Sidor som bilder

(b) Eph. v. 22-24; Col. iii. 18; 1 Pet. iii. 1, 5. (c) Prov. xix. 13; xxi. 9, 19; 1 Pet. iii. 4.

(d) 1 Tim. iii. 11; ii. 8—10; 1 Pet. iii. 3. (e) Eph. v. 33; 1 Pet. iii. 2.

(f) Prov. xii. 4; 1 Pet. iii. 2; Prov. xxxi. 10, 11.

(g) Tit. ii. 5; Prov. xix. 14.

(h) Tit. ii. 4.

(i) Prov. xxxi. 10–31.

(g) Luke vi. 27, 28; Matt. v. 44—48; Ps. cix. 3—5; xxxv. 12-15; Ex. xxiii. 4, 5; Prov. xxv. 21, 22; Rom. xii. 20, 21.

Q. 354. What opposite vices are prohibited in thi duty?

A. A great many might be mentioned; but the principal are the following, viz. hatred ; (a) malice and unjust anger; (b) envy; (c) contempt; (d) treachery; (e) revenge; (f) and the like; together with theft, murder, adultery, fornication, and covetousness.*

(a) Prov xv. 17; 1 John ii. 9; iii. 10—15; iv. 20; Tit. iii. 3.

(b) Tit. iii. 3; Col. iii. 8; Matt. v. 22; Eph. iv. 26; Ecc. vii. 9; Prov. xxix. 22.

(c) Ps. xxxvii. 1; James iii. 14–18; iv. 5; Gal. v. 26: Rom. i.29; 1 Pet. ii. 1, 2; Job v. 2; Prov. xiv. 30.

(d) Matt. xviii. 10.

(e) Ps. xli. 9; lv. 12, 13, 21; Mark xiii. 12: Matt. xxvi. 24; xxvii. 4; Acts vii. 52; Jer. ix. 2, 4; Mal. ii. 15, 16.

(f) Rom. xii. 14, 17, 19; James ii. 13;

xx. 22; xxiv. 29; Matt. v. 38-40.

Lev. xix. 18; Prov.

Q, 355. Are there not some other duties of a social nature, of equal importance with those you have already mentioned?

* It has not been deemed necessary to refer to any passages of Scripture upon these latter points; it being supposed that, from the previous study of the Decalogue, wherein these gross abominations are expressly named, the learner is already sufficiently instructed in his duty respecting them. Here also, the references to Scripture being so numerous, it has been deemed better to leave the reader to turn to the original texts, which are promiscuously arranged, than to transcribe any of them.

A. Yes; all those duties, which relate to THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TONGUE, are of this nature, and of the greatest importance to be observed.

Q. 356. What are those duties respecting the government of the Tongue, which the Scriptures enjoin?

A. These are sometimes stated generally, (a) and sometimes particularly and those of the latter are principally the following, viz. truth; (b) edification ;(c) exhortation; (d) instruction ; (e) and rebuke. (ƒ)

(a) Job vi. 25; Prov. xvi. 23, 24; xviii. 4; xv. 2, 4; x. 11, 13, 20, 31, 32; xxv. 15; James iii. 13; Ps. xxxix. 1; Matt. xv. 10-20; xii. 34-37.

(b) Ps. xv. 1, 2; Prov. viii. 7; xii. 17, 19; Jer. ix. 5; Eph. iv. 25.

(c) Ps. lxxi. 23, 24; xlix. 3; Col. iv. 6; Prov. xii. 18; xv. 23; x. 20; Eph. iv. 29; 1 Thess. v. 11.

(d) Heb. iii. 13; x. 25; Col. iii. 16; Acts xi. 23; Gal. vi. 1; 1 Thess. ii. 11, 12; iv. 18; Tit. i. 9.

(e) Col. iii. 16; 1 Thess. v. 14; 2 Tim. iii. 16; Prov. xvi. 24.

(f) Lev. xix. 17; Luke xvii. 3; Tim. v. 20; 2 Tim. iv. 2; Tit. i. 13; ii. 15; Prov. xxviii. 23; xxvii. 5, 6, vi. 23; xxv. 12; ix. 8.

Q. 357. What are those sins respecting the government of the Tongue, from which the Scriptures command us to abstain ?

A. These are sometimes stated generally; (x) but there are also many of this nature which are particularly specified, of which the following are the principal: viz. lying, falsehood, and perjury; (a) deceit, treachery, and hypocrisy ; (b) calumny, and flattery; (c) slander, backbiting, talebearing, whispering, evil

(g) Luke vi. 27, 28; Matt. v. 44—48; Ps. cix. 3—5; xxxv. 12-15; Ex. xxiii. 4, 5; Prov. xxv. 21, 22; Rom. xii. 20, 21.

Q. 354. What opposite vices are prohibited in thi duty ?

A. A great many might be mentioned; but the principal are the following, viz. hatred ; (a) malice and unjust anger; (b) envy; (c) contempt; (d) treachery; (e) revenge; (f) and the like; together with theft, murder, adultery, fornication, and covetousness.*

(a) Prov xv. 17; 1 John ii. 9; iii. 10—15; iv. 20; Tit. iii. 3.

(b) Tit. iii. 3; Col. iii. 8; Matt. v. 22; Eph. iv. 26; Ecc. vii. 9; Prov. xxix. 22.

(c) Ps. xxxvii. 1; James iii. 14—18; iv. 5; Gal. v. 26: Rom. i.29; 1 Pet. ii. 1, 2; Job v. 2; Prov. xiv. 30.

(d) Matt. xviii. 10.

(e) Ps. xli. 9; lv. 12, 13, 21; Mark xiii. 12: Matt. xxvi. 24;
xxvii. 4; Acts vii. 52; Jer. ix. 2, 4; Mal. ii. 15, 16.
(f) Rom. xii. 14, 17, 19; James ii. 13; Lev. xix. 18; Prov.
xx. 22; xxiv. 29; Matt. v. 38-40.

Q. 355. Are there not some other duties of a social nature, of equal importance with those you have already mentioned?

* It has not been deemed necessary to refer to any passages of Scripture upon these latter points; it being supposed that, from the previous study of the Decalogue, wherein these gross abominations are expressly named, the learner is already sufficiently instructed in his duty respecting them. Here also, the references to Scripture being so numerous, it has been deemed better to leave the reader to turn to the original texts, which are promiscuously arranged, than to transcribe any of them.

A. Yes; all those duties, which relate to THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TONGUE, are of this nature, and of the greatest importance to be observed.

Q. 356. What are those duties respecting the government of the Tongue, which the Scriptures enjoin ?

A. These are sometimes stated generally, (a) and sometimes particularly: and those of the latter are principally the following, viz. truth; (b) edification ;(c) exhortation; (d) instruction ; (e) and rebuke. (ƒ)

(a) Job vi. 25; Prov. xvi. 23, 24; xviii. 4; xv. 2, 4; x. 11, 13, 20, 31, 32; xxv. 15; James iii. 13; Ps. xxxix. 1; Matt. xv. 10-20; xii. 34-37.

(b) Ps. xv. 1, 2; Prov. viii. 7; xii. 17, 19; Jer. ix. 5; Eph. iv. 25.

(c) Ps. lxxi. 23, 24; xlix. 3; Col. iv. 6; Prov. xii. 18; xv. 23; x. 20; Eph. iv. 29; 1 Thess. v. 11.

(d) Heb. iii. 13; x. 25; Col. iii. 16; Acts xi. 23; Gal. vi. 1; 1 Thess. ii. 11, 12; iv. 18; Tit. i. 9.

(e) Col. iii. 16; 1 Thess. v. 14; 2 Tim. iii. 16; Prov. xvi. 24.


(ƒ) Lev. xix. 17; Luke xvii. 3; 1 Tim. v. 20; 2 Tim. iv. Tit. i. 13; ii. 15; Prov. xxviii. 23; xxvii. 5, 6; vi. 23; xxv. 12; ix. 8.

Q. 357. What are those sins respecting the government of the Tongue, from which the Scriptures command us to abstain?

A. These are sometimes stated generally; (x) but there are also many of this nature which are particularly specified, of which the following are the principal: viz. lying, falsehood, and perjury; (a) deceit, treachery, and hypocrisy ; (b) calumny, and flattery; (c) slander, backbiting, talebearing, whispering, evil

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