgment to Him from whom all which we hold in common with all evangelical gifts proceed. In places, not altogether dissimilar Christians, viz., the conversion and salvation of to scenes among the Vaudois, houses for God have men. Denominationally we have a work to do even been reared far away from the busy hum of the in the north of Ireland, for the state of religious city, and distant too from any considerablo num bodies there renders it needful that the personal, ber of clustered babitations, but whither on the and individual, and spiritual nature of true reliLord's-day morning, “the tribes go up" as "unto gion should be distinctly and boldly aflirmed. Aud the house of the Lord," and there, led by some evangelically, we have a momentous mission to one of their own number, they offer praise and fulfil throughout the whole country, using the adprayer, and meditate on the statutes of the Lord. vantages which our distinctive principles supply, These rural churches have never yet been enrolled to proclaim the all-suflicient sacrifice and the sole in our “Manuals” and “Handbooks” and “Sup. priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ, together with plements." We should be glad if a complete list the converting, regenerating, and sanctilying power of them could be obtained, assured as we are that 1 of the Holy Spirit. it would go far to convince the Baptists of England

(To be continued in our next.)



viction that the origin of this war is to be traced

to slavery, the Conference would entreat Almighty The news from America is at the present time

God to dispose the hearts of his own people in rather more in favour of the North. Continental

America to use the means dictated by wisdom and news this month contains little of general interest. Christian principle for the speedy and complete Political affairs, both at home and abroad, present

suppression of a system alike opposed to the spirit ittle that calls for remark in these columns.

of the Gospel and to the peace, prosperity, and The Conference of Evangelical Christians at

progress of that great people. And whereas our

brethren of the United States have appointed Jeneva, which had been anticipated by many per

Thursday, the 26th inst., as a day of special humi. ions with much interest, has been held during the

liation and prayer, this Conierence earnestly in. Dast month. It continued for about ten days. The

vites their fellow-Christians of various countries to gathering was unusually large. Many subjects

unite with the brethren there before the throne 'ame up for discussion. Perhaps the most import.

of grace in humiliation and prayer, remembering snt resolutions were those respecting the Spanish

the words of Scripture, If one member suffer, Jersecutions, in regard to which the Conferenco

all the members suffer with it.'" letermined to take active measures, and respectng the American war. We subjoin the resolu We are sorry to have to record the fact of " Two ion respecting the American war, as expressing more missionary martyrs at Erromanga.” By she feelings entertained by most Christians in Eng telegram from Sydney, says the Melbourne Argus, and and on the Continent:

we have intelligence of the brutal murder of the "The Conference of Evangelical Christians, ag. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, of the Nova Scotia sembled at Geneva from various countries, desires Mission, by the patives, at Erromanga--the same hereby to convey to their brethren of the United island in which, it will be remembered, John Wil. States of America, an expression of deep sympathy liams was killed in 1839. The intelligence was conunder the sad and terrible crisis in which they now veyed to the Rev. Mr. Cuthbertson, at Sydney, by are placed ; they would unite in earnest and per letter, from Lifu. The particulars are as follows. hevering prayer that this calamity may be over It appears that in consequence of the measles, caled by God to the furtherance of the interests of which had been raging among the islands with fearhumanity, of the cause of freedom, and of our ful mortality, the natives of Erromanga determined Common Christianity. Impressed with the con. I to kill all tho white people on that island, looking

We have pleasure in mentioning that at a meet. ing of the committee of the Baptist Missionary Society, last month, Mr. A. W. Monod, son of M. Adolphe Monod, of Paris, was accepted for missionary work in his native country, and appointed to labour in connection with our esteemed brother, Mr. Jenkins, of Morlaix,


fourteeeasing infirmite. His succepting

on them as the cause of the disease. Mr. Gordon 1
was aware that the natives intended taking life, but
thought that a little time would change their pur-
pose. About noon on the 20th of May, nine Bun-
kill natives, of whom the chief Lova was the leader,
called at the mission house, and inquired for Mr.
Gordon. They were informed that he was working
at a house he was building as a winter residence.
They then went towards the place. Eight of the
men concealed themselves, while the ninth went
further down, to inveigle Mr. Gordon into the trap
thus laid for his destruction. He had unfortunately
gent all the boys away to gather grass for the roof
of the new house, and was unattended when Na-
rabu Leet walked up to him and asked for some
calico for himself and others of the party, who, he
said, were waiting at the mission house, Mr. Gor.
don took up a piece of board, and wrote with char-
coal, “Give these men a yard of cotton each."
This he gave to the savage, and told him to take it
to Mrs. Gordon, who would give him what he
wanted. The savage then induced Mr. Gordon to
go with him, and he started up the hill, followed
by the native. On arriving at the ambush, Narabu
Leet buried his tomahawk in Mr. Gordon's spine.
He immediately fell, uttering a loud cry. Narabu
Leet then gave another stroke on the right side of
the neck, which almost severed the head from the
body, and others, rushing from their concealment,
quickly cut the poor victim to pieces. While this
tragedy was being enacted, another native ran to-
wards the mission house, and Mrs. Gordon, who
had been alarmed by the fiendish yells and laugh-
ter of the savages, ran out, and standing near the
outhouse, she asked Ouben what all that noise was
about. He laughed, and said “Nothing: it is
only the boys amusing themselves.” She said,
" Where are the boys ?” and turned. Ouben, who
had his tomahawk concealed behind his back, then
struck her a blow below the shoulder blade. She
fell on the grass, and he then nearly cut her head
off, and otherwise mutilated her body. Both bo-
dies were recovered and buried.

We are glad to be informed that the committee of the General Baptist College, Nottingham, in accordance with the resolution of the General Baptist Association at Leicester, have just secured college premises at Chilwell, four miles from Nottingham, and one mile from Beeston station on the line to Derby, London, &c. There is a good house for the President, and a large separate building called the college, with a second residence at one end, and a tower surmounted with an observatory at the other. Including garden, orchard, and paddock, there are eight acres of excellent land abutting upon the old turnpike road. In the foreground are the railroad, the river Trent, and the far-famed Clifton-grove. The late proprietors having failed, the assignees put up the property for sale by auction with a reserved bid upon it of £3,500. The bid on behalf of the college was £2,950, at which sum it has since been sold to the Committee by private treaty. The principal build. ing was ereoted only three years ago, and the whole estate is freehold. The subscriptions alread announced are not much short of £2,000.

Au interesting meeting was held at the Mission House on the 10th ult., under the auspices of the Young Men's Association, to take leave of the Rev. J. C. Page and Mrs. Page, of Barisaul, about to return to India, accompanied by Mr. Rouse, of Regent's-park College; and the Rev. E. Hewitt, returning to Jamaica with the Rev, J. Kingdon and Mrs. Kingdon. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Dr. Angus. All the departing mission aries delivered addresses.

DOMESTIC. BRIXHAM, DEVON.-There were two meetings & a highly interesting character held on Friday, August 23rd, in connection with the Baptist church at Brixham. The Rev. Moses Saunders has been the pastor of the Baptist church for nearly fourteen years, and through advancing years and increasing infirmities has considered ! his duty to resigp his pastorate. His successor the Rev. W. Laskey. The object of the meetings was to bid farewell to the former pastor, and to recognise and welcome the new one. About it sat down to tea at five o'cloek in the Assembly-route. An unusually large number were present. In evening the friends met, in increased numbers, the Baptist chapel, at seven o'clock; the chape was crowded. The Rev. H. Cross (Independeni was called to the chair. An appropriate byen then sung; after which the Rev. F. Scadung Wesleyan minister, offered prayer. The Ker, a Kings, of Torquay, was then called upon to sduress the meeting ; after which Mr. John Smith, sen., deacon of the church, being called upon, test address, and presented Mr. Saunders with a pure of money, as a testimonial of respect and esteem from the church and congregation. Mr. Sautico replied in very affecting and appropriate, and then shook hands with his successor, . introduced to the meeting. Mr. Laskey, in brief remarks, adverted to the circumstances i had led him to become connected with the as their pastor, and expressed a desire and deter nation to know nothing among men save Christ and him crucified." Very interesting appropriate addresses were afterwards delivered by the Revs. T. C. Page. Plymouth; H. Scadding,

prixham; W. H. Elkin. Brixham: T. Peter Kingsbridge ; and Mr. Fieldwick, secretary to the British and Foreign Seamen's Society.

BETHEL AND SOAR. BRECONSHIRE.-Interesting services in connection with the ordination of 2 J. L, Evans, late student of the Baptist Cover

averlordwest, were held at the above-nateg places on Thursday and Friday, the 15th of August; they were held on the first days Bethel, and on the second at Soar. On the Damed day, at two, the service was com Mr. J. Morgan Evang, student of College ; and the Reys. E. Erans, of Langpalar, G. H. Llewellyn. of Erwood, and E. Evans, O. Dowlais, preached. At six, Mr. M. berllan, read and prayed, and the Llewellyn, and D. B. Edwards, Brecon, press On the following day, at ten, the servi opened by reading and praying by Jarman, Llanfrynach, and the Rev.D delivered an address on the nature of Oburch ; after which the usual quests asked by the same, and satisfactorily Mr. Evans. Then the ordination pro offered by the Rev. E. Evang, which was by the laying on of hands. Afterw T. Davies, president of the Bap Haverfordwest, gave the charge to minister, and the Rev. E. Evans to At two, the Rev. J. Jones, Sardis

Evans, student of Carmarthens

At six, Mr. M. Jones, Naess

yed, and the Rers, G. !

econ, presche

d the Rev. D. B. Edinand the nature of the Gospel

atisfactorily answered

dination prayer To

ds. Afterwards, the Re of the Baptist College

charge to the sout

the Rev.:kingdon. Co with the Reev. E. Blewith

Evans to the stunt bes, Sardis, resd 200

Swether with thplicity, andation for its

prayed, and the Revs. B. Watkins, Maesyberllan, | ville, Esq., of Windermere ; the Revs. J. Myers, and T. Davies, preached. At six, the introductory | paator of the church, T. Taylor, of Tottlebank. service was conducted by the Rev. D. B. Edwards; Daniel Kirkbride, J. Reid, and other friends. The and the Revs. F. Evans, D. B. Edwards, and E. expenses incurred in the alterations were stated to Evans preached.

be about £177, towards which there had been

collected, from friends at a distance and from the RISCA, MONMOUTHSHIRE.-Anniversary and or

members of the church and congregation, about dipation services in connection with the Moriah

£107; which, with the public collections and sub. Baptist Chapel, Risca, were held on Sunday and

scriptions promised during the meeting, was Monday, August 18th and 19th. On Sunday,

increased to £142, leaving a debt of £35, which it sermons were delivered by the Rev. S. Williams. of Nanty glo, the Rev. Thomas Davies, president

is proposed to pay off by the end of the year. of Haverfordwest College, and the Rev. Thomas

BALLYMENA, IRELAND.-The new chapel erected Reeves, of Risca. On Monday, the ordination of

in this town for the church under the pastoral care Mr. Owen Griffiths, student of Haverfordwest

of the Rev. J. G. M'Vicker was opened for religious College, as pastor of the church, took place. At

service on Lord's-day, August 25th. Sermons ten in the morning the service was introduced by

were preached in the morning and evening by the Mr. Howells, of Pontypool College, and the Rev.

Rev. William Brock, of Bloomsbury Chapel, Lon. -W. Lewis, of Dowlais, delivered a very excellent

don. The attendance was very large, and consisted discourse on the nature of the Christian Church,

of many of the most distinguished of the inhabi. from 1 Tim. iii. 15 : after which one of the dea

tants of the town and neighbourhood of every cons gave a statement of the circumstances which

section of the Christian Church. The building led to the call. Mr. O. Griffiths then gave an in

elicited universal commendation for its commoteresting account of his conversion and call to the

diousness, simplicity, and general excellence, ministry, and the doctrines he holds. The Rev. S.

together with the economy by which so thoroughly Williams offered the ordination prayer, the Rev.

suitable an edifice has been reared at comparatively - Thomas Davies gave a very impressive charge to

small cost. The total outlay is about £1,100; the pastor, and the Rev. O. Williams, of Twyngwyn,

towards this sum there has been raised, inclusive closed the meeting with prayer. At two in the

of £132 collected on the day of opening, upwards afternoon the Rev. T. Thomas, of Cefn Bassalleg,

of £900, leaving less than £200 due, which amount conducted the opening devotional exercises, and

we trust will soon be contributed. We hail this the Rev. W. Roberts, of Blaina, and the Rev. W.

as another instance of the happy results of the Jenkins, of Troedyrhiw, preached. At six in the

vigorous and appropriate order of effort now being evening, the service was introduced by the Rev.

put forth by the Baptist Irish Society. W. Davies (Independent), and sermons were preached by the Rev. W. Jenkins, and Rev. W.

DALWOOD, DEVON.-The old Baptist chapel, Lewis,

founded more than 200 years ago, at Loughwood,

has been lately restored, and three services were CITY ROAD, BRISTOL.-On the 11th of Septem

held on the occasion of re-opening it on Thursday, ber, this new chapel, erected for the congregation

August 15th. Sermons were preached, in the mitherto worshipping at the Pithay, under the

morning by the Right Hon. Lord Teynham, in the pastorate of the Rev. E. Probert, was opened for afternoon by the Rev. Joseph Price, of Montacute, worship. The inaugural service was a prayer and in the evening by the Rev. Evan Edwards, of meeting, which commenced at eleven o'clock.

Chard. The services were deeply interesting, and ere was a large although not a crowded congre

the impression felt will long be remembered. Large Balion, The proceedings were commenced by the

parties partook of dinner and tea in a marquee singing of a hymn, after which the Rev. E. Probert

erected near the chapel. The debt now resting upon read a portion of Scripture, and another hymn was

the new chapel is £50, and it is hoped that sung; then the Rev. E. Probert offered fervent

Christian friends will help the church in clearing prayer, at the conclusion of which the Rev. Mr.

off this sum. wartland gave out a hymn, which was sung, and

ev. D. Thomas engaged in supplication. The PLUMSTEAD, KENT.--The Rev. J. Coutts (late

J. Glendenning then gave out another hymn. of Chatham) has recently removed to Plumstead The Rev. R. N. Haycroft, M.A., delivered an ap

with the intention of forming a new Baptist propriate address. In the afternoon, the Rev. interest there. The town, which is rapidly in. Č. 8. Spuria

Spurgeon was announced to preach. The creasing, contains 25,000 inhabitants, with one congregation was very large. Mr. Spurgeon's church, and chapel accommodation for less than text was 1 Sam. xii. 20. In the evening, when

3,000. At present Mr. Coutts preaches every spurgeon was again announced to preach, the | Lord's-day in the Temperance Hall, Woolwich. "gregation was much larger than in the after As soon as the sympathies of a few earnest noon. It is stated that “ thousands” were unable 1 Christian people bave been awakened, steps will

täin admission. So great was the excitement, be immediately taken to secure an eligible site and bat the preacher was able to deliver only a small

collect the necessary funds for the erection of a part of his sermon. The collections, however,

commodious chapel and school-rooms. Mr. Coutts's

address is-Croom Cottage, Plumstead. CONISTON, LANCASHIRE.—This place of worship LLANELLY, CARMARTHENSHIRE.-The anniverving been closed for some time past, for alter sary services in connection with Zion Chapel, Llan.

ind improvements, it was re-opened on elly, were held on Sunday and Monday, Sept. 1st unday, September 8th, when two excellent ser

and 2nd, when most excellent sermons were were preached by the Rev. J. Reid, of Win preached by the Revs. H. W. Jones (Carmarthen), mere. In the afternoon of the following day, R. A. Jones (Swansea), and J. Rowlands (Cwmshe Rev. Daniel Kirkbride. of Maryport, formerly afan). The weather being propitious, the congre

the place, occupied the pulpit. A tea gations were very large, and the contributions lowed, whep about 120 persons sat down. towards liquidating the debt on the large and

y afterwards, the chapel was well filled. beautiful chapel amounted in all to the handsome * Crossley, Esq., of Halifax, presided, and in a sum of £135. This church, under the pastorate of poseb introduced the business of the meets the Rev. J. Rhys Morgan, is in a very flourishing

resses were then delivered by R. Somer- condition,

[ocr errors]

mounted to £140.

stions and improves

mons were pred

minister of the place, occupied the meeting followed, when & Immediately afterwards,

-ing. Addresses were ti

GENERAL BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY.-OR- 1 body were all that could be desired. Mr. Bailey DINATION OF THE REV. THOMAS BAILEY.- The will proceed by the overland route to India, and service connected with the designation of the Rev. | expects to sail from Southampton on the 20th of Thomas Bailey, late a student in the Nottingham October. College, as a missionary to Orissa, was held at MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev. Edward Carey Ashby-de-la-Zouch, on Tuesday morning, Sept.

Pike, B.A., of Regent's-park College, London, has 17th.' It being feared that the Baptist Chapel accepted the invitation of the Baptist Church Wor would not be large enough, the service was con. shipping in West-street Chapel, Rochdale, and has ducted in the Wesleyan Chapel, which was kindly

commenced his labours.--The Rev. C. W. Vernon, lent for the occasion, and was crowded with a

late of Southmolton, has received and accepted deeply-interested auditory. The Rev. E. Bott, of

unanimous invitation of the Baptist Church, Barton, the pastor of the missionary, opened the

Tetbury, Gloucestershire, and entered upon bs service by reading appropriate portions of

ministerial duties on the 8th of July.-The Rer.... Scripture, and prayer. The introductory discourse Powell, Westmancote, Worcestershire, has & was delivered by the Rev. W. R. Stevenson, M.A.,

cepted & unanimous and cordial invitation to who selected Acts xiii. 1-3 as the basis of his

become the pastor of the Baptist Church, Apple remarks; and from this passage illustrated the ad.

dore, North Devon, and will commence his labour vantages of such a service, both to the missionary there on the 6th of October next.-The Rer. H. bimself, and to the friends under whose auspices Hall, of Rawdon College, has accepted the cordial he is sent forth. The questions to the missionary

and unanimous invitation of the Baptist Churen were proposed by the Rev. R. Kenney ; tbe

congregation meeting in Zion Chapel, Bacup, LSanswers to which, given with unaffected simplicity

cashire, and hopes to commence his labourg on the and much Christian feeling, were peculiarly touch

1st of April, 1862,--The Rev. S. Davies, formerly ing and satisfactory. The conviction appeared to of Wallingford, and more recently of Boston, be felt by every one, that Mr. Bailey was called of

United States, is now resident in London, and 3 God to the missionary work, and was avowed in

willing to supply vacant pulpits in town the simultaneous and hearty pledge given by the

country. His address is, 45, Windsor-road, Hollocongregation to remember him at the throne of

way, N.-Mr. John Davies, of the Baptist College grace, and to sustain the mission with which he is

Rawdon, has accepted the unanimous invitation connected. Special prayer was offered for the

of the Baptist Church, Bond-street, Birmingham, missionary by the Rev. W. Underwood; after

to become their pastor, and will commence which, much judicious and practical counsel was his labours with them early next year.- 1 addressed to him by the Rev. J. Stubbins, the

Rev. John Nickalls, of St. Ives, has accepte senior missionary of the society. It has seldom

the cordial and unanimous invitation of been our lot to attend a meeting in which the Divine Baptist church and congregation assembly presence was so sensibly felt, and in which so rich

in Princes-street Chapel, Northampton, and has an unction from the Holy One rested upon all who entered on his labours. -Mr. William Davies, took part in the proceedings, as well as upon the

student of Pontypool College, has recentu assembly at large. An evening service was held in

an invitation to the pastorate of the church met the Baptist Chapel, when the Rev. T. Mays, ing at Tabor. Brynmawr. - The Rev. J. W.Kirtos, Independent ministér, of Ashby, read the Scrip.

of Stafford, has removed to 242, tures, and prayed, and the Rev. J. Lewitt, of Not

Small Heath, Birmingham, having been appointe tingham, preached. The arrangements made by

agent for the midland district of the United King. the friends at Ashby for the refreshment of the dom Alliance.

vacants wima Baptis in ritatico

Editorial Postscript.

We have pleasure in stating that, in consequence of the Repeal of the Paper-Duty which we, as well as others, have cause to thank Mr. Gladstone-we shall be enabled, ana is our intention, to print THE CHURCH henceforth on better paper. This it has been always our desire to do, but it was impossible while at least one-fifth was added to the cost of paper by unrighteous taxation. Our next, and all future numbers, will be printed on paper, made especially for our use, and adapted, both in quality and thickness, to such a periods as ours.

We may announce here that it is not our intention to publish, this year, the“ Christmas Stories” which we have published for some years past. The experiment gratifying, we believe, to many of our readers, has not been altogether satisfactory to ou We may add, however, that it is our intention to continue the publication of the one of the series of which (that of the Rev. C. M. Birrell) we give, with much sa this month. The portraits for next year will be those of Sir Samuel Morton Peto, ba (Treasurer of the Baptist Missionary Society), the Rev. Edward Steane, D.D., OI well, and the Rev. J. Prichard, D.D., of Llangollen,-one of the most esteemed of our Welsh brethren, and whose portrait we have been especially requested to

publication of the Portraitsive, with much satisfaction,

rton Peto, Bart., M.P.

ne, D.D., of Camber

st esteemed and venerated cally requested to introduce.

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