And brought me garlands, Griffith, which I feel Assuredly. Grif. I am most joyful, madam, such good dreams Possess your fancy. Kath. Bid the music leave; They're harsh and heavy to me. Pat. [Aside to GRIF.] [Music ceases. Do you note How much her grace is alter'd on the sudden? How long her face is drawn? how pale she looks, And of an earthy colour? Mark her eyes! Grif. [Aside to PAT.] She's going, wench: pray, pray. Pat. [Aside to GRIF.] Heaven comfort her! Knowing she will not lose her wonted greatness, To use so rude behaviour: go to, kneel. Mess. I humbly do entreat your highness' pardon; My haste made me unmannerly. There's staying A gentleman, sent from the king, to see you. Kath. Admit him entrance, Griffith: but this fellow Let me ne'er see again. [Exeunt GRIFFITH and Messenger. Re-enter GRIFFITH, with ÇAPUCIUS. If my sight fail not, You should be lord ambassador from th' emperor, My royal nephew, and your name Capucius. The times and titles now are alter'd strangely With me since first you knew me. Cap. O my lord, But, I pray you, Noble lady, First, mine own service to your grace; the next, Who grieves much for your weakness, and by me Sends you his princely commendations, And heartily entreats you take good comfort. Kath. O my good lord, that comfort comes too late ; 'Tis like a pardon after execution : That gentle physic, given in time, had cur'd me; But now I'm past all comforts here, but prayers. How does his highness? Cap. Madam, in good health. Kath. So may he ever do! and ever flourish, When I shall dwell with worms, and my poor name Banish'd the kingdom!- Patience, is that letter, I caus'd you write, yet sent away? Pat. No, madam. [Giving it to KATHARINE. Kath. Sir, I most humbly pray you to deliver This to my lord the king ; Cap. Most willing, madam. Kath. In which I have commended to his goodness These are the whole contents :-and, good my lord, As you wish Christian peace to souls departed, Cap. By heaven, I will, Or let me lose the fashion of a man! Kath. I thank you, honest lord. In all humility unto his highness : Say his long trouble now is passing Remember me Out of this world; tell him, in death I bless'd him, Call in more women.-When I'm dead, good wench, Then lay me forth: although unqueen'd, yet like I can no more. THE END Printed by R. & R. CLARK, LIMITED, Edinburgh. [She dies. MACMILLAN AND CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. THE CAMBRIDGE SHAKESPEARE. A New and Revised Edition. Edited by W. ALDIS WRIGHT, M.A., LL.D. 9 vols. 8vo. 10s. 6d. each. EDITION DE LUXE. 40 vols. 6s. per vol. net. (Supplied only in sets.) THE GLOBE EDITION. Edited by WILLIAM GEORGE CLARK and WILLIAM ALDIS WRIGHT. Globe 8vo. 3s. 6d. An Edition printed on India Paper. Crown 8vo. THE VICTORIA EDITION. 10s. 6d. net. In 3 3 vols. Vol. I. COMEDIES. 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