Sidor som bilder

thee all that I have.” The prayer To all who have kindly assisted appeared to be heard, for her suf- in the forming of this institution, ferings here ceased, and her soul I offer my sincere congratulations : soon after calmly flitted from its they have been the means, the clay tenement, in which it had so happy instruments in the hands of journed only twelve years, on Jan. God, of saving one soul; if no 5th, 1814.

more were to be done, it is suffiThere was something remark- cient; but the work is only beginable in the death of this child tak- ning the same instructions may ing place on the day preceding be accompanied by the same blessthe first annual commemoration of ings to thousands. the opening of the Forest chapel - The advantage of a lecture imit seemed as if God were pleased mediately after examining the chilto grant the salvation of one soul as dren, is evidenced in the death of the “first fruits of our labours;" this little girl.-It opens a fine field 6 to him be all the glory." On for impressing many truths which the following day, Jan. 6th, in the they have been declaring: through presence of some hundreds of peo-' them, too, you may speak powerple, I noticed, after the examina- fully to the parent, and happily ĉion of the children, the particulars remove prejudices from their minds of the death of Margaret George, which have taken deep root. as here stated : it made a deep and !

P. M.P. awful impression-thousands of Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, tears were witnesses of the feelings

Sept. 1814. of the congregation.


Light shining out of Darkness. A dark subject, and placed it in such a

Sermon preached on the Day of view as to excite our gratitude even public Thanksgiving for the Re- for this part of the treaty of peace. storation of Peace, July 7, 1814. Our honoured brother needs not By Thomas Scott, Rector of As- our imprimatur, as his just praises toń Sandford, Bucks. Seeley, are in the church; yet we cannot

and Hatchard, London. pp. 38. but wish this discourse to be gene** Price ls.

rally circulated, as deserving the : The anticipated revival of the attentive perusal of.every Christian. African slave-trade, in consequence of the article in the late treaty of peace, has produced the most live. Voyages to Portugal, Spain, Sicily, ly sensations of horror on the minds Malta, Asia Minor, Egypt, &c. of all thinking Britons. Petitions, from 1796 to 1801. With an to an unprecedented extent, have historical Sketch, Notes, and Ree.. been laid before both houses of flections. By Francis Collins. Parliament. Our venerable cham- Second Edition. Hatchard, Nispion, Mr. Scott, has taken new

bet, and Blanchard, London. pp, ground on this subject, and, by a

366. Price 7s. strength of mind peculiarly his. It is not often that we meet with own, has elicited light out of this a Christian sailor, or a book of

voyages breathing a spirit of true wished for more books adapted to piety; and finding both in this vo- the lower classes of society. While, lume, did even our limits permit perhaps, the governess may deus to point them out, we should be spise this attempt to instruct the disposed to throw the mantle of simple in the way of salvation, the love over any defects we have met menial servant will read it with with in our perusal of this interest interest and real benefit. ing volume. From the general pious strain of the work, we conceive it will prove a useful and

England's Glory and Duty, A Ser. entertaining book to our young

mon preached at the Parish readers.

Church of St. Crux, in the City

of York, July 7th, 1814; being Plain Reasons for Infant Baptism. . the Day appointed for a general

By J. Cobbin. Black, Conder, Thanksgiving. By John Over· and Hamilton, London. pp. 46. ton, M. A. Rector of St. Crux, Price 1s.

and of St. Märgaret, York. Wols .. This little treatise is written in stenholme, Tods and Spence; a candid and Christian spirit. It York ; Cradock and Joy, and F. brings within a narrow compass the . and C. Rivington, London. pp. principal arguments in favour of .. 32. Price 1s. 6d.

Price 18. 01. infant baptism: it is well calculated Mr. Overton has long since for circulation among plain people; gained the character of an able and it may be used with advantage writer, by his admirable work, as an antidote by those of our bre- « The true Churchman ascertain thren who are troubled by the ed;" which an eminent prelate dehigh-sounding pretensions of the clared to be an unanswerable book. Anti-pædobaptists.

We therefore took up this Sermon, expecting something beyond what

we usually find in an occasional dis. Betsy Green; or, the History of

course; nor have we been disapSusan Gray evangelized : with

pointed. - If justness of sentiment, · Catechisms and Prayers for the

cogency of argument, and a disUse of Servants and Sunday

na sungay play of evangelical truth, recom, Schools: , Gale, Curtis, and co. mend a discourse, and give it an and Nisbett, London. pp. 144. existence beyond the occasion Price 1s. 6d.

which gave rise to it, we venture We profess ourselves " The to predict that this Sermon will be Poor Man's Friend," and it always read with interest so long as a spigives us pleasure when we can lead rit of loyalty and piety remains in the poor of the flock to the great Britain. Our sentiments are so Shepherd and Bishop of Souls: we completely in unison with our auwere therefore much pleased with thor, that we should have been this interesting tale, and think it truly happy to have enriched our well suited for general distribution pages by large quotations, but this among the poor : we understand it our plan prohibits. We would is the production of the wife of a most cordially recommend it to respected brother. We have often the serious perusal of our readers.



EXTRACÍS TROM THE TENTH REPORT OF that vast empire, perhaps to Pekin itself?

THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE so- The ways of the Lord are wonderful. The CIETY.

work is his own, and nothing shall hindet Purther Proceedings of the St. Petersbergh present

. its progress.... . Bible Society.

From the same. Nov. 16, 1313. i Letter from the Rev. Mr. Paterson.

Our hands are now completely full: ediSt. Petersburgh, Sept. 12, 1813. tions of the Scriptures in seven different It will afford you much joy to learn, languages are really as much as we can mas' that the Committee of the St. Petersburgh nage. We had some interesting communiBible Society, at their last meeting, resolve cations read at our last meeting. One from ed on printing an edition of 5000 copies of the Armenian archbisho, at Astrachan, in the Armenian New Testament. We have which he expressed much zeal for the

q Armenian printing-office here; and the cause, and much thankfulness that the Sodirector of the same, an Armenian clergy- ciety thought of bis nation. Another from ban, will correct the press; so that we can a Heathen prince in Siberia, in which he depend upon the work being correctly print. expressed the interest he took in the Biblo ed. In undertaking this, the Committee Society, and bound himself to pay, I think had a view to Armenians in general, where. 150 rubles yearly into its funds. It is imever set:led, eren without the confines of possible to give an adequate idea of the inthe Russian empire. There are about terest all these things excite. Some time 50,000 settled in the south of Russia. A ago we procured 106 Sclavonian Bibles ią Selavonić Bible, the first our Committee folio froin Moscow, which were sold at gave away, has already reached the copfines seren rubles by us. It was scarcely known of Siberia, and caused much joy to the pea- that we had them before they were all sold. sant who wrote to the President for it. I cannot express the joy of the poor people About fifty Bibles have been requested by on receiving a Bible : they prayed for a diffurent governors in Siberia, mostly for thousand blessings on the Bible Society. the use of the prisoners in those dreary re- They said that they would not only read gious. One old man, seventy years of age, them themselves, but read to all their neighhas petitioned for a Bible.' He says that he bours. We were quite surprised to lear has never seen one in his life, and wishes to with wbat fluency some of the poorer class enjoy this treasure before he dies. The So- read the Sclavonic language. Some solciety in Moscow goes on well, and has awa- diers also procured Bibles. In some inkened much attention among the Russians. šťances sereral of them joined in the purA Russian bishop, ,on the other side of chase, not being able to purchase one alone. Moscow, has written to our President, pro, To-day we could have sold fifty if we had posing to form a branch society for his dis possessed them. It is painful to see how trict. This was agreed to; also that the disheartened they are on being sent away bislop should preside.

without one.

- From the same. . Oct. 30, -1818.

From the same. Dec. !1, 1818, Tar Society here goes on in the most THE zeal of the Bible Society here exo prosperous banner. Last month our funds ceeds all description. The Petersburgh Som received an increase of more than 7000 ciety and its brauches are promoting the rubles ; a great part of this sum was sent printing of the Scriptures in ten different in from Siberia. . Among the subscribers languages: . was a long list of Heathens, who sent in ist. In the Calmuc, in which nothing their niite to promote å work which, no was erer printed before. "We have all the doubt, will one day prove a blessing to them punches and matrices ready, and in the and to their children. What interested me course of a few weeks a specimen will be much, was to find among the subscribers a printed. number of the inhabitants of the town in 2d. An edition of 5000 copies of the Ar which the Russians and Chinese mect for menian New Testament, the want of which 'the purpose of trade. May we not hail this you will find affectionately set forth in Bus as an opening to the portbern provinces of cbanan's Researches This is printing af

the Armenian printing-office, under the Upsala, 'the latter part of July "last, h® eare of some learned Armenians; the third caught a violent, 'a fatal, cold and fever sheet is ready.

He completed, however, his work at Up 3d. The Finnish Bible, with standing sala, and then hurried off to Yttermore, in types';--the 8th sheet is ready.

Dalecarlia, where his venerable mother, and 4th. The German Bible, with standing his beloved wife and children, were then types ; tbe second sheet is ready.

upon a visit to his brother, the Rer. M1. 5th. The Polish New Testament, 5000 Brunnmark, rector of that place. His fosopies commenced.

ver increased to an alarming height, but 6th. The French Bible resolved on; and still he persevered in his labours till the measures taking for printing it.

31st of July, when, having been put to bed • 7th. The Sclavonic Bible, with standing at eleren o'clock at night, this valuable types. This was proposed at our last meet- servant of God expired at half past five ing; the plan was immediately adopted; o'clock the following morning, the 1st of and our worthy President was requested to August, while his afflicted wife and the make the necessary arrangements with the physician were standing by his bedside, holy Synod. He obtained the metropoli anxiously watching the fearful progress of tan's consent, and things are now in a the fever, now aided by gout in the train.,

stomach. He died in peace, without a 8th. The Dorpatian Esthonian New Tes struggle, the powers of nature being as it tamnent.

were almost exhausted during his former • 9th. The Revalian Esthonian New Tes- orer-exertions in his Master's work, and tament.

burning fever now quickly drank up his retur 10th. The Lettonian Testament.

maining strength. All commencing under the direction of He has left a widow and thrče young the Committees in Dorpat, Reval, and Riga. children, daughters, who must now, unless

effectually assisted, want even the common

necessaries of life. From his scanty incomg TO THE FRIENDS OF THE BRITISH AND

as chaplain to the Swedish Embassy in Lon:, FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. .

don, and minister of the Swedish Church, London, September 5th, 1814. he could not have made any future provision : PERMIT us, the undersigned, to submit for his family; but he had for some time to you a case of distress of no ordinary in- entertained a pleasing prospect of promoferest:-It has pleased Almighty God to re- tion; and the King of Sweden had actually move suddenly from this life the Rev. Dr. appointed him to one of the largest livings Brunnmark (a name, no doubt, well known in Sweden; but death has now cancelled and dear to you), in the midst of the most this church preferment, and with it the successful and active usefulness in the widow's hope of daily bread for herself and cause of the Bible, not only in England, children. but as having more especially, with the. We, the undersigned, who knew the maq most unwearied labour, well-tempered zeal, well, can conscientiously declare, that while and perseverance, carried into effect the* in Eugland he seemed to us to give hinnbenevolent views of the British and Foreign self, all his talents, and all his slender Bible Society, for extending still more the means, to the cause of God, and to the already meritorious sphere of action of the poor. He visited the poor of every country Stockholm Bible Society; and for establish- in their cellars, their garrets, and when in ing similar Bible societies nearly through- prison. He had, for many years past, a out all the dioceses and provinces of Swe- levee of poor people at his house in Wellden, his native country; and had obtained close Square, three times a week; and selfor those societies the patronage of his Ma- dom less than from 20 to 30 attended; into jesty the King of Sweden, of the Crown whose cases he inquired, and would give Prince, and of the principal heads of the them the best advice, if he could not always Swedish national church.

relieve them; whenever it was necessary, While eagerly pressing on towards the would visit them at their own habitations; summit of his prayers and wishes, “That sbaring his own little pittance with tbe the Bible Institution in Sweden should fur- most necessitous; and was often an unnish every man and woman with the Holy wearied almoner of other benevolent perScriptures,” he was regardless of his own sons. A letter received from his widow, bealth, and undertook journeys far and addressed to an intimate friend of his in wide, neither minding the severest cold, London, has the following remarkable senrain, nor storm, so that he could but arrive tences :-"You know that my dear late at his appointed place, to do the work of husband was always, a very great proficient his heavenly Masler. He was engaged in in the art of foregoing most of his comforts, one of those important pursuits, when in so he could make out the sum he wantede travelling in the night from Stockholm to for some distressed family, persons in prin


son, &c. ; but for the last month before it pågation of his truth; his kindness to tho pleased God to call him to rust, he was poor, and laborious exertions for them; unusually so. He appeared to think of bis truly pastoral love to his countrymen ; nothing, and he talked scarcely of any his enlarged benevolence; his modest and thing else, than how to derise means so as nnassuming manners; the sacrifice of perto enable the sincere but pot rich folks in sonal convenience, comfort, and ease, wbich our Swedish Zion, to carry into execution he was constantly making. He lived for his endless plans for extending Bible Insti- God and his fellow-creatures, and he died tutions throughout the land. This kept in the service of that blessed Redeewer, in him very poor, and often greatly distressed imitation of whose example he went about him. Secondly, as his time for departing doing good. drew near, bis usual care for the poor iu- “ Our Bible Society, as well as other creased. He seemed afraid to hare one Christian and benevolent Institutions, have shilling by him that he thought night be sustained by his death, a loss which scarcely well laid out for some poor person he knew. can be repaired. And how mysterious that He was like one fearing to lose one day's he should die at the very moment in which interest if he kept back the mite that ought bis prospects were brightest in every reto be cast into the treasury of the temple, spect; when he found himself honoured with He was a man in ten thousand as the poor the most distinguished approbation by his man's friend. But he is now with God.” King and country, and presented with a · In behalf of the widow and fatherless living so likely to improve his reduced family of this heavenly-minded man, we domestic affairs; but the Lord's will be entreat and implore your kind and benevo- done. As for himself, he has entered into lent attention : "referring you to the sub- the joy of his Lord : as for his family, the joined extracts of letters, as to the distress. Lord will surely provide; and I shall be ing circumstances in which he bas left his most bappy to listen to any plan or prowidow and children.

posal which you and his other friends might

£. s. d. suggest. Something must be done for Joseph Reyner, Mark Lane ... 10 10 0 them, and done immediately. Joseph Hughes, Battersea .... 3 30 “I am, &c. C. F. A. STEINKOPFF." C. F. A. Steinkopfi, Savoy ..... 3 30 Adam Clarke, Harpur Street .. 3 30 Extract of a Letter from C. Grill, Esq. and J. H. Butterworth, Fleet Street 1 10 Mr. A. Sandmark, to Ch. Suudius, Esq, John I'oynder, New Bridge Street 10 10 0

.'" Mark Lane, 5th Sept. 1814. E. N. Thornton, Southwark.... 10 10 0 "DEAR SIR, -Our mutual and highly reSamuel Mills, Finsbury Place . 10 10 0 Spected friend, the late Rer. Dr. BrunnJoseph Butterwortl),BedfordSquare 10 100 mark, was a member of the British and James Pritt, Wood Street ..... 10 10 0 Foreign Bible Society; and, as you also George Wolff, Balham ....... 10 10 O know, foreign secretary, pro tempore, duWilliam Burls, Lethbury ,... 10 10 0 ring the absence on the Continent of the Digby Mackwoith, Ormond Street 10 10 0 Res. Mr. Steinko;ff': and what is more, it J. W. Freshfield, Bank Buildings 10 10 0 may almost be said that his valuable life : N. B. The above-meutioned gentlenien fell a saorifice to his determined zeal of swill form a committee, for the management carrying into effect the noble views of that of any sums that may be intrusted to them; Society. by each of whom Subscriptops will also be - “ You are a member of the committee, received, and at the following bankers; viz. and knew well what a strenuous advocate Messrs. Hankey and Co. Messrs. Down, Dr. Brunnmark was for the eause of the Thornton, and Co. and Messrs. Hoare and Bible and of the poor. Be so good then to Co. Fleet Street; at Mr. Hatchard's, 190,

put this letter into the bands of some Piccadilly, and at Mr. Seeley's, 169, Fleet friends of humanity, and especially of Street, London.

those who are fellow-members with you of

the committee of the British and Foreiga Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Bible Society, as we are convinced they. Steinkopf:

will, as well out of friendship and just re. Savoy, Strand, Aug. 26th, 1814. gard for our departed friend as for Christian • “ What shall I say to you, my dear benevolence, stand up as protectors and friend, and how express my grief and sor- advocates of the widow, the lestitute widou row at the distressing event which your and the three infant daughters of our late letter announces! Is it indecd true, that honoured and beloved pastor and friend. our estimable and beloved friend Brunn- He has scarcely left one shilling's worth of mark is no more that indefatigable friend what is valued on this side the grave, exof God and man, whom we both had the cept the well-deserved name of "' Tbe good happiness t know, 'to love, and to witness Samaritan' - The friend of God and the wis zeal for the glory of God, and the pro- poon

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