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SOUTHWARK LADIES' ASSOCIATION, IN AID ject in particular, will be faithfully appro

OF THE SOUTHWARK CHURCH MISSION- priated to the purposes of this separate ARY ASSOCIATION.

fund. Patroness-Mrs. Henry Thornton. Trea- An Address from the Ladies of the Southşarer-Miss Pinhorn. Secretaries-Mrs. wark Church Missionary Association. , , Slade, Mrs. Beales, Miss Wardale.

'When the exalted type of qur great A Code of Rules for the Government of the

Emmanuel was preparing materials for the Southwark Church Missionary Associa

erection of a temple to the honour of his 'tion of Ladies.

God, and, with beneficence that receives

increase of enjoyment from participation, 1. That this Meeting, being influenced called upon his people to take a share with by a full persuasion that the “ Church him in the honourable and delightful work, Missionary Society for Africa and the East” they gladly heard the call; they offered is decidedly attached to the doctrines and willingly to the Lord; they rejoiced in episcopal government of the United Church their offering; and adored the grace that of England and Ireland, and calculated to had imparted the ability and the will. 7 bring into action the zeal of her members in them we have an animating example. for the conversion of the heathen, do most Great indeed was their privilege to bear cordially approve of the object, constitu-, part in the erection of a temple, in which tion, and proceedings of that Society.' I God would manifest his presence and com

II. That, a Southwark Church Mission-municate his blessing : but how much ary Association having been recently form- greater is the privilege to which Christians ed, this Meeting do deem it expedient to are invited- the privilege of enlarging their annex to that Association an Association of Redeemer's kingdom, and of building up Ladies, in furtherance of the funds of the that spiritual temple whose chief cornerSouthwark Church Missionary Association, stone is laid on a suve foundation, the rock by the collection of weekly and monthly of everlasting truth! res contributions; and that the following be -To a participation in this glorious work the rules of this Association :

our Lord invites his people, when he makes . 1. That every person collecting one shil- them the instruments of sending his Gosling, or upward, a week; or five shillings, pel to distant lands; and such is the ho-... or upward, a month; be a member of this noured employ to which our venerable Association; be entitled to receive a copy Church now calls her members, when she of each Annual Report and Sermon of the addresses them through the Church MisChurch Missionary Society, and of each sionery Society. number of the Missionary Register; and Nor does she call in vain. Subjects of will have her name, together with the the Prince of Peace have stepped forth: alamount of her collections, printed, both ready they court the honour of being his in the Lists of the Association and in those heralds to the benighted nations, while of the Church Missionary Society.

Christian opulence contributes liberally in 2. That Ladies who may be induced to aid of their great designs. With the one subscribe annually One Guinea shall be en- and the other we rejoice, and pray they titled to attend all Meetings of the Associa- may abound more and more. tion, in the capacity of visitors; as well as Tut the poor in this world's goods are to have their names printed, and to receive so etimes rich in faith; they glow with - a copy of the Annual Report and Sermon. zeal to evince their loyalty and their

3. That the business of this Association to Him“ who became poor that they be conducted by a patroness, treasurer, it be rich;" and would present, if but three secretaries, and the members who the widow's mite, a free-will offering to compose it.

God. 4. That all sums collected by this Asso- To collect these humble tributes of graeiation shall be paid, after deducting ex ile would require more time than can be penses, once every quarter, to the Tren rded by those

Tool for surer of the Southwark Church Missionar Association.

5. That vacancies in any of the offices this Association be filled at the mout meetings.

III. That the committee of the Chm Missionary Society having opened a se árate fund for the establishment and supp of schools among the heathen, and +1 reign possessions of the British the contributions of such per wish to direct their benevolen

way and mout



Church of England Magazine.



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MEMOIR OF ARCIBISHOP voluntarily resigned his charge, ånd ... LEIGHTON... shortly after accepted the appoint

ment of Master of the College of Robert Leighton was the son of Edinburgh from the magistrates Alexander Leighton, a Scottish of that city. Here he devoted divine, who suffered some very himself to the duties of his office severe punishments for his attacks' with unremitting diligence, till the on Charles I. and the Church restoration of Charles II. by whom of England. The subject of he was appointed Bishop of Dun-, the present sketch was early dis. blane. In that diocese he continguished by his steady serious ducted himself with such truly ness, and by the great proficiency Christian meekness, as to conci." he made in learning during his" liate the esteem even of the most youth. On the completion of his violent opposers of episcopal go. studies he spent many years in' vernment; thus, literally, expe-' France, and, on his return, was ap-' riencing that “when a man's ways pointed parochial Minister of New- please the Lord, he maketh even battle, in the vicinity of Edin-' his enemies to be at peace with burgh, where he discharged all the him.” But, as the other Scottish functions of his office in a most bishops conducted themselves in a exemplary manner. His public far different manner, Leighton, dediscourses, which evinced an un- spairing to see that church pro. common degree of sublimity both perly established, went to London, in thought and expression, were and resigned his bishopric. The always calculated to promote the King, however, constrained him interests of true religion and prac- to accept the archbishopric of tical piety; and though, in the Glasgow, in which elevated situaopinion of some persons, he tion he again attempted to modepreached a more exact rule of life rate the violent persecutions of his than seemed consistent with hu- brethren: his efforts were to no man nature, yet “his own prac- purpose ; and, in 1673, he resigntice,” says. Bishop Burnet, 6 did. ed his archiepiscopal charge, and even outshine his doctrine.” .. retired to a private house in Sus

From such conduct he acquired sex. Here he spent the remaining the regard of all who knew him: ten years of his life in a most even those who differed from him heavenly manner, and in improvin political sentiments (for he ad- ing his works, on which a compehered to the Royal cause), could tent judge (the late learned Dr. not but reverence him. Finding, Doddridge) has made the following however, that he could not, in con,, striking remark: “ There is a spia science, fulfil the duties required rit in Archbishop Leighton I never of him by the ruling powers, he met with in any human writings CHRIST. GWARD. VOL. VI.


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nor can I read many lines in them had committed the management of without being moved. Indeed, it his affairs. The last payment he would be difficult for me to say could expect from that country where, but in the sacred oracles, was transmitted to him only six I have ever found such heart-affect- weeks before his death, so that his ing lessons of simplicity and hu- provision and his journey termimility, candour and benevolence, nated together. exalted piety without the least The following outline of this tincture of enthusiasm, and an en- apostolical prelate's character, by tire mortification to every earthly Bishop Burnet, who intimately interest, without any mixture of knew him, shall conclude the presplenetic resentment." ' ' sent sketch:

Two remarkable circumstances. He “ had the greatest elevation attended the decease of Dr. Leigh-, of soul, the largest compass of ton. He often used to say, that if knowledge, the most mortified and he were to choose a place to die heavenly disposition that I ever in, it should be an inn, as it look- saw in mortal; had the greatest ed like a pilgrim's going home, to parts as well as virtues, with the whom this world was only an inn, perfectest humility, that I ever and who was weary of the noise saw in man, and had a sublime and confusion of it. He added, strain of preaching, with so grave that the officiousness and care of a gesture, and such a majesty of friends were entanglements to a thought, and language, and prodying man, and that the uncon- nunciation, that I never saw a cerned attendance of those who wandering eye where he preached, could be procured in such a place and have seen whole assemblies would give less disturbance. He often melt in tears before him; obtained the object of his request, and of whom I can say with great dying, after two days' illness, of a truth, that in a free and frequent pleurisy, at the Bell Inn, in War. conversation with him, for above wick Lane, London. Another cir- two-and-twenty years, I never cumstance waș, that, during his knew him speak an idle word that episcopacy, he took whatever his had not a direct tendency to edi. tenants were pleased to pay him; 'fication, and I never once saw him hence there were considerable ar. in any other temper but that which rears due, which were slowly re. I wished to be in the last moments mitted by a person to whom he of my life.”


ESSAYS ON TŅE NAMES AND should I feel! what joy would

TITLES GIVEN TO OUR DIVINE spring up in my enlivened heart!"

And why not? Why are ye fear.
No. V.

ful, o ye of little faith? Let the

Divine testimony be thy rule of The Door (of the Sheep). judgment, and there will be a suf.

(Continued from Page 150.] ficient ground of faith, and of joy «OH! could I but believe," says in believing. The various blessthe fearful penitent, " what peace, ings of covenant love are made as yet a stranger to my conscience, over to faith, that it might be by

grace, and that the promise might this righteousness, thus received in be sure to all the seed. (Rom. iv. faith, we also' are justified, and 16.) “ The Lamb of God hath being justified, have peace with taken away the sin of the world :” God through Jesus Christ, have by his one offering for ever putting access into his grace, and stand eway sin, in such a manner as to therein, and rejoice in hope of his render needless all offering beside. glory. (Rom. v. 1, 2.) Were they, (Heb. x. 14-18.) " He hath then, better than we, who were redeemed us from the curse of the thus favoured ?--No, in no wise: law, being made a curse for us." read the account given by the (Gal. iii. 13.) « He is also the end Apostle of some of them (Eph. ii. of the law for righteousness to 2; and i Cor. vi. 11), and you will every one that believeth.” (Rom. see the riches of divine gracę X. 4.) And his redemption hath abounding to the chief of sinners, secured to all his people the adop- through the stoning blood of ". tion of sons; that the spirit of Christ, received by faith. What, adoption might rest upon them. then, need hinder you, O trem(Gal. iv. 4, &c.) Having, there- bling penitent, from flying to the fore, sanctified himself, that his same Saviour-trusting in the people might be sanctified by the same bleeding Sacrifice-resting truth (John, xvii.); now through on the same righteousness of thy Him' we have access by one Spirit Surety--rejoicing in the same proto the Father. (Eph. ii. 18.) We mise--and hoping for the same have boldness to enter into the ho salvation? You have the same liest by the blood of Jesus, by this ground of plea, and shall never new and living way (Heb. x. 19, plead it but with the same suc. 25); and have an inheritance cess.--Enter by the Door into the among them who are sanctified by fold, and lie down within the faith, which is in Christ Jesus. peaceful inclosure of everlasting (Acts, xxvi. 18.) These are the love... privileges of covenant mercy, en- Through this door I enter into joyed by ancient believers. The the fold of Divine protection. This patriarch Abraham, as the father is the chosen spot, the walls of of the believing seed, is held forth which are salvation, and the gates as the peculiar pattern by which of which are praise. Around this our faith is to be regulated; and favoured place Jehovah is as a wall the Apostle states it as one of the of fire, and his glory shines in the designs of the redeeming love of midst of it. The counsels, the Christ in putting away the curse, purposes, the promises of a cove" that the blessing of Abraham nant God, secure its defence, and might come on the Gentiles, guarantee his wisdom, power, and through Jesus Christ, that we love, to guard and to preserve it, (also) might receive the promise While these interpose between the of the Spirit, through faith." people of God and their enemies, (Gal. iii. 14.) He tells us likewise, they need fear no danger, but take that the same righteousạess which up the triumphant language of the was the meritorious cause of all Apostle: “ If God be for us, who his blessings, and which was the shall be against us?” “I am the grand object of his faith, “ shall door,” says the Saviour ; " by me be imputed to us, if we (like him) if any man enter in, he shall be believe on Him who raised up the saved(ver. 9): and who will gain. Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, say his word? The door that adwho was delivered for our offences, mits his people shall exclude the and was raised again for our justi- thief and the robber, the lion and fication.** (Rom. iv. 24, 25.) By the wolf. No lion shall be there,

neither ravenous beast go up there death and judgment lose all their on ;” or, if there, their nature shall power, and only increase the felibe changed, or their power be city of the chosen seed that inhacurbed : “ They shall not hurt nor bit it. When the weary traveller destroy in all my holy mountain, has been long passing through a saith the Lord.” (Isa. xi. 9.) barren and inhospitable tract, ex,

In Christ and in his fold is per. posed to many a dreary night, and fect safety ; deliverance from the many a dangerous and destructive presence or the power of every storm, should he come to an hosenemy, from sin and all its conse- pitable door, which opens for his quent 'misery and troubles ; begun reception, how cheerfully he enin grace, and to be completed, ters! The door that admits hiin without possibility of failure, in 'shuts out the beating storm, and everlasting glory. The enemies, guards his safety: he hears it raindeed, of the true believer are ging without, but he hears it semany; their malice is great; their cure, and enjoys in peace the power alarming. His inward cor- comforts of the house, and the ruptions are a powerful host, which domestic circle within. Such is may well extort from him the the change the guilty penitent humble confession of the church feels, when, forced by the storm of old : “ These nations are more of a condemning law and accụsing than I; how can I dispossess them?" conscience, he enters by Jesus but the answer is the same: “ Thou into the fold of God, and finds shalt not be affrighted at them, for him indeed the suitable - hidingthe Lord thy God is among you, a place from the wind, and refuge mighty God, and terrible.” (Deut. from every tempest” of sin and vii. 17, &c.) His covenant love sorrow. and almighty power shall protect But, still more: ; his chosen people. No enemy, no This Door admits me into the corruption, no temptation, shall rich pastures of grace and salvaprevail against them; distress them tion; into all the provisions, the they may, but destroy them they enjoyments, the hopes of the Gos.shall not : “ The trial of their faith pel; into all that can 'make inan being much more precious than of either holy or happy; “ They shall gold which perishes,” it shall not be go in and out, and find pasture.” destroyed, but be purified by all (Ver. 10.) This is indeed - the their temptations and afflictions, Door of hope." All spiritual blesstill it be found to praise, and ho- ings, for nourishment, support, nour, and glory," &c. The trials and consolation, are treasured in and troubles of this life are many; the heart of Jesus, and dispersed the believer is not exempted from within the inclosure of his fold. his share; yea, “ many are the af- “ Blessed be the God and Father flictions of the righteous, but the of our Lord Jesus Christ, who Lord delivereth him out of them blesseth us with all spiritual blessall.” In the fold of Christ there ings, in heavenly places, in Christ may be troubles, but there are no Jesus." The figurative language evils; the power of faith changes of Scripture frequently presents their nature, and turns them all the same beautiful idea to repreinto covenant blessings. They are sent the blessedness of his chosen, but medicines for spiritual healing, even in this life: “ They shall and means of working greater spi- feed in the way," says the Proritual good. The storms of a phet; “ and their pastures shall guilty conscience, of an accusing be in all high places; they shall law, of the curse of God, never not hunger nor thirst, neither enter there; and the storms of shall the beat nor sun smite then,

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