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anothco come at 10 our own. hot unsought speak

weekly journal cannot. But, on the other hand, a distinctive views should be manfully and loving', weekly journal can do what would be impossible in held forth--that the relations of those views tir

a monthly magazine, or what, in a monthly maga others should be plainly pointed out--that the action fizide, must be done far less perfectly.

of the denomination in regard to general, even to "As to the way in which we have discharged our political, questions, should be wisely directed. In daty as editory of this journal, we would wish as regard to all these matters, we wish to speak much as possible to leave it to others to say. For always under the direction, not unsought, of a expressions of sympathy and approval which bave Higher Wisdom than our own. reached us from all parts of the country, and of "We come at last, with some reluctance, to the world, we offer here the tribute of our profound another topic, on which yet it is needful that we thankfulness. Those expressions of sympathy have should speak. The first necessity of a newspaper been neither undesired nor unbeeded: they have

is-Circulation : the second is-Circulation: the made that work light and easy, which would some. third is-CIRCULATION. As we have said, our cirtimes have been heavy and hard. We do not forget culation was never larger than it is now; but it is that our course has not always met with universal not, and has never been, what we have desired. By approval. There are some—we believe only some

the ministers of the body, indeed, our journal is, --who regard us with loathing rather than with we have reason to believe, read almost universally : love.' There are others who, whilst entirely cordial it is also circulated amongst a large class of the and friendly, have yet differed from us on single members of our congregations; but there is also a questions. On those questions, and on all questions, large class of the so-called laity, by whom The let us say, that we have never held ourselves to bo Freeman is never even seen, to whom its claims infallible. We have tried to write no line, which, have never been fairly presented. We have no dying, we should wish to blot:' but doubtless there means of reaohing these, except through our are many lines which might have been written present readers. For the sake of the denomination. more wisoly. We would add that, while we have as well as for our own, it is our earnest desire that freely expressed our own views, we have given fair these should be reached. May we not then complay to the views of others. No communication menoe our seventh year, by requesting the aid of has ever been refused insertion in The Freeman, our friends, that this most desirable object may be because it did not express our sentiments. We attained ? Where expense is a consideration, it

Rever doubted that the Baptist body, as a whole, might be arranged for two, or three, or four, to I would wish the conductors of its denominational unite : but in most cases, the expenditure of

journal to be independent. Whilst holding to our pound a year would not be a consideration that independence, we have respected the independence would suggest an obstacle. We venture thon ta of others. We have no wish to be the dictators of appeal to our readers individually-Will you thus the denomination. It has been, as conductors of aid us? If each one would but gain one, our circuthis journal, our most earnest desire, that all lation would be at once doubled, and our power for sections of Baptists should find here a free plat usefulness would be in a much larger degree form for the expression and the discussion of their augmented. To our ministerial readers, who have views.

already done so much for us, we make this appeal "For the large amount of general concurrence most particularly. If they would but take the with which our expressions of opinion have been matter up, our desires would be immediately received, however, we are thankful, and may be realised. "We might urge many reasons why they permitted even to rejoice. There is a future for should do so; but we forbear. We confidently us Baptiets. Our desire is, as far as it may be hope that our appeal will not be fruitless." given to us, to accelerate and prepare for that ** In the course of 1861 will be presented, future. In these days of departure from the simple gratis, to the annual subscribers to The Freemar, truth of Christ, it is more important than ever the Portraits of THIRTY LIVING BAPTIST MIN1sthat that truth should be maintained : in these TERS. The plate is now in the hands of the days of !ree inquiry, it is none the less important engraver. It will be executed in the best style of that that truth should be maintained in a spirit of Steel Engraving, the portraits being from photofairness and of love. It is important, too, that our | graphs by Mr. Mayall, of Regent Street.

matter.."'We migh tre forbeanca fruitless.”.



not wait for the attack. They should send in their

petitions as soon as Parliament meets, on the broad During the past month Mr. Disraeli has made a

issue, in favour of maintaining the union between remarkable speech on the subjoct of Church-rates.

Church and State, and, incidentally, in favour of Differing from the Committee of the House of

Chureh-ratos." To be forewarned is to be forearmed! Lords, who recommended a compromiso forunded

We have no doubt the Liberation Society will know on the relief of Dissenters from the rate, Mr. how to make use of Mr. Disraeli's warning. Disraeli recommends “No compromise," To re. One of those scenes which bring out in all its. lieve Dissenters would be, xccording to him, naked repulsiveness the principle of a State "not compromise, but surrender,'' It would be Church, occurred at Acerington on Monday, Dec. "acknowledging that the Chnrch of England was 10th, in conneelion with tho sale of goods soized no longer a National Church." It would be a con. from Mr. Newton and Mr. Cronshaw, for non-pay. Session of an “oligarchical privilege," and the ment of Pastor-dues to the Vicar of Whalley. The principle, if yielded and pursued, would lead to Vicar of Whalley has been recent y attempting to general confusion." Acoordingly, Mr. Disraeli re enforce the payinent by his parishioners of the commended a great movement, both of the olergy Easter-duos, anounting to small sums of fron and of the laity of the Church. He asked, not for fourpence halfpenny, upwards. The payment has ive thensand, but fifteen thousand petitions, been resisted on the ground of principle, by mang They oould not petition too mnoh. They should I of the parishionery; and in two cases which camo

Australia : Sucill be comperhat our brou

before the magistrate, distress warrants were ! cation' of a report of the deputation who bave issued for the amount and for costs. Accordingly. lately visited the island. a variety of goods and chattels were seized in the name of Christ's Gospel, and the day above named

Those who are interested in the work of God in was the day appointed for their public sale. Prior

India, will regret to hear that the Rev. James to the sale a great number of indignant townsmen

Smith, who, since his return from England, has assembled, and, to the number of 2,000, walked

been so successfully employed in Delhi, has been six abreast to the Court-house. Here, in the pre

obliged again to suspend his labours on account of sence of a still larger crowd, the property was put

ill-health. Mr. Smith has obtained the permission up for sale. No auctioneer of the town could be

of the Missionary Committee to spend a year in induced to encounter the disgrace of officiating on

Australia : should that not be sufficient for his resthe occasion, and a man was brought from Black

toration, he will be compelled to return to Eng. burn to undertake the dirty job. He appeared,

land. We sincerely hope that our brother's health guarded by six policemen, to some of whom the

will be restored. Since he has been located in property was knocked down in dumb show. Sub

Delhi, a most remarkable suecess has attended sequently the man was only rescued from the

his labours; and large numbers have been con

verted to the truth as it is in Jesus. hands of some women who were somewhat roughly

The field in. giving expression to their disgust, by the interven

which Mackay became a martyr has thus been tion of a member of the Anti-Easter-dues Com

one of the most interesting fields of missionary mittee, and was obliged to slink out of the town

labour in connection with our Society iu Indie. in private. The collector of the dues was chased The American Watchman and Reflector gives the from street to street by an indignant mob till he following outline of changes in the Pædobaptist at last found refuge in the Police-court. If such churches of its section : "Formerly, if one was be the scenes at the sale of the goods of two recu. convinced that immersion alone is the baptism of sants, how will it be with the 2,000 persons who the Bible, he was compelled to apply to a Baptist have banded together to refuse payment? And if minister, and to unite with a Baptist church. He such be the result of the "no-concession” prin had no election ; for no Pædobaptist church would ciple of the Vicar of Whalley, what will it be if Mr. tolerate such a heresy, and no Pædobaptist. minisDisraeli's principle should be carried out ?

ter would consent to immerse him. Now, if one Considerable attention has been attracted lately

who has been trained under Pædobaptist influence to the Persecution of Protestants who have re.

desires to be immersed, in many cases both minisnounced Romanism in Spain. As many as twelve

ter and church persuade him that he need not for persons were recently imprisoned at one time; sir

sake his early home, for his old pastor will admin others have been obliged to flee to Gibraltar for

ister the ordinance, and the church will cheerfully protection; and there are two persons, named

receive him into membership. Immersion 18 Hoy Manuel Matamoros and José Alhama, who still

in frequent in Congregational and Episcopal suffer a civil imprisonment for the crime of being

churches, and in some Methodist churches has Protestants. The Committee of the Evangelical

come to be the rule instead of the exception. : :' Alliance, and some other bodies, have directed

Formerly, if one doubted the obligation to brius the attention of Lord John Russell to the subject,

his children to the font. he was refused admission

to the church, and one who neglected duty in this It is something not very usual to see a lord in a particular was liable to discipline. But now calle Baptist pulpit. That event has happened, however, didates for membership may object to so much several times during the past month,-once at Pres

the Articles of Faith and the Church Covenant ton, again at Bilston, and again at Salisbury. The relates to infant baptism, and it is deliberately lord who has "60 far demeanedhimself, is Lord waived in their cage to remove their scrupis: Teynham-formerly, we believe, when the Honour.

They may repudiate their baptism on their parede able George Curzon, a Baptist minister, but more

faith, and request to be baptized again on their recently, and until a short time since, connected own faith, and the request is freely grante with the Plymouth Bretbren, Lord Teynham's Ministers applying for ordination may confess sermons are, we are told, thoroughly earnest and they can find no Scripture authority evangelical. In addition to evidently deep religious baptism, and this is held to be no bar to their adconvictions, the most striking feature of his lord. mission to Pædobaptist pulpits.” ship's speaking is, a seemly logical effort to stand intellectually on immovable ground. His sermons

Most of our readers have already heard of the are, therefore, interesting and instructive. Those

Week of Prayer,” which has been recommended who hear the Gospel from his lips will not hear it

for the week beginning January 6th, unimpressed. We owe all honour to a man who

is referred to, in an article by the Re can thus nobly disregard the opinion of his peers.

on another page. We have reason to “He that confesseth me before men, him will I the “call to prayer" will be very genera also confess before my Father and the angels who

sponded to. The last similar season was to are in heaven."

many, to be a blessing, and a beginning of

ings. For the sake of suggesting to our resu All our readers will hear with interest that a suitable topics for prayer, it may great religious movement has 'commenced in the following from the ad Jamaica. According to the letters which have ap. peared in The Freeman, the movement is of “Besides special subjects of pra the most extended and remarkable kind. Hun

suggested by local events or pec dreds, in several of the districts, are asking what gencies, there are certain grea! they must do to be saved; hundreds are forsaking which will readily present th their sins and follies, and are turning to God with are waiting for the full answ full purpose of heart; and the missionary brethren Thy kingdom come, thy wil appear to be almost worn out in responding to the it is in heaven':-the outpour appeals that are made to them for counsel and aid. on all teachers and ministers 01 It can be no mere coincidence, that this appeal to our sympathy should have reached us just at

nally Christian lanıls, on all the time when the attention of the churches has

and missionaries among the been again direetedto Jamaica, through the publi.

circulation of the Bible the indestruc
of the Living God, with all b

pture authority for infapt

ning January 6th. The subject article by the Rev. C. Storel,

have reason to believe that

wing from

ayer, it may be well to reprint

the address of the Calcutta rst recommended the services: ubjects of prayer which may be

its or peculiar passing emercertain great outstanding topics

sent themselves to 3]] who I answer to the petition,

will be done on earth, as ontpouring of the Holy Spirit unisters of the Gospel in nomi

on all evangelical missions uong the heathen, and on the

le indestructible Word

theour sympat mere coincidem for couns

ooks and tracts to

Giving God, with all b

one and agencies that have been

the ravival | Tuesday, Decembe

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Thomas Phillips, from

are fraught with its spirit and its truth; on all1 TREFOREST, GLAMORGANSNIE. - Interesting means and agencies that have been instituted for services were held at this place on Monday and the saving instruction of the young, for the revival Tuesday, December 3rd and 4th, in connection of true religion in individuals, families, and commu with the settlement of Mr. Thomas Phillips, from nities professing godliness,' and for the evangeli. Haverfordwest College, as pastor of the church. zation of the sunken masses that live without On the Monday evening two powerful discourses God and without Christ,' amid multiplied exhibi. were delivered by the Revs. R. Williams, of Hen. tion of the ordinances of Gospel grace and salva. goed, and B. Evans, of Aberdare. The recognition tion; and, finally, on the varied instrumentalities services were held on Tuesday morning at ten that are employed for the destruction and downfall o'clock, when the Rev. E. Roberts, of Pontypridd, of the gigantic systems of Pagan idolatry and gave an address on the nature of a Christian superstition, of antichristian error and delusion, church; the Rev. T. Price, of Aberdare, asked the and for the contemporaneous conversion of Israel usual questions; the Rev. T. Davies, of Haverfordand the Gentile nations, all of which, in the vast west, gave the charge; and the Rev. T. Price aggregate of their transcendent issues and out. addressed the church. Services were also held on goings, shall cause the glory of the Lord to be re. the same day at seven o'clock in the morning, at vealed, that all flesh may see it together, as the two in the afternoon, and six in the evening, when mouth' of the Lord hath spoken.''

sermons were delivered by the Revs. D. Griffiths, R. Williams, B. Evans, Jones, and Roberts. Mr.

Phillips enters on his charge with very cheering DOMESTIC.

prospects. Tax Rev. O. H. SPURGEON's TABERNACLE.-On BROWN STREET, SALISBURY.-On Sunday, Dec. -- Monday evening, December 3rd, a tea-meeting was 16th, two sermons were preached in the above

held in the large school-room of Islington Chapel, place of worship by the Right Hon. Lord Teynhain,

Upper Street, Islington, in aid of the fund for in aid of the fund for the enlargement of the Sun. ... erecting the Metropolitan Tabernacle at Newington, day-school rooms. Although his lordsbip was

for the congregation of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. suffering from a very severe cold, yet his preaching The attendance was very large. After tea, the was marked by much power and fervour, which meeting adjourned to the chapel, where Mr. Spur. commanded the attention of all classes of hearers. geon presided. After devotional exercises, the His sermons, which are thoroughly original from chairman, in addressing the assembly, remarked beginning to end, and delivered with that sobered that their present meeting was only one of a con. earnestness which never fails to captivate the siderable number which were about to be held. listener, must be remembered by all who heard For the benefit of those who were not acquainted them, both from their novelty of thought and emi. with their movements, he would tell them that nently practical illustrations. Such useful and they had for some time past been building a large daily-needed truths are seldom spokon from the structure which would hold upwards of 6,000 per pulpits of the land. All honour to Lord Teynham BODS, It was not easy for him to give them an idea for the truly self-denying position his lordship feels of its size, but it was twice as large as Exeter Hall, moved to take amongst his Baptist brethren! and one-third larger than the Surrey Music Hall. During the past month, Lord Teynham has also Many might say, "Why build it so large ?” In answer preached at Preston, and at Bilston, in Staffordto this he would say, that it was a growing con. shire. riction in the minds of many of his congregation

CRAYFORD, KENT.-On Sunday, November 18th, that it would not be large enough. Seeing that

services were held in the Baptist Chapel, Crayford, they had 1,600 members of the church, they could

in celebration of the jubilee-the church having pretty well guess what the congregation was.

been formed on the 18th of November, 1810. Two Their present number of members more than filled

sermons were preached by the Rev. E. T. Gibson, their chapel. Their conversions also were more

the pastor. On Tuesday, the 20th, there was a numerous tban at any previous period; they were

tea-meeting in the new school-room adjoining the going on at the rate of 300 erery year. Many

chapel. After tea, the friends assembled in the might ask also, Why have it opened free of

chapel to hold a jubilee meeting. The chair was debt?” In answer to this he would say, because

taken at balf-past six o'clock, by the Rev. E. T. he had said it must be so, and he did not like to

Gibson. Mr. Josh. Smith, one of the deacons, draw back. Their chapel would stand for genera

gave a short account of the formation of the church, tions as a representative chapel of Dissenters, and

and of the principal events in its history. Ad. therefore he would not like it to be said, “That is

dresses suitable to the occasion were given by the all very well, but they had to borrow the money,

Revs. Jesse Hobson, E. S. Pryce, B.A., T. Smith, and they are still in debt." If, therefore, he could

J. Adey (Independent), W. P. Riddy (Inde. get his friends to pay for it now, they would have

pendent), and E. Davis. It has been decided to no burden. They were all aware that he had under

commemorate this jubilee by the ereation of a new taken to prepare a few young men for the ministry.

chapel. Bat he hoped, when their chapel was paid for, to raise his present number to 100. He believed he WANTAGE, BERKS.-The opening services in had a call in this matter. He aimed not to bring connection with the new Baptist Chapel in this out scholars, but rough thunder men, that could place commenced on Friday, November 30th. The preach and be understood. He had often felt that Rev. F. Tucker, B.A., of London, preached in the there was a lack of these men-men who suited the morning, and the Rev. D. Martin (Independent), people, and spoke to them in their own language. of Oxford, in the afternoon. Upwards of 200 perThe sum they originally wanted for the Tabernacle sons assembled at tea in the Town-hall; after which Was £30,000; £24,000 of this had been subscribed, so a public meeting was held in the chapel. The hat £6,000 was now all they wanted. This amount meeting was presided over by the Rev. R. Aiken. they were desirous of raising by the ond of March, head, the pastor, and addressed by the following about which time they intended to open. The ministers-Lewis, of Abingdon ; Jeffries, of Farn. meeting was addressed also by the Rev. B. S. ham; Scorey, of Wokingham; Martin and Major, Lollis, Joseph Payne, Esq., the Rev. H. G. l of Farringdon. On Sunday, the Rov. P.G. Scorey Ingram, &c., and after a liberal collection the preached morning and evening. The collections Doxology concluded tbe proceedings.

amounted to about £40. The cost of the chapi Truro, has received a cordial call from the Baptist Church at Lewisham to become co-pastor with the Rev. Joshua Russell, who has so long and 60 honourably filled the office of pastor over that people. Mr. Dennett commences his labours with the new year.-The Rev. W. Kilpin, being desirous of preaching more especially to, and labouring amongst, the poor, has undertaken the superintendence of four village stations in connection with Castle Street Chapel, Langore, Pollyphant, Greston, and South Petherwin, for the next three months.

and site is about £1,450, towards which £850 has been raised.

ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE.-This place of worship, after having been closed several weeks for painting and repairs, was re-opened November 18th, when sermons were preached by the Rev. W. K. Armstrong, B. A., minister of the chapel, and the Rev. S. B. Brown, B.A., of Salford. On Tuesday evening, November 20th, the Rev. Alex. M'Laren, B.A., of Manchester, also preached. The attend. ance at all the services was excellent, and the col. lections amounted to £32 98. The cost of the repairs, &c., amounting to £150, has been met in a most satisfactory and encouraging manner.

MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev. J. Williams having accepted the invitation of the Baptist Church, Ynysfach, Ystrad, has announced his resignation of the pastorate of Beulah English Baptist Chapel, Dowlais.-The Rev. J. H. Wood, of Sutterton, has accepted an invitation from the General Baptist Church, at Smarden, Kent, and enters upon his labours the first Lord's-day in January,--Mr. J. W. Moore, late of Bristol College, bag accepted an invitation from the church at Monk'. Kirby, Warwickshire, and has entered upon his labours.--The Rev. 'E. Dennett, of


THE Rev. S. WELLS, OF THURLEIGH, BEDS1 November 23rd, aged 60, in sure and certain hope

of a joyful resurrection, the Rev. Samuel Wells, twenty-four years the faithful and affectionate

pastor of the Baptist Church, Thurleigh, Beds. | He was struck with paralysis four days before his

decease, which at once deprived him of the power of speech. He bore bis affliction with calia and prayerful submission to the will of his blessed Saviour, whom he loved to exalt when in health. “ Absent from the body, present with the Lord.”

NOTICE. We have pleasure in presenting our readers, this month, with “The Church" in an enlarged form. It has long been our wish to enlarge our space, with a view especially to giving an increased amount of Denominational, Missionary, and General Intelligence; and, after much consideration, it has been resolved to take this step at once, relying upon our readers to aid us by increasing our circulation, so that the enlargement may not entail loss. It is needless to say that the expense of the change will be to us very considerable. Nothing but a 'greatly increased circulation can compensate us for making it. We appeal, therefore, with much earnestuess, to all our readers, to do what they can to secure for us an extended circle of readers. A Penny Magazine can only be adequately sustained by a large sale : if our friends will give us this, we, on the other hand, pledge ourselves to give them, and those to whom they introduce the Magazine, “a full pennyworth for their penny."

We venture also to draw attention once more to the already announced SERIES OF PORTRAITS OF BAPTIST MINISTERS. We are glad to know that the announcement has been received with much interest ; but this improvement, also a costly one, furnished ap additional reason why our circulation should be enlarged. The first portrait will be, as already mentioned, that of the Rev. J. H. HINTON. It will appear in our next Number. We have already seen the Portrait, as it has come from the engraver's hands, and we are happy to mention that it is not only a beautiful specimen of engraving, but the be portrait we have ever seen of Mr. Hinton. We have no doubt that it will be mucus valued. The other portraits for the year, which-will be published in May and Augus respectively, will be those of the Revs. CHARLES STOVEL, of London, and C. M. BIRRELIA of Liverpool.

*** In consequence of the ebange of size, we have been compelled to abandon the idea of girang, this number, the TITLE AND INDEX to the last volume. They may be had, however, for One Halfpenses each, either through a bookseller, or direct from the office If ordered direct from the cílice, a pose stamp should be enclosed for postage.


"Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the

chief corner-stone."




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other" He looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.”—Heb. xi. 10.

One of the most beautiful passages in the poems of Homer is that in which he describes the shield of Achilles, which was embossed in gold and silver with memorials of heroic history or with the happiest scenes of civil life. The 11th chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews is such another description of the Christian's shield of Faith, which is engraven all over in concentric circles with the valorous deeds of ancient saints and with stories of the holy men of old. Here, after reciting the faith of Noah, which sustained itself for 120 years against the

public opinion of the whole world, inspiring him with energy to build that vast har black Ark, which was both a portent and a prophecy of approaching doom--the I writer passes to Abraham, and in the passage cited above he is applauded for

the confidence in things unseen, in virtue of wbich he “ waited for that city which hath foundations, whose artificer and architect is God.”

Abraham was contented to dwell in tents, even in a foreign land, because he looked for an unchangeable heritage in the kingdom of heaven. To him the tuture glory of the saints was a reality; and faith in that eternal splendour rendered him comparatively indifferent to the place or condition of his abode in this transitory scene. His heart was anchored in the region of realities, and therefore he was not greatly moved by events in this world of shadows. He whose portion was perpetual joy among the angels, cared little for a freehold among the Amorites. He who should inhabit for ever beneath the heavens for his curtain, and find the spangled firmament stretched out for his tent to dwell in at every stage in his endles journey, was ready enough to lie down beneath the canvas of a Bedouin for the few nights that preceded his translation to glory. He over whose head there hovered the vision of that broad and radiant flight of steps which led to the gate of heaven, was well content to take a stone for his pillow, and to sacrifice the vale of Siddim to his quarrelsome companions. He looked at the things which are “ unseen and eternal.”

Now, though a contrast between this world and that, the momentary and the eternal home, be very familiar, it is always just, and always improving. For the views which we take of the life beyond will influence more than aught else our opinions and behaviour here. If this England we live in, and which railroads have made one, be to us the only real city, we shall find our heart where our treasure is : but if we come to believe in that continuing city beyond, then

wall, we sojourn in our homes as in tents in a foreign country, with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with us of the same promise.

sider, them, this striking description of the eternal heaven, under the image

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