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I shall see him face to face he der emotions which keep the heart will never leave me nor forsake me alive to its most valuable sensibilia

he is the same, and changes not. ties. To check them, serves but Dear Sir, God bless you."

to harden the mind, and close the The child suddenly rose up, avenues which lead to the sources with an unexpected exertion, of our best principles of action. threw her livid wasted arms around Jesus himself wept over the foreme, as I sat on the bedside, laid seen sorrows of Jerusalem. He' her head on my shoulder, and said wept also at the grave of his friend distinctly, “ God bless and reward Lazarus. Such an example con you--give thanks for me to Him secrates the tear of affection, while

my soul is saved-Christ is it teaches us, “ concerning them every thing to me. Sir, we shall which are asleep, not to sorrow, meet in heaven, shall we not ?-0 as those which have no hope.” yes, yes-then all will be peace I soon fell into meditation on peace-peace.

the mysterious subject of the flight She sünk back on the bed, and of a soul from this world to that spoke no more-fetched a deep of departed spirits. sigh--smiled and died.

" Swifter than an arrow from At this affecting moment the the bow, or than the rays of light first rays of the morning sun dart from the sun, has this child's spi. ed into the room, and filled my rit hastened, in obedience to its imagination with the significant summons from God, to appear in emblem of “ the tender mercy of his immediate presence. How soGod, whereby the dayspring from lemn a truth is this for universal, on high hath visited us, to give consideration! But, “washed in light to them that sit in darkness the blood of the Lamb that was and in the shadow of death, to slain,' and happily made partaker guide our feet into the way of of its purifying efficacy, she meets peace.”

her welcome at the throne of God. It was a beam of light, that She has nothing to fear from the seemed at once to describe the frowns of divine justice. Sin, glorious change which her soul death, and hell, are all vanquished had now already experienced ; through the power of Him who and, at the same time, to shed the hath made her more than conquerpromised consolations of hope over or. He will himself present her the minds of those who witnessed to his Father, as one of the purher departure.

chased lambs of his flock-as one This was an incident obviously whom the Spirit of God has arising from a natural cause; but sealed unto the day of redempone which irresistibly connected tion.' itself with the spiritual circum- “What a change for her! from stances of the case.

that poor tattered chamber to the For some time I remained sin regions of Paradise! from a bed lently gazing on the breathless of straw to the bosom of Abracorpse, and could hardly persuade ham! from poverty, sickness, and myself that Jane was indeed no pain, to eternal riches, health, and longer there...

joy! from the condition of a deAs I returned homeward, I found cayed weary pilgrim in this valley it difficult to repress the strong of tears, to that of a happy trafeelings of affection, which such a veller safely arrived at home, in scene had excited. Neither did I the rest that remaineth to the wish it.' Religion, reason, and ex- people of God! perience, rather bid us indulge, in “I have lost a young disciple, due place and season, those ten- endeared to me by a truly parental


past evente service (MAY,

The Young Cottager. tie. Yet how can I complain of grave, during the service, I conthat as lost, which God has found? nected past events, which had ocHer willing and welcome voice no curred in the churchyard, with longer seeks or imparts instruction the present. In this spot Jane here. But it is far better employ. first learned the value of that Gosed. The angels, who rejoiced pel which saved her soul. Not over her when her soul first turned many yards from her own burialto God, who watched the progress place, was the epitaph which has of her short pilgrimage, and who already been described as the first have now carried her triumphantly means of affecting her mind with to the heavenly hills, have already serious and solemn conviction. It taught her to join

seemed to stand at this moment as * In holy song, their own immortal strains.

per a peculiar witness for those truths

which its lines proclaimed to every Why then should I mourn ? The passing reader. Such an associa.. whole prospect, as it concerns her, tion of objects produced a poweris filled with joy and immortality. ful effect on my thoughts. • Death is swallowed up in vic- The evening was serene--notory',"

thing occurred to interrupt the As I looked upon the dew-drops quiet solemnity of the occasion. which rested on the grass and **Peace” was the last word little hung from the branches of the Jane uttered, while living; and trees, I observed that the sun's . peace seemed to be inscribed on rays first filled them with beautiful the farewell scene at the grave, and varied colours, then dried where she was laid. A grateful them up, and they were seen no remembrance of that peace revives longer.

in my own mind, as I write these Thus it was with myself. The memorials of it; and O! may that tears which I neither would nor peace which passeth all undercould restrain, when I first began standing be in its most perfect exe thus to reflect on the image of the ercise, when I shall meet her again dying chamber of little Jane, were at the last day. speedily brightened by the vivid Attachment to the spot where sunshine of hope and confidence. this young Christian lay, induced They then gradually yielded to me to plant a yew-tree, close by the influence of that divine prin- the head of her grave, adjoining ciple which shall finally wipe the the eastern wall of the church. Į tear from every eye, and banish designed it as an evergreen monuall sorrow and sighing for ever- ment of one who was dear to memore.

mory. The young plant appeared On the fourth day from thence, healthy for a while, and promised Jane was buried. I had never be- by its outward vigour long to refore committed a parishioner to tain its station. But it withered the ground with similar affections. Soon afterwards, and, like the The attendants were not many, child whose grave it pointed out but I was glad to perceive among to notice, early faded away and them some of the children who died. had been accustomed to receive The yew-tree proved a frail my weekly private instruction and short-lived monument. But a along with her.

more lasting one dwells in my own I wished that the scene might heart. And perhaps this narrausefully impress their young hearts, tive may be permitted to transmit and that God would bless it to her memory to other generations, their edification.

when the hand and heart of the As I stood at the head of the writer shall be cold in the dust,

Perchance some, into whose piety! It is one of the most inte hands these pages may fall, will resting employments of the Chrisbe led to cultivate their spiritual tian Minister to search out these young plants with increased hope spiritual lilies of the valley, whose of success, in so arduous an en- beauty and fragrance are nearly deavour. May the tender blos- concealed in their shady retreats. soms reward their care, and bring To rear the flower, to assist in. forth early and acceptable fruit ! unfolding its excellencies, and · Some, who have perhaps been bring forth its fruit in due season, accustomed to undervalue the chą. is a work that delightfully recomracter of very youthful religion, penses the toil of the cultivator.. may hereby see that the Lord of While he is occupied in this grace and glory is not limited in grateful task of labouring in his the exercise of his power by age heavenly Master's garden, some or circumstance. It sometimes blight, some tempest may chance appears in the displays of God's to take away a favourite young love to sinners, as it does in the blossom, in a premature stage of manifestation of his works in the its growth, heavens, that the least of the pla. If such a case should befall nets moves in the nearest course him, he will then perhaps, as I to the sun; and there enjoys the have often done, when standing in most powerful influence of his pensive recollection at little Jane's light, heat, and attraction. grave, make an application of

The story of this Young Cot- these lines, which are inscribed on tager involves a clear evidence of a gravestone erected in the same the freeness of the operations of churchyard, and say, divine grace on the heart of man;

« This lovely bud, so young and fair, of the inseparable connexion be

Call'd hence by early doom, tween true faith and holiness of Just came to show how sweet a flower disposition; and of the simplicity In Paradise would bloom.” of character which a real love of . .

1 SIMPLEX *. Christ transfuses into the soul.

How many of the household of * The Rev. Legh Richmond has just faith, in every age,

published a volume, neatly printed in 12mos.

containing the foregoing narrative of the ** Alike unknown to fortune and to fame,” Young Cottager complete ; together with

“ The Dairyman's Daughter," conwiderably have journeyed and are now tra

enlarged; and “ The Negro Servant." velling to their “ city of habita- The volume is entitled, “ Annals of the tion," through the paths of modest Poor." obscurity and almost unbeeded


UN HOPE. BY A YOUTH OF FIFTEEN. 0! wħat dispels dark gloomy fear? What wipes away the flowing tear ? What makes the drooping soul to soar When earthly charms delight no more? 'Tis Hope, that anchor of the mind; "Tis Hope, that gentle goddess kind, Let trouble dread assault my heart, Yea, let me feel grim sorrow's smart ;

Let death exert its bitter pangs,
Touch e'en the thread on which life hangs;
On Hope's fair wings I'll soar sublime,
Forget the pains of fate and time,
Smile at the storm that round me llows,
Defy the arts of all my focs;
I'll wrap me round with Hope's fair resto
'Tis Hupe shall shield my trembling breast

H. M.

SACRAMENTAL MEDITATION. BY therefore, now I am going to de. · THE REV. MOSES BROWNE. dicate myself afresh to thee. I

own, Lord, I have broken my Sunday, March 7, 1730-1. former vows too often, and might O my soul, look up to Jesus, fear thou shouldst now refuse whose love, whose unequalled suf- them; but thou hast bid us draw ferings and death, thou art now nigh to thee, in full assurance of going to commemorate! See faith, and I come, Lord, at thy Him who has shed his blood for command. I make this day a cothee, and ascend by faith up into' venant with thee, that I hope shall that glory where he dwells and never be forgotten. I devote myreigns! Behold him, thy Sacri- self afresh to thy service. I refice, thy Mediator, pleading in ceive the Lord Jesus Christ as my thy cause before the Father! See King and my Lord. I receive him him exalted at his right hand, hav- in all his offices and benefits, and ing received all power, and domi- I do devote myself by this sacranion, and majesty, that he might ment to be his faithful servant as become head over all things to his long as I live. So help me God. church! And what hast thou, Amen.

Moses BROWNE. then, to fear, to dismay thee, O my africted soul? Art thou trou. I have found Him whom my soul bled with the weight of thy sins ? loveth, though I feared he would -Behold here a propitiation--the revisit me no more. Come, Holy blood of Jesus cleanseth from all Ghost, into thy temple, and dwell iniquity. Art thou tempted ?- there; purge what sin had defiled Behold here thy Deliverer. Art visit me ever with that love which thou under darkness ?-Here is has been manifested to me in a the Light of the world to guide crucified Saviour--thy bleeding, thee, Commit thyself to him in thy unspeakable love, my Jesus, well-doing, as to a faithful Crea- my King, which I have now been tor and most merciful Redeemer. beholding at thy table—which I Though all the powers of hell have been receiving by faith conspire against thee, though which I am desirous to retain a thou hast a rebellious nature, and lively relish of under every transart exposed to the snares of a de- action and trial of life, and te ceitful world and flesh, trust in hảve a full communication of in Him who is both able and willing tlay kingdom and glory. to save to the uttermost all that come unto him. His grace will. . be sufficient for thee; build thy house upon this Rock, and let the

AWFUL WARNING. rain descend, the floods rise, and To the Editor of the Christian the winds beat ever so violently,

Guardian. it shall nct fall. Jesus, I am thine; REV. Sir, thine, dearest Saviour, in body, · Or the authenticity of the folsoul, and spirit! I desire to sub- lowing relation you need entermit all into thy hands; to be taught tain no doubt : and in the hope by thee, governed by thee, saved that it may catch the eye of some by thee in thine own way, and to inconsiderate female, who may be suffer with thee, that I may rejoice treading on the confines of such a svith thee. Affliction, losses, pover, conduct, I request the insertion of ty, contempt, every affliction of it in your useful publication. body and mind, shall be patiently :: I am, Sir, submitted to, as it comes from

Your constant reader, thee! 0! be present with me,


B C - , house, for the inspection of a coin Hampshire, who was living in roner's inquest. The wife and the service at Winchester, was curling sister of the deceased soon arrived her hair, and could not adjust it to see the body, and the reader exactly as she wished. For this may judge of their feelings. It is slight cause she uttered the horrid a fact no less singular than true, blasphemy of saying, “ D- the that the deceased, half an hour hair, and those that made it.” She before his death, had said, “ The instantly fell down dead!!! last time I was here I said, If ever TAKE HEED.

· I attended the pit again, i hoped I

should die there.” The unfortna

nate man was opulent, and be-' SUDDEN DEATH.

tween fifty and sixty.-Extracted A MELANCHOLY event occurred from the Morning Chronicle, Feb. yesterday evening, between seven 19th, 1814. , and eight o'clock, at the Cock-pit, St.Giles's. While preparations were MR. EDITOR, making for the setting-to of the The circumstance recorded cocks, a Mr. Thorpe, from the coun- above is of such an awful nature, try, a well-known respectable cha- that it cannot fail to impress your racter, had taken his seat in front of readers with serious thoughts rethe pit, and, not two minutes before specting the uncertainty of life. his death, had offered to back the Many other reflections, both painHuntingdon birds for ten guineas. ful and profitable, might be drawn He was observed to lean his head from the occurrence; but as they forward, and appeared somewhat must necessarily bear a close per. ill. He made a kind of moan, and sonal the individual - instantly his colour changed, and thus hurried into eternity, and - he was a corpse. Surgical aid was might severely wound the feelings

immediately procured, but the of his surviving friends, I prefer spark of life was extinct. He giving the hint to going into the died of apoplexy. The body was detail.

Yours, removed to a neighbouring public- March 7, 1814. ?: E. W.


Short Introductory Observations on which our Church 'has provided

the Collects read in the United for our public devotions be made, * Church of England and Ireland indeed, the language of our under on the several Sundays of the standings ånd of our hearts, we Year, &c. By John Withering- 'should then perform an acceptable ton Peers, L.L.D. Rector of service to the Lord :, then, to use Mordon, Surry, &c. pp. 163, the metaphor of the Psalmist, Price 2s.6d. Seeley, London. would " our prayer,” on each oc

casion of public worship, “be set It is always with pleasure that ‘forth before Him as incense, and we view any attempts to call the the lifting up of our hands as the attention of our people to the con- evening sacrifice.” tents of their Common Prayer, The Collects for the several Book. And could the language Sundays and Festivals of the year,


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