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that union dissolved; and let TRANSLATION OF THE OATH TAthem, for their encouragement, KEN BY POPISH PRIESTS AND consider, that they who are now OTHERS IN THE PALE OF THE one with Christ, were once one PAPAL JURISDICTION. with Satan; but they read, they heard, they inquired, they sought,

To the Editor of the Christian, they found. 6 Go and do thou

Guardian. likewise." Use the means to attain SIR, the end. Let such take farther en. SINCE the agitated Catholie couragement from scriptural calls Question is pregnant with the most to repentance and prayer, to seek important consequences, it may to find Him who came into the subserve the Protestant interests world to call sinners to repent. to give a page of your work to ance.

the oath required to be taken 4. This doctrine of eternal one- by Popish priests and others withness with Christ is the doctrine of in the pale of the Papal jurisdicour Church of England. See, in tion. It is a summary of their re. the sacramental service, the Mic ligion, and is to be met with in nister's address, or exhortation one of the bulls of Pope Pius IV, to the communicants; also one which are postfixed to the Deprayer before receiving, and ano crees of the Council of Trent. ther after; and the second prayer For the benefit of your unlearned, in the burial service; the marri- readers I shall give an English verage service; several of the col. sion of it. lects; and the 17th Article.

The Council of Trent first sat 5. Real Christians should be on Dec. 13, 1545, and continued, humbled before God, in consider with some intermissions, till Dec. ing how little they believe and ap- 4, 1563. It confirmed all the Poply his word, for themselves. What pish errors in doctrine and pracunbelief mixes with their faith! tice. Its decrees are stilL IN Be struck with 1 John, v. 10. FULL FORCE among the Papists,

6. This doctrine, learned by di- and are considered by them as vine teaching, will cherish the TUL STANDARD OF ORTHODOXY, heart, warm the affections, and win It is evident, from these decrees, your soul to love, praise, and serve that, if power be vested in the the God of your salvation.

hands of the Roman Catholics, . I have purposely omitted giving "a noble army of martyrs" will you the words of Scripture, in or. soon grace an enlarged Smithfield der that I may engage you to the Market. I am firmly persuaded 'habit of studying particular Scrip- that, notwithstanding some high

tures, one by one, text and con- authorities to the contrary, “the text, and for a particular applica- man of sin” and all his members tion of them to your own soul; really hate the Protestants. Let that you may read, mark, learn them only gain the ascendancy, them, till you inwardly digest them. and this assertion, strong as it

I have here given you much in a may appear, will be found to rest, little, but from this little you may on the solid basis of matter of learn more. Where I have been fact. We may infer what they short, you inay be long; and where will do from what they have done. I may have stopt too soon, you may It is grievous that they who progo on.

: fess and maintain the true doc... A BUILDER. trines of the Gospel, should advo

cate the cause of those whose religion is a mixture of superstition, of error, of bigotry, of hetero

doxy, and of blasphemy. If we ed rites of the Catholic Church, in are true friends to Protestantism, the solemn administration of all let us not grant a single claim to the above-mentioned sacraments. those who are the professors of Po. I embrace and receive all and pery ; let us maintain the glory every article which the sacred and and honour of our divine Redeem- inviolable (sacrosancta) Council of er, by opposing, with all our Trent has defined and declared remight, the unjustifiable political specting original sin and justificapetitions of those who rob him of tion. În like manner, I believe his mediatorial dignity by worship- that, in the mass, a true, proper, ping saints and images.

and propitiatory sacrifice is offered The Roman Catholic, to whom unto God, for the living and the the subjoined oath is administered, dead ; and that, in the most holy first of all swears, that he firmly sacrament of the eucharist, there believes in, and assents to, every are really, truly, and substantially, article of the Nicene (or, to speak the body and blood, and soul and more properly, of the Constanti-, divine nature of our Lord Jesus nopolitan) Creed. This creed is Christ, and that there is a comcertainly orthodox and scriptural; plete conversion of the whole subso that no reasonable objection stance of the bread into his body, can be made to it. :

and of the whole substance of the He then goes on to swear, that wine into his blood; which converhe believes in, and will maintain sion the Catholic Church denomi. and defend, all the following par- nates transubstantiation. I confess ticulars, namely,

that, under each kind, there is a « The apostolical and ecclesias- whole and entire Christ, and a satical traditions, and the other rites crament. I firmly believe that and constitutions of the same there is a purgatory, and that the (that is, as they style it, the Ca- souls detained in it are benefited tholic) church, I most steadfastly by the prayers of the faithful. I admit and embrace; likewise I ad. likewise believe that the saints here to that meaning of the Holy who are reigning with Christ, are Scriptures which our holy mother to be worshipped and invoked, the Church, whose province it is to that they offer up prayers to God determine their true sense and in.. for us, and that their relics are to terpretation, hath held and doth be worshipped. I most steadfastly, hold. Nor will I ever receive and maintain that the images of Christ explain them, contrary to the una- and the Virgin (she always conti. nimous consent (or exposition) nuing such) who bare him, and also of the Fathers. I also freely ac. of the other saints, are to be retainknowledge that there are seven ed, and that worship and honour truly and properly sacraments of are due to the same. I believe the New Testament, instituted by that the power of indulgences was our Lord Jesus Christ, and that left by Christ in his church, 'and they are necessary to salvation that their use is particularly salu(though they are not all necessary, tary to Christians. I acknowledge in this respect, to every individual that the holy catholic and apos of the human race), namely, bap- stolical Roman church is the motism, confirmation, the eucharist, ther and mistress of all churches. penance, extreme unetion, holy To the Roman pontiff, who is the orders, and matrimony; that they successor of the blessed Peter (the confer grace; and that of these, chief of the Apostles), and the baptism, confirmation, and holy vicar of Jesus Christ, I promise orders, cannot, without impiety, and swear true obedience. I likebe repeated. Moreover, I receive wice without doubt, receive and and admit the wonted and approv. profess all other doctrines taught.

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defined, and set forth by the sacred of good things to come, he signicanons and general councils, and fies, that its ceremonial ordinances particularly by the inviolable Coun- were a figurative exhibition of cil of Trent. At the same time I those important blessings which condemn, reject, and anathema- the Gospel most clearly reveals ; tize all things contrary to the same, for, as a shadow affords a correct and all heresies whatever, which outline of the object, and yet is but have been condemned, rejected, a dark and obscure representation and anathematized by the church. thereof; so the ceremonial law af.

This is the true Catholic faith, forded a correct outline of the most without which no one can be sa- important truths of Christianity, ved, and which I, at this time, vo- though it delineated them in a very luntarily profess and truly hold. obscure manner; and it served for To the utmost of my power I will the time then present, because it (through God's assistance) main- performed the office of a schooltain and hold the same entire and master in teaching the first ele. inviolate to the latest hour of my ments of the Gospel. It is our life ; and, as far as in me lies, will privilege, indeed, to live under a

take care that it shall be held, much clearer dispensation than the i taught, and preached, by those Israelites, but yet we may derive

under me, for by those who, in great benefit from a review of the consequence of mine, office, are typical ordinances of their law. the objects of my charge. This I Having considered the import N. do promise, vow, and swear. So and design of the priesthood, the help me God, and this holy Gos- next thing which demands our no

tice is that holy place wherein diSuch is the oath administered to vine service was performed under Roman Catholic priests, &c. In the Levitical dispensation. The it we have a comprehensive view first religious edifice was erected of the principles and doctrines of by Moses in the wilderness, when their religion. Will it be'a libel the children of Israel were on their to say, that he who can read this journey to the land of promise; it oath, and yet favour the Catholic was built according to very particlaims, is inclined to Popery in his oular directions from God himself, heart, although he may be a Protest- and called the tabernacle. This ant by profession? Let us beware tabernacle was afterwards superthat we do not, through a mistaken seded by Solomon's temple ; but and false candour, become the the latter, though a more magnifriends of Antichrist, and so paveficent and durable building, agreed the way for our own downfall. with the former in all its most es


sential parts, had precisely the same signification, and was intend

ed for the same purposes; thereON THE CEREMONIAL LAW. fore, what is spoken of the one No. II.

may be understood of the other Hebrews, ix. ), 2.. also. St. Paul refers to the taberThen, verily, the first covenant had nacle rather than the temple, be· ordinances of divine service, and cause this was the original model

a worldly sanctuary; for there after which the other was built. .. was a tabernacle made, the first, But what was the design of this · wherein was the candlestick, and sacred building? Jehovah condea

the table, and the shew-bread, scends to speak of it as the place which is called the sanctuary. of his peculiar residence; here he

WHEN the author of this Epistle recorded his name-here were the - affirms, that the law had a shadow outward symbols of his presence, and å visible manifestation of his church of Christ on earth; or glory. Considered in this point of that “ congregation of faithful view, the tabernacle may be re- men, in which the pure word of garded as an emblem of our ador- God is preached, and the sacraable Mediator, and is alluded to ments be duly administered, acas such in the New Testament. cording to Christ's ordinance g." “ In him (says St. Paul) dwelleth The congregation of Christ's peoall the fulness of the Godhead bo- ple on earth is compared, in Scrip. dily *."-" The Word (says St. turé, to a building : “ Ye are built John) was made flesh, and dwelt (St. Paul observes) upon the among us t ;" dwelt in an human foundation of the Apostles and body as in a tabernacle I, just as Prophets, Jesus Christ himself beJehovah dwelt of old in the most ing the chief corner-stone, in holy place ; and, as the symbols of whom all the building fitly framed his presence and glory were con- together, groweth unto an holy cealed from public view by the temple in the Lord; in whom ye curtains of the tabernacle, so the also are builded together, for an essential glory of the eternal Word habitation of God, through the (that Person of the self-existent Spirit ||."-". Know ye not (the Godhead, who became man) was same Apostle observes also), that vailed and hidden by the covering ye are the temple of God, and that of human flesh.

the Spirit of God dwelleth in But though the tabernacle is als you q?" In both these passages luded to as a type of the person of there is a direct allusion to the Christ, it had a further significa- ancient tabernacle or temple ; tion ; and the two parts into which which buildings were composed of it was divided by a vail, repre- several different boards or stones sented earth and heaven, or rather joined together, were erected unthe state of the church below, and der the special direction of God, the state of it above. Such ap- according to a plan drawn by pears to be St. Paul's interpreta- himself, and were designed for his tion of it, for he gives the follow- own residence. The church, in ing description of the first divi- like manner, is composed of many sion of the tabernacle: “ Then, different members, who are every verily, the first covenant had one 6 God's workmanship," and ordinances of divine service, and “knit together in one communion a worldly sanctuary; for there and fellowship,” in exact conform was a tabernacle made, the first, mity with the plan drawn by the wherein was the candlestick, and infinite wisdom of God in eternity, the table, and the shew-bread, “according to his good pleasure, which is called the sanctuary." which he hath purposed in hiniBy the first covenant, is here self;" and God dwells in and with meant the Mosaic dispensation of his people by his Spirit. A very the covenant of grace : this, like particular description of the curs the Christian dispensation, had tains, wherewith the tabernacle is outward ordinances, whereby God covered, is left upon record, no was then worshipped; but these doubt, in order to our edification. ordinances were more figurative, If, then, the tabernacle itself is & and less spiritual, than those of the type of the church of Christ, Gospel. The first part of the ta- surely these diferent curtains bernacle St. Paul denominates “as ought to reminpd us of the covera worldly sanctuary," which im- ing wherewith every true member plies it to be a figure of the visible * Colossians, ii. 9. of John, i. 14. $ Article XIX. ll Eph. ii. 20, 21, 22, Esu vader

f 1 Cor. üi. 16.

thereof is adorned ; and there most costly materials, even of ceseems a peculiar fitness in them dar-wood, overlaid with pure gold, for this purpose: The covering of afforded a faint emblem of the ram's skin, dyed red, directs our transcendent value, the exceeding thoughts to that atoning blood riches,' of those blessings which ... which was shed for the remission Christ hath purchased for his peoof sins, whereby alone " our trans- ple. And as the loaves placed gressions are forgiven, and our upon the table corresponded in: siņs covered :" for where God im- number with the tribes of Israel, putes the merit of the Redeemer's it was hereby signified, that, in sacrifice, he no longer imputes the our Father's house, there is bread demerit of our sins. And the cur- enough and to spare, and that tains, of fine linen denote that every true Israelite is nourished spotless righteousness, wrought up unto eternal life by the same out by the perfect obedience of spiritual bread. There was one our adorable Surety, which is more piece of furniture in the first « unto all, and upon all them that compartment of the 'tabernacle, believe;" for the righteousness of which, though not mentioned in the saints is compared, in the New the passage under consideration, Testament, to “fine linen, clean is alluded to in a subsequent verse: and white."

this was the altar of incense, placed: The tabernacle was enlightened very near the inner vail ; it was by a , candlestick, made of the made of the same costly materials most precious metal, even pure with the table of shew-bread; and," gold, and consisting of seven upon it, incense, composed of lamps. What is the light which sweet spices, was offered every jlluminates the church below, but morning and evening. This in. the word of Christ ? This is infi. cense was a beautiful emblem of nitely “more precious than gold, the prayers which ascend from the yea, than much fine gold;" this church below : David understood is said to be “ a lamp unto our it in this sense: “ Let my prayer feet, and a light unto our path *;" (says he) be set forth as the inbecause it enlightens our spiritual cense t ;” and it appears that the darkness : and as it was the duty hour of incense was particularly of those who ministered in the ta devoted to prayer by the people bernacle to keep these lamps con- of God. For, as the cloud of instantly burning; so, likewise, it is cense, offered by the priest upon the duty of Christ's Ministers un the altar, entered into the most der the Gospel, to 6 hold forth holy place, the figure of heaven; the word of life" for the consola- so do the prayers of the faithful, tion and edification of his church. which are offered by the great The tabernacle was, also, furnished High Priest of their profession, with a sacred table, upon which come up with acceptance before the shew-bread (as it is called) the throne of God: being perfum. was placed : this so nearly corre- ed with his merits, they are grate, sponds with the communion-table ful to God, as the fragrance of inin our, churches, that we cannot cense is to us. That this is the help supposing its use and design spiritual meaning of the altar of to have been similar '; for Christ incense, may be inferred, also, was the bread of life to his people from one of those visions of heaunder the law, no less than he is ven, with which the beloved Aponow under the Gospel. The table stle, John, was favoured; he “saw, of thew-bread, being made of the an angel (even the messenger of

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of Psalm cxli. 3.

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