Sidor som bilder

liever over the lost state of man, and a glo- | moved as you see the walls broken down, rious change comes. God never forgets a and Jerusalem in ruins ? If so, God will werping, praying saint. He never disap not forget to be gracious; he will come; points the hopes of those who pray for the the desolation will pass away, and the waste welfare of his kingdom.

places shall blossom as the rose. - American Do these lines reach any one weeping Messenger. over the desolations of Zion ? Is your heart I

Gems from Golden Mines.


| the image of God restored in man, and the

tree of life in the midst of the paradise of TURES.

God. Surely in this majestic whole, which UNDOUBTEDLY one of the strongest | had its beginning ere man was formed, and proofs of the divinity of the Scriptures, is, which continues to the end of time, there is that inherent sublimity which fills us with | a powerful and altogether celestial unity, amazement and reverence. It is the im. developing throughout ages a universal and posing unity of this book, composed during mighty convergent operation, whose subå period of fifteen hundred years by so limity arrests the mind, surpasses all human many authors, some of whom wrote two conceptions, and proclaims the divinity of centuries before the fabled times of Her. its author as inevitably as a vein of the cules, Jason, and the Argonauts; others, in star-spangled heavens on a summer's night, the heroic days of Priam, Achilles, and Aga and the contemplation of all the luminous memnon ; others in the times of Thales orbs which circle day and night in the and Pythagoras; others in those of Seneca, boundless expanse, -"myriads of objects in Tacitus, Plutarch, Tiberius, and Domitian : one close hand of perfeet harmony," said who all nevertheless pursued the same plan, one of the earliest fathers.— Gaussen. and undeviatingly moved forward as if by common consent, to one single transcendent object-the history of the redemption DWELLING WITH GOD. of the world by the Son of God ;-it is this How strange and blessed must be that vast harmony of the entire Scriptures, this emancipation which passes upon every man, Old Testament filled with Jesus Christ like when the great deliverer, Death, puts he the New, this universal history uninter ordaining hand upon the heart and head, ruptedly pursuing its onward course which and the man, ceasing to be a subject of this records the revolutions of empires to the mortal life, goes through and stands in the end of time, and which, when the picture Church above, where God is, and where all of present scenes is finished, carries our his disciplined band, a great congregation, view over those of futurity, even until the are moved to the harmony of a heavenly period when the kingdoms of this world love! How wondrous and surprising must become the possessions of Jesus Christ and be one hour of a life, where every emotion is his saints. On the first page we have the consentaneous with God's heart, and where world created to receive sinless man; in every companionship touches us with the the following pages, the earth ceased to royalty and riches of a true love! And receive men sinning continually; and in what must it be to dwell days, and weeks, the last page, a new earth to receive men and months, and years, yea and endless who will sin no more. On the first page periods, where the heart is attuned to this we have the forbidden tree of life, paradise love ; where God shines out broad, diffusive, forfeited, sin entering into the world by | more than ten thousand suns ; where all the first Adam, and death by sin. In the that are his are chorded to the same blessed last pa e, paradise regained, life re-entering | pitch; and where loring and being loved the word through the seci nl Adam, death | is the substance and the very essence of vanquished, sorrow and sighs no more seen, life itself!

To this land we are tending. Do you, or anything that the world can give ? already begin to speak in its language ? H, W. Beecher. Are you beginning to have aspirations for it? Sometimes we long to die, because we ave tired of the burden of life. Sometimes we LAYING UP TREASURE. are willing to die, as we say, because dying

Ben Adam had a golden coin one day, will be an end of sinning. Sometimes we wish to die, because the heart calls out

Which he put out at interest with a Jew;

Year after year, awaiting him, it lay, with unutterable longing for those who have gone before. Sometimes we are

Until the doubled coin two pieces grew,

| And these two, four-so on-till people said, anxious to die, because we have a heroic

“How rich Ben Adam is !” and bowed the fervour, and an earnest desire to walk

servile head. among the honoured and first-born sons of glory. How many of us feel that heaven Ben Selim had a golden coin that day, would be sweet, because at last it would Which to a stranger, asking alms, he bring the warmth and the summer of love ? How many of us mourn and weep in con Who went, rejoicing, on his unknown way; trition, day by day, because we are so -Ben Selim died, too poor to own a grave.

empty of the spirit of love? To how many But when his soul reached heaven, angels ; of us is death sweet and blessed, because

with pride at last it will bring us to that which our Showed him the wealth to which his ooin i soul desires more than honours, or riches,

had multiplied.


Denominational Affairs.

ested to observe the geographic
this wondrous movement
first at a Moravian station, 1

Elizabeth, on

Parish ou follow it south-westa, the mountai in Werly courdnost simult Black River in


BY THE REV. D. J. EAST. The great religious movement, of which you have beard, is still progressing, and filling our hearts With gladness. It is fast extending over the whole land; awakening to spiritual life and activity almost

congregations; and, in some places, transming the character of the whole community.

wd your readers spread before themselves
amaica, they would be not a little inter-

rve the geographical course which
ondrous movement has taken. You meet it

& Moravian station, in the mountains of St. zabeth, on the south-western side of the island.

u follow it down to Black River, in the same Parish, and, almost simultaneously, still pursuing Westerly course, you bear of it at Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland. Then it is observed proceeding the mountains of this parish, and triumpbs

ow, again, we hear An easterly direction from its first starting

oth on the mountains and in the plains of dochester; and Mandeville and Porus are sha

tehing mighty wind. Now it breaks
all directions. On the north-west,

lanover are visited; on the south,
ad Yere. From Clarendon the move-
oceeded northwards to St. Ann's, and

led upon Trelawny. I hear also
nas begun at Spanish Town and

oon encompass and cover tbe

gateousness, to the praise of
Tod's grace in Christ Jesus !
ent has been sudden and unlooked

gloriously at Bethel Town. of it in an easterly direc point, both on the mounta

salvation has broken forth on the right hand and on the left. Suddenly, however, as the movement has appeared, there have been signs of preparation. Many weeks ago, a Christian brother, returning from a visit to Manchester and Clarendon, reported to me how delighted he had been with the spirit of prayer wbich he had observed amongst the people, as also with the devoted zeal of the pastor. This was some little time before a single note of the great movement had been heard. At another station, which has been eminently blessed, weekly meetings for special prayer had been held for some time previously. And, what is noteworthy, the move. ment in this congregation has been chiefly amongst the young; and the young it was chiefly who had, week by week, met together for prayer. Another brother, while he speaks of the suddenness of the change wbich has come over his people, says, “We have, I think, for å length of time, had a more serious and attentive congregation than formerly; and, for the most part, the friends who have engaged in prayer have seemed to be more and more in earnest." The same has been the case in other churches that have been graciously visited ; and I have no doubt that, in every instance, there have been some Daniels-faithful ones-who“ have set their faces unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fastings, and sackcloth, and ashes.”

3. The physical phenomena attendant on the work of the Holy Spirit in this wonderful movement are exactly similar to what has been observed in other recent “revivals” in various parts of the world. Your readers will remember a statement which appeared in the October number of the Missionary Herald,” in reference to Southern India. I might place side by side with it an extract


as with a rushing mighty forth in almost all directions.. St. James's and Hanover are visited; Clarendon and Vere. From ment has proceeded northwar has already touched upon Trela, that the good work has begun at Kingston. May it soon encompa land with fruits of righteousness, to ta the glory of God's grace in 2. The movement has been s

We have hanged our harps upon yea, we have wept when web Zion." But, while we hav desolation, in a moment, whe

ed our harps upon willows;

of a letter which I received by last post from a beI loved brother not a dozen miles hence. He says

me we have been bewailing her

"On Sunday last, no sooner had I taken my seat , excitement of those who stood over them! To (i.e. in the pulpit), than one who had been careless preserve the calmness of your own spirit, so as to à long time fell on her knees, and prayed most minister to those who so much needed soothing earnestly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. words of grace and truth, was no easy achieveThen she implored the members of the church to ment. Truly, at such a season, pastors and awaken her out of sleep. She struck her face teachers are in need of special strength and wisoccasionally with her hands in her earnestness. dom from on High! Many of the expressions she used were really One pleasing fact, however, in regard to these beautiful. A young man, at the same time (not a physical prostrations, is, that those who are the member), fell on his knees imploring mercy. subjects of them appear generally to exercises During the ordinance of the Lord's Supper, in the correct judgment in regard to them. On the part afternoon, the woman (not having moved from her of many, there has been great fear lest physical prostrate position) continued praying. After the prostration should be confounded with the work of ordinance, I went to her ; she spoke with tears, the Spirit, or be mistaken for that which is inward, hoping God would bless my labours. I spoke to spiritual, and vital in religion. I have strongly her soothingly, and she became calm, but remained sympathised with this apprehension ; but I cannot through Monday in the same state of insensibility say that observation, and personal intercourse with to everything but the revival of God's work in the the “stricken ones,” hare justified it. In preaching church.”

to one very large congregation, in which numbers Those who have been in the Irish revivals may who had been prostrated were present, one special form a clear conception of the scenes which now object I had in view was to guard my hearers surround us; otherwise, none but eye-witnesses against this and kindred mistakes which might could imagine them. A few weeks ago I was at possibly attend the movement. And I was deShortwood, in St. James's. As I commenced lighted with the responses-the loud, multiplied, reading the Scriptures, I was startled by a piteous and earnest responses - which were given in cry for mercy from one corner of the chapel. Soon answer to appeals on the subject; affording the after, one and another had fallen on their faces or most unequivocal assurance that the people well on their backs to the ground. As the service pro understood that the working of the Spirit is in the ceeded, several were borne out, apparently in an heart, and not in the body, and that bodily conalmost lifeless state. At one part of the building vulsion and prostration are simply the effect of inwas a young man standing with uplifted hands, tense mental excitement-as it was expressed for clasped as in prayer, his body swaying to and fro their comprehension, the mind feels more than the continuously, his eyes shut, and every part of his poor body can bear. frame convulsed. Immediately after the service, And this I believe to be the solution of the the people gathered around him, and I joined them physical phenomena. The process seems to be to observe him. He was quite insensible, but the this. A sudden, piercing, overpowering conviction agitation of his frame was fearfully increasing. of sin seizes the mind. It takes complete possesHis hands were now waving over his head, and his sion of it, and agitates it to its lowest depths. body moving round in a circle ; till at last he fell There is no resisting, no controlling it. What back in a state of complete exhaustion. So it was wonder, then, that under such a mighty influence, with others; but the same degree of violence was the nervous system of a naturally excitable people, not observable in all. At night I preached at unaccustomed at any time to govern their emotions Mount Carey, and the scene was awful beyond ex. should become deranged and prostrated ? I do pression. I was already painfully wearied, and not mean, however, to deny that in some eases was resting a little before the service, when cries there is physical prostration where there is no the most heartrending pierced our ears from the mental excitement, just as hysterical affections are road near the house. Seven or eight persons had known to spread by the contagion of sympathy. been “stricken down" on their way to the chapel. And, possibly, as the movement advances, these As I entered the building, some were already cases may multiply. But at present they are cer. prostrate on the floor; as the service commenced tainly not numerous. the number increased, and cries for mercy inter 4. The results make it suficiently erident, that rupted the accustomed exercises. During the the physical prostration is merely an accident atprayer of a young man in the congregation, the tendant upon the working of the Ho

rking of the Holy Spirit in the excitement arose to a perfect tempest. The con. hearts of men. As to these I can only state facts. gregation heaved to and fro with it like the waves (1.) Wherever this awakening has extended, of the sea ; and at last it raged so fearfully, that I our places of worship are crowded. Chapels which could compare it to nothing else than the boiling had been very partially attended are filled to overof the waters in a terrific storm. Yet in a few flowing. The other Sunday, at Shortwood, there moments there was a great calm, and I preached was not standing-room for the people, and numbers for nearly an bour; but I walked down the aisle thronged the doors unable to gain admission. Our out of the chapel, that night, over numbers lying brother Clarke writes to me, that at Fuller's Field, in a state of helpless, prostration on the ground. where, a short time ago, the ground floor was box It was after two o'clock in the morning when the thinly occupied, now, both that and the galleries sound of singing and prayer over the stricken scarcely hold the congregation. But it is needless ones” ceased. Last Sunday, I was at Montego to multiply instances, when the fact is general. Bay. And oh, what & scene was again witnessed ! (2.) The spirit of the hearers is most earnest The service was quiet and solemn; but in the and eager. One brother writes to me :-"Tor course of it many were “strieken," and taken out several Sunday evenings the earnest attention of the chapel. I knew they were gathered some the awfully solemn stillnesg-have made me tremble where, but where I did not know. On coming down with a sense of responsibility while preaching. from the pulpit into the restry, I found them Never have I preached to congregations in Jamaica there. Oh, 80 many! The floor of the large room when the people seemed to be hungering 800 was literally covered. You could set your foot thirsting after righteousness as now. God appeare nowhere, without stepping over them. It was like

to have opened their hearts, and they receive to e the hospital deck of a man-of-war, strewed all over truth as it is in Jesus, in the love of it. (3.) MOE with the wounded and the dying, in the time of an titudes have found peace with God, through OLT engagement. And then the cries, and sobs, and Lord Jesus Christ. Last week I met, at one roans of those who were able to speak! And the station, Dearly a hundred of the " stricken odes

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They complainome of the new secondly

and such a meeting it was, never to be forgotten! endono

gations, prosecuted in malice, are abandoned. In I arranged them, for distinctness in addressing some districts rum-shops are closed. The “Sett them into three classes :--the church members who Girls" have torn up their dresses; and John

had been stricken; those who believed they had Canoa" men have broken up their drums and the obtained the pardon of their sins; and those who fiddles. Markets are quiet and orderly, and night

were still borne down under a conviction of sin. revels are not heard. I published the banns of

The separation was a very solemn one; but it was marriage for twenty-two couples last Lord's-day; and left entirely to the voluntary choice of each indi. another brother has sixty couples to marry; and

vidual as to the class in which to place himselt. I this is the universal feature of the movement. then looked round upon them with no ordinary Men and women who have been living in sin are emotions. And, oh, the joy and ecstacy expressed suddenly filled with alarm, and, unable to endure

in the faces of those who professed to have found the torments of a guilty conscience, sanctify their - peace! It was beautiful! One brother says, in union by marriage.

writing to me from another station, of the new 5. In estimating this gracious movement, how. - converts there, “Their countenance is full of lever, some incidental evils must be admitted.

light, the tones of their voice are musical, their Would it not be miraculous were it otherwise ? I every look is eloquent." And I found it so in the bad long discourse with a number of intelligent case of those of whom I now write. I spent two leaders a few weeks ago. My object was to gather hours and a half with them; and, I may safely say, facts on personal testimony, and it was accom

it was the happiest season I have ever enjoyed in plished. After having forcibly illustrated the - the exercise of my ministry in Jamaica. (4.) The favourable side of the subject, they furnished me, But new converts are full of zeal and activity for the in a summary form, with a statement of what

spiritual good of others. "After our prayer they considered objectionable. The following is

meeting this morning at day-break,” says our the substance of it, as taken down at the time. -brother Claydon, “some of the people came to Ce me, and said, Minister, when are you going to First, That some of the new converts were self

appoint a time for us to go to town (Kingston)?”. willed, and hard to manage. Secondly, That in My reply was, 'Go whenever you please.' A young their meetings there was too much confusion, woman, a new convert, said, Minister, I was because, at the same time, one would be talking, brought up in town; I know what wickedness there another reading, another praying, and another is there. We would like to go and speak to the singing. Thirdly, That some were unwilling to take people; but we would like you to fix the time.' reproot. Fourthly, That there was a great lack of Monday was fixed upon. This is the way the work self-control. Fiithly, That they will only allow those is spreading.” In many cases the new converts who have been smitten themselves to touch those may be said to travail in birth for souls, and are in who are. Sixthly, That at first they were accusan agony for them. (5.) It is early to speak of tomed to tie a handkerchief around the neck for the fruits of holiness ; but, as far as time allows, sore throat, but that this is beginning to be worn these are most cheering. Sinful practices are as a badge. Seventhly, That some who are now abandoned, and evidence is given of a perfect stricken are evidently not sincere; they are loathing of those things in which the young con puffed up with pride, and talk as if they were verts once delighted. (6.) Nor are spiritual

is perfect.” gifts wanting. Brother Claydon says, “Alany of In the whole of this statement there is a foundathe new converts pray and exhort with the utmost tion of truth. But some of the grounds of compropriety, and seem to possess an extensive know plaint are either partially imaginary, or admit of ledge of Scripture, and have a wonderfully dis satisfactory explanation. I do not find that as the criminating power in its quotation. I have heard movement proceeds the grounds of objection insome, after passing through all the stages of con. crease, but otherwise. viction, prostration, and conversion, rising from Here, for the present, I must leave the subject. their knees, discourse most eloquently, most af The great cry arising out of this movement is, fectingly, and, with the exception of a few Creole “Give us pastors and teachers !” Our beloved isms, most correctly, on the preciousness of a brother in Clarendon and Manchester, cries out Baviour, the amazing love of God, the glorious almost in agony for this, and earnestly appeals to prospects of the Christian ;” and the testimony of the Baptist Missionary Society in England. And ibis esteemed brother is by no means singular. the movement itself, uuder the Divine guidance (7.) The social effects of the movement are admitted and blessing, will tend to create ageucy in the and marvelled at by all. In one town, I am in. churches themselves, and to call forth our young formed, they are at a loss to know how to find em. men to consecrate themselves to the service of God ployment for the numbers of young women who in the Gospel of his dear Son. have abandoned the vicious courses in which they Jamaica, December, 1860. had been accustomed to seek a subsistence. Liti.


GENERAL Moom ofan mendors have we hope joined in the engagements of the Week of Prayer of 1861. According to the accounts which have appeared in the various religious papers, the meetings were Very general in all parts of the country, and in moct places they seem to bave been well attended and to have been characterised by a devout and

earnest spirit. We trust that the results of those meetings will be seen " after many days.”

the mood news from Jamaica is becoming better and better every mail. We have printed on another page a very interesting article on the subject, from Mr. East, of Calabar. The latest intelligence shows that the work of God is still extending. Upwards of twenty thousand persons are said to be deeply anxious respecting their salvation, Three Jamaica

strong ;

shall suffervable sinnersthet are

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missionaries, at present in England, have issued an ing towards us in a most violent and unjust mag. appeal, through The Freeman, for aid in the em. ner, treating our alleged offence as one of a poliployment of native brethren, deacons, and laders, tico-religious nature, when in truth it is not so; who are qualified to read and explain the Word of and I hope the noble and heroic sons of Albion will God, and to aid the ministers of the Gospel in know that it is exclusively our entertaining pure their arduous duties. We trust the appeal of our Evangelical sentiments, and because we do not bebrethren will be successful. A little earnest work long to the Romish Church, against whose dogmas now, would, with the Divine blessing, lead to results we have protested. Our defence in the Spanish such as during many years have been sought in vain. Press is impossible, it is only allowed to write

against us. The ruin of our families is an accordMost of our readers have heard of the baptism

plished fact, and they have nought but poverty of the Rev. H. G. Guinness, an eminent young

and sorrow before them, but amid all they have Independent minister. Having been baptized by

this consolation left, that they know they are sufLord Congleton, a leading member of the sect of Plymouth Brethren, it was announced that it was

fering for the justest and holiest of all causes.

Our persecutors fancy that they hare annihilatod his intention to unite himself with that body. In a letter to the American Presbyterian, howerer,

our holy work in our martyrdom, but they are deMr. Guinness is at present travelling in America,

ceived, for innumerable are the Spaniards who

have been converted to the Evangel, and our sufferhe denies that the rumour is correct, and adds

ings only redouble their faith and their strength." that bis baptism “left him purposely on the per

He concludes by reiterating that these perseco. fectly unsectarian ground he had hitherto occupied,

tions “are in no way owing to political reasons, and connected with no religious denomination. It is stated in the American papers, that some of the

that Spain has not yet seen the disappearance of the

Inquisition, save in name only.” Since the shore journals tbat were loudest in their praise of Mr. Guinness before his denominational change, have

letter was written, Matamoros has been removed

from Barcelona, notwithstanding his infirm health, suddenly discovered that he is no preacher or

to be taken before the tribunals of Granada sad anything else—that he is only tolerably respectable

Malaga. “As I have done at Barcelona," he says in talents or influence. The Philadelphia Press, an

in a recent letter, “I propose doing at Granada. able secular paper, thus rebukes the palpable an

I will confess Christ before the weak as before the fairness, and want of the commonest Christian

strong ; before my brethren as before my mur. charity, which such a course exhibits. The keen

derers. I shall suffer-and what then? Did not ness of the rebuke is of course enhanced by the

Christ suffer for us miserable sinners? Did he not fact that it is the common sense verdict of an im

lay down his life for our sins ? What are partial spectator. The Press says:-“This popu


little trials to be compared to the blessing that has lar, young, and singularly gifted minister of the

words and bis example are to me?” Surely such Gospel has arrived in this country, and is now

devotedness deserves, and will obtain, the sympapreaching in Boston. The announcement of his

thy of English Christians. recent baptism, by Lord Congleton, a layman, has seriously damaged his reputation with some people,

There has been some excitement during the past and changed the tone of certain denominational

month arising out of the case of a negro, nami joi rnals toward him. A religious contemporary in

Anderson, in Canada. Le-t any of our readers this city, loud in its praise of Mr. Guinness when

should not have noticed the facts, we must brietis he was here a year ago, now, with the characteris

state them. A Missouri negro, named Anderson, tic spirit of latter-day prophets, sagely declares,

was, no doubt, eloping from his master. He bal 'Though we did not suy 80, we feared when he was

been sold to a distance of upwards of thirty miles here that he lacked that power, both moral and in

from his wife and child, and was, in all probability, tellectual, which is essential to an enduring popu

not only intending to visit them by stealth, but i larity and success; and now our worst fears are

steal himself and his family, and male off with his confirmed.' Now that Mr. Guinness has, for con

plunder to Canada. By the law of Missouri, every science sake, taken a step that does not square

man is required to detain any negro whom N exactly with somebody's infallible system of Her

finds without a pass twenty miles from home. Od meneutics! To the world, and enlightened Chris

Digges saw Anderson, and suspected him, and tians, it must be a sad spectacle to see in this city

company with four pegroes of his own pursued han. a minister of the Gospel sneered at and traduced

At a certain point in tbe pursuit, Anderson's et by professing fellow-Christians for daring to do what

cape depended on his using, in self-defence again he believes to be his duty, and more especially one

Digges, a knife with which he threatened his who is so perfectly self-sacrificing in his devotion

Digges, persisting in the attempt at capture, w to his Master's service, that he preaches day after

so severely wounded, that he died three wee day, and night after night, 'without money and

afterwards, Anderson escaped, and got off 10 without price.'

Canada. This was seven years ago. For this seres

years he has been a steady, industrious Britis A letter has been published from M. Matamoros, subject. But the biped bloodhounds of Missouri one of the persons persecuted for conscience sake in

at last got upon his track: got him committed by Spain, whose case was referred to in our last. The the local magistrates for extradition to flava letter is dated from the National Prison, Barcelona. alive, probably with the addition of slow roasting M. Matamoros gives a narrative of the imprisonment death, by Missouri slaveholders; and on an appes of Alhama and himself, the facts of which are al to the Canadian Court of Queen's Bench, ready before our readers. We extract, however, judges to one confirmed the commitment. Atta one or two passages. Describing his arrest he point the affair attracted attention in Englaou. says :-“Nothing was respected in my habitation; Is What!” said the English public, “gire s siste my goods were inventoried, violent threats were back to slavery, who has, according to English la used towards myself, my furniture was knocked

committed no crime! Never! Give up Canada about, and, in a word, everything was turned topsy. rather!” And so say we. We are happy, hower turvy. My venerable mother, at the sight of such to add, that there is little danger of his being destruction, fell into a swoon, and my youthful up. The Court of Queen's Bench in England: brothers shed tears of anguish, on beholding what, issued a writ of habeas corpus, ordering him to

him to be though they could not fully comprehend, was still brought to England for his case to be eraman paintul enough to affect their innocent hearts. ... The Roman Catholic organs in the press are behav- | bluster in vain !

here. If he get once to England, Missouri !

the tone "eputation o

thi rnals to

not only of and his fame

law of Missoudhon ho

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