Sidor som bilder

as I look upon the world at large, and their death-beds, and mark how the sufferer the Church which hath it too much in its is sustained, and how the gloom of the bosom, I am apt to think that the Church grave is scattered by a hope which is full of has light, but lacketh fire ; that she has immortality. some degree of faith, clear knowledge, but The sum of happiness conferred by Revethat she lacketh to a great extent tbat flam lation can never be known until Göd shall ing love with which she once, as a chaste have laid open all the secrets of judgment. virgin, walked with Christ through the We must have access to the history of fires of martyrdom; when she showed to every individual, from his childhood up to Christ, her undefiled, unquenchable love in his entering upon his everlasting rest, ere the catacombs of the city, and the caves of we have the elements to compute how the rock; when the snows of the Alps much Christianity has done for those who might testify to the virgin purity of her have received it into their hearts.-H. love by the purple stains which marked the Melville. shedding of martyr-blood in defence of her bleeding Lord-blood shed for the sake of

“WILL YOU BE THERE?" Him whom, though they had not seen his

BEYOND this life of hopes and fears, face, unceasing they adore. Spurgeon.

Beyond this world of griefs and tears,

There is a region fair.
NO MAN CAN SERVE TWO It knows no change and no decay,

No night, but one unending day. WHEN you see a dog following two men, O say, will you be there? you know not to which of them he belongs | Its glorious gates are closed to sin; while they walk together; but let them Nought that defiles can enter in come to a parting road, and one go one To mar its beauty rare. way, and the other another way, then you Upon that bright, eternal shore, will know which is the dog's master. So, Earth’s bitter curse is known no more ; at times, will you and the world go hand in O say, will you be there ? hand. While a man may have the world No drooping form, no tearful eye, and a religious profession too, we cannot

No hoary head, no weary sigh, tell which is the man's master, God or the

No pain, no grief, no care ; world; but stay till the man comes to a But joys which mortals may not know, parting road: God calls him this way, and Like a calm river, ever flow; the world calls him that way. Well, if

O say, will you be there ? God be his master, he follows religion, and

Our Saviour, once a mortal child, lets the world go; but if the world be his

As mortal man, by man reviled, master, then he follows the world and the

There many crowns doth wear; lusts thereof, and lets God, and con

While thousand thousands swell the strain science, and religion go.—Ralph Erskine.

Of glory to the Lamb once slain !

O say, will you be there ?
THE blessings which result from the pos- |

Who shall be there? The lowly here, session of the Scriptures are not to be com

All those who serve the Lord in fear, puted from what appears on the surface of

The world's proud mockery dare ! society. There is a quiet undercurrent of

Who, by the Holy Spirit led, happiness, which, though unobserved, swells

Rejoice the narrow path to tread ;immensely the amount of good resulting

These, these shall all be there! from the Bible. You must go into families

Those who have learnt at Jesus' cross and see how burdens are lightened, and

All earthly gain to count but loss, afflictions mitigated, by the promises of

So that his love they share ; Holy Writ. You must follow men into

Who, gazing on the Crucified, their retirements, and learn how they gather

| By faith can say, “For me he died ;”. strength from the study of the sacred vo

I These, these shall all be there ! lume for discharging the duties of life. | Will you be there? You shall, you must, You must be with them in their struggles If hating sin, in Christ you trust, with poverty, and observe how contentment Who did that place prepare: is engendered by the prospect of riches Still doth his voice sound sweetly, “Come. which cannot fade away. You must visit | I am the way I'll lead you home them in the furnace of affliction, and on With me, you will be there!”

Our Missions.

C'estamen, latel, sroves of ound meyed the

It will gratify our numerous readers to receive | fruit, after many days. From recent advices it from month to month some information of the pro seems, to our great regret, that Mr. Smith is gress of the cause of Christ in the mission-field obliged to leave for a time, on account of his health. occupied by the Baptist Missionary Society. This He will go to Australia, and it is hoped that at the We hope to accomplish through the assistance pro. end of the year he will be able to resume his self. mised us by the esteemed secretaries of the society. denying and successful labours. But we will, in the first instance, present a rapid sur We next proceed to Ceylon, where two mission. vey of the various missions in which the servants of aries seek to turn the followers of Buddha to Christ. Christ are employed, and then, from time to time, Upwards of four hundred natives have obeyed the select special portions of it for particular remark. voice of truth, and may be found among the

India naturally claims the first place. Here, for jungles and cocoa-nut groves of this lovely island. more than sixty years, the society has laboured : | Mr. Carter has lately completed a revision of the and here are employed by far the larger number New Testament in Singhalese, and it is now in the of the missionaries. Thirty-eight missionaries now press. The missionaries here very much complain labour in this vast continent--two of them in of the want of more labourers. The people are Southern India, the rest in Bengal and the North very accessible, and are willing to receive instruc. west Provinces. There are, in addition, two as. tion in the numerous schools which are established sistant missionaries, and not fewer than ninety. at the stations. The brethren are assisted by tour native brethren, besides schoolmasters in the eighteen nativo preachers, besides schoolmasters: college at Serampore and elsewhere. The Rev. J. but these are few to occupy the thirty or forty Wenger and the Rev. C. B. Lewis are chiefly em. stations they have to supply. ployed in translations and the conduct of the At the commencement of the last year, the mission press. The Rev. J. Parsons, of Benares,

society began a mission in China. Two brethren actively engaged on a revised version of the have entered on this arduous work. Up to the

New Testament. From 30,000 to 50,000 close of the year they were detained in Shanghai copies of the Scri ptures, or parts of it, are annually by the war; not without, however, making occa. issued ; and millions of copies have found tbeir way sional trips into the interior, where their message ho all parts of Northern India. The Bengali ver. I was welcomed by the people, and speaking to the

1s the only one used by Christians of all de. people of the city the word of God. During the Dominations; while Mr. Wenger has nearly com. present year, it is hoped that they will be able to preted the entire sacred volume in the Sanscrit proceed inland, and commence their labours in congue, for the use of the pundits and great some of the great centres of population which

ahmin tribes of the country. Three missionaries abound in China. We are very sorry to have to we engaged in the instruction of the four or five report that the last mail brought the sad intelli.

ured Bengali lads that attend the college at gence of the decease of Mrs. Kloekers, the wife of

apore, who are daily made acquainted with one of the esteemed brethren engaged. Word of God, and receive education in other In the West Indies, the society sustains seven

knowledge. Two missionaries are pastors of brethren, in the islands of Trinidad. Hayti, the wuglish churches in Calcntta. at the same time ag

Bahamas, and Jamaica. The mission in #ayti is ag in native work as opportunity occurs. All in a peculiarly interesting state, and the missionary the rest of the brethren are engaged in a

writes most cheeringly of the prospects opening preaching to the natives of the country. They tra

before him. Bible-readers have lately been se the villages and towns ; visit the bazaars, mar engaged, and one of them has been blessed to the

Tairs; occupy places at the festivals ; call conversion of twenty-four of his countrymen, The upon the priests in the temples ; sometimes they

committee have eonsented to strengthen this mistravel by land, sometimes by water; in the morning

sion, on the earnest recommendation of their and evening of the day, and from year to year, they

deputation, Mr. Underhill, who last year visited strive to lead the people away from their lying vani

the island; and two young brethren, both of French the service of the living God. And not with extraction, are now offering themselves for the

In Lower Bengal, in the districts of work. As they speak French, and have both been e, Backergunge, and south of Calcutta, there trained for missionary work in Paris, they are are large bodies of native Christians, perhaps five

peculiarly qualified for the post to which they usand in number, of whom upwards of eight

aspire. In the Bahamas, the churches, though tunared have been baptized and added to the

small, are numerous. Nearly three thousand perun, Three hundred more are found in the

sons are in church fellowship, under the superin. native churches in other parts of Bengal.

tendence of three missionaries, aided by a band of a Backergunge is peculiarly interesting;

native pastors and helpers. In Trinidad, there are converts being chiefly Chandals, one of the 10"

two missionaries, having in the churches they have castes of the country, and often called to suffer

been enabled to form about 200 members. Mr. ton for righteousness' sake from their op

Gamble is about to make the town of San Fer. pressive landlords, whose exactions for idolat worsbip they refuse to submit to

nando the base of his operations ; while Mr. Law

continues successfully to labour in Port of Spain. Since the restoration of order after the mutiny,

Of Jamaica, we cannot speak here as the interest utae resumption of missionary work in Delhi, a very remarkable blessing from God has attend

of the case demands. A great religious movement the labours of the Rev. Jag. Smith and his

has appeared among the people, bringing many

thousands under conviction, and increasing the re churches have been formed, churches and inquirers' classes with numbers too persons have been baptized into great for the ministers to instruct. The deputation a the very centre of those places report that they found in the island eighty-seven

ughter of Christians, and Baptist churches, with 20,000 members, the fruit
kay and Walayat Ali shed of the labours of the missionaries; and that the
sown by the late lamented great Act of Emancipation had been followed with
s bearing rich and abundant ! eminent advantages to the once enslaved people.

ties to the service of the
out success. In Lower Bengal, in ti

hundred in number atire Christia


and the the restou se to submiactions for ido a ver the resumpiration of ort to.

leagues. Several native churches have bee and about 250 persons have been ba Christ, and that in the very centre of D desecrated by the slaughter of Chris where the beloved Mackay and Walayat their blood. The seed sown by the missionary Thompson, is bearing ricb

Some eighteen native brethren, nearly all trained It only remains to mention the mission is in the institution at Calabar, exercise the pastoral Brittany, where, at Morlaix, the Rev. J. Jenkins office with their European brethren. The usefulness labours with very much encouragement. The of this institution, now in the charge of the Rer. I little church is increasing, and the word of trot D.J. East, is about to be increased by the employ is spreading in the neigb bourhood. Mr. Jen tiss ment of Mr. Alexander Ganning, as tutor of the is occupied just now in forming a ner station, Normal School department.

and has purehased ground and a house for the It is with pleasure we announce the safe arrival vorship of God. at Cameroons, Western Africa, of Mr. Saker, with Thus, on the whole, the mission-field presen's s his companions, Messrs. Diboll and Smith. They very encouraging appearance in all parts. The landed on the 20th Dec., after a safe and pleasant word of the Lord is having free course, and is voyage in their little schooner, The Wanderer. glorified. Countries once closed to the hight are They were being anxiously looked for. They found opening their portals. The blinded eyes of mast the brethren, Fuller and Pinpock, and Mrs. Saker, heathen are being touched with the finger of the all well, and the work in an encouraging state. Redeemer, and they see Him who is life etersel. Many of the people at Fernando Po are waiting to The signs of the times encourage Christian bere; be brought to the new settlement at Victoria. In and God is graciously answering the prayers of his a day or two after the arrival of the missionaries, people, by pouring out his Spirit as a flood of water they visited some of the native towns, and were in many lands. welcomed by the people as the servants of Christ.



derived greater interest from the fact that, the

day of its meeting, a considerablenumberos persoas At the beginning of the last month, Parliament had been summoned before the magistrate : was opened by the Queen. The Queen's speech non-payment of the Vicar of Whaller's daes. The was of the usual character, but it contained some movement which this worthy has been the means passages that were eminently satisfactory in rela of originating, gains in strength and importance tion to foreign affairs. One subject was "con as it proceeds. spicuous by its absence”- that, namely, of Par

In Spain, the cause of religious liberty is being liamentary Reform. We are to have no Gorern

nobly upheld by the prisoner Manuel Matamoros ment Reform Bill this year. The subject is not,

and his companions in tribulation. Their friends however, to be altogether neglected, for more

in this country are still not without hope of een than one private member bas taken up the sub

ing their deliverance, but diplomaoy moves slowly, ject. Among these, is Mr. Baines, the member

and sometimes stumbles from excess of prodesce for Leeds. Two Bills hare also been introduced

Meanwhile the rough winds but scatter seeds that on the subject of Church-rates-that of Sir J.

shall enrich with fresh flowers the garden of the Trelawny, for total abolition, and one by Mr.

Lord. “Rejoice, brother," we find Matteo Hubbard, for a compromise which should relieve

writing, prior to his departure from Baroelens, Dissenter from the payment of the rate.

“ for since the day of my imprisonment the edib. A conference on the subject of Church-rates siasm in Malaga has increased, as in my letters! has been held during the past month, in London. have exhorted them not to be weary. At first the It was attended by some six hundred gentlemen hearts sunk at the rigour of the tyrants, bet sie from all parts of the country, and amongst them they have understood that they must go forest were not less than fifteen members of Parliament, with a donble speed, and they have done so. Thirtyand representatives of all classes and denomina seven new concerts havebeen added to the Chare. tions of Dissenters. The meeting was one of and the Spirit of grace is every day more comfort the most enthusiastic we ever remembered to ing and more deeply rooted in the hearts of these have attended. It was distinctly avowed that no Christian band. Many prayers ascend se k compromise would be accepted, but that the de the deliverance of our church, now so fiereely permand would be for nothing less than total abo secuted by these enemies of Christ. They are lition. It was a rather singular coincidence that bringing an action against them and me in Malagsst on the same morning on which the meeting was the present time, and notwithstanding, this on beld, & letter from the Bishop of Exeter ap. serves to increase our numbers, and to inspire peared in the papers, suggesting the compromise with new courage..... My room is a bit of a rate solely to maintain the fabric of the focus of Gospel light. I have three converts in Churches to be an acknowledgment of the the prisoners, whose protests I hold, and what principle of the union of Church and State and I trust be virtuous Christians," From Gratis to witness to the “nation's faithfulness to God.we learn that the three Protestants, Romero, Ta Of course this “ compromise" was declared to be quez, and Lineiro, have been liberated on bail, bet as vain as all others; but the very proposal was that this privilege was refused to Alhams. It 3 & proof that even bishops now see that some. gratifying to know that, these persecutions notribthing must be done. Something must indeed be standing, a feeling in favour of religious tolera done, and tbat soon, or it will be worse for the extensively prevails among the Spanish people. Chureh as by law established !"

The work of evangelisation makes steadfast pro In addition to the conference on Chureh-rates, gress in all parts of Italy, to the great abru another important conference bas been held | Rome and her priests, who see advancing a foe more during the past month. It was held at Acering. terrible than even the Garibaldian legions. More ton, and was on the subject of Easter-dues. This than 3,000 copies of the Scriptures have been 804 conference, though chiefly local in its character, in Naples in about a month; and religious bres was scarcely less interesting than the other. It and tracts have had a corresponding circulaties

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To reach the higher and educated classes, circu- / am much obliged to you for the volume which you lating libraries are to be established in some of the | were so good as to send me. I return it by the principal cities, from which will be distributed post. I do not find in the Historical Introduc. standard Protestant works in various languages. tion, which Mr. Underhill has prefixed to the The week appointed for united prayer was cele. tracts, anything at all inconsistent with my asserbrated by large gatherings at Florence. Many of tion that in the sixteenth century there was not a those present were working men, who with difficulty single congregation of Baptists in England. With made a sacrifice of their time. Four successivo the controversy about communion I am pretty well prayers were, on one occasion, offered up by those acquainted. There are few controversial writings who, in other times, had suffered imprisonment which I admire so much as the tracts of Robert for the truth. It is proposed to open a Wesleyan Hall on that subject. I have the honour to be, sir, Mission to Italy; a commencement will probably your obedient servant, T. B. MACAULAY," be made at Bologna ; and aircumstances will be left to develop the form in which aid can best be given to the great work of reformation.

DOMESTIC. It may perhaps interest some of our readers to EDINBURGH.--DUBLIN-STREET CHAPEL.-On be informed, that the “ senior wranglerof the the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 23rd, a soirée University of Cambridge for the present year, is

took place in the school-room under Dublin-street Mr. William Steadman Aldis, second son of the

Chapel, on the occasion of the Rev. Jonathan Rev. John Aldis, of Reading. The position of

Watson being presented by his Bible-class with senior wrangler is the highest that can be attained two pieces of plate, and by the ladies of the conby any Cambridge scholar in any year; and that gregation with a purse of sixty sovereigns. Upthis position should have been attained by a Noncon. wards of two hundred partook of tea. Dr. Lawrie, formist is of course a fact sufficiently gratifying. one of the deacons, occupied the chair. J. W. There is, however, in connection with it, another fact Urquhart, Esq., in a feeling, and appropriate even more gratifying; and that is that Mr. Aldis. speech, presented the gift of the Bible-class, and Dr. on conscientious grounds, declines to subscribe to Lawrie, in presenting the gift of the ladies, expressed the articles of the Church of England, and thus in a forcible manner the tender attachment that shuts himself out from a large portion of the pecu existed between Mr. Watson and the members of niary recompense that would otherwise undoubt

the church. Mr. Watson, who appeared much edly be his.

affected, made a beautiful and touching reply. In

a few weighty words Dr. Alexander expressed his The following will interest many of our readers. It appears in the Freeman of February 6th :-"In

gratification at being present, and his high regard

for Mr. Watson, after an uninterrupted friendship recently sorting some private papers,” says a cor. respondent of that paper, “I came upon two let.

of twenty-five years. Several other gentlemen adters received at the close of 1855 from Lord (then

dressed the meeting, and the choir sang several Mr.) Macaulay. Copies of them are subjoined for

hymns in a very effective manner. publication, if you deem them to possess the ne STOURBRIDGE.-Mr. Benwell Bird, of London, cessary interest. My own share in the correspond.

having accepted the pastorate of the Baptist ence can be briefly explained. I had noticed on church in this town, was set apart to the minis. page 96 of the 3rd vol. of his ' History of England,'

terial work by a public ordination on Monday, the following sentence - In the 16th century

Jan. 21st. The service, which commenced at three Quakerism was unknown, and there was not in p.m., was opened by reading the Scriptures and the whole realm a single congregation of Inde prayer by the Rev. J. Richards (Independent), pendents or Baptists.' I stated that this unquali

after which the usual questions were asked by Rev. fied declaration did not accord with the informa

W. Jackson, of Bilston, and replied to by Mr. tion collected by Mr. Underhill in the preface to

Bird in a clear Scriptural manner. The minisone of the Hansard Knollys Society's publications.

terial charge was then given by the Rev. B. 0. This work I offered to send him. On receiving his Young, of Coseley. The Rev. J. P. Carey, of second note, the volume was transmitted, and Wolverhampton, followed by prayer. Most of the Come facts stated in regard to the various opinions friends present retired afterwards to the school. on the communion question entertained by Bap. room adjoining, where upwards of 200 persons ists in this country and America. Macaulay, as partook of tea. After tea a public meeting was Fou will see, stuck to his original dictum, as he

held in the chapel, presided over by W. Pearson, enerally did when bis accuracy was impugned.

Esq., who offered some appropriate remarks. The Vhether rightly or not in this instance, your rea meeting was subsequently addressed by the Revs. ers who choose to perase Mr. Underbill's preface J. Richards, W. Jackson, s. Bird, of London, J. ill be able to decide.” The following are copies Williams (Wesleyan), J. P. Carey, WolverhampLord Macaulay's letters: -“Albany (Picca.

ton, and the newly-elected pastor. Mr. Bird enters illy), Dec. 26, 1855. Sir, - If I am in error, I upon his labours with encouraging prospects. hall be most happy to be set right. My authority RYDE, ISLE OF WIGHT.-On Tuesday evening,

one to which no Baptist can object. Crosby says, Jan. 29th, the anniversary of the John-street -n the year 1833, the Baptists, who had hitherto Baptist Church took place at the Victoria Rooms, en intermixed among the Protestant Dissenters when 330 persons sat down to tea. After the thout distinction, and so consequently shared tables had been cleared, the public meeting was th the Puritans in all the persecutions of those opened with prayer. The Rev. J. B. Little, pastor, nes, began now to separate themselves and form occupied the chair. Mr. W. H. Daish, seeretary stinct societies of their own persuasion,' Crosby to the Sunday-school, read the report, which was ses an extract from a MS, written by William very satisfactory. It was stated to be the obffin. From this MS. it appears that the first ject of the church to build a chapel in High-street, ptist church which existed in England was for which the ground had been secured, the wants anded on the 12th of December, 1633, by se of the increasing congregation calling for extended Hers from an Independent church. I repeat aocommodation; and it was announced by Mr. t if Crosby and Kiffin have misled me, I shall Little that 2001. had already been promised tomost willing to be undeceived. I have the wards carrying that object into effect. Between nour to be,sir, your faithful servant, T. B. | forty and fifty have been added to the church since CAULAY.” “ Albany, Dec, 29, 1855. 'Sir,- I Mr. Little's settlement, and the baptistry, which had

been closed for eight months, has been again used for the celebration of the ordinance as appointed by the Saviour. The meeting was addressed by the Rev. Messrs. Shipham (Wesleyan), Gray, of Newport, Coltart (Independent), and J. H. Cooke (Baptist). Not less than between 600 and 700 persons were present at the meeting.

RUTHIN, N.W.-Services were held in the Baptist chapel at this place on the 27th and 28th of January, in connection with the ordination of the Rev. Evan Jones, from Pontypool College, a pastor of the church. At ten o'clock on the Sunday morning the Rev. Lewis Jones, of Brynhyfryd, Monmouthshire (the Rev. E. Jones's brother), delivered an address on the nature of the Christian Church. A few questions having been asked of the young minister by the Rev. H. Jones, his co-pastor, and having been clearly and satisfactorily answered, he was set apart with the laying on of hands and prayer; and the Rev. John Prichard, of Llangollen, preached a sermon on the importance of the office and the duties of the young minister. At two o'clock in the afternoon the Rev. Hugh Jones preached to the church on its duties towards its minister, and the Rev. Lewis Jones preached to the congregation. At six o'clock in the evening the Revs. John Prichard and Lewis Jones preached. On Monday evening sermons were also delivered by the Revs. L. Jones and John Pri. chard.

HORSFORTH, NEAR LEEDS.- A public meeting was held at Horsforth, in the Temperance Room, on Friday evening, Feb. 15th, to present to the Rev. G.C.Catterall a purse containing twenty sovereigns. The meeting was addressed by several of the subscribers, who bore testimony to the faithfulness with which the rev. gentleman had discharged his

| ministerial duties as pastor of the Baptist church,

and also recorded their approval of his conduct as
a citizen in the advocacy given by him to the great
social and political questions that are now agita.
ting the public mind. Mr. John Cooke, in an af.
fectionate address, embodying the sentiments of
the subscribers, handed to Mr. Catterall the purse;
after which the rev. gentleman returned thanks, in
a speech characteristic of a Christian minister and
a warm friend of the people. The proceedings
were brought to a close with a vote of thanks to
the chairman, and by singing the doxology.

MINISTERIAL CHANGES.—The Rev. I. Haycroft, B.A., of Lewes, has accepted a very cordial and unanimous invitation from the church in Mar. gate, and intends entering on his stated le. bours on the third Lord's-day in March. The Rev. J. B. Blackmore, of Prince's Risborough, Bucks, has accepted & cordial and unanimous invi. tation from the church at the old Baptist chapel, Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, and has en. tered upon his new pastorate.The Rev. W. Evans, of Penyrheol, Breconshire, baving accepted a unanimous invitation from the church at Rock, Radnorshire, entered upon his stated labours there the first Sunday in the new year. --The Rev. D. Davies, of Narbeth, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the friends at Pembroke to become their pastor. He will be publicly recognised on the 28th of March.---The Rev, Evan Thomas, Tredegar, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the church at Charles-street, Newport, Mon.,and will commence his ministry there forthwith.-The Rer. J. Em. lyn Jones, M.A., after a ministration of nearly nine years to the church at Nebo, Ebbw Vale, has ac cepted the pastorate of the new Baptist churcb, Splottland, Cardiff,

6 THE BUNYAN LIBRARY." . We are desirous of drawing the attention of our readers to a project which has just been announced, and respecting which they will find an advertisement elsewhere. The project is, the publication of a series of volumes, under the title of The Bunyan Library”-the object being the “publication and republication of standard works by eminent Baptist authors." It has been frequently sug: gested that many works by Baptist authors had appeared in the United States, which it was desir able to republish in this country; also that there were many works by English writers, of great value, which were now all but inaccessible. The proposed series is intended to include both these classes of works, and also, occasionally, original works on subjects of denominational interest. The volumes in the first year's issue will indicate the kind of books which it is intended to publish. Dr. Wayland's book on “ The Principles and Practices of the Baptists,” is one of sterling value, and if will be made now all the more interesting and valuable, by Mr. Hinton's introduction which comtains Mr. Hinton's own views on many topics of denominational importance,-views formed after perhaps a more lengthened and various experience than that of any other Baptist minister. The Selection from the Works of the late Robert Robinson " could hardly have been intrusted to better hands than those of Mr. Robinson, of Cambridge. For quaint humour, and at the same time manly and vigorous thought, few have surpassed Robert Robinson. Mr. Robinson's introduction will contain many interesting facts, bearing especially upon the close of Robert Robinson's bee Of Dr. Evans's fitness to write on “ The Early History of the Baptists,” it is not necessary to speas except to say that, in this volume, he will give the results of the researches of a lifetime. The " moir of Mrs. S. B. Judson,” which Dr. Angus has consented to edit, is one of deep interest. may mention that the second year's issue will include a portion of the works of Dr. Williams, New York, which Dr. Angus has engaged to edit; also a volume, which is expected to be one of dee! interest, consisting of selections from the most eminent Welsh Baptist writers and preachers, and another volume will be edited by Dr, Steane. Four volumes are to be published yearly. subscription for the four volumes will be only Twelve Shillings and Sixpence. We hope the our readers who feel an interest in the project, will aid it by sending their names at once to the pus lishers, as subscribers for the first year.

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