Sidor som bilder

are a remarkable part of our Li- son of the civil year. And we pray · turgy, blending with a pleasing God that that Sun of Righteous

variety the uniformity of our daily ness whose progress they have · confessions, supplications, and in- been this Easter tracing, may tercessions. We have, moreover, shine with increasing brightness

ever regarded it as a master-stroke upon their souls ; and that that ... of sound policy, in the first teach- gracious influence of which Whit

' ers of Christianity (if indeed it suntide will ere long remind them, · was of human institution), to may come down in copious show

make the returning seasons of the ers upon them out of heaven: · year, as it were, the preachers that the voice of One fairer than · of the everlasting Gospel: that, the sons of men may invite them

from associations not easily to be to the enjoyments of a better lost sight of by the most careless, spring than that which now gladChristmas should be made to pro- dens the creation around us.-claim, It was at this time the in- « Rise up, my love, my fair one, carnate God was born a babe in and come away. For, lo! the : Bethlehem: that another season winter is past, the rain is over

should retrace in the grateful me- and gone; the flowers appear on . mories of his redeemed people the the earth ; the time of the singing - passion and cross of their dying of birds is come, and the voice of

Saviour; another celebrate his the turtle is heard in our land. glorious resurrection and ascen- The fig-tree putteth forth her sion; and another, the out-pour- green figs, and the vines with the ing of the Holy Spirit of promise: tender grape give a good smell. and then, again, after a long in- Arise, my love, my fair one, and terval, distinguished by the name come away *". of the Undivided Trinity (emble- To bring our readers acquaintmatical of the immerging of time ed with Dr. Peers, we will traninto eternity, and the “ delivering scribe his Chapter on the Collect up of the Redeemer's kingdom for Easter Day, being that to unto God, even the Father”), the which their attention has been circling seasons should again most recently called,, “ take up the wondrous theme !"

EASTER DAY. · How fully sensible the enemies of The Lord is risen indeed.-Luke, xxiv. 34. Christianity were to the obstacle

The resurrection of Jesus Christ affords

good ground for hope unto all his believing which the Christian ecclesiastical

people. “ Now is Christ risen from the calendar formed to the accomplish- dead,” says the Apostle, “ and become the ment of their favourite project, first fruits of them that slept.” Since the the propagation of infidelity, ap. bouds of death could not retain their Surety, pears sufficiently plain by the mea

they may reasonably conclude these will

not be able to hold them. But why does sures they took to abolish it. No!

the fear of dying naturally pervade the huthey could not endure that the man breast ? --Because all men have sinned, very almanack should remind the and come short of the glory of God, and poor people that they had a Sa- the sin of man has armed death with a viour, and that they had any other

sting: “The sting of death is sin, and the

strength of sin is the law.” concerns besides the cultivation of

Is it any won

'der that transgressors of the Divine law the soil, the interests of trade, and should be terrified at the thought of dying, of their miserable politics! But when they are sensible their desert as sinthe readers of the Christian Guar- ners is the penal sanction of the law, even dian, we trust, are accustomed to eternal death; and when they consider it is mark the divisions of the ecclesi

Í appointed unto inen once to die, and after

that the judgment ? Is there not, howastical year with greater interestev

rest ever, a way to escape the wrath to come ? than those divisions that mark the return of even this delightful sea. . * Solomon's Song, ii. 10--13.

Is there not a Redeemer from the storins of ceed from God. They are convinced that an accusing conscience, and of a condemn- tirese exist in them only through God's speing law!--There is :, God, through his cial grace. How do they speak?" We only-begotten Son, hath overcome death. have no power to do good works without Christ, the Son of God, Immanuel, died the grace of God, by Christ, prerenting as, to conquer death; and by his dying under that we may have a good will, and working the law, hath overcome death, and him with us when we have that good will." that had the power of death, that is, the Hence they humbly pray God, both to put devil. Christ also rose from the dead, and into their minds good desires, and to help ascended into heaven, leading captivity cap- them by his grace to bring these desires tive. He hath opened the kingdoin of into effect. Have I become, through the heaven to all believers : he hath opened the teaching of God, wise in the knowledge of gate of everlasting life. Through him myself? Has he revealed to me Christ, the there is an entrance into that covenant conqueror of death and Satan, who hath which is ordered and sure, and an admis- taken out the sting of death for me? How sion to his kingdom of glory: “ I am the anxious should I be, under a sense of such door ; by me, if any man enter in, he shall great mercy, to be walking before God in be saved: he that believeth on the Son of holiness and righteousness, to be serving God hath everlasting life;'- to him there Him who has opened to me the gate of everis no condemnation. The sin of man was lasting life! While, in expectation of vice, the bar to everlasting life: Christ remov- : tory and triumph, I sing, “ Thanks be to ed it by becoming obedient unto death, God that giveth me the victory, through even the death upon the cross : “ Behold Jesus Christ,” shall I not continually pray the Lamb of God, which taketh away the that I may in all things be walking worthy sin of the world.” Believers, then, in of that vocation wherewith I am called ? Christ, may look forward to an eternal shall I not, sensible of my weakness and world without apprehension. The gate of remaining ignorance, supplicate further ineverlasting life, instead of being barred struction, and supplies of grace and strength, against them, stands open to admit them: out of that fulness which there is in Christ they are privileged, through the Lord Jesus Jesus, “ that I may waik worthy of the Christ, with a hope full of immortality and Lord unto all pleasing; being fruitful in glory. But it is incumbent upon those every good work, and increasing in the persons who entertain this hope, to live in knowledge of God.” a manner correspondent to it. Their con- Almighty God, who, through thine only

versation should be in heaven. If they begotten Son, Jesus Christ, hast overcome · have risen with Christ, they should seek death, and opened to us the gate of ever.,

those things which are above, where Christ lasting life, we humbly beseech thee, that sitteth on the right hand of God. They as, by thy special grace preventing us, should set their affections on things above, thou dost put into our minds good desires, not on things on the earth. But they who so by thy continual help we may bring the believe in Christ their Redeemer, are alive same to good effect, through Jesus Christ to their own ignorance, weakness, and in our Lord, who liveth and reigneth, with sufficiency; hence their acknowledgment Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever ons God, that all good thoughts and desires, with world without end. Amen. the ability to bring them into action, pro




LETTER FROM THE REV. MR. ROWLAND, of the liberty of signifying my intention of

NEWFOUNDLAND, AND HIS ADDRESS TO sending to your care an Account of the THE RELIGIOUS PUBLIC.

State of Religion in this Island, to be in-'

serted, if approved of, in some of the prinSaint John's, Newfoundland,.cipal periodical publications, such as the MADAM, Dec. 23, 1813.

British Critic, the Christian Observer, and I had the honour of addressing a letter the Christian Guardian. to you by the Bellerophon, in which I took As I have never written any thing to

meet the eye of the public, and have no scattered along the sinuous and extensive ambition to appear in print, I should feel coast, literally as sheep without a shep. greatly obliged to any gentleman that would herd. The most populous of the out-hartake the pains to correct or new-model the bours are principally, and some exclusively, accompanying paper.

Protestant. The name avails them nothing, - I have the honour to be, i as long as they never see a Minister. There Madam,

are but three Slergymen of the church of Your much obliged,

England in the island. To the southward Faithful humble servant, of St. John's, there is not a Protestant Mi

DAVID ROWLAND. nister of any denomination. Many of the The Hon. Mrs. Grey.

natives are far advanced in years, without ever having been admitted within the pale

of the Christian church by baptism. The Come over and help us. Acts, xvi. 9. Bible is to them a sealed book. The churchWhile the benevolence of the British going bell never summons them to the public, like the glorious orb of day, sheds house of prayer : the joyful sound of the its enlightening and enlivening rays on the Gospel never saluted their ears. - extremities of the habitable globe, it is to They have repeatedly expressed an be lamented that its genial warmth has anxious wish to have clergymen among been but partially felt on the dreary coast' them. They know not how nor whom to. of Newfoundland, which is not only en- apply to. In their name and on their beveloped in perpetual fog, but is also covered half, I call on the clergy of the church of , with darkness worse than Egyptian.

England, and conjure some of them to The exertions that are making for the “come over and help us." The passage conversion of Pagans, are contemplated is short; the climate, though cold, is with heart-felt pleasure by all sincere Chris- healthy. The harvest is great, the la- ;

tians; and when they view, with the eyes bourers are very few. The pleasure arising i of their mind, the copious streams of the - from a consciousness of extensive useful

river that makes glad the city of God, over- ness; the satisfaction experienced in preach-, flowing the parched deserts of Africa, and ing the Gospel to those who have never the beams of the Sun of righteousness im heard the word of God, will compensate : parting light and life eternal to the inhabit for the sacrifices they shall have made, and ants of the ice-bound shores of Greenland, the privations they must submit to. Two their feelings are indescribable.

old-established missions, Ferryland and But we ask, why is Newfoundland neg. Placentia, are vacant; at the latter is a lected? why the blessings of the Gospel beautiful church, in which divine service are not extended to this part of the British has not been performed for many years : , empire ? To convert the heathens to Chris- the salary is 1501. per annum, besides fees + tianity, is a work transcending in glory the' and voluntary contributions: as the planta achievements of the greatest heroes; but it ers are growing very rich, it is to be hoped is a duty equally imperative to prevent that they would cheerfully devote a portion Christians from relapsing into heathenism, of their wealth to the support of a regular which must be the case here if not timely ministry. However, as no great depend-, obviated.

ence can be placed on, so precarious and Our situation is not generally known at fluctuating a provision, Government will, home. The good people of England are no doubt, augment the salaries. better acquainted with the state of religion All the necessaries of life are excessively in Otaheite and the islands of the Pacific dear here; much more so, than in any Ocean. I have turned my attention for other part of British North America. some years to this subject, and spared no There are ten or twelve Roman Catholic pains to obtain correct information of the priests in the island, with a bishop and actual state of religion throughout Nelle vicar apostolic at their head; who, with a foundland, and find it to be truly deplor zeal worthy of emulation, visit every cove, able. I am determined to remain no longer creek, and every inhabited spot, and make

silent spectator, while so many are a great many converts. There should be “ perishing for lack of knowledge.” I beg at least two itinerant or auxiliary clergyleave to communicate the following parti men, appointed to visit settlements that culars.

are remote from the established missions, The means of grace are not enjoyed by wintering alternately in the most populous more than one third part of the Protestant parts. I have seen children brought the inbabitants of this country. The popula distance of sixty miles to St. John's to be tion is computed at one hundred thousand christened. soal, incitasing in a double ratio*, and Now they begin to consider themselves,

* By births, and an annual ipfiux of niether-country. The population of Saint youngsters, as they are called, from the John's 'is trebled in fourteen years



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in those distant parts, as abandoned by A Gentleman at Islington, by £. s. do their own clergy, and apply to the priests the Rev. George Burder.... 10 10 0 'for baptism. Thus a great many families A Gentleman and his Family.. 30 0 0 kre going over to the church of Rome, not Rev. Charles Simeon....... from choice, but necessity. They allege, Rev. J. Sargent.........., that it is better to be of any religion than of Rev. J. Vaughan...... none. ' May the Lord dispose the hearts of Rev. P. Johnson ..... some pious Ministers to cross the Atlantic Friends, by ditto.... to be "fishers of men" in Newfoundland! Rev. Mr. Courtney... They must possess a truly missionary Mr. Wilberforce ..... spirit. They should be ready at all times Mr. Z. Macaulay. ........... to preach the Gospel, when arkd wherever Contributions, by a Friend to they can assemble a congregation of fisher- Negro Children..... ... 4 0 0 men. They will have to preach to that A Lady......

... 0 5 6 description of people among whom our A Friend....

1 1 0 Lord `commenced his ministry: I have Miss Browns, Leeds ... ... 2 20 seen them leaving their occupations in the busiest season, and at the shortest notice,

£115 18 6 to attend divine service. When a clergyman came to visit them, they joined with much apparent devotion, and departed with CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE RELIEF OF THE evident signs of pleasure and gratitude in MISSIONS OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. their 'looks. Whoever feels an inclination to under

With the most sincere and cordial take a mission to this colony, should be

thanks we acknowledge the receipt of the

following additional Contributions towards prepared to meet, not with persecution,

the support of the Missions of the United but with discouragement and difficulties. His zeal. must be ardent; his heart must

Brethren, since the last report in the Chrisbe actuated by the love of Christ, and com

tian Guardian of April, and pray God abunpassion for the precious souls that would

dantly to bless and reward our kind beneotherwise perish; and with a single eye to

factors for their continued liberality to the glory of God and the reward reserved

wards us. for those who turn many unto righteousness.

C. I. LATROBE, Secretary, When the late worthy missionary of St.

10, Nevil's Court, Fetter Lane. John's made a ministerial excursion to

J. L. WOLLIN, Treasurer, some of the out-ports, he baptized, in a

5, St. Andrew's Court, Holborn.. few weeks, 175 : at a place called Lame. The sums marked with an asterisk are des : lin he baptized 75, che third of whom

tined for the relief of the sufferers at were adults, and many of them very old. Moscow, mentioned in the Appeal. He was the first clergyman the majority of them ever saw, and the only one who had

£. 8. d. A Missinnery A Missionary Association


at ever been in the place,

Clapham, by the Rev. J. Phi

lipp.................... 10 2 6

A few Friends at Cambridge, by When the religious and moral state of our W. W. Carus Wilson, Esq.

Negroes in the West India Islands is Casterton Hall........... 35 0 0 considered, we are persuaded that the From Himself.............. 5 0 0 following sams; contributed in conse Miss Finch, Casterton, by ditto 1 0 0 quence of our appeal to the public, will Mr. Daniel Sutcliffe and Friends, be regarded with interest, and encourage Pickharen, Yorkshire....... others to aid this good cause.

Samuel Maud, Esq.......... *2 2 0'

Rev. L. Grainger, Wintringham i lo SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED TOWARDS THE T. by ditto..

0 0 ERECTION OF A SCHOOL-HOUSE IN AN- Mrs. Martinson, Barton...... 1 0 0 TIGUA, FOR THE NEGRO AND COLOUR- Mr. J. Byron, Tathwell..i... 1 i 0 ED CHILDREN. ,

A few Friends, by Rev. L.

£. $. d. Grainger............... 1 A Lady .............

.... 10 0 0 A few Baptist Friends, Tetbury *2 0 0 Dr. Kilvington, Ripon ....... 5 5 0 Collection by Miss Pearse: .... *0 13 Rev. Basil Woodd ..........

0 E. B. Fripp, Esq. Bristol ..... 3 3 0 Hon. C. N. Noel......... ..

5 00 Mr. James Cummings, Welling Mr. Stevens ....iii........ 1 1 0 ton Place, Cork .......... 1 0 0 Friends, by Rev. John Griffin . 5 10 6 J. F. by Mr. Edgecumbe, BrisMissionary Society ......... 21


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a Friend

£. $. d.

£. s. d. Mr. James Mees, Bristol .,... 1 0 Jon. Scott, Esc. Barh ....... 9 @ 0 Mr. Frye .................. 1 0 Contribution from the DissentRev. Dr. Ryland ............ 1 0 0 ing Congregation at Cork, by $. Edwards, sen. ........... 1 0 0 Rev. Dr. Fleming ......... 2 18 -- Heath, Esq. Bristol .... 100 0 Rev. John Quarry, Cork...... *1 J. H. Butterworth, Esq. ...... 2 O A few Friends, by ditto ...... *3 18 5 Joseph Butterworth, Esq. M.P. 5

G........... ..........250 0 0 Kev. Mr. Weaver, by ditto..... 1 Josiah Roberts, Esq. ........ 2 J. Lackington, Esq. Salterton,

Rev. E. Gibert ............. 600 Devon, by ditto .......... 10 0 Female Association at Bath ... 68 0 Miss Baxter, Steepstone, Ather

A Contribution from Friends at stone, by ditto ........... 5 0 0 Birmingham, by Charles Glo- . Mr. James Lean, Macelesfield. 5 O Q ver and Francis Bird, Esgs. . 130 0 €. N. Wawn, Esq. Newcastle- .

Rev. T. S. Grimshaw......... 5 $ 0 upon-Tyne .............. 2 2.0 Mr. Howard and Friends, Pressi Thomas Holy, Esq. Sheffield.. 5 0 0 ton, Lancashire .......... 10 @ · Mr. Bellingham ............ 100 Rev. Mr. Fancourt, Bletsoe... 10 Rev. William Rose .......... 5 5 0 A Friend, by Rev. Legh RichFrom the same ............. *5 5 O m ond................... 2 0 Rev. John Griffin and a few

A Friend, by Rev. A. Fuller .. 1 1 0 Friends at Portscą. ....... 12 0 0 Mr. G. Wallis, Wellingborough 1 1 0 Missionary Society at Stirling, . Rev. Joshua Mann ........... 2 2 0 : by Rev. J. Smart: .........*16 0 0 Mr. Vinsen, by Rev. Basil Mr. James Small......

Woodd ................. Mr. Jameson...............

2 0 From a Friend ............. 50 0 0 Mrs. Cadogan.............. ] 0

The following, by C. N. WAWN, Esq. The following twenty-five by Mrs. GRAY

Newcastle-upon-Tyne. at York.

Mr. William Angus ......... 1 1 0 Wm. Gray, Esq. ...... 5 5 0 Mr. G. F. Angus .....

..... 1 1. Ó Mrs. Gray........... 2 2 0 Mr. Walker ..........

O 5 0 W. Mather, Esq. ..... 8 0 0 Mr. Angus ..........

o 5 0 Rev. T. Graham ......

1 1 0 Mr. William Smith ....... By the same .........

Rev. Mr. M'Intire .....

0 10 6 J. Dodsyorth, Esq. ....

O'A Lady from Alnwick ......., Rer. William Richardson

- Craston, Esq. per Mr. Mrs. Richardson...

0 Batson Rev. W. Stillingfleet...

O Mr. Linley ....... ......... Mrs. Terry .......

5 0 W. Batson, Esq. ........... A. Thorpe, Esq.....

0 W. S. Batson, Esq. ......... 3 3 Q W. Gimber, Esq.....

3 3 0 Tho. Bates, Esq. Hatton Castle 5. 5 0 Mr. Crosby ............

2 0 Collection at the New Chapel, Mrs. Crosby ..............

by Rev. W. Atherton; transMiss Cath. Place............ i 10 mitted by C. N. Wawn, Esq. 38 48 Mrs. Robinson ...........

1 1

George Simcox, Esq. Birmingham 5 0 0 Mis, A. Hudson ..........

1 1 0

The Rev. Josiah Pratt ....... 100 Mrs. and Miss Grainger ....

H. H. by ditto ............. ļ0 0 Mrs. Belwood............

.. 0 10 6

Essex Bowen, Esq. by ditte ... 5 0 Mr. Lund ................. 1 0 0

Two Friends, by ditto ....... 2 2 Anonymous, by Mrs. Gray. ... 1

Messrs. Bignold and BickerRev. J. Dallin.............. 1

steth, Norwich, by ditto ... 5 5 0 Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Robinson,

Mrs. King, London Street, by do. I 0.0, Executors to Mr. E. Brown.. 10 0 0 Friends, by Rev. C. Jervis, by do. 3 0 0 Mrs. Scott.....

Association of young Ladies in N. N. ....... ....... 1 0 0

London ....

..... 108 7 10 By Rev. William Hollifear....'10 0 N. N. ........ ....... 1 0 0 John Fisher Weare, Esq. Bristol 50 0 Rev. Dr. Bates, Cawston, Norfolk*3 0 0. Mrs. Clark ........

10 M. S. ........ Rev. C. Glanott, Hatherleigh,

:::::....... 800

Robert Spear, Esq. Manchester 5 0 0 Devon.................. 1 0 0 Mr. James Holt Heron, ditto . 2 0 0 Mr. George Pearse, ditto ..... 10 0 Rev. Dr. Fearon ......... ... 15 00 A. B. by William Hoare, Esq. 550 Stephen Maberley, Esq. ..... 500 A Friend, by Mr. Binns, Bath 500 Mrs. Grace Lambert ........ 10 Ditto..

5 0 Gentleman, by Mr. Hatchard ] 0 0

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