BUCK. This butcher's cur" is venom-mouth'd, and I Have not the power to muzzle him; therefore, best Not wake him in his slumber. A beggar's book Out-worths a noble's blood. NOR. 8 What, are you chaf'd? Ask God for temperance; that's the appliance only, Which your disease requires. BUCK. I read in his looks revil'd Matter against me; and his eye king; I'll follow, and out-stare him. NOR. He's gone to the Stay, my lord, 7 butcher's cur-] Wolsey is said to have been the son of a butcher. JOHNSON. Dr. Grey observes, that when the death of the Duke of Buckingham was reported to the Emperor Charles V. he said, "The first buck of England was worried to death by a butcher's dog.' Skelton, whose satire is of the grossest kind, in Why come you not to Court, has the same reflection on the meanness of Cardinal Wolsey's birth: 8 "For drede of the boucher's dog, "Wold wirry them like an hog." STEEVENS. A beggar's book Out-worths a noble's blood.] That is, the literary qualifications of a bookish beggar are more prized than the high descent of hereditary greatness. This is a contemptuous exclamation very naturally put into the mouth of one of the ancient, unlettered, martial nobility. JOHNSON. It ought to be remembered that the speaker is afterward pro- . nounced by the King himself a learned gentleman. RITSON. 9 He bores me with some trick:] He stabs or wounds me by some artifice or fiction. JOHNson. So, in The Life and Death of Lord Cromwell, 1602: "One that hath gull'd you, that hath bor'd you, sir." STEEVENS. And let your reason with your choler question 1 As you would to your friend. I'll to the king; BUCK. 3 NOR. More stronger to direct you than yourself; 1 Anger is like A full-hot horse ;] So, Massinger, in The Unnatural Combat: 2 "Let passion work, and, like a hot-rein'd horse, Again, in our author's Rape of Lucrece : “Till, like a jade, self-will himself doth tire." MALONE. -from a mouth of honour-] I will crush this baseborn fellow, by the due influence of my rank, or say that all distinction of persons is at an end. JOHNSON. 3 Heat not a furnace &c.] Might not Shakspeare allude to Dan. iii. 22.? "Therefore because the king's commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego." STEEVENS. Sir, Or but allay, the fire of passion.* BUCK. I am thankful to you; and I'll go along By your prescription :-but this top-proud fellow, And proofs as clear as founts in Júly, when NOR. Say not, treasonous. BUCK. To the king I'll say't; and make my vouch as strong 6 As shore of rock. Attend. This holy fox, 4 If with the sap of reason you would quench, Or but allay, the fire of passion.] So, in Hamlet: sincere motions,)] Honest indignation, warmth of integrity. Perhaps name not, should be blame not. Whom from the flow of gall I blame not. JOHNSON. for he is equal ravenous,] Equal for equally. Shakspeare frequently uses adjectives adverbially. See King John, Vol. X. p. 523, n. 4. MALONE. 7 his mind and place Infecting one another,] This is very satirical. His mind he represents as highly corrupt; and yet he supposes the contagion of the place of first minister as adding an infection to it. 8 WARBURTON. suggests the king our master-] Suggests, for excites. WARBURTON So, in King Richard II: "Suggest his soon-believing adversaries." STEEVENS. To this last costly treaty, the interview, That swallow'd so much treasure, and like a glass Did break i' the rinsing. NOR. 'Faith, and so it did. BUCK. Pray, give me favour, sir.. This cunning cardinal The articles o'the combination drew, As himself pleas'd; and they were ratified, As give a crutch to the dead: But our count-cardinal9 Has done this, and 'tis well; for worthy Wolsey, To the old dam, treason,)-Charles the emperor, 9 our count-cardinal-] Wolsey is afterwards called. king cardinal. Mr. Pope and the subsequent editors read— court-cardinal. MALONE. 1 He privily-] He, which is not in the original copy, was added by the editor of the second folio. MALONE. Does buy and sell his honour as he pleases,2 NOR. I am sorry To hear this of him; and could wish, he were BUCK. No, not a syllable; I do pronounce him in that very shape, Enter BRANDON ; a Sergeant at Arms before him, and two or three of the Guard. BRAN. Your office, sergeant; execute it. SERG. Sir, BUCK. Lo you, my lord, The net has fall'n upon me; I shall perish Under device and practice.* Does buy and sell his honour as he pleases,] This was a proverbial expression. See King Richard III. Act V. sc. iii. MALONE. The same phrase occurs also in King Henry VI, Part I: from bought and sold lord Talbot," Again, in The Comedy of Errors: "It would make a man as mad as a buck, to be so bought and sold." STEEVENS. Something mistaken in't.] That is, that he were something different from what he is taken or supposed by you to be. Act V: MALONE. practice.] i. e. unfair stratagem. So, in Othello, "Fallen in the practice of a cursed slave." And in this play, Surrey, speaking of Wolsey, says: "How came his practices to light?" REED, |